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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 140 KB, 1295x1377, Shizukou_portrait (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38785200 No.38785200 [Reply] [Original]

New model is sex but soulless compared to the OG

>> No.38786638
File: 444 KB, 3000x4000, Em5Bnh9XMAIVlk0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll never see this model ever again

>> No.38790343

What the fuck? She's fucking ruined with the new model. Why did she think this was a good idea?

>> No.38790410

This looks pretty good. What's the new model look like?

>> No.38792126

I think she deleted the tweet but she blamed lack of viewers and clippers with her old model. Seems she thinks the secret to success is a generic coombait model

>> No.38792263

>New model is sex
Stop being a 14 year old boy going through puberty and get some fucking taste.

>> No.38792420 [SPOILER] 
File: 414 KB, 2100x1100, FiA_z3XXEAMMmhM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so much more generic and forgettable

>> No.38792822


>> No.38792839

>cheap coomer gacha thot design #99886252837392 is better than a calming cute remarkable design bro
>if you don't like it you're a pedo, ok?

>> No.38792874

get help

>> No.38797802

let it go

>> No.38798446


>> No.38799404
File: 162 KB, 720x968, Screenshot_20221212-034400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll just leave this here
She speaks with a softer voice now, to match the model, and it's clear it's working better for her than before.

>> No.38803353

OP here, I actually hate the new model, I was just coping when I wrote this. It sapped all the soul out.

>> No.38803661

It looks like the rebrand is might extend to her onstream personality too. Why does so much good shit have to die?

>> No.38804670

New voice isn't nearly as endearing

>> No.38808246


>> No.38808788

she started her new whore phase collabing with males, she cant even sell her character right, that bitch is stupid af.

>> No.38810761

Figures, and she's always doing subathons still, she's the ultimate numberfag, and she's let it get to her head

>> No.38810932

I prefer SEX to SOUL

>> No.38811388

Western vtubers truly don't know what the fuck sex appeal is. I'm no prude but this is only sexy for terminal coombrains who fap to any piece of meat as long it has big tits and ass. As always, some wisdom for all the philistines who are unable to differentiate pure lewdness to true sex appeal.

>> No.38813686

You never cared about her as a vtuber until she got the new one

>> No.38813776

This is a lie. Stop coping, her new model sucks and her voice isn't as cute

>> No.38814113

Who is this discount Okayu, and why did she turn herself into VShojo Botan?

>> No.38814246

Thinking that travesty is anywhere close to Botan should be classified as a war crime.

>> No.38814369

>western e-thots see Gura print money
>they jump on the vtuber bandwagon because it allows them to stream without putting on 10 layers of makeup, getting implants and wearing 10 pushup bras
>they all get simple art style cunny models
>all of Vshojo get coomerbait models that go as far as the Twitch rules allow them
>all these vtubers switch to the same kind of coomerbait model
God these people are retarded. I never watched this chick but I assume she does the veibae slut voice too?

>> No.38814388

Answer the question, or I'll commit another one.

>> No.38814548

>Cute panda loli
>to a womb tattoo
Considering her cosplay slut posting it fits her better

>> No.38815223

Her old voice was really cute but her new one just isn't my thing. The sad thing is that Shizukou was doing decently with her old model and actually took off pretty early on.

>> No.38816844

She's also started posting pictures of her body and legs on her twitter. It's clear what direction she wants to go in and it's all because she never got enough clips on youtube. Ultimately her personality wasn't strong enough to carry her, so she went full coomerchuuba

>> No.38816926


>check youtube
>spot like 4 clips of her in her new model
>it's fucking reaction content
Of course it is...

>> No.38816985
File: 453 KB, 598x658, 1641320301357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shame

>> No.38816999

What a fucking whore

>> No.38817231

There's also this:
This was around the time when I stopped watching her (and yes I did, kind of regularly)

>> No.38817529

Also this one
Also I'm pretty sure this one is an AI art generated from a selfie

>> No.38818802

>if I made clips of her in her superior panda form in the past, she might have felt better about herself and not tried to force a slut transformation
Now I feel guilty

>> No.38818900

Did changing her model work?

>> No.38818913

She was born to be a slut. Clips would've just delayed it.

>> No.38819517

So of everyone loved her old model why did nobody here actually watch or clip her?
Just seems like people who never knew she existed pretending to care to shit on western vtubers

>> No.38819725

bitch has a deep ass voice, why do you people want her to be a loli?

>> No.38820307

People are simply pointing out that her reason for changing models is a shameful one. Her self proclaimed main motive for switching is because she was pissed off that people don't clip her enough, that was the first thing she brought up, not because her voice didn't match her original model (of which several of her fans disagreed with anyway, they thought the match was fine). Imagine just finishing selling your merch to people, cashing in on the orders and then suddenly announcing that you're going in the opposite direction and turning into a tittymonster streamer in the form of a jellyfish. All because deep down you know your own personality isn't strong enough to garner clips on its own.

>> No.38820659

I don't think so, seems like her CCV is pretty much the same and I can't find any new clips of her.

>> No.38821796

I will never, EVER, understand this "redebut" cancer that is so prevalent in the EN side of vtubing.
Nobody is going to invest in someone that is so impulsive as to completely obliterate consistency in their style., and make entire chunks of their fanart redundant.


>> No.38822267

Let them do their thing. Its easier to filter them out when they look like cum receptacles

>> No.38823401

unironically thats a better model for her, with a nice cleavage, a miniskirt and some nice accessories its more than enough, just by doing funny reactions while playing or chatting she can hook new viewers and by doing decent seggs asmr content she can keep them, but i guess she is just too entitled to do anything right.

>> No.38823729

All of you faggots never even watched her to begin with, stop crying this hard because you chumpedos have one less chuuba to "watch".

>> No.38823807

>She speaks with a softer voice now
Get your ears checked anon, she just doesn't scream like an autisctic kid anymore because now she doesn't have to pander to pedophiles like you an OP.

>> No.38824322

>of which several of her fans disagreed with anyway
You keep repeating that but still have to provide any sort of proof that's actually true, I'm starting to suspect you are just talking out of your ass. What fans are you talking about? Apparently she has the same CCV so it's very safe to assume no one left. Holobronies should stay in their threads.

>> No.38824413

I mean I guess that'd be good for an avtuber

>> No.38824545

>suddenly this random 2view has tens of thousands of fans on /vt/
none of you watched her before
and if you're so mad just go watch one of the other hundreds of loli vtubers out there

>> No.38824686

I've shilled her, Kani, and Clara before

>> No.38824865

I did and now I don't. That avatar is an insult to the eyes.
Shizu basically, no, literally, did a big giant "fuck YOU" to her old community and many have left because of it.
Her very public rant about her not pulling numbers because people never clipped her and such.

This redebut cancer needs to be fucking shit on so it doesn't spread further.
Fuckers need to stop treating their image like a damn username.

Hylo is now doing the same, again.
Thank fuck Ywuria never went through with that shitty coomerbait model she got done, it, like Shizus new model, looks absolutely nothing like the old one.
Throwing away your community, your fanart, everything, just because you feel like it, because "oh boo hoo, nobody is coming to watch me, it must mean my avatar is bad I better lower myself to numberfag status and go full coomberbait tiddy demon" is the height of insulting.
If Shizus new model actually LOOKED like her old one, nobody would have given a single fuck besides a few 2016 tourists from reddit that think 4chan actually gives a fuck about their shitty religious bullshit.

>> No.38824871

You surely did anon. Posting a name one time is "shilling". I have literally never saw her name more than two or three times posted anyway, all the faggots crying about it now never cared and never will, stop pretending you did, faggot.

>> No.38825064

>did a big giant "fuck YOU" to her old community and many have left because of it
Explain how CCV is roughly the same if not higher. Also refer to >>38823807 and post proof the "fans" left.
I love how you say >Ywuria , she had like 5 different "rebrands" one after the other at least be consisten faggot.
>If Shizus new model actually LOOKED like her old one
A rebrand imply changing your brand ESLchama, it's supposed to be different. Stop posting threads about this, you already ruined /pcg/ by mentioning this everytime Yubi is posted. Get the rope and shut up.

>> No.38825066

Search the archives you stupid newfag.
She's posted all the fucking time.
Not sure if that is him posting all the time or not, but you are very wrong.

>> No.38825140

I did before posting here, all the results are about this new model, she was barely posted before, I literally never heard of her before you retards started making two threads a day. Try again faggot.

>> No.38825238

That's my point, you faggot.
And I LIKE Yuris new model. So go fuck yourself. She actually looks close to what her old design was, unlike Shizu.

No you didn't. You don't even know how to check the archive. I'm looking at posts of her going back all year.
Try again, you Discord faggot. It's clear the groomer brigade has arrived since the sudden surge of "durr you never watched her before" has increased sharply.

>> No.38825253

Who are those other ones anon? The names don't sound familiar (Unless you're talking about Kamiko Kana and Clara is the Stellamari one.

>> No.38825313

In fact, while I am also looking, Yoki is ALSO getting a new model.
Fucking hell.
When will this madness END

>> No.38825412

>You don't even know how to check the archive
Nice try newfag, that was a nice cope. I will now watch her to spite you faggots so you can keep posting shit about her in /pcg/ and make three threads a day crying about how much you hate a chuuba you never watched. I'm also still waiting for an answer about those alleged fans you keep mentioning. Overall I don't care, go cry in /wvt/ and keep your shit out of the board or other threads.

>> No.38825558

>I love how you say >Ywuria , she had like 5 different "rebrands"
Eh? She had different models?
I thought the only other one she had was that recent shitty one that everybody hated and she gave it to that girl that quit Kawaii?
What other ones did she have?

>> No.38828427

>Shizu basically, no, literally, did a big giant "fuck YOU" to her old community and many have left because of it.
she doesn't want your pedo ass anymore, if that wasn't obvious enough already

>> No.38828632

She could have sounded like a black dude when using the loli avatar, if she wanted to. That's just an excuse she is using to justify going coomer.

>> No.38828734

Don't be a retard. Her panda model was a largely inoffensive design. When I think "Loli model" or "Pedo bait", designs like hers are not what come to mind. Besides, people were mostly attracted to her stream because originally she was one of the few bong indies out there who didn't fake some cringy american accent.

>> No.38828757

Disgusting, soulless, and completely ruined.

>> No.38828932

I thought her first design was really cute, but her british basic slag voice didn't really suit it that well. With her new outfit, I don't have to worry if her voice matches, because I wouldn't bother watching that on twitch, and would just wait for the porn

>> No.38829288

I see the nuZukou fans have arrived.
Don't you have some cool hip hashtags to be posting under about your operation?

>> No.38830472
File: 188 KB, 273x281, 1670799912657996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yikes she is desperate

>> No.38830768

Nobody cared who? she was until she took off her clothes. Lets be honest here. Been twice to her streams already since redebut! And never before.

And got filtered by the voice .

>> No.38833378

>Was always on the search for a good British vtuber
>Nijisanji was a fucking disaster
>Decided to desperately trudge through Twitch
>Randomly found Shizukou and instantly fell in love with her design, voice and content
>She fucking ruins herself
I actually want to fucking die...

>> No.38833543

And you'll never find one in Hololive with a less tacky model because Cover is deathly allergic to anything coming from Europe.

>> No.38833661

You could always try Rin from Idolcorp. While she may be part of the jew group, her content is still better than anything Shuzukou has put out.

>> No.38833720

Do it faggot

>> No.38833834

Fuck it. If she's good I'll sell my soul to jewcorp.

>> No.38835253

damn, if only there was another schizo menhera british loli on twitch

>> No.38835403

Rin's a really cute autist, but beware: She has talked about male collabs in the future.

>> No.38836089


>> No.38836294
File: 465 KB, 717x676, unknown (38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look further anon

>> No.38836450


>> No.38836723

Not british enough

>> No.38837479


>> No.38837488

Okay... I kind of love her...

>> No.38837598
File: 770 KB, 890x890, FFyQpBtXwAQjm9-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't a lolibait model. Hell she told people to go watch fallenshadow if they wanted loli.

>> No.38837645

Yeah it sucks there's barely any indie British vtubers who do decently.

Obviously Shondo exists but she's not for everyone.

>> No.38838022
File: 35 KB, 559x341, shizuclip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad but this isn't just her problem, a lot of vtubers do this because they believe the only way to get attention is to pander to vshitshow and get lewd models, in the hopes that their clippers will notice them and share a few videos, or that vshitshow themselves will notice them.

The problem overall should be blamed on the clipfags. Because they won't go out their way to share other people, but also not many people want to address the issue overall by making a more noticable platform for the "lesser watched vtubers / other indies".

People only want to look at the likes of Cooksie or https://twitter.com/ENVTubersOOC (a known vshojo shill account) and nobody else. So why not confront THEM as to why they are helping with the decline of western vtubing?

Shizukou is a decent vtuber and could easily get in a corpo if she wanted. I'm surprised she was barely advertised here as she easily could have made /wvt/ or /lig/ fine. And I feel that a corpo move is what will probably happen when she realises the model change hasn't worked out in her favour. She was doing stuff with a few nijis and their orbiters recently. It could easily happen.

No she never took them down:

>> No.38838138
File: 310 KB, 1620x2485, 1670462164496283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Panko from Phase Connect is good if you're willing to accept an Italian ESL who learned English in a year. Fishman better treat her well.

>> No.38838354

There's also:
>Pandora from former Aetheria
>Aletta from kawaii
>Panko from PC
If you want british vtubers.
Also a lot in those companies (prism too) stream at EU hours.

>> No.38838410

She's italian

>> No.38838434

Most British-sounding vtuber I've heard yet

>> No.38838477

Ehh, same thing

>> No.38838495

Speaking of Shondo and British people I wish there was a vtuber with a very thick British accent like Shadowmama, fuck her accent was hot.

>> No.38838649
File: 408 KB, 616x605, 1641330657787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How thick? Common girls from essex don't become vtubers.

>> No.38838858

Fishman is smart unlike Omega with his boner for Americans/half-Asian Canadians/half-Asian Aussies. With how long it's taking for EN3 to debut there's a 99% chance it'll be a huge disappointment with 5 generic girls that are almost a carbon copy of the current members.

>> No.38838915

Vtuber btw.
What is it with western women and being unable to resist whoring themselves out?

>> No.38839019

>How thick?
Like this hag

>> No.38839257

Kek. I'm pretty sure Shondos mother is from Liverpool. If she became a vtuber I would definitely watch her. Perfect slag voice.

>> No.38841617

Need a Norwich vtuber if you really want a slag.

>> No.38843644

just growing her model's appearance in age while keeping the essence of the design would have been enough

>> No.38843684

Aletta unfortunately sounds more Singaporean than British. She's still great though.

>> No.38845539

She changed and is disappointed she still isn't being clipped or grew to be a 1k viewer. Her redebut was terrible, she never even zoomed out to show her entire model. And if she did it must of been for like a split second cause I saw nothing.

Won't be able to stream on Bilibili anymore because her model is too revealing and China doesn't want that.

Guess she really was weighting too much on attracting the average coomerbait watcher, guess it didn't go so well did it Shizu?

>> No.38845788

I am a coombrain and I don't see this as a good design. Shit's atrocious. Probably a taste issue, imo

>> No.38851172

Old model was boring

>> No.38852233

she's boring with either model, enjoy the hours of silent Overwatch playing

>> No.38854977

But SOUL is also SEX here, so it's better.
