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38772349 No.38772349 [Reply] [Original]

Why are latinx like this?

>> No.38772409

spixs shit talk amongst themselves

>> No.38772413

I-IRyS... Didn't know you were that close to a latinx

>> No.38772541

Eww. Western bathroom doors have locks for a reason. I'll even go a step further and ask why they're all in each other's business and always talking.
Privacy is underrated.

>> No.38772568

what the fuck

>> No.38772644

This is some of the weirdest and nastiest shit I've seen on this board. And I've seen some shit.

>> No.38772679

IRyS being half Chicana is my new rrat

>> No.38772698

It's expected to happen when you have a big family and a single bathroom.

>> No.38772965

brushing teeth while someone is showering is fine. but mom also taking a shit? jesus

>> No.38772985
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I dunno. The smell of big ol mommy taking a diarrhea dump should be enough to repel anyone with sense. Like why can't you wait to brush your teeth? You're flossing and gargling with poo air.
Particles from the upside down brown volcano are floating into the shower, giving you a fragrant after smell that'll linger on you the rest of the day.
Also why is a Vtuber that doesn't even show their actual body worried about their looks to the degree that they can't wait for someone to finish taking a shit.
Yagoo save us all.

>> No.38773066

You can delete posts you know

>> No.38773129

>brushing your teeth while your sweaty sister is taking a shower right next to you

>> No.38773212

This is most certainly not a latinxian thing. Don't group her with us.

>> No.38773436

I've never met a family so big that they couldn't wait for their turn in the bathroom

>> No.38773475



>> No.38773503

i think that's called living in poverty
t. my friend used to be like that too

>> No.38773635

I'm Peruvian and my family has 14 people living in the same house. This never happened here.

>> No.38773736

you just know

>> No.38773901


>> No.38773982

Chileans are the worst kind, like homeless drugadicts from California

>> No.38773989

>is this a latino thing
Women seem to be more prone to share the bathroom. Men don't ever share with anyone but their wife for any fucking reason.

>> No.38774007

>my family has 14 people living in the same house
Fucking how? Are you a rich Peruvian? Is this common?

>> No.38774137

You live in cono norte right?

>> No.38774164

Reminder that Roza Coatl collabed with renowned White Supremist Arch Warhammer


>> No.38774214

kind of impressed at how much of a retard you are

>> No.38774326

>does this happen to yall
This sentence is so unnatural and even the terminally online 'yallers' can't defend it with MUH LANGUAGE EFFICIENCY because "does this happen to you all" is still a clumsy sounding sentence

>> No.38774330

can't tell if shitpost but this is why it's always worth checking out bait threads for a laugh

>> No.38774458

A shit is TOO FAR.
The other stuff I've only ever done with partners (pee), but it doesn't seem crazy.

>> No.38774622

>renowned White Supremist
Go back

>> No.38774702


>> No.38774714


>> No.38774751

My family is spanish as fuck. We do not do this shit.

>> No.38774803

literally who?

>> No.38774899

spanish people are not latinos

>> No.38774927

Is a black thing to

>> No.38775309

shitting with someone else in the bathroom is weird. somebody peeing or brushing their teeth while someone else is in the shower is no big deal though.

>> No.38776061

it is not a latinx thing
that's fucking disgusting and I say that as a person living in a country where kissing your parents in the lips is normal

>> No.38776187

14 people in the same house means he's poor and sahres a 5x5m "bedroom" with his whole family tree

>> No.38776935

>kissing your parents in the lips is normal
Where the fuck do you live

>> No.38777056
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>> No.38777154

damn. In middle east everyone have their own bathroom so even if we were 15 people in a family no one needs to share bathroom m

>> No.38777250

>t. saudi prince

>> No.38777339

nah. It’s just normal where I live. we try to cram as many bathrooms as possible even if it means smaller rooms (at least every room should have one bathroom)

>> No.38777361

What the fuck.
I can MAYBE see someone brushing their teeth while another family member is taking a shower if they're in a rush, but add on someone taking a shit at the same time?
Shit's fucked.

>> No.38777381

Seems pretty normal to me. Some of you have brainworms from modernity. Back before WW2 it was normal for an entire family to sleep in the same bed.

>> No.38777417

Fucking kill everyone who says this

>> No.38777484

Ew, definitely not a latinx thing
t. latinx

>> No.38777611
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>it gets worse

>> No.38777662

This board is filled by faggots. I will kill for the experience of smelling my mom fresh shit and see her ass spread wide open trying hard to make her constipated asshole shit out the fucking large brick that is loosely poking from her rectum without looking like a werido.

>> No.38777760

>before 1939
>romanticizing shit from before you were even born
Oh there's brainworks alright.

>> No.38777819
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If she's constipated she should try a herb remedy.

>> No.38777948

Argentina, I think it's an italian thing tho

>> No.38778019

Yeah nah, even we here in the designated shitting street community have something called boundaries and standards here in twenty of twenty two.

>> No.38778219

I know about the whole kissing on the cheek as a greeting thing, but there's no way you are being serious about people being expected to kiss their parents on the mouth.

>> No.38778241

>in the lips
Im an argie and that is absolutely abnormal.

>> No.38778267

So what? People just ignored their parents having sex/parents ignored their kids? Sounds like bullshit.

>> No.38778270

>Is it a latino thing?
I don't think it is, I think it's more likely a degenerate poorfag thing

>> No.38778749

well, her spanish is not what i am going to expect from a burger, so i guess she is not completely one, its ok if the model is white because the god she represents its associate with white, not that much with red, and she missed the chance to add some cute feather motifs.
and yes, sometimes the bathroom is shared between close relatives, when you have to go you have to go, we are not crybabies like a certain neighbor :P, but its not exactly every day.

>> No.38779450

She has a nasty fucking family, that's my answer.

>> No.38779467

My mom had to start locking the bathroom cause I'd come into the bathroom when she'd shit to smell it.

>> No.38779602

No, that's definitely not normal. I grew up in a poor neighborhood, so that's not an excuse

>> No.38779619
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>> No.38779684

>scat fetish since childhood
are you german, by any chance?

>> No.38779781

Do you only have 1 bathroom in your house? My family house had 3, one in my parents bedroom, the bigh one with a bathtub and the small one that only had a shower. Even now that I live alone I have 2 bathrooms...

>> No.38780913 [SPOILER] 

you surely remember massa's wife kissing her daughter
if you don't just google "Malena Massa beso hija," I'd post it but I don't trust jannies knowing what parental love looks like
although that one looks way more romantic than it should because of how the daughter is positioned, you just give them a little peck and maybe make a chu sound, no tongue, no lingering, no making weird eye contact, just a little peck

>> No.38781197 [SPOILER] 

>its ok if the model is white
you are not latin

>> No.38781624

USE is not your server

>> No.38781941

Kids would be told to play outside for hours, so you had time to do whatever you wanted at home. Especially on weekends.

>> No.38782012

>scandal that happened precisely because its abnormal used as an example
I dunno, man. There was other things that made them weird but thats a different topic.

>> No.38782085 [SPOILER] 

the way they kissed was weird but it shows that it was normal enough for them to think it's okay to do it on a stage and calling it a scandal is a bit of a stretch too

>> No.38782282

in india it's actually insulting if you don't shit together in the streets

>> No.38782373

Not Argentinian, but in Chile it's completely normal to kiss your kids on the lips, sometimes extending to grandchildren or nieces/nephews.

>> No.38784457

What's the origin of this meme? Did she shit on stream or something? I've never watched her

>> No.38784550

>Why are latinx like this?
mexicans are gross fuckers

>> No.38784570

They frequently have a dozen or more people living in a single family home, so that just comes with the territory.

>> No.38784609

It sounds right you fucking retard

>> No.38784610

>but in Chile
no it fucking isn't

>> No.38784678

He's ESL, he doesn't know any better.

>> No.38785481

Not kicking your kids at 18 is how it goes

>> No.38785631

You've convinced me to give her a watch now, thanks nigger

>> No.38785770

This isn't even that bad. Maybe having someone shit while you brush your teeth is a bit far, but I think someone taking a shower while you brush your teeth or take a piss is fine.

>> No.38786119

It doesn't, particularly if its used at the end of a question.

>> No.38786149

It's common, poor people here likes to have 3000000000 kids to put them all to work or to think that "one of them will be successful". It always end up with the kids having a bad health, eating shit and living with the right amount of money. The solution according to them? Having more kids. I mean, putting all of them to work at shitty works kinda helps I guess

>> No.38786587
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I picked it up from another anon at Council debut. I forget what we we're shitposting about but iirc it had to do with plants needing fertilizer to grow and we hypothesized Fauna would help people grow her plants. I think she had only streamed like, once or twice.
Tldr fancanon

>> No.38787017

That’s not a latino thing is a third world thing, which could go in hand with being a latino but is not a given
>"latinx" go kys

>> No.38788348
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>> No.38788609

Go out every once in a while. You see people kissing their children on the lips all the time. It's usually restricted to toddlers and preschoolers, though.

>> No.38788910
File: 33 KB, 680x763, Latinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm aware they don't like being called 'latinx,' that's precisely why I do it."

>> No.38789123

Is this the girl that jumped from one dead corpo to a different dying corpo?

>> No.38789933

>It's usually restricted to toddlers and preschoolers, though
yeah, I forgot to mention this but here in argentina it's restricted to kids too

>> No.38791065

Me comen todo el pepino

>> No.38791706

>jump to random timestamp
holy shit imagine doing 4 hours with this guy.

>> No.38795284

Yes, I kind of miss the monkey girl from her previous corpo.

>> No.38797290

This is Roza. She loves telling weird , gross stories about her family. Like the one where she claims her grandad lost his virginity to a farm animal, fucked all the other farmers' animals and her dad would use young palm trees as onaholes.

>> No.38797684

Sorry, but Spanish people are retroactively latinx.

>> No.38798104

Does this mean bongs are burgers now?

>> No.38798225

This happened in my family, I think some whites/asians have this concept of personal space, it's usually just autism

>> No.38798251


>> No.38798845

Shitting and showering: fine
Brushing and showering: fine
Shitting and brushing: wtf

>> No.38800491

as a latinxtreme myself this is what's so beautiful about the word. It's a slur that actually works on spics. You call them a beaner, they laugh, you call them latinx and they lose their fucking shit.

>> No.38801341

>Men don't ever share with anyone but their wife for any fucking reason.
Why would you expose yourself at your weakest? I always lock the door and look back while urinating in public. You can get attacked at any moment.

>> No.38806557

It's efficient, what can I say? I'm a busy man.

>> No.38809456

This is really tame

>> No.38813789

Why are you like this?

>> No.38814294
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I just can't help myself sometimes.
