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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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387628 No.387628 [Reply] [Original]

God, this kiddy game is so fucking bad what are some vtubers that don’t touch this piece of garbage?

>> No.387723

You should check out Falsesymmetry or Iskall

>> No.387753

yeah I preffer Apex too anon

>> No.387769

t. Terraria incel

>> No.387775

True actually

>> No.387843

You mean to tell me a bunch of kids would be attracted to a kiddy game? Who could have possibly predicted this?

>> No.387982

Fuck off. Even though i don't play minecraft, i think its a great platform to show their creativity and interaction with other members

>> No.387993

>"Kiddy game"
>Watches people literally pretend to be little girls and play video games

>> No.388007


>> No.388047

you mean ARK ?

>> No.388086

Yeah, it did seem kind of weird but i'm glad 7 Days to Die isn't a beginner-friendly game

>> No.388099

>pretend to be
they're not pretending, they're really little 25 to 40[ years old/spoiler] girls

>> No.388121

It makes sense they play it since it was one of the early approved games they were allowed to play. You can't just play GTA 5 forever, after all.
But now that they can play other shit, it's pretty weird for 50% of their content to be Minecraft.

>> No.388177

Get over it anon minecraft is the game of the century. Your grandkids will piss on your grave for this post

>> No.388208

>my grandchildren are in tears
>they're being sent to the minecraft mines because their grandfather shit-talked minecraft in the 20s

>> No.388248
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Vtubers are entertainment for coomers adults, and vtubers themselves are adults aswell, playing minecraft should be as embarrassing as playing barbie for ps1, I don’t know any adult playing fucking mineshit in real life so I can only guess vtubers fans are the the most subhumans in the gaming community .

It’s either that or the fault is in vtubers being females themselves, 99.99% of females have horrible, HORRIBLE taste in video games

>> No.388270

I'm just waiting for VTubers to get into the wide world of heavily modded Minecraft.

>> No.388277
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need to be a little more subtle than that

>> No.388301

"I don’t know any adult playing fucking mineshit"
nice way to say you don't have friends, anon

>> No.388312

they should really play modded and start making extremely autistic historically accurate detailed railways and factories

>> No.388356

Vtubers are, fundamentally, the Yogscast. We shall see them en masse follow their path but delayed by a decade over the next few years. Including all the child molestation and grooming.

>> No.388362

I wanna see 'em do one of those oddly fun autisticly realistic packs where you have to do shit like prepare the leather.
Are those mods still a thing? I've been out of MC for a little while.

>> No.388393

I like Minecraft better compared to Hololive's ARK obsession in early 2020. God I really hate ARK.

>> No.388394

I've noticed that most dedicated livestreamers (that get big anyway) seem to stick to vanilla versions of every game they play. Yes, there are fringe cases, but they're either literally-whos or people who make modded let's plays rather than streams.
If I had to just totally spitball, it might be something like
>instability added by mods that are too expansive
>A "join in the fun" mentality for the audience, the fans won't be able to experience the game the same way as their favorite streamer if they have to spend 3 hours adding mods and troubleshooting shit until it works
>Now that they have to get explicit permission from devs now, might be required to stream vanilla, as UGC is fan-work and not official content, also possibility of some modder adding some lewd easter egg or some shit

>> No.388426
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My taste in games is similar to connor from trash taste https://youtu.be/1qWseckyCa0

And all my friends are competitive gamers

Sorry I don’t play minecraft while smoking weed while having a gay orgy pekora

>> No.388427

There was a new Better than Wolves release in December, it will never die.

>> No.388465

Starcraft is casual shit, play UFO Defece shitter.

>> No.388513

"My taste in games is similar to connor from trash taste"
confirmed faggot

>> No.388525

Network effects, my man.
There simply isn't another game where you can have
- the entire company on at once
- in a private instance
- where they can edit the environment

Minecraft is IDEAL for a company like this: it's VRChat, except you can edit the scenery in-game. It's also got the Destiny-style variety of gameplay intensities, single/multiplayer, coop/pvp, etc.

>> No.388568
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If is not minecraft is apex

>> No.388589

GMod does that too, they'll probably end up doing it at some point once people get really bored of MC again.

>> No.388591

I don't watch pekora's minecraft's videos.
She doesn't have funny reactions to anything, is just her walking around babbling

>> No.388608

>vtubers themselves are adults

>> No.388647

>GMod does that too
It's not got the gameplay buffet though.

>> No.388657

Opinion discarded.

>> No.388674

>the good old days of GMod murder/death run/hide and seek on Youtube
>but with anime girls now
Anon, please. You can't give me this dream.

>> No.388717

How long until all the Hololives memorize the prop locations for every single prophunt map I wonder.

>> No.388762
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>tfw we might see a modded Minecraft series where different gens form rivalries and have an entire arc with an end goal where they get to mess around and have fun
Oh, Lord, yes.

>> No.388868

I agree op they need to play Mario party, like mature, successful adults.

>> No.388968

Does Hermicraft count as vtubers? I'm honestly tempted to make a thread about them but I'm worried it'd get swept away as a shitpost. Want to discuss these autistic, minecraft-obsessing, roleplaying, entertaining adults in a more mature setting than with the literal 9 year olds on reddit.

>> No.389072


If they are gonna play a car game they should master rocket league, it would be like watching football on TV but this time is our favorite waifus instead of sweaty niggers

>> No.389170

Who knows, there's not much consistency from that end but it probably won't get deleted as long as long as it looks like it belongs. Worst case you make a more general thread that still only applies to who you actually want to talk to "Minecraft Roleplayer Vtuber General" or something like that.

>> No.389189

Genuinely horrendous taste.

>> No.389325

This is the kind of people Mori brought in by doing the Trash Taste collab.

>> No.389476

The problem isn't just that they play Minecraft. The problem is that they're playing fucking VANILLA Minecraft for hundreds of hours. Autism.

>> No.389495

Depends on the game. Pretty much every person I see playing Starsector or Rimworld play it modded.

>> No.389497

Among Us is my personal fav

>> No.389557

Well it seems like HoloEN is slowly starting to get bored of it and I dont blame them since their server is fucking dead.

>> No.389624

I can't believe Kiara got the entire EN cast banned from the JP server.

>> No.389684

i hate it too along with apex and ark but those three games just make for good numbers
god i hate normalfag games

>> No.389767

I assume it's just because of the general lack of tech savviness among the holos. Setting up mods can be quite annoying and I don't think most of them can do it when they regularly slip up on something as routine to them like their streams. Also there's the sunk cost mentality with starting anew with mods, hell they can't even update the holoserver likely because of it. Personally I find it a waste as I'd love to see them do something like Tekkit but I kinda get why they don't do it.
>A "join in the fun" mentality
I don't think this matter that much as chat basically fulfills the role of user/viewer participation already.

>> No.389792

Why even bother making a post like this, why even stick with vtubers as a hobby if you're so upset about them playing a game that you don't like?

>> No.389842

Shit ,even Marine is playing modded. I think the real issue is you technically need mod permissions too for whatever assets those are adding

>> No.389891

Seriously? Who is going to give permission for RimJobWorld?

>> No.390038

I don't think that would be too much of a problem, most mods give blanket streaming permissions or are open sewers.

>> No.390068

Minecraft was never made to be a children's game.

>Vtubers are entertainment for coomers adults
This is coomer projection.

>> No.390385
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>vtubers as a hobby

Lmao watching vtubers is not a fucking hobby, sure you can learn japanese but that’s the actual hobby not vtubers themselves, otherwise watching the teletubbies should be considered a hobby aswell

>> No.390399

>never made to be a children's game
Technically wrong. It was obvious from the beginning that it'd be a hit with kids.

>> No.390416

>otherwise watching the teletubbies should be considered a hobby aswell
Wait, it isn't?

>> No.395544
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When will we get a grand strategy or 4x playing holo

>> No.395570


>> No.395689

All the vtubers are too retarded for RTS.

>> No.395983

Thankfully grand strategy has lower requirements with just 2 working braincells to read text prompts and the ability to point the mouse.

>> No.396834

Minecraft is an easy controlled environment to host streams/multiple users. Find a more practical one.

>> No.396929

SS13. I can only imagine the stupid shit they could do if they ever get the mechanics down.

>> No.396963

Vtubers should play Mystery of the Druids.

>> No.397039

If you noticed, as soon as a games company gives them the ok to play their games. Every other holo plays a game by that company that same day. Just happened with Ubisoft.

>> No.397059
File: 186 KB, 1200x630, roblox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive should play roblox.
There is a lot more variety, holos could play together on their own private server, they could even learn to code and make their own games.

>> No.397078

>The Holos could all play the MYST games now
Oh yes.

>> No.397101

>Not Blockland

>> No.397112 [DELETED] 
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Dan Bondingo is a liar
Simon parkes is a wizard
X22 is against Trump
They are winning the minds of many Trump supporters. Never give in to evil! They like to prune and delete the truth.



>> No.397306

when the

>> No.397485

Minecraft is a fantastic game it's just been oversaturated beyond belief. This shit has been popular on youtube since 2011 and has never fucked off.

>> No.397517

roblox has been soulless since like 2014-2015

>> No.397875

This. Also the fact that they play vanilla puts me off alot. I'd love to see interesting mods. That being said, I like seeing them look up and make interesting mechanisms and builds, Flare's houses are fantastic, and Aqua is always working on "something". And watching Haato build the fucking Tower of Babel herself is nuts.

>> No.397924

>Vtubers having working braincells.

>> No.397951

Some have more than others.

>> No.397952

Most of the hololive girls are either almost 30 or over, literally only 2 girls are under 20

>> No.397957

Minecraft is over 10 years old. There are adults now who played it as kids.

>> No.397970

connor has incredibly shit taste in video games so really, really don't tell people that your a league shitter

>> No.397972

I could actually see some pretty good CK3 content from chuubas, because the game is arguably more entertaining the worse you are at it.

>> No.397987
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>There are adults now who played it as kids.
well fuck you too for reminding me

>> No.398051

Unless you're 30+ you've probably played it in High School at least. Just because it got popular with children as well doesn't mean it no longer has multigenerational appeal.

>> No.398091

Replace kid with autistic and you have a point.

>> No.398106

yeah i feel you, i never watch any minecraft streams, i just listen and hope they talk about other shit and not the game. I get that a lot of the "lore" in hololive happens through minecraft but I just feel it's such a shitty backdrop for it.

>> No.398112
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Sure, yeah, high school. Not college. Yes, I am not literally 30 years old, how do you do fellow young zoomer /vt/ubers?

>> No.398154

Honestly I'm just curious to see how the holos would react with stuff like
>Rushia constantly losing an heir
>Aqua getting cucked
>Inter-Gen wars
>War and peace deals in general

>> No.398175

>love the interactions minecraft allows between the girls
>hate the actual gameplay
like every time moona and pekora talked and interacted in mc i thought it was quality but i couldnt give less of a shit what they were building or actually doing in the game tbqh

>> No.398183

It's more than 10 years old; that was the official release, but tons of people (myself included) were already playing it in beta years earlier.

>> No.398248

Maybe when UnityStation gets some more functionality, BYOND is a shitshow and the tuber tide would wreak even more havoc than usual.

>> No.398322

Who is under 20?

>> No.398398

I played Minecraft in University in 2010.
I picked it up again this year thanks to Hololive

>> No.398421

The stuff they are currently making is entertaining already though

>> No.398455

I agree, the lack of real interactions in EN's MC streams has resulted in me getting burned out on them. I've moved onto the JP server streams instead.

>> No.398475

Awwwww man...

>> No.398542

The point is that they could go even further.

>> No.398577

It would really help if there were some sort of competitive goal, even doing race for the wool would probably help them train for that kind of thing.

>> No.398631

What if they came up with these little one-shot challenges that could be accomplished within an hour or so? And as a reward, they could get like, a tower made of gold blocks or something? Maybe put on an obsidian pedestal, that'd look cool.

>> No.398632

Oh anon you should have seen it when they all played ARK everyday. Be grateful that they are playing mine craft. It’s all they are allowed to play that’s why they are playing every day. Quite sad really. Fuck permissions

>> No.398664

Honestly I still don't understand why they're separating the two. There could have been tons of interesting interactions between the ENs and the JPs as seen with the EN's visit to the holoserver.

>> No.398785

Fuck me. We could've had a world with Usadaken or Akukin building nuclear reactors or automated mining rigs, Roboco flying a jetpack, and everyone doing alchemy.

>> No.398839

Or better, Voltz.

>> No.398845

the idea was that in the future once EN has a few more gens, it'll become the same as the JP world

>> No.398864

Honestly speaking, I feel like you guys are projecting way more autism onto the holos than they actually have. Adding all those automation and magic mods and shit might be good for like, 5 or 6 of the Holos, the rest are way too casual to get waist-deep into some fucking megastructure like you think would happen. I'm not knocking their intelligence or anything, or saying they "aren't real gamers", the amount of hyperautistic material management and guide referencing and such just isn't something normies can do, even those who enjoy and are good at video games.

>> No.399016

A man can dream. Also it's not like we don't see that already with the redstone stuff and personally I don't mind if not all of them could pick the mechanics up. What's interesting for me is seeing them work and try their hand at it and whether it ends up as a success or not is irrelevant.

>> No.400637
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Then indies are objectively better, got it, got any suggestions? Also is rocket league forbidden or what? Why has none of them think about doing a football match collab?

>> No.400714

Fuuuuuuuck. Blockland collabs would be so fuckin kino. I remember playing that one l4d game mode so fucking much.

>> No.400827

How did it go again
Join us or we'll kick your dog?

>> No.400976


In honesty, what did you expect? Hearts of Iron III? A flight simulator?

>> No.401405

What, when?

>> No.401569

>387628 (OP)
Ok OP tell us about your absolutely superior and patrician taste in games then

>> No.401672

I don't expect them to download a bunch of autism mods but I'd love them to play something like the betweenlands or the Erebus. Anything would be better than more vanilla pixel art streams.

>> No.401692
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You can complain but people do watch this stuff

>> No.401721

Yup, first time Gura's been inclining in a while.

>> No.402004

They play it because it's easy to play (especially for collabs), well known, relatively cheap, not requiring focus on a story so allowing for more chat interaction, and, perhaps most importantly, easy to get permission to play and monetize.

>> No.402255
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Holy shit I want to watch the holoshits try to make a roblox game collaboratively. The fact that all of them working on the same thing at the same time would be hilarious and then having hundreds of people playing their mess of a game would be pure kino.

>> No.402346

hololive will do the logical thing and play Factorio multiplayer

>> No.402402

>Everyone immediately being killed by each other's pollution aggro

>> No.402455

Gura or Ame literally talked about wanting to play some Barbie game onstream.

>> No.402524

>this is your typical vtuber hater
pot, meet kettle

>> No.404404
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>Ok OP tell us about your absolutely superior and patrician taste in games then

Ok, here is my 3x3 (civilization v must be modded with the vox populi overhaul mod to truly shine)

>> No.404697

>SystemShock 2 over SystemShock 1
Ah, a child.

>> No.404788

Minecraft is really fun to play with friends but it’s so god damn boring to watch. How the hell does anyone get any viewers from streaming this? When I’m watching someone play video games I need to see actiony shit like dmc or yakuza.

>> No.405074

I know Haachama is like 19

>> No.405121

Hytale soon bros

>> No.405142

JP side maybe, ID and EN are mid 20's girls

>> No.405405
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They're comfy to listen too. I put it on while doing house chores. Will watch for a quick break to see all what I've been hearing about.

>> No.411237

Fuck you, I played that game and it was pretty rad

>> No.411436

lmao opinion discarded

>> No.411506

>How the hell does anyone get any viewers from streaming this?

>> No.411579

Fuck off, Minecraft is BASED.

>> No.411587

Terrafirmacraft still exists and is retardedly realistic. It's actually kinda cool but just existing in the world is extreme effort.

>> No.411618
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I kinda wish she played something other than ark...

>> No.412828

Never, females don't get into that kind of autismal games.

>> No.413569

I have female (female) friends who are into Crusader Kings and Stellaris, they like them because realtime and you can kind of make up a bit of your own story with them and such.

>> No.414005

>My taste in games is similar to connor from trash taste
Anon, he has shit taste in games.

>> No.414530

not their fault your some how shit at it retard

>> No.414667

Nothing against Minecraft, but it's become a lazy choice of game among holomen.

The only MC I watch these days is AZKi with Sora, and that's been once a week so far.

>> No.415025

It's generally a good game to relax and talk while playing which makes sense for them.

>> No.417851
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Does Gura listen to Happy Hardcore?

>> No.419893

Get rekt, Minecraft is great.
