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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38721109 No.38721109 [Reply] [Original]

Do you watch Filian?

>> No.38721180

I'm not an underage normalnig so no

>> No.38721213

She's cute but I think I'm too old to watch her. I think I'd love her content if I was 15 or 16

>> No.38721229


>> No.38721552

Dollar store Gosegu

>> No.38721680

i agree that her style of humor is noticably "zoomer", especially the constant deez nuts jokes are painfully unfunny.
but i like her physical comedy, she uses the VR model very well

>> No.38722592

i don't speak korean

>> No.38725769

I respect the grind, but nah

>> No.38725839

Flashbang lol

>> No.38726526
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flashbang seggs

>> No.38726639


>> No.38727076

I only watch her flashbang clips, they give me erections

>> No.38727587

I don't watch her but she's very bubbly and genki in the clips I've seen so I think she's pretty cute.

>> No.38728838


>> No.38728945
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I don't think anyone who is into vtubers does. Mostly the underage and tiktok fanbases. I don't really know what she adds to the scene.

>> No.38729033

I feel like she's done enough flips in VR where it's not impressive anymore, but it really is. I don't see other streamers doing that and still keeping up her jokes.

>> No.38729101

Only children watch her. She needs to join Hololive.

>> No.38729255

hololive girls are just normal streamers. they may as well not have vtuber models, if you think about it. the exception are their 3d streams

>> No.38731043

Idk. I think he has more followers then half of Hololive. Joining my hurt her more then help. Her 3d lives would be wild though.

>> No.38731171

Idk. I think she has more followers then half of Hololive. Joining might hurt her more then help. Her 3d lives would be wild though.

>> No.38738529

Sometimes. She's okay but I hope she can get better friends. If she's still around in 2 years she's going to only get bigger and richer as her fanbase gets older and keeps sucking up the younger ones. Her only kryptonite will be if a group of amateur gymnasts who are as physical and more autistic does everything she does while also doing vtuber porn.

>> No.38743686

>but I hope she can get better friends
If she can ride on someone's coattails, she will quite literally not bother. There's a reason she's incapable of making actual friends and not just collab content meals for her.

>> No.38744178

>If she's still around in 2 years she's going to only get bigger and richer
Not if she keeps relying on shorts she wont. Especially when susan has pushed her out of the shorts algo and she wont be able to get those sweet shorts monetization next year since its a invite only club.

>> No.38744382

Again, she's just not super well liked by a decent portion of the EN VTubers, more so what she's said and done over he past two years to groups outside it while trying to scramble to the top. That's really the best way to phrase her, she's just constantly in a mad dash to grow her channel and name, but is just not paying attention to who she tramples over or bad talks/etc in the process. She's definitely looking to get into one of the big groups at this point, she has no other big springboard after fucking up two years ago.

>> No.38744428

wonder why vshojo hasnt picked her up

>> No.38744494

Only clips because holy shit is she fucking boring and moves at a snails pace through anything she does.

>> No.38744506

Did she ever officially say she applied to the last two recruitment cycles?
But for that part, she really has bad a bit of a poor name for herself in some circles, one of them being a somewhat bigger one that's a mix of Vtubers and normal folks. Some of which are friends/more with VShoujo members.

>> No.38744522

No, I got recommended some of her shorts and I don’t understand her zoomer humor at all

>> No.38744527

I really like her dancing. I wish I could be that free

>> No.38744615

What's her drama? I never saw her before Youtube started pushing her shorts and decided that I didn't care to see much more of her beyond those.

>> No.38744653

>Did she ever officially say she applied to the last two recruitment cycles?
I don't think so.
Also she'd be pretty stupid to restart at Holo/Niji considering how big she already is. Which makes all this doomposting a bit strange, since she already is one of the bigger chuubas.

>> No.38744680

Discount Pippa. No thank you

>> No.38744852

whats her ccv?

>> No.38744894

15K-25K CCV

>> No.38744950

oh neat? where does she stream? any screenshots on her monthly ccv?

>> No.38744980

3K is her average. Don't fall for the 5view guy.

>> No.38745079

lacari is shitte

>> No.38745080

Seeing her permanently stuck at 5K ccv despite trying every trick in the book to get popular is pretty funny

>> No.38745161

I enjoy her and I'm 34, fight me

>> No.38745330

That person is full of shit. She usually hovers in the 4-5k territory. Spends most of the stream doing the typical shitty react-content meta. She does have a pretty good sense of humor and timing for comedy but it gets completely ruined by an endless barrage of channel redeems for stupid sounds only ADHD brains find funny.

>> No.38745361

She can only rely on newer viewers and staunch supporters of hers over the years. She can't grow because she's been a shithead to a lot of people over the the years, specifically since VR's boom when Covid hit

>> No.38745517

She just stinks like someone desperate to be popular so it turns me off watching.

>> No.38745871

That's the big part of her problem with growth, desperation and willingness to forgo past relationships with people to garner a means to channel growth. I'm just enjoying her slow descent to the bottom.

>> No.38745920

>she's been a shithead to a lot of people over the the years

>> No.38746108

Austin group, VR char girl, ASMR group based off YT that swapped to Twitch when YT started clamping down, LA Anime Shitters/fleshies, and others. There's a big reason people bring up her coattail riding.

>> No.38746660

Yes cause she knows how to be entertaining with reactions.

>> No.38746677

Sorry, when I said examples I meant proof not just vague posting

>> No.38747899

Yeah but I have to take breaks from her sometimes. She's way too high energy for a 22 year old boomer like me.

>> No.38748078

>stuck at 5k
Literally surpasses every female niji and a good amount of holos

>> No.38750211

Where are the Filian lewds?

>> No.38751196

Fuck off Rob, nobody cares about your 3D strip club.

>> No.38751573

5k is her at her most buff anon
even the lowest niji can get 8-10k easily on very buff content

>> No.38751636

If anything this makes me like her more. They say you should judge a man by his enemies.

>> No.38751964

She recently beat up Andrew Tate, which made a lot of people unhappy and was widely regarded as a bad decision.
Not really interested in playing the fuckfuck game with buff numbers. I just do averages and Filian's average is better than most nijiens average

>> No.38752095

having a 10k ceiling with a low floor is much better than low ceiling of 5k with a high floor anon since the 10k one means you have room for growth.

>> No.38752706

No it isn't. A 3k CCV streamer is bigger than a 1k CCV streamer, no matter how much of this magical potential you think they are hiding under their mattress.
Why would you even think that it's a good thing that there are tons of people who check you out, but you're not able to retain them as viewers for your core content?

>> No.38752914

>A 3k CCV streamer is bigger than a 1k CCV streamer
and a 40k event stream is a lot bigger than a 5k event stream if we are talking about very buff content.
Having bigger ceilings will always be much better since those look more appetizing to sponsors and people who want to collaborate with you which is where a lot of your money comes from.

>> No.38753158

>Again, she's just not super well liked by a decent portion of the EN VTubers
she's collabed with bao and nihmune recently, two huge indies. Pissing off 2views and vrchatters don't matter anymore

>> No.38753456
File: 2.27 MB, 640x640, filian.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's good. Not sure how long she can keep up her current content.

>> No.38753690

We're talking about mental age here anon

>> No.38754785

her only real "enemies" are groomergator orbiters who hate her because she gets more views than all of them combined, Camila started getting big recently and those retards started hatting her as well. VR chatter circle is literally a crab bucket.
Most of the indie Vtubers like Filian and those she collabed with are good friends with her. she also gets along very well with melody and silver from vshojo.
she also has collab coming up with phase connect.
OTK are good friends with her and do collabs often.
all this posting about her decline is retarded. she is about to hit 500k followers on twitch and 1.5mil on YT.
