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File: 465 KB, 640x640, Noir_Vesper_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38634982 No.38634982 [Reply] [Original]

>*calls manager a nigger*

>> No.38635034


>> No.38635077

You know Vesper got the pass right?

>> No.38635081


>> No.38635943

>Nigger chimps out
More news at 11

>> No.38636345

i dont think he's black

>> No.38636729 [DELETED] 

He isn't.
You fags need to open your fucking ears like chinks need to open their fucking eyes. Also get a clue: what nigger has the same whiteman hobbies he does? None.
>nigger sees mountain climber: hurrr whys theys yppo be doin stuff like dat? Aw hell nah i's not be doin stupid that shit *proceeds to get shot by cops because they're a semi-sapient stupid nog that cannot exist outside inner cities
Vesper isn't an urban ape.
>he sounds black
says anyone who hasn't had the misfortune of dealing with these subhumans
Go on yt and listen to them holy shit

>> No.38636765

calm down homobeggar

>> No.38636793

>He isn't.

>> No.38636856

Woah calm it with the racism sister. What would your fellow redditors say if they saw this?

>> No.38636913

I know you ledditors love niggers so much you want everyone to be one but not this time, sorry.

>> No.38637017

>Homobeggars against reddit
>Bees against honey

>> No.38639417

Holy Fucking Based.

>> No.38639899

I don't think he's black because he goes camping, I have never seen a black man camping and not be the first to die

>> No.38640157

How long until he confesses the location of Ina's corpse?

>> No.38642470

Would love even more if it turns out he's black.

>> No.38642497

What's the the twitch screenshot I always see posted?
Did he genuinely btfo trannies too, or is that fake/ out of context?

>> No.38642554

What happened to like the 7 active threads calling him based go?

>> No.38643596

There is one other mountain man that knows, and he fears the speed and reach of the hunting spear.

>> No.38643622


>> No.38643677

Sure, whatever, but we need to know if his immolated dick ever recovered from accidentally being stuck in a McDonalds fryer during a bit gone tragically awry.


>> No.38643723

>Nowa is deathflag-baiting to keep Ina alive because he knows she can't die until he does

>> No.38646206


>> No.38646424

He's too based and too smart to be black.
Why do you want him to be black in the first place? Are you a mutt?

>> No.38646591

>the american wants to project blackness onto everything
Well yeah anon of course hes a mutt, Vesper being based AND white just doesn't add up to them.

>> No.38646894

one must die, who shall it be?

>> No.38646962

>Being this retarded

>> No.38647413

that's not true, he called him a "double nigger"

>> No.38647440


>> No.38647665

I feel sorry for the Vesties that thought he was a cool daddy figure but it turns out he's just an old guy with deep rooted anger problems.

>> No.38647687


>> No.38648943

What seems to be the problem homobeggar-chama?
Upset someone called out one of yours?

>> No.38649835

He was given a second chance because he has the pass

>> No.38649854

who gave it to him?

>> No.38649917

All niggers have a pass dumbass

>> No.38649919

I'd bet he said "that's fucking bullshit" to a manager, I can practically hear him say it

>> No.38651527

he is black, so it is okay

>> No.38651933

he is literally white but ok faggot

>> No.38652561

Well maybe the low vod views come from nijisisters spam reporting them?
If they bot views they might spam reports. ANd the songs end up not getting into recommended. Just a thought

>> No.38652807

Is this the newest homocope?

>> No.38653014

sorry, meant to post this in hlgg

>> No.38653060

Is this the newest holocope then?

>> No.38653114

i got an exclusive clip on what he did

>> No.38653448

Skin not dark enough
Can't be him

>> No.38653553

>global is still upset Vesper didn’t get canned and all they can do is call their fans reddit

>> No.38653647

What?! The global is correct for once?!
I guess even the broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.38654016

sorry meant to say nijien

>> No.38654186

>cool daddy figure
>an old guy with deep rooted anger problems
What's the difference?
t. father with anger issues

>> No.38654306

You don't understand. This is what vesties have always wanted. Simps and incels are two sides of the same coin and most Tempus fans come from a slice of hololive fans who want to believe that men are just better for no reason and glorify the boys shittier behavior.

>> No.38663434


>> No.38665492

Nijisisters are now based for helping to keep these faggots from ever appearing in my recommended?

Jk lol. Already have them unrecommended.

>> No.38665675

Isn't he black?

Can't he just claim his handlers called him racial terms like "boy".

>> No.38665851
File: 36 KB, 474x484, Kratos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worked in IT.
>Hypotized to be from Salt Lake City or somewhere around.
>Had an awful father.
>His stream reveals he literally an autistic.

>> No.38669868

how many times will you samefag in this thread asking if he's black?

>> No.38671395

Good. Fuck managers. Should have gotten his perms.

>> No.38671401

>keeps clashing with omegatroon
>suspended for buying a boar hunting spear and threatening to do omega's reassignment surgery himself

>> No.38671404

Not really? not a vesties but him having some temper problem probably makes him even more relatable.

>> No.38671531

Adding onto the camping. He fished out a brick of coke and his first instinct was to call the cops

>> No.38671534

Probably its something like "I HAVE WORKED LONGER THAN YOU, YOU FUCKING INCOMPETENT", and someone reported HR on him

>> No.38671640

Righteous fury != temper problem. Vesper is busting his ass making the company money, least they can do is not be shit.

>> No.38671806

It’s out of context, talking about twitch transcoding

Captcha: PP8NH2

>> No.38672086

Vesper will never get permission to fuck Gura live on stream.

>> No.38672199

I once had a black coworker tell me "I don't know why you white people would want to go out in the middle of nowhere and be miserable" after saying I was going on a camping vacation. But this is almost definitely an inner city culture kind of thing.

>> No.38672505
File: 344 KB, 750x730, 1659727099269933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diapertantrumchads keep winning

>> No.38672781

he called the cops, he cant be a nigger

>> No.38672943


>> No.38673091

his manager is japanese, so he called him a yellow monkey instead.

>> No.38675371

requesting art of Nowa with a dunce hat, pacifier and diaper sitting on the naughty step

>> No.38677655


>> No.38678687

He should have not apologized, he was in the right here.

>> No.38678887

He doesn't have a white american accent, though. He's definitely a black American nerd.

>> No.38679498

>muh accent
he sounds completely white to me
besides all his hobbies and even the way he talks sounds like a normal caucasian dude.
you're just like one of those people in the 50s who thought elvis was black. retard.

>> No.38681251

You're a partially deaf autist or an extreme aspy with normal hearing

>> No.38681261

People really think Cover would hire a black guy?

>> No.38681301

>he doesn't know

>> No.38681543

i guess you dont spend much time around people

>> No.38681650

His brother wears a cowboy hat and apparently his brother is pretty popular so he can't be black.
The only black people that wear cowboy hats are gay.

>> No.38681834
File: 78 KB, 600x480, 1574890486116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38683824

Its not a White American Accent because he is from New York (the way he mimicked his mom on the comeback stream and him alluding to the Papaya King Restaurant in the latest Magni stream) he purposely puts on a Mid-Atlantic style accent, likely because the NY accent would make him less appealing.

>> No.38685368

I'm from NY. New York accents don't exist. I've lived around the country, everyone says "wow you have no accent." It's because it doesn't exist. Only Italians have a "NY accent" because it's literally just an Italian trash accent. Vesper's roommate sounds exactly the same as he does now too.

>> No.38685557

ok so what the fuck is that accent he does 2 minutes in

>> No.38685692

It's a stereotyped joke, he didn't slip into his "native tongue." Actually listen to his roommate maybe.

>> No.38685697

Faggot that was my first post in this thread.

>> No.38686035

>buys a spear for next time
