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38600523 No.38600523 [Reply] [Original]

The only Hololive member with a spine

>> No.38600629

You just know he said something everyone wanted to say. Like asking their manager "So you going to actually do some work at some point or you just gonna keep taking my money for nothing?"

>> No.38600650

There’s very little difference between bravery and foolishness.

>> No.38600739

No-mark m*le gets uppity and you all fall over each other to praise him. For shame /vt/, for shame.

>> No.38600772

>Get suspended for calling out management
>CEO apologizes on main

>> No.38600779

you misspelled spear

>> No.38600888

Wish more talents would do this but instead they just ghost everyone like Ina and Gura and nothing ever gets done kek

>> No.38600912
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>> No.38601385

But also a horribly burned dick, from when he accidentally dipped it in a McDonalds fryer as part of a bit gone horribly awry. Did he address if it’s fully recovered now that he’s back?

>> No.38601869

There are plenty of talents that do. Suisei, Marine, and Polka are all examples of chubas who have no problem getting shit done, and they manage it without getting their asses suspended.

>> No.38601937

Who is friends with her manager and a bunch of staff who clearly actually do their job

>> No.38602080

There's no way he makes it to the one year mark. He's way too independent minded for Asian corporate culture.

>> No.38602133

The only Hololive member to have such fits of rage to have been suspended bue to misbehaviour.
It seems like English isn't your thing either, because YAGOO never apologized for anything.

>> No.38602139


>> No.38602188

He's just gotta turn Superchats back on and then rank in the cash. It'll take time but he'll break his manager into not even trying anymore. It has worked in the past.

>> No.38602200

I'm sorry, he didn't apologize, he actually naked dogeza'd in fear of his white man energy

>> No.38602296

>the only idiot who got himself banned

>> No.38602356

>has a rapier
Someone's gonna have to edit it out of his art.

>> No.38602360

The male that stands out gets hammered down

>> No.38602362

I can't be the only person who reads it like a superior sarcastically chiding an underling? As in he's looking forward to work with Vesper now that he's towed the line.

>> No.38602479
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>Be an archer
>have swords

>> No.38602486
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Didn't flare go through like 5 managers before finding one she was satisfied with? God why would anyone want to be a manger of her

>> No.38602532

>>38602479 (me)
Meant for >>38602356

>> No.38602538

>Hololive member

>> No.38602544

You homo beggars worshipping him really show that you all never held an actual job in your lives. Spregging out during a meeting at your colleagues will probably get you fired at most places regardless of you being in the right or nah. Yet you all worship him like the patron saint of neet

>> No.38602626

He did what any of us who've held "actual jobs" want to do. That's why he gets respect.
Sometimes a supervisor just needs to be told to quit his bullshit, even if it results in you getting fired.

>> No.38602684

>Hololive member
No he is a broken buck now, the process was overseen by Yagoo himself and that tweet was a reminder not to step out of line again.
>Looking forward to working with you more!
He probably shivered when he saw that.

>> No.38602688

yeah, if having a spine means being a fully grown adult that acts like a child.
hes pathetic

>> No.38602696

uhmmmm.... like any other job, money?

>> No.38602773

LMAO, you never worked a day in your fucking life. if bitching and crying and making a fool of yourself is what you consider standing up to bs youre retarded

>> No.38602813

>Can't accept her model
>Can't accept being cool instead of cute
>Can't accept her manager
She's a walking dysmorphia, may as well have had a complete reincarnation, coffee elf is wasted as a concept on her. Don't even like her new costume it's at complete odds with her character design.

>> No.38602855

>I lost my temper, it's my biggest problem
>now I bought an ANCIENT WEAPON OF WAR to make myself feel better
His manager is going to get fucking killed

>> No.38602869

Stop posting like he did some bad ass shit. I like the guy, but it's likely he tried to make a change to policy and got slapped because he's an autist and forgot he's the fucking new guy and thought he could pressure management like he is in some westoid tech company. If he was smart or less autistic, he'd have gone to a Stars friendly senior that can help with the language barrier, and asked for some help taking his issues up the chain. For all that people hate Pink Woman for, she'd likely have helped him out. Or at least stopped him from tardraging and getting B&. He's literally a self admitted oldfag, he should know better and be held to a higher standard.
Glad to have him back though.

>> No.38602938

he will never be a hololive member

>> No.38602952

>not having spine to call out bad leadership when it needs to be called out
>being scared of getting fired
Kek, confirmed for being a low skill wagie that any company can easily replace

>> No.38602958

Cover management has always been incompetent. It was an open secret that is even more open.

>> No.38602977

>once more he's arguing about things that have only happened in his imagination
You're gonna end up in a mental institution again if you keep this up.

>> No.38603005

nah, you're just spineless faggot

>> No.38603176

I'm surprised Ina has never chewed out a manager. Doesn't she also have a temper problem?

>> No.38603226 [DELETED] 

The open secret is that for left wing retard, all the superior are incompetent as a cope to justify why the more than enought misery you are paid should be increased, when in fact you shouldn't even get half of it and be thankfull to have a fucking job to pay your antidepressors.

>> No.38603283

If she did, it has been kept under wraps. I don't think she'd be very confrontational though but what do I know.

>> No.38603405

>t. (You)
Let me borrow your car incompetent mannie

>> No.38604115

Are you the "Gura wet the bed" rrat pusher?

>> No.38604762

Unicorns on suicide watch

>> No.38605145

Cover shills always try to blame the talents but there have been way too many radio silent breaks with holoEN members even before Vesper got suspended. This is a management problem and it has become noticeably worse this year.

>> No.38605350

>parents asking him if he's married at Thanksgiving
Uhhh, rratbros? I thought he was supposed to be married with children

>> No.38605846

If /vt/ is to be believed, Vesper is black, white, straight and gay.

>> No.38606275
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Do you really not understand why people would rally behind someone telling their boss to go fuck themselves?

>> No.38606383

>It's a management problem that nobody has the spine to say anything
Going radio silent if you have a problem doesn't solve the problem, if you even have a life.

>> No.38611361

yeah basically corporate line

>> No.38612031

You never worked in construction before? People yell and get angry all the time. Unless you get into blows, you ain't gonna be fired.

>> No.38613092

well, it's probably his first time experiencing jap corpo autism.

>> No.38614400
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Sana said that IRyS has a spine

>> No.38614839

>All the Cover shills defending the management's stupidity
How much do they pay you guys?

>> No.38615197

Who said anything about the holoEN talents choosing to go radio silent? I would guess that there has been at least a dozen private suspensions in the EN branch this year. That most of Myth were missing from the Halloween collab and Among Us HoloEN collab would indicate that there something going on behind the scenes.

>> No.38615762

>The only Hololive member with a spine
>He comes back with his tail between his legs bowing to everyone
Sure thing kek

>> No.38615896

He called his chink manager a nigger because his manager is doing niggerly behaviour.


>> No.38616307

>tail between his legs bowing to everyone
Admitting you fucked up, but not asking for forgiveness is something very few amerilards or europoors know how to do. Most of these will either completely lick boot or risk termination to "be a chad"

>> No.38616391


>> No.38616517

look who's talking pussy boy

>> No.38616558

Your boss must've walked all over you.

>> No.38616749

who tf is this castle-vania looking mfer

>> No.38616819

>throwing a temper tantrum is based
its hard being an ojisan in a zoomer hobby

>> No.38617303

>fuck you janny
Yeah he's based

>> No.38618241

The Varg Vikernes of Vtubing

>> No.38618561
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>> No.38622136

Many righteous people got imprisoned as well.

>> No.38622163

Many Spearmen have backup weapon when enemy is far too close

>> No.38622227

None of them use spine, they use live2d, newfag

>> No.38622233

Lemme guess, you're the first guy who got called to fill empty shifts during your off day and said yes when your boss tell you you need to work unpaid ot for 2 hours everyday.

>> No.38622254

You keep saying broken broken
You're just in closet gay who like to break men

>> No.38622284

And yet he's the biggest earner in his group

>> No.38622522

he literally said he was a wizard on stream

>> No.38622599

the worthless white women manager finally gets axed. Win
or he graduates also a Win
a Win Win outcome
only can double Win hard with if they both get fired.

>> No.38622783

Yeah it took a lot of guts to rape that girl like he did
