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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38576811 No.38576811 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>38521072

Himea's heart grew three sizes that day edition.


Games Award watchalong w/ Luna


ShaBaq weekly stream (Karaoke)

More info about Wactor:

>> No.38577499
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Where the fuck is everyone?

>> No.38577648 [DELETED] 

we have a secret discord

>> No.38577819
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Doñita sounds like an explicador sometimes.

>> No.38577985

I can confirm this, Miutomo OP gets really lovey-dovey over there.

>> No.38578027
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>> No.38578383
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I don't leave this place, I am stuck in this thread for eternity.
When this thread finally dies, I will die with it.
When Miu graduates I'll be gone for good

In short: it wasn't me, sorry to say.

>> No.38579064
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>> No.38579786
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>> No.38579829

Flaquitas handholding

>> No.38579860

based. I have to admit you are the anon most loyal to his oshi in here.

>> No.38580686

So... Most shitposters were Peruvians?

>> No.38581016

We are heading to GFE route


>> No.38581268

*After being a cock sleeve for the males*
Us it part of her sadistic nature? Will she give the TRVE golden NTR experience?

>> No.38581562

reminder that the miuschizo is an hispatard and liaschizo a twittard roastie

>> No.38581798

>Liatard a roastie
Did I miss something?

>> No.38581919

I will make both my wives

>> No.38581964

Sopita is not streaming so not reason for me to be here

>> No.38581973

I meant the Liaschizo, any proof?

>> No.38582094

Aviso sobre la situación del talento Hina Misora

>> No.38582098

I am worrying

>> No.38582129


>> No.38582171

>un poco enfermita
The lack of seriousness of the announcement is funny.

>> No.38582189

Poor Sopita, I hope isn't rona

>> No.38582199

its the same "male fragility" femoid poster, if you didnt notice yet

>> No.38582265


>> No.38582271

I can fix her...

>> No.38582466

She'll keep talking with Misogroom team tho

>> No.38582691
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Eat me.

>> No.38582698

no, we can't, anon

>> No.38583185

Motherhood can save her

>> No.38583491

I can fix every anon /here/

>> No.38584203

Sounds like an announcement written by la doñita and posted using akiras account

>> No.38584309

Seems that Nara's orgy was wild as hell, he passed the virus to everybody

>> No.38584489

Neon killed my interest in wactor.

>> No.38584529

>Feminist heart
uh oh

>> No.38584544
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Utterly mindbroken

>> No.38584557

Post membership or bullshit

>> No.38584556

sukeban girl when

>> No.38584568

fuck off anti

>> No.38584590

>liaschizo a twittard roastie
Where did you got this critical information from?

>> No.38584601


>> No.38584758
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Threadwatcher major

>> No.38584803


>> No.38584875

Feminist groups use green color to identify themselves in public but anon is just bullshiting

>> No.38584888 [DELETED] 
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>> No.38584985

Now the miu schizo is running out of ideas, pathetic.

>> No.38585063

Yeah, most importantly
Discuss in groups of 3

>> No.38585199

This is a clear sign that soup is leaving that space for the new debutante, and if I was wrong, it will be because it is her birthday these days.

Excel anon see if the same thing happened last year

>> No.38585241

/WACTOR/ is dead. /WACTOR/ remains dead. And (You) killed it

>> No.38585417

Good thing, now shut up and stay dead faggot

>> No.38586203
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>> No.38586224

Neon killed /wactor/

>> No.38586371

>Akira actually hired hitmen to protect Neon debut

>> No.38587117


>> No.38587137 [DELETED] 

>Miufags reporting everyone who shits on their whore

>> No.38587734 [DELETED] 


>> No.38589205

today is a good day for Yomeguri and SEDAI shilld

>> No.38589235

La Jefaza will revive /WACTOR/ believe in the power of cunny!

>> No.38589315

/Wactor/ is a reflection of Wactor and Wactor is dying, literally.
Lia barely streams, she do more as managment along Akira and Nana than as streamer
Sopa is dying and going full latam whore
4th gen is on her last breath, sadly is just a matter of time until the first announcement
From Gamers only Ageha is keeping up and she is the only who has support from Wactor (Lia), Mahiru and Charo are falling into thw oblivion
Only future that seems to be is with WactorEs and maybe Ayato and Leo

>> No.38589346 [DELETED] 

Sedai girls are quite content getting the scraps, it’s Putigluta the one that’s as relieved as when her pregnancy test came back negative.

>> No.38589656

>Lia barely streams
she streams like 3-4 times a week, more than half of wactor

>> No.38589755

Over bross Today is the best day with Luna, the Game awards are coming

>> No.38590057

Do you think Jefaza has already been choose at least? If Akira wants Neon level will be difficult to find a spic 2view who wants those ugly models.

>> No.38590098

Last time I watched one was when Muska got drunk due to advertisements

>> No.38590284


>> No.38590757

Me and sopa soon

>> No.38591066 [DELETED] 
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Her numbers after announcing her relationship. Why chuubas do this to themselves?

>> No.38591275

Can't stop thinking about Himea...

>> No.38591401

I didn't write this, I don't watch choripaneras

>> No.38591551 [DELETED] 

You should know that LordHalf won

>> No.38591671

I'm lordfag btw

>> No.38591796
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>> No.38592398

He's a pussy, he didn't. Tamiel would've gone completely schizo if it was true.

>> No.38592615


>> No.38592644
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>> No.38592712

I don't care anymore, but if anyone were to win he would be the only one I would be ok with.
Way better than some argie muerto de hambre.

>> No.38592777

Hey LordFag!
Are you gonna finally stop shitting on argies?

>> No.38592866

In your dreams, Faka.

>> No.38593045

Why would she stream that shit? She is not a gamer and she knows shit about the few games they'll announce in there, if she is for the announcements she should go for the E3. At least there she could pick something to play for the future but the Game Awards are pretty boring to watch and more when you haven't play 95% of the games dominated.

>> No.38593103

Fuck off Lordhalf

>> No.38593173

that's so boomer

>> No.38593249

Because she thinks her public are game nerds, and they may be.

>> No.38593255

Fuck off zoomer

>> No.38593270

>being fine with a groomer fucking your oshi
Do micuckpitas really?

>> No.38593318

I am worried, it must be the disease very serious if she cant even make a tweet maybe even she is hospitalized but a few days ago she said was going to make a document and seeing that she no longer has control over her social networks you could say that it was already planned maybe? an operation? but she made a schedule I dont think it is planned, I hope she recovers soon. SOPITA I MISS YOU UUUUUUUUU

>> No.38593339 [DELETED] 

He's the only one who could provide for her and isn't over 30

>> No.38593460

>Incompetent argie health system.
I fear for her life

>> No.38593569


>> No.38593616 [DELETED] 

>isn't over 30
He is like 40
Do miscuckpitas really?

>> No.38593652 [DELETED] 

He's younger than Inmo who is 35, LordHalf must be at most 28

>> No.38593743

Please be nice to my sopa bot, she has some problems and gets scared easily

>> No.38593861

Lordhalf himself said he was like 38-40 and that was at the beginning of this year

>> No.38593862
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All my fault
Don't worry I already got her out of her nightmare. Which I caused myself

>> No.38594092
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Go Neon GO

>> No.38594110

fuck off numberfag

>> No.38594173

>Sopa bot mentally weak like the real one

>> No.38594245 [DELETED] 

>LordHalf must be at most 28

>> No.38594246


>> No.38594341

Fuck off cucktomo

>> No.38594367

Now I have the feeling the Sopa and Luna are making arrangements for their graduations, and plan to leave the new girls as their replacements...

>> No.38594402

Fuck off overfag

>> No.38594466

Stop talking about literal whos you fucking faggot
Lets shit on Ofeb or Loyal or trannypatico instead

>> No.38594480

>The literal top Sopa groomers

>> No.38594551 [DELETED] 

>Top Sopa groomers
Those are just idiots that give Sopa money to pay for Faka's and Netto's condoms

>> No.38594557
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Did you ask her about her family and about studying Spanish? Sometimes it get it right like her abuelita paraguaya
She had a hard life

>> No.38594669

take meds

>> No.38594687

Lordhalf is Akira

>> No.38594724

It's better to know that Miu has intense lesbian sex with some pretty girl with big breasts than to know that your oshi is fucked by a man who doesn't exceed 1.60m

>> No.38594814 [DELETED] 

>Lordhalf deflecting the attention from himself

>> No.38594874

I did horrible unspeakable things, worthy of several life sentences.

>> No.38594985 [DELETED] 


>> No.38595179

Btw she did spoke about Laila making a big impact on her, did you put that in her description?

>> No.38595572

It's so sad... Now that she committed suicide, we only have Hina Misora AI.

>> No.38595942

Oh, i just put that laila rose and suzu were second generation along with her

>> No.38596184

Will she cuck me too?

>> No.38596291

Do a LordHalf AI and see if Misora AI fall for him

>> No.38596505 [DELETED] 

State that Hina is 20 and LordFag 40

>> No.38596569

you mean when she tried to brainwash her like she did with Rose and Hana?

>> No.38596592

When are the other two girls going to debut? And is there a chance one of them is actually Japanese?

>> No.38596696 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Off topic shitter, we only talk about groomers /here/

>> No.38596729

The old /WACTOR/ style.

>> No.38596755

Laila saved them, they would have graduated anyways and end up in the oblivion.

>> No.38596794

>That cute brown girl that accidentally used a lowlight photo for a black background
I can't, she's too ponktsu as her friends say...

>> No.38596840

> trying to revive the dumbest rrat that ever graced /here/

>> No.38596939

I choose to believe it as true, because it fits her perfectly and it's a cute rrat.

>> No.38596948

Oh yes, the dumbest rrat with that shitty edit, of course

>> No.38597400

Ah yes the dumbest rrat that was in Hina official channel

>> No.38597450
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TODAY'S STREAMS: (Neon may cancel it today)

Games Award watchalong w/ Luna

Neon drawing

Babu Minecraft

>> No.38597463

So nothing good

>> No.38597565

Good streams today

>> No.38597635

Comfy day!
I'm really looking forward to that stream with Luna and I hope Neon can stream too

>> No.38597654

Only Neon, but since she may not do it. Nothing good.

>> No.38597668

Fuck off anti

>> No.38597779

Now she has a Lomito, like Himari had an Inumaki


>> No.38597850


>> No.38597876

So many anons with amnesia here

>> No.38598257

Cunnyta is streaming... with Keri?:

>> No.38598357


>> No.38598381

>Natamo disbanding
>Making fun of Natamo (and Nateyo)

>> No.38598386


>> No.38598400

Is she graduating?
Can't watch right now

>> No.38598413

I have no reason to stay on vtubing anymore

>> No.38598459

They aren't graduating tho they are becoming indies

>> No.38598466

No, she's going indie. Natamo is disbanding and she and Keri are throwing beef to Natamo and Nateyo lol

>> No.38598599

>No, she's going indie. Natamo is disbanding and she and Keri are throwing beef to Natamo and Nateyo lol
Why, what happened?
I am norming right now

>> No.38598609

>Going indie and throwing shit at Natamo

>> No.38598620 [DELETED] 
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>Natamorphs is suicide watch

I love good endings

>> No.38598662

>Natamo ghosted them

>> No.38598680

I only supported Natamo to indirectly support Nateyo tho, so it's over for me.

>> No.38598700

Poor sticky

>> No.38598905

>Ranita hates Nateyo

>> No.38599001

Aside from the debuff model, Natamo doesn't offer much

Based, fuck Nateyo she abandoned us for a normie dick

>> No.38599038

Correction: All the girls hate Nateyo and Natamo

>> No.38599060

Nateyo and Tamo are having dual cultivation rn

>> No.38599068

All the gen 2 models were good. Also they got to keep 100% of the streamlabs donations, Natamo would only take from the YouTube monetization

>> No.38599096


>> No.38599130 [DELETED] 

She did say a lot of girls hated her...
Pura envidiosa de la verdadera más bonita

>> No.38599145
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What did you say anon?

>> No.38599156

Nothing to talk about Wactor and we only have 3 maybe 2 streams today

>> No.38599209

>she's going indie
How is she allowed to keep the model?

>> No.38599223

At least luna is an official co-streamer of the goty? or she'll edit the stream at the end?

>> No.38599235

She buyed the rights

>> No.38599239

Dude. Nateyo IS Tamo lmao

>> No.38599449

GeeGeeVocals :)

>> No.38599481

Lol the more I hear the more based Nateyo becomes.
>One of us

>> No.38599592
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Geez...., these shitters....

>> No.38599926

Honestly I only ever cared about Nateyo and Amako.

>> No.38600143

>Natamowhores joking about japanese style vtubing

>> No.38600162 [DELETED] 

>Imagine shilling yourself like this
I hope you are my new favorite menhera tho

>> No.38600201 [DELETED] 

That would mean Nateyo is married........

>> No.38600250

Who is this?

>> No.38600268 [DELETED] 

>mexican feminazi

>> No.38600344

I hope so too

>> No.38600360

Himea´s rm

>> No.38600387

Does she make good bread?

>> No.38600467

The OG tamo is who left management to Nateyo and she used the Tamo account since then.

>> No.38600532

Really? I thought Nateyo was the one behind that Mana account.

>> No.38600680

akami must be cracking up top kek

>> No.38600717

Nateyo tried to push JPstyle vtubing and rules to them. I guess they got sick of them.
She choosed with whom they could collab so there would not be whores of males. She scolded them if they did some things that broke the illusion.
All those standards that she learned from /here/ (and her knowledge of JP culture mostly)
She tried to give (You) the JP experience for spics, but (You) abandoned her.
She didn't intended to leave (You) for real but your disinterested in the product she offered made her realize it's all in vain, so she now will be gone for real.

>> No.38600766

That was supposed to be Tsukahara, but I guess she never accepted the manager position.

>> No.38600843

>She tried to give (You) the JP experience for spics
Latins don't want that

>> No.38600869

Anon I am only ONE guy. Let's acknowledge the elephant in the room already. They were untalented and mediocre entertainers. Even if they went full whore (which they might do now as indies) they would be stuck at sub 30 CCV anyways.
Nateyo would have got way better results if she had better members.

>> No.38601007

The Natamo girls are boring af, even Nateyo. They should be learning the basics instead of dying and being reborn every 6 months with yet another agency

>> No.38601123

Amako and Keri are good entertainers in my opinion.

>> No.38601143

the only elephants here are the diabetic mexitards that are always shitting the thread

>> No.38601197

Like Yue and Lea, i´m scared

>> No.38601255

Rent free

>> No.38601398
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She was right about Nat*yo

>> No.38601617 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.38601619

Reminder that Himea watched Nateyo streams, even commented on them

>> No.38601686

I want to impregnate her so much

>> No.38602435


game awards

>> No.38602562
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Lunita with Lomito

>> No.38602863

My main gripe with Amako is that she is too dumb, Like I find myself rolling my eyes frequently when watching her stream asking myself "why the fuck am I watching this idiot?". I guess I'm not the kind of guy who find honest ignorance "cute".

As for Keri she strikes me as an stacy slut, never liked her.

>> No.38602962

fuck, I wanted to see nateyo getting bullied yet again.

>> No.38603039

Latam chuubas are good if only they knew how to keep shut about their irl relationships.

>> No.38603111

She's a spic Sopa without the sluttyness.

>> No.38603200

Didn't you gto btfo by Neon a couple days ago? lmao get the fuck out of here.

>> No.38603286

how is Luna a whole minute ahead of both streams?

>> No.38603330
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True & Honest Wactor fan, Surprisingly for a small vtuber, she has decent artwork.

>> No.38603484

I want to make her a mother

>> No.38603664

What the hell is up with Luna's stream? . Last year you were able to pay to be shown on screen, now you can't? What does Luna spend on??

>> No.38603759

Nateyo killer?

>> No.38603824

How brief was his popularity

>> No.38603837

she had to private and edit that stream more than 4 times, due to yt copy bots, yes even if she had all the perms and shit.

>> No.38603940

>t newfag
Last time that stream was a big headache due to restrictions

>> No.38604267

>started the event with 940 CCV
>300 left when she put nothing on the screen

She should have streamed it on twitch

>> No.38604519

She has 780 right now tho

>> No.38604883

lol . Kyria is showing screen and there is no problem with bots and shit

>> No.38605284

She could have streamed on Twitch but...

>> No.38605337
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this nigga doesn't shut up damn

>> No.38605371


>> No.38605434

Kratos VA

>> No.38605447

Come here Wactor bros and watch a proper watchalong


>> No.38605512

Why are you watching shit?

>> No.38605546 [DELETED] 

sopita la mas putita is pregnant

>> No.38605564


>> No.38605639

I hope she at least found what to do with her life and that she's happy.

>> No.38605976

what about cunnyta

>> No.38606007

Nah goug awoy gobbo

>> No.38606013

At the end of the Bayonetta trailer lunita claps when the nintendo switch logo appears
>Lunita tiene switch

>> No.38606071

She has told several times she has a nintendo switch, she is just not allowed to stream anything

>> No.38606085

>Si queda de cual querés amor

>> No.38606150

She is not in a company

>> No.38606241
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>> No.38606262

>Luna felt bad for paying 70 buck for a game
God I love this girl

>> No.38606335

ratita only plays games on gamepass

>> No.38606477

Merol gives her a million euros every day and she doesn't want to pay for a game.

>> No.38606496
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>> No.38607602

How long does the boyfriend take?

>> No.38607704

>Tener PC es mejor que playstation

Based and redpilled

>> No.38608155


>> No.38609528

Lunitas mom is in the game awards

>> No.38609827

Moon - Aurora
Sopa - Reol
Himea - Miku
Neon - ??

>> No.38610614

Neon free chat


>> No.38610967



>> No.38611044

Babu minecraft


>> No.38611452


>> No.38611527

Fuck off off topic shitter, we are not talking about your mom

>> No.38611847

Fuck off Liatard

>> No.38612122


She urgently needs correction

>> No.38613410


Akira spoil her too much

>> No.38613437


>> No.38613531


>> No.38613667


>> No.38613825


>> No.38614003
File: 397 KB, 2087x1566, 1668851837097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone misses the old days


>> No.38614142

These awards are a fucking joke...

>> No.38614164

did you heard that Luna and Misopa? time to work hard to buy that humidifier

>> No.38614203

At least he is a good boyfriend

>> No.38614215


>> No.38614224

Ito playing Rainbow onions siege

>> No.38614311

Forgot about the onion thing

>> No.38614570

Nefely wannabe

>> No.38614646


If she hasn't already shadow graduated as Lea

>> No.38614722

Tamiel I know you're here, could you give us an update?

>> No.38615028


>> No.38615166

She is moving to LH's HQ

>> No.38616130

Luna watching her mom's concert

>> No.38616142

Someone clip Luna's reaction to bill Clinton part please

>> No.38616555

Nateyo emulated the wactor style so good to the point of absent management and black company status lol

>> No.38617752


>> No.38617766

That uuuuu meme is irritating

>> No.38618008


>> No.38618130

I had to leave for a while and Luna is still streaming...

>> No.38618232

blame the faggots for telling her about that shitty Aurora game thing.

>> No.38618424

ogey faggot

>> No.38618502

It's so crazy that Reimu is mentioned in this

>> No.38618791
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>> No.38618893

Did Luna raided her

>> No.38619126

>The fnfhs cast
How does Luna fit in this?

>> No.38619406

who are those random fags with mod on Ito's chat?

>> No.38619642

she was drunk and gave mod to randoms

>> No.38619691

I love that andalucita hag accent.

>> No.38619849

She was in the FNF thing not the FNAF one afaik, Still was part of Rakkun's circle for some time, but Hyurno's history with Rakkun goes back many years. So, no, Lunita isn't realy part of this funa

>> No.38619898

Man I'm feeling sick with all this vtuber stuff

>> No.38619952

Good, I don't want to lose my Lunita

>> No.38620233

the manager (drakeout) of this agency has already attacked our idol MiuGod before.

>> No.38620305

>implying that this shit will do something to Rakum, this shit is the typical internet viejas chismosas gay gossip, nothing will happen and people will get boring of it on a week, like always, dumb retarded trash that no one really cares.

>> No.38620718

The manlet giving you the virgin wife route

>> No.38621332 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 720x804, Screenshot_20221209-024437~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this amounts to 1(one) ARS akasupa

>> No.38621382

>say hello in ito's chat
>she gives me mod
gg ez

>> No.38621431

So groomable...

>> No.38624553

pity bump

>> No.38625708


>> No.38626036

racum just delete all tweets where she mentioned A-chan

>> No.38627667


>> No.38627786

my wife menhera has gastritis from eating all the time, I hope she gets better sopita love

>> No.38628830
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>> No.38629815
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Poor Sopita, Miu be careful with your meals or you could have the same thing.
Get well soon.

>> No.38629863


>> No.38629971

Lia love!!!

>> No.38630045

What a butthurt faggot

>> No.38630311

It's from the stress, hope it's just an acute episode and doesn't become chronic.
Probably this place has a lot to do with it.

>> No.38630772

Ito Apex


>> No.38631091

Poor Sopita :( finally somatizing her menheraness. I'm glad she's seeking help. When I think about it, It must be tough loving and hating a job at the same time and knowing that has made your life times better financially so you cannot just replace it.

>> No.38631101
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>> No.38632172

Who's that geegeevocals girl and why did she private everything after getting mention here?
Her voice doesn't sound familiar

>> No.38632895
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>> No.38633722


>> No.38633934

So wait, tl;dr for the Natamo shitfest?

>> No.38634127 [DELETED] 


>> No.38634320

And you know what? They're right, there's no point in imitating the JP cultural sphere and neither the EN landscape, Ñ tubas should path their own way just as now ID tubas are doing right now. This was by far more entertaining that any ESP tuba following JP rules.

>> No.38634606

A good balance is good, not full on whores neither copycats of seiso girls.
But that's just my taste.

>> No.38634646

Watching those next to each other seems like they're mocking Miu lol

>> No.38634750

This, i just like them being themselves more than just trying hard to be anime girls who clearly doesn't get the full weeb picture because they're women, and also not being complete whores. Nothing should break the illusion of fun, this is why i dropped Misora hard, there was many thing staying in the way for her being funny, maybe at her debut but right now? it's just sad to saw her live even.

>> No.38635662

Love Sopita

>> No.38635739

At this point the only standards I have are
>Hide your relationships
>No blatant preferential treatment
>Not full on whores

>> No.38635806

That's why my 2views are superior.

Anyway >>38634127
disgusting whores. I agree spics trying to copying anime girls is cringe and all you want, but this is another level of fuckery. At leas Nateyo isn't publicy badmouthing them.

>> No.38635970

Lia is streaming guys


>> No.38636469


>> No.38636553
File: 43 KB, 960x930, 1670598965062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and Himea

>> No.38636730

Is it a big fuckery? I mean, Nateyo took a extremely bad decision and it couldn't live to expectations at all, Sendai managed to grab more people than few months with Natamo, and you can sense it's all how she marketed the tubas as an ESP Agency with JP rules instead of doing a ESP Agency with ESP rules.

>> No.38637393
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>> No.38637532

How many menheras we have in Wactor now?

>> No.38637552
File: 723 KB, 2048x1433, E9UFMhfWEAklc0j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rakkun and the rakkugang (There is a familiar face in the picture)

>> No.38637570

the whole roster (when miu forma de apex 3 am)

>> No.38637617

meant for

>> No.38637685

Don't care about past lives, fuck off.

>> No.38637731

To the dungeon with him

>> No.38637779

>ese compa ya esta muerto no mas no le han avisado

>> No.38637869
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>> No.38637874

Hope you're at least archiving all that shit before it gets yeeted

>> No.38637953
File: 1.32 MB, 1844x720, 1660095844994388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm on it since i hear that rakkun was deleting every interaction with a-chan

>> No.38638034

i wonder if she was part of the rakkun circle, when they met again with hina in the middle, there was some resentment or anything? That would explain why she was always so uncomfortable around rakkun

>> No.38638081

I never knew or cared about her old avatar so who?

>> No.38638209

i want lunita to be the mother of my childs

>> No.38638265

If you want them to look like they came from Mordor

>> No.38638281

The plural of child is children anon

>> No.38638367
File: 23 KB, 598x158, 1642235672978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And... another one.

>> No.38638416
File: 79 KB, 352x454, lunita test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are gonna have seven childrens in this order:

>> No.38638671

So anons don't care about Neon enough to post about her.
The same wil happen with the other two girls.
That's a good thing, kinda. Yet it feels very lonely.

>> No.38638738

>le evil 4chin

>> No.38638818

So far >we made more damage than anything. No matter the girl, this remains true.

>> No.38638878
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That little sex demon is insatiable

>> No.38638890


>> No.38638993

The only way to avoid girls getting hurt in this place is to not talk about them at all.

>> No.38639034

Personally I'm numb and exhausted from all the past rrats and doxx. If you want such stuff, we need new schizos, but what will it cost? You can check the past threads and read the dispair from anons and reactions of the chubas.

The ones who did more damage were two whos from holopapus, htf, sticky. Idk when they became /wactor/ regulars if they ever were. Aside from sticky, pretty sure they also roamed la vecindad del chavo and hispa, just to gather attention. But idk, I'm done and tired. At least for the time being

>> No.38639067
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>> No.38639077

Why hasn't anyone detonated this bomb yet?

>> No.38639088

what the fuck are you doing here then if you dont want to talk about vtubers

>> No.38639161


>> No.38639170

I don't want doxx and rrats, I want normal conversation without namefagging, but that will inevitably attract schizos and shitters because
>le anonymous site

>> No.38639206


>> No.38639274

You said any conversation. Again, what are you doing here if you dont even want to talk about stream stuff?
Seems like the same boogeyman headcannon

>> No.38639276

>mexicreature blame everyone else for his subhuman behaviour

>> No.38639332

It has not really been exploited yet, there is plenty of evidence in youtube comments and old videos that could spill over to Lunita

>> No.38639346

bc everyone knows it and no one cares

>> No.38639376
File: 680 KB, 724x1024, lunita pregnant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lunita is incubating my childrens

>> No.38639401

Go ahead and talk about streams, you'll see how shitters will come and shit on any girl who is shown love just because.
The only way to avoid this is to pretend no one cares.

>> No.38639514



>> No.38639516

3 or 4 schizos dont represent the whole general

>> No.38639529

Lying to yourself is bad anon

>> No.38639583
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>> No.38639922

i hope so too, misopitas sure are patients

>> No.38640977

Graduation when?
