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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38498276 No.38498276 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus christ, this has to be the worst debut song in history, even ILUNA's is more tolerable. The lyrics are an incomprehensible mess, and singing is flat and unenergetic, and the mixing atrocious. The backing track isn't bad, but the lyrics don't blend with it at all.

I can't even see how anyone could manage to Karaoke this. Does anyone think differently?


>> No.38498370

Ok fantano, it’s just marketing music calm down

>> No.38498479


>> No.38498532 [DELETED] 
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>> No.38498599

Lol, sure sure, but at least most of the other Niji gen songs are catchy or listenable in some way. This one is just hot garbage.

>> No.38498794

This is just zoomer nigger music with heavy auto-tune all over the song. I guess it is impossible to find 6 people who can sing good enough in a wave but at least spend some resource to train them a little bit ffs.

>> No.38498846

boohoo nigga

>> No.38498878

I doubt it could be worse than Iluna and hearing Kyo's autotone robot voice thrown in out of nowhere

>> No.38498917

This is what people said about the ILuna song. At this point the debut new gens so that you forget the bad stuff about the old ones. I still haven't listened to the ILuna debut song, except for the snippet they played at the beginning of the debuts

>> No.38498981

Kyo's was by far the best part of LGIT

>> No.38498987

I feel bad for whatever producer has to listen to and fix the garbage raw takes the talents send in. Hearing the same terribly sung lines for hours at a time would drive most men insane

>> No.38499308

Meloco and Kotoka kinda hard carried the song and Zaion was okay. The dudes were heavily autotuned tho. Management will shill the song as a ad to pump views so it is what it is.

>> No.38499393

Sounds like a lot of potential, but the mixing is really terrible, an amateur like me can notice it.

>> No.38499460

I held it down alright... the volume ALL THE WAY DOWN

>> No.38501223

I'll wait until Enna or someone else who knows what they're doing sing it to evaluate it properly, 5 of these fucks can't sing for shit.

>> No.38501471

it's horrible but definitely not worse than iluna's, no.

>> No.38504535

Gyaru's voice sounds pretty nice, especially the part around 2:50. Rest of them, sadly doesn't seem like singing focused vtubers.

>> No.38505322

Why do they keep hiring ESLs for the English branch?

>> No.38505500

Only kotoka was decent.

>> No.38505705

The only ESL in Myth is the one that is actually working, perhaps that is why people hire ESLs

>> No.38506626


>> No.38506746

Millie with her Philippines fans make more money than the entire Ethyria member combined. niji know the market is not EN anymore. it's Nijisanji ASIA in disguise. they know they can't make a branch on CN for safety measures

>> No.38508994

LGIS vocals were also pretty trash, but at least it has a catchy beat and chorus. This one is just a mess all around.

>> No.38512669

Its ok

>> No.38512802

they really are the most powerful race in the world...

>> No.38512930

Should've done that from the start and put ex-IDs there
