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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38490890 No.38490890 [Reply] [Original]

>Y-you wouldn’t abandon me just because Gura-chan started streaming again, r-right boobuds- I mean, chumbros- I mean, boobros?

>> No.38490971

she already had 1k views while Gura streamed, with her paypigs watching her instead of Gura.

Gura needs to worry, not Yuko, Yuko is better.

>> No.38491089

You don't have to worry about Gura. Animal abuse on the other hand...

>> No.38491224

Who? I’m just waiting on Rindo.

>> No.38491278

but an ad shlomo

>> No.38492018

you cant even write your low quality bait properly kek

>> No.38492597


>> No.38492773


>> No.38493537

>suck pippas ass
fuck that bitch.

>> No.38493545

this goes more like
>hey boobros wait for me so we can watch gura together

>> No.38493563

animal abuser

>> No.38494428

Then why the fuck do you stream in her timesleot?

>> No.38494587


>> No.38497023


>> No.38497349

neglected her bird, stopped eating/drinking, picked his feathers. went with the cage outside and left it open or how she said it "he somehow got out of the cage". Stuck chopsticks up an dogs ass.

>> No.38497415

she was an autistic ADHD child who couldn't handle animals well at all
she obviously feels bad/embarrassed about it now based on how she started acting

>> No.38497611

I haven't watched her much, but if she sells herself trying to be Gura's shadow then she'll just be second choice whenever Gura streams, and worse than that if people try to pretend that she's Gura they'll just get upset and leave whenever she does or says something that Gura wouldn't do.
Also I like Fuyo more.

>> No.38497926
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>subscribed to both and picks what stream to watch based on how interesting it looks
Tribalists don't want you to have this much power.

>> No.38497956

Well I don't watch Gura so why would I do that?

>> No.38497957

How old are we talking? Nothingburger if she was anything less than a teenager, if anything her parents fucked up.

>> No.38498106

Multiple times she killed of animals or abused animals, without giving a single fuck - like leaving goldfish (in plastic bag) in hot bus.
Or the time she absolutely neglected bird that she wanted to play LoL.
Or the time she stuck fucking chopstick in dog's ass.
Her family is either as retarded as she is or she's just fucked up.

She didn't feel bad about it, she felt bad about chat reactions (and manager). She never was sorry about what she did to dog, she said she was sad because her siblings didn't find it funny.

>> No.38498166

I am not too fond of Jews.

>> No.38498217

>Gains viewers while Gura is streaming
Something tells me people finally compare Gura to another talent, and found retard shark severely lacking

>> No.38498249

Today I checked her out and she was telling stories about how when she was younger she was killing animals so I noped out.

>> No.38500079


>> No.38500194

was bad enought for her to take it down

>> No.38500328

/k/ommando abuses animals?
What a shock!

>> No.38500380

wow she already has an anti that watches all her streams so they can hate on her all day and make constant bait threads
she really is the next Gura

>> No.38500398

I remember when that twitchthot threw a cat and people got in a hissy fit. Yurei drove her bird to madness, presumably boiled a pet fish alive by leaving it in a hot vehicle, and stuck chopsticks up a dog's ass.

>> No.38500420

Who cares about animals wkwkwk

>> No.38500734

Don't worry, babe. I watch both of you. Fortunately, I have time to spare.

>> No.38503939

Ikr, she should've stuck chopsticks on her siblings ass it would've been funnier kek

>> No.38504096

if she was 6, every single part of it is the parent's fault
if she was 16, that's animal abuse and she's probably a fledgling psychopath or Chinese

>> No.38504146

kek, show me gura schedule.

>> No.38504256

least powerful chumbie showing off, holy shit

>> No.38505598

She was playing LoL in the story about her bird so i doubt she was 6.

>> No.38505661

>asian has no regard for animals
We really need more white women
>but they fuck dogs

>> No.38506973

>she shoved a chopstick in dog ass when she was 7
Redditors go back

>> No.38508309

>Adult gave her cat vodka, threw a cat live on stream and likely also mistreat it off-stream.
>Adult telling a story that you did something inappropriate and stupid as a kid and immediately regretted it.
I am shocked that it is not global news already.

>> No.38512544

You think it's fucking normal?

>> No.38513805

Kids mistreating animals? Yes, it’s normal, faggot hippie.

>> No.38514236

She's gonna make it on her own. She's really good at streaming.

>> No.38514291

certified mutt moment
no wonder your women fuck dogs

>> No.38514368

you will never be japanese, sorry buddy

>> No.38514444

Don't have to be Japanese to know that abusing animals at an age where you can play League of Legends is not normal. Mutt.

>> No.38514504

I’m not even american. Kids do stupid shit all the time. Animal lovers are subhumans.

>> No.38514635

She also said she broke the leg of a baby horse. Honestly if she washes out of being a vtuber she's probably going to start making those monkey torture videos.

>> No.38514662


>> No.38514697

Where are you from so I can send you a bunch of videos of your women doing unspeakable things with animals. Latino? Lol. Asian? Jeeze, the AV industry used to allow that stuff. Black? LOL.

>> No.38514753

The latest stream was a major turnoff. I expected her to last a little longer before revealing how much of a menhera she is.

>> No.38514841
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>No more /jidf/
Idol is ded.

>> No.38514858

A pattern of animal abuse and torture is one of the signs of a future serial killer.

>> No.38514964

I need to post my ANAL SEX WITH RIN and RIN WANGY WANGY pasta.

>> No.38514967

I want yuko to kill me.

>> No.38514999
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Me too, me too..

>> No.38515037
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Trips speak the truth!

>> No.38515090

>Niggers and chinks defending animal abuse ITT
Bet you newfags would be ok with what happened to Dusty.

>> No.38515141

Good you goddam hippy

>> No.38515177

GET IN HERE >>38514957

>> No.38515194

I don't care lol

>> No.38515204
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>> No.38515242

She was better as bread.

>> No.38515597

Fuck dogs.

>> No.38515689

you sound like a tranny

>> No.38516888

You're cute, but Gura comes first. Shame you got her exact same timeslot.

>> No.38517013

Uhh i watched her yesterday and she had like 400 viewers, unarchived karaoke is a mega buff, because you have to watch it then or else miss it entirely, not as big of a flex as you seem to think

>> No.38517397
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I'm glad she filtered all the chumbabies with that guerrilla stream. Small corpo chuubas are for the people that like the most mentally unstable menheras, holobronies should go back to enjoying their disney-like, advertiser-friendly content.

>> No.38517718

No it's not. Ignoring the retarded incel animal abusing trash in here that thinks abuse is funny, it's perfectly normal behavior of a child to do this kind of thing when their parents don't properly teach them. Children aren't born with a perfect moral compass, they acquire it as they grow up. If their parents don't teach them the value of an animal's life early on, they need to learn it as they do these things and receive a fitting punishment that teaches them not to do it.
That doesn't mean they're growing up to become serial killers just because they abused an animal when they were little. It's about the age you do this kind of thing at and how your caretakers / parents handle it.

>> No.38517773

Why should i give her a chance?

>> No.38518259
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Because she's funny and cute, and cute and funny.

>> No.38518274

She had 400 with overlap of juna, after Juna ended she had 700, it depends what she streams also. she Had 900 playing Minecraft while Gura streamed

>> No.38518315


>> No.38518439

This fucking slut I hate her so much I want to kill her fucking bitch. Seriously. This ghost intentionally streamed something unarchived over the gura time slot just to steal her least loyal viewers because she’s a talentless fucking bitch that has to steal from gura. I fucking guarantee it. I’m going to kill this fucking kite myself.

>> No.38518529

KEK, chumcuck cant handle that his buddies leaving to watch the better Gura

>> No.38518630

You’re lying she never said anything remotely close.

>> No.38519798

Of course parents are to blame, they are even more retarded than her. But you can't tell me it's acceptable to abuse multiple animals while being told it's bad multiple times.

I'm not saying she's a psychopath, I'm just saying she did fucked up things. And retards have their brains rotten enough to say that's cool.

>> No.38519836

Uh literally retarded. Growing up to not abuse animals has very little to do with how you’re raised, because in humans genetic v. environment has an influence on human behaviour around 80-20% or rather, environmental effects are always present, but they only explain 20% of the difference in a persons behaviour, which is predictively valid, not to mention our twin studies. It also sounds like a lot but isn’t if you look at things like height, which is only being affected more by the environment than your inheritance if you’re malnourished or otherwise suffering from an obvious adverse condition or in the case of mental qualities, abuse.

Secondly, while it’s true children are more susceptible to influence and their environment at a young age, with genetics not explaining or predicting much about their behaviour and less the younger they are, there’s no reason to believe she was abused. Even according to your own clown world logic, there’s really no reason to say her having parents that didn’t teach her to respect animals would lead to her abusing them as a child. Your logic totally fucks up your own conclusion dude.
To reiterate, it’s obvious some children aren’t taught to respect animals and DO. There are lots of young children who adore, love and respect animals, and they don’t need to be taught to. It’s obviously not random, but even if it was taught by parents, in her case, it would still be true that her parents not teaching her to respect animals, doesn’t mean they taught her to disrespect or abuse them. If that’s what she did without any particular influence one way or the other that’s weird.

Thirdly, speaking of weird, she was a child or possibly a teen at the time, but either way, it is abusive, and it’s something no young adult or child normally does, especially to dogs. Normal humans can bond to dogs, specifically dogs neuro chemically in a way that is similar to how parents bond neuro chemically to their newborn children. So even if she was a child, a child doing something that will very obviously hurt the dog, is worrying, because it isn’t totally dissimilar to a child deciding to hurt and injure their sibling or parent on a whim. Young children are capable of forming bonds that disclude harmful behaviour with their family, and so not bonding with a dog in a similar way is a sure sign of a potential serial killer.

Anyways, there should be no ‘learning’ experience because it shouldn’t happen to begin with. I’ve seen young kids take random swipes at work animals before and never do it again because of the backlash, but keep in mind, that even then, those are almost always the kids with some kind of behavioural condition. Like one kid who tried to kick a working dog, and missed, he never abused an animal again after that but had very mild behavioural issues with neurological roots that became more obvious as he aged. So definitely not normal. Abusing animals is always a sign of a maladapted child either behaviourally and unlikely to repeat, or psychologically and likely to repeat in a pattern. In ghost girl we see the latter not the former, and I would argue shoving chopsticks up a dogs ass is no simple spur of the moment swipe with a foot caused by the onset of behavioural conditions and maladapted thought processes. Yeah?

>> No.38520435

>those are almost always the kids with some kind of behavioural condition
This is exactly my experience as well and regarding genetics I was born supernice and caring to animals. I have always been the faggot that has problems killing insects because I (still to this day) rather catch and release them. I was (and still am) the autistic motherfucker that always hangs out with the cat or dog (if they want to) in the corner or another room when going to another persons place

>> No.38521403

She said she tried to ride it and broke it's leg. And then she tried to play it off with a jokey "I didn't do it on purpose that would be weird haha".

Best of luck with the monkey torture videos. It's a niche community and you're a little late to start but I believe in you.

>> No.38522087

If that is true, it's one of the biggest red flags I've ever seen on a chuuba, holy shit. I'm guessing that was the latest vod that got privated?

>> No.38522134

I wish a 7 year old would anally violate me

>> No.38522468

Anon, a 7 years old wouldn't necessary know shoving a chopstick in dog ass will hurt them. Also "shoving" might be just slightly pushing the stick in the outside of the ass.

As a kid I used to do dumb shit like that all the time with no intention to hurt anything. In her stories, no story had clear motive of hurting the animals.

You're probably just a psychopath who projects his fucked brain onto Yuko

>> No.38522620


>> No.38522659

Depends on how old she was at the time and how she feels about it now. Hard to tell without watching the vod...

>> No.38522671

I don't know, I've never hurt an animal. She has hurt an abnormal amount of animals. It seems to be more a general lack of caring rather than anything else.

I watched it again and it wasn't as bad as I thought. Kind of. Rainbow Six Seige 1:08:00 or just turn on transcripts and ctrl+f horse. She probably needs to stop sharing these stories.

>> No.38522744

Based, fuck this animal abusing jewstress and Guracord trannies.

>> No.38522956


>> No.38523064

Is she Jewish?

>> No.38523249

>I don't know, I've never hurt an animal
I have, as a kid, but it wasn't mamals or birds and there's no way I would talk about this shit on stream.

>> No.38523257


>> No.38523306

If you never hurt an animal accidently you probably never had social life or interacted with animals.

a first grade forgetting his pet fish in a bus isnt hurting intentionally, a child holding a baby bird and accidently squeezing it too hard isnt killing it intentionally, especially if she cried and felt bad after that.

just because she was a clueless child and played with animals often, which sometimes ended up badly doesnt mean she intended to abuse the animals.

A kid kicking a dog or a kid stabbing a cat is animal abuse, no story of hers contained her wanting to hurt an animal.

She said she hates this story and was embarrassed to tell it. She said she was 6-7 years old.

>> No.38523367

No. Shes not Jewish, her PL is known.

>> No.38523373

Please do not forget that Pekora has a monkey.

>> No.38523472

I've had animals all my life. I've never broken an animals bone or caused the death of an animal and neither have any of my siblings. It's almost like you read one word of my post and then sperged out.

>> No.38523520

What about this one?

>> No.38523713

well I have, and yet I take care of parrots, a cat an two dogs with love and care.

she said she was like 9-10 at that story, doesn't sound too far fetched for a kid that age to play League.

Also no kid should be left to take care of parrots alone, this is 100% her parents fault. The parrot sounded sick as fuck, and its clear her parents didnt give a damn.

>> No.38524434

Hates and embarrassed because of social backlash or because she feels bad for what happened. It's like the difference between saying you're sorry and showing that you're sorry.
There are sociopathic people or people with those tendencies that have learned to adjust so her being more well adjusted now isn't all too weird, but it wouldn't change the fact if she is a sociopath or psycho path of some sort.

>> No.38524568

Well unlike Gura the ghost streams.

>> No.38524618


>> No.38524640

This, I think we are getting away from the real issue at hand.

>> No.38524690

she wouldnt tell the story if she was afraid of social backlash or didn't feel bad that she did it.

Not Jewish

>> No.38525177

But Jew adjacent

>> No.38526101

>neglects and kills pets and animals
the absolute state of booshills

>> No.38527332

She didn't say any age she isn't stupid. Vague shit like the story with the goldfish that she took home from school but nothing more.

>> No.38527789
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>> No.38527975

Jew-ish you could say
