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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38467011 No.38467011 [Reply] [Original]

>a good chunk of ENs MIA while other corpos are releasing new talents left and right
Hololive is lagging behind hard. We need EN3 NOW.

>> No.38467346

I unironically agree with this. They need to release a new girl wave or Niji is going to dominate the market's consciousness into the new year

>> No.38467374

Take the Idolpill, Phasepill, or indiepill, Holofag. The GFE and lack of males are waiting for you.

>> No.38467415

Idolcorp is a good competitor for Nijisanji right now. You're right about Hololive's brand dying though.

>> No.38467434

the bloom is off the rose

>> No.38467682

Complacency of being the top dog will be the death of hololive and it wont be a fast death it will be slow and grim death like Disney

>> No.38467717

spam more threads attacking the people you want to shill your shitty companies to, that definitely works

>> No.38467879

>fuck all of you holobronies haha youre all shit and dying
>by the way please watch my [irrelevant 2view] please please im being paid bellow minimum wage to shill please please


>> No.38467923

They havent found enough women that don't suck dicks left and right.

>> No.38467998

Why are you in such a rush for more girls who won't stream?

>> No.38468039

more cute euro girls please

>> No.38468107
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>> No.38469076

At least I have my small corpos.

>> No.38469244

There are already too fucking many, how many hours a day do you have to watch vtubers?!

>> No.38469286

>We need EN3 NOW
I don't mind new gens at all but.. Do you guys not have an oshi to support and watch or something? What's with the constant begging for a new gen?

>> No.38469330

We don't. EN3 is probably being announced at holofest.

>> No.38469358

you've heard of crypto tokens right? new releases at this point are the same

>> No.38469412

no no nijikek, enjoy your rushed flop LMAO

>> No.38469487
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I don't care. Good luck though.

>> No.38469561

Do we? I thought the point was acceleration bad, besides vtubers are reclining all around so maybe debuting more isnt such a great idea

>> No.38469713

your first mistake is thinking that most fags here watch vtubers when they're mostly threadniggers and clipfags. your second mistake is thinking that most retards in /vt/ is dedicated enough to understand oshi culture when most of them are just looking for the next new shiny thing to jump on and jerk off at the thought of their tribe winning against the other

>> No.38471008

There's acceleration bad and then there's debuting only 11 talents in a span of 26 months.

>> No.38471486
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I don't need anymore Chuubas, I just need the current ones to stream regularly.
Little shit in pic related.

>> No.38471713

YAGOO knows you dont interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake

>> No.38472803

Then he should do something after Tempiss. Or maybe you're implying he is his own enemy.

>> No.38473102

The process of hiring talent isn't as easy as you think.

>> No.38473162


>> No.38473165

They can't properly support the girls they have as it is.

>JP anniversaries and birthdays are constantly being moved/delayed because 3D studios are booked solid.
>EN and ID getting the shaft constantly

Why add more girls to the problem? What they really need to do is expand their capabilities before adding even more talent.

>> No.38473270

>Open auditions
>Hire the people who auditioned who have the highest pre-existing sub count
this is all EN management does lol

>> No.38473413


>> No.38473531

pretty much this looks like the only recourse for holoEN dropping the ball.

NijiEN is not a route you'd want to support or encourage the others to follow and Iluna sinking like a damn stone is proof that propping up normalfags and forced co-ed everything is, fortunately, not actually what much of the vtuber audience really-really wants. they want cute girls, doing cute things, fuck all the other bullshit. no males, no identity politics etc.

>> No.38473570

Fire all the EN branches except keep Gura and buy Kawaii as the replacements

>> No.38473632

I dunno, if gems like Sana are what they can come up with their hiring process isn't as good as you think either.

This is the problem, it's very-high odds EN3 will be excruciatingly disappointing after all this time. If it's full of basic bitches who don't give a shit about Holo and just accepted the offer in kneejerk regardless of if they belong there, that will seal EN's fate really.

>> No.38473761

mental illness

>> No.38473959

Wrong company.

>> No.38474160

It already is - I see more normies talk about Nijisanji on twitter than Hololive nowadays. Hololive feels stagnant - same vtubers, same games, looped endlessly. Niji feels fresher, despite having worse talent

>> No.38474233

twitter engagement seems to be a really fucking bad indicator of who actually shows up to streams however.

turns out normalfags who spend 90% of their off time socializing don't actually consistently tune into streams for hours and hours on the daily. business is darwinian and it's unsurprisingly the NEETs and otaku and hikkis who can consistently engage the content day after day, month after month etc.

>> No.38474258

Who cares
>same games, looped endlessly
If there's something to complain about, its this.

>> No.38474309

You mean the people that get 10k likes on their tweets yet cant even get 500 viewers on their streams?

>> No.38474420

yet jp and id can scout good talents most of the time. but i do think myth didnt get enough support given how big they were

>> No.38474529

also, I bet HoloEN management is flummoxed at this or at least was at some point because they must have been told by JP headquarters that twitter correlates very strongly to what people really want and really will watch and such. So, management seems to listen to twitter possibly above everyone else, even reddit.

The big thing JP management doesn't get is that twitter in Japan is extremely thoroughly used by otaku and is ubiquitous there as being the dork's haven, but it has almost the fucking total opposite connotations in the West. Did nobody teach JP uppers that Western twitter is complete riajuu territory, full of people who would love to offer an opinion but not actually participate because the idea of sitting down to watch hours of vtubers every day is cringe to them in the end anyway? no? someone better catch them up.

>> No.38474776

>"h-heh, q-quality over quanti..."
>So, where's the quality then?

>> No.38474885

HoloEN has been getting less sponsorships than NijiEN now. You think this engagement doesn't matter, but between this engagement in other media + disposable income that matters for a lot of these sponsors (SCs are a decent measure of this) there's a reason it's been working and they keep doing it.
What are these schizo ramblings? Twitter is their second most used SNS and Twitter's second largest market in the world.

>> No.38475090

Anon... being willing to suck homo dick is gonna be the key selection criteria for any future HoloEN girl, as the geniuses at EN management want to further their integration push to make HoloEN more indistinguishable from NijiEN, they'll make sure that no idol-minded girl will ever get in again and every future talent is down with the thottery

>> No.38475097

you clearly do not fucking understand how otaku use twitter in Japan and how large their market is. every mangaka, writer, artist including doujinshi, every industry dude is on there, they use it as an art and resources repository just as much as they do to talk. every NEET and hikki is an avid twitter user there and let me tell you, it's not to follow tweets about kanye west or the kardashians, all that shit is totally invisible and irrelevant to them - it's to follow the dudes posting tons of loli porn and whatever thoughts come in their heads. Japanese otaku twitter is a hugely-established force there, and this really does not exist or cross over similarly in the West whatsoever.

>> No.38475438

>and this really does not exist or cross over similarly in the West whatsoever.
Almost every otaku in this fucking side of the globe are on twitter, or on discord/reddit/facebook and other communities that are filled with twitter reposts. Leave this fucking website for a second and look at reality, I'm not telling you to touch grass, just too look outside of this shithole for a proper perspective.
Maybe you don't even need to do that, this board is filled with twitter shit and you're just blind, dumb or larping.

>> No.38480002

let it go

>> No.38481436

Wrong. We need the current EN to implode on itself. We need Cover jp to understand what went wrong, replace the EN leadership and set ground rules. Then and only then from fertile ground can a beautiful new EN3 bloom from.

>> No.38481859

He realized talent pool dried up long time ago and only shitty ones left to hire in EN, yagoo simply let niji takeover a dying village filled with diseases while hoping tazumi realizes his mistake
HoloEN3 is only good if they somehow pulls off a suisei but not gonna happen, the good indies wants to keep their model

>> No.38482031

>Let other corpos implode
>Grab the talents which are worthwhile

>> No.38482181

As a nijifag, there is a lot to admire about hololive.
1) No mix-gender. This is something I really wish we had.
2) The promotion is actually competent. In Nijisanji the management has no idea how the fuck to promote the vtubers and is often just throwing shit at the wall.
3) The seiso-idol atmosphere. It's admirable, although obviously not my thing.

Now the big drawbacks.
-- The talents are really lazy
-- Management is really controlling
-- There isn't a very good social atmosphere
-- Spamming the same games over and over to maximize numbers
-- fanbase seems incredibly toxic, from an outsider perspective

There is a lot to admire, it's superior in a lot of ways.
But seriously. Debut some more talents, get some more content going. Maybe make some changes to make the social environment better, different managers, a bit more freedom in game-choices and less pressure for numbers. That's just what I would do.

>> No.38482247

>as a nijifag
You mean ex-holobrony. Go back.

>> No.38482303

You aren't a nijifag, you are a holofag who began watching shit with EN and only watch them, otherwise you wouldn't be against mixed

>> No.38482341

How delusional is the average retard here? Half this shit isn't even reality.

>> No.38482533

>otherwise you wouldn't be against mixed

>> No.38482661

not even holofags but nijifanbase are the most toxic ive known so far, i mean replying to one of their male talent to lick their dick after a belt photo, till the talent felt so disgusted and even change his own rules, the fuck is happening with your fanbase seriously

>> No.38482746

>nepotism hire that made the auditioning for that company seem pointless deterring new applicants from applying to them in the future.
>New wave after the last wave crashed in viewership just 2 weeks after debut. Somehow these ones will be better than Iluna even though those were the "best" choices at the time.
Is there a reason to be worried because I'm seeing it based on there track record?

>> No.38482864
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>lack of males
They're all whores with bfs you fucking shill

>> No.38483066

Needs correction

>> No.38483080

Don't worry bro Tempus will bring a new insane amount of viewers to a new type of market that will save Holo EN.....any day now...they just need 10 more months after that you can have EN3

>> No.38483112

>EN and ID getting the shaft constantly
Based, fuck them hos

>> No.38483228

that should be obvious

>> No.38483321

Shut the fuck up retarded troon

>> No.38483355

concession accepted

>> No.38483457

>and only shitty ones left to hire in EN
Because Sana was the best thing they could find for Council, right? Also they'll never find a Suisei-like talent. Their biggest chance was with the Vsinger or EN2, for the former they got IRyS but ended up treating her like a slave who doesn't even know when her songs will come out and had to wait almost an entire year to get a redesign, and for the latter they didn't get a single girl who's actually dedicated to music, probably because they didn't want to deal with the possibility of any of them overshadowing the actual Vsinger who they only gave a little over a month to establish herself. But hey, they can't debut a EN3 so soon because it'll fuck with Tempus' growth and they definitely deserve a whole year to prove that they're barely a bigger succes than their JP senpai.

>> No.38483471

most of the vox fanbase are freeload incels, but thanks god that most of sc are came from chink that genuinely support

>> No.38483734

Quality vs quantity, my friend. We don't need to be pumping out ten gens a month like NijiEN just to stay relevant.

>> No.38483739

We need real girls, fck this virtual bullshit

>> No.38483785

You need to go back

>> No.38483838

Are you lost? 95% of vtuber watchers can't get real girls.

>> No.38483874

wheres the quality?

>> No.38484002

you already have t3mpus, holobronies

>> No.38484108

EN are shackled by their weird need to make a schedule a week in advanced. They feel like they can't decide what to put on it so they just make up an excuse to take a break instead. If they just streamed whatever they felt like whenever they want instead of making a dumb fucking schedule they wouldn't be taking all these breaks.

>> No.38484120

>Too many ENs
>EN has less than 1/3 members of JP
>Almost half of them aren't based on NA time
>Half of them are on break at any given time
Without any new faces, they will continue fading away from public consciousness as Niji and small corpos fill the void, and eventually HoloEN will lose their grip on the market.

>> No.38484309

Refer to >>38471008 . Also almost half of the current members are either MIA or have highly inconsistent schedule, so it's rather questionable if there's even quality left.

>> No.38484487

Luxiem only exploded after their debuts. As long as Niji keeps releasing new waves, they have a nonzero chance of getting their next Luxiem.
Sana being a failure doesn't make the rest of Council failures, but they're already coasting by. If they won't pick up the slack, the only option left is getting new members, and hope that at least one of them will revitalize HoloEN.

>> No.38484666

Weakest part of holo EN is it all feels so corporate like this is obviously a job for them and they just go through the motions.

Collabs don't feel like friends bantering and enjoying themselves but a bunch of products trying to be entertaining.

As it stands people are just sticking around for brand recognition or a sunk cost fallacy with one of the girls

>> No.38484849

Only omegatroon wanted tempiss

>> No.38484851

Shotgunning out talents is never a good idea unless you goal is short term gains. Cover isn't that kind of company that is doing that, yet.

That said, I hope when they do release EN 3, they're held to a higher standard with better contracts that actually require a minimum level of streaming or they're fired.

>> No.38484933


Where does this "Cover lacks management" rrat come from?

Also, EN people are scattered all over the world. If they want to do better on the EN front, they need a head office and one of the requirements needs to be "You are willing to move near the head EN office."

>> No.38485336

How the fuck is releasing a new gen every year is shotgunning? It's been 16 months since Council and the chances of a December debut are almost 0, so the earliest they might come out is in January but it's stupidly likely that we'll only hear about them in March during the HoloFes. That would make an EN3 come out at least 19 to 20 months after Council, becoming the longest wait for a new Hololive gen after Holox and ID3's 15 months. How is that waiting time in any way acceptable? Not to mention how the open auditions started back in January, and I severely doubt any girl who isn't a HUGE fan of Hololive would wait for more than a year to get a reply from Cover and would just risk any of the other options, one of them being Nijisanji which is Hololive's direct competitor and more than willing to release 32 members in a little over a year.

>> No.38485457

what does quality even mean for you /vt/? what content do you want to see from hololive?

>> No.38485746

>Take the Idolpill
buy an ad shlomo

>> No.38485892

My Ina. I really miss her.....

>> No.38485897

Which is a failure of the talents. They should fake it if they don't like each other. Shit may be horrible behind the scenes, but they are entertainers and we all see the superchat revenue. If they get 1/4 of that they are making good money for their skills. I'm not even going to make the mistake of guessing at how the rest of their income breaks down. Moona basically shared her income when she talked about her new computer, and she gets far fewer SC.

>> No.38486126

I want my oshi to have more friends to play with.

>> No.38486237
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>what does quality even mean for you /vt/? what content do you want to see from hololive?

It's an interesting question, as most streams no matter the company are the same level of effort/tech/creativity.

Compared to many art forms, vtubing is the most conformist. Any attempt to be different fails or grows it's own fanbase so far away from the community it cannot really be called vtubing.

People say quality = quantity, but in youtube and streaming in general seems to be QUANTITY = QUALITY, the important part is to have a constant presence of the talent, even if the content is mediocre (see the most popular twitch streamers), because what people value is interaction and "presenciality".

By that word I mean that something is valuable because it's always there, like a family member, the news or your daily coffee, not necessarily for being innovative, or special or interesting. The media figured this long ago with newscasters or morning shows, they are not really parasocial as much as decoration for mental space.

So I propose vtuber is not longer broad enough, there should be a term for streamers who do daily but not innovative or interesting content, and those who don't do it too often but bring something more artistic or crafted.

>> No.38486320

>but bring something more artistic or crafted.
what does this mean?

>> No.38486385

/vt/ only really knows what they don't want to see.

>> No.38486766
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>what does this mean?
Well, as an example, Kaguya Luna.
She now makes videos only instead of streaming, they are hand drawn, voiced characters, telling stories and crafted jokes. As opposed to livestreamed spontaneous humor.

She has a character, a 3D model, sings, keeps in character along with voice acting. Her videos do super well. Yet almost no one would call her a vtuber since she doesn't stream gaming like most do. She pointed out from the start that the vtubing format is too limited, everyone does the same thing. And after being screwed by her company, she went to do things her own way.

Taking time to come up with stories, jokes, craft then, draw them, edit them. Instead of showing up to just talk everyday expecting clippable moments to occur randomly like most vtubers do.

>> No.38486917

so things like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9GMnDhjVXY
sounds more like a skill issue or laziness from others

>> No.38486994

>.they just need 10 more months
WHOA THERE! What with that accelerate? Its going to take them another two years before getting comfortable, only then you bring out a new gen.

>> No.38487052

Yeah, Mito is amazing and Niji won the lottery by debuting with her. But she is the exception that proves the rule. Even she mentioned she lives by the rule of trying to do things your own way and having faith in that instead of trying to follow the path others have followed to death already.

>> No.38487147

All the twitter interaction for nijiEN doesn't transfer over to actual viewers, it's actually crazy how some of these girls can barely get 400 CCV but get 10k retweets on their posts
NijiEN management completely fucked up when it came to marketing in the west

>> No.38487157

>Yet almost no one would call her a vtuber
meds please

>> No.38487210

I'm talking about P-Maru. Despite her success she is not really seen as a vtuber.

>> No.38487261

It's too late, HoloEN is finished

>> No.38487289

Haachama used to do stuff like that too but stopped after management bonked her multiple times. I miss 2020 Haachama.

>> No.38487295

>too many
Only Council and Kiara streams regularly

>> No.38487388

The good old days...

I can only hope the oversaturation of the market makes more vtubers go on new routes and try new formats and content.

>> No.38488813

16 months since council and 4 months since Tempus. I didn't before, but now I'm actually starting to believe they were supposed to be EN3. Insane to think they put so much commitment into such a big risk considering their audience.

>> No.38490272

Even if they're not EN3 proper they were still THE HoloproEN gen of 2022 whether you like it or not, which was an insane decision that catastrophically bit Cover in the ass. Even after their genuinely promising debut and early 2 months numbers wise now they're just competing with Roberu. Fucking Regus was literally the only Holopro member streaming like 2-3 hours ago and barely had 1.5k viewers, and even if it's unfair to compare Holostars with Hololive it's still fucking pathetic how they can't even get other people interested when they're the only ones streaming in English. I honestly hope Vesper comes back soon because if he leaves Tempus will be an even bigger laughing stock.

>> No.38490778

Tempus was en3
En4 won't be until June 2023

>> No.38491760

I think hololive fans have psyched themselves out so hard to be anti-Niji, that people will claim that it will be a good decision to launch EN3 in mid-2023.
Yeah, absolutely worth holding on to a potentially mediocre gen for nearly two years just to be not like the other guys.

>> No.38492787

And a reminder that these are the same people who were perfectly fine with Council debuting barely a month after IRyS.

>> No.38492855

this fucking dude thinks he is part of hololive. What a parasocial cunt lol

>> No.38493142

jews being jews doing jew things

>> No.38493637
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It's too late. They did nothing for too long, then prioritized a pointless male gen instead. Every decent girl has gone to another company at this point because they were tired of waiting.

Cover and Yagoo are incompetent.

>> No.38494382

He always looked like he's trying to swallow saltine crackers without a drink.

>> No.38498858

The west's "anime twitter" is like at least 50% casuals who literally do not watch anime and put pronouns and various lgbbqt flags in their profiles, who talk fucking loud but don't actually really-like the media so much as they really like appropriating it. the same types who would want to cancel like half the artists in Japan, etc. they don't even fucking know what the shows the random gifs they post come from and/or saw a like 5 min clip of yuruyuri and decided they "like" it without actually having watched it all, etc. fucking disgraces. Japanese 2d twitter is not like that at fucking all.

>> No.38499250

>Every decent girl has gone to another company at this point because they were tired of waiting
That's the problem with being too slow. You'd be an idiot to think these girls will just stay an indie and hope Holo EN opens up another five spots in a year, but they haven't for the girls this time around. These girls went to various corpos now and some have been helping grow their own communities within corpos. Cover has missed a bunch of people to all the other corpos.

>> No.38499836

People are mad because Hololive didn't give the golden ticket to their favorite 2view so they had to settle for a different company. Hololive gens will always be successful because of the brand. They need to get people who are dedicated and won't turn into slackers after a few months. Indy past lives don't matter.

>> No.38500487

The new "Should have clear goals set in their minds" requirement might help Cover shave off those who just want to get in for the easy money and coast by after a couple of months, but we'll see. Unfortunately Tempus doesn't look like they have a clear goal, even if they stream (or streamed) more than HoloEN in general, so who knows if that will actually affect the hiring process.

>> No.38500556

Kek, do holofags still believe this? Most of Iluna are literal who with baby sub count except for 1

>> No.38501105

At least HoloEN girls are just on hiatus, instead of hemorrhaging talent like the other corps.

>> No.38502763

Tempiss destroyed EN. Mission accomplished, omegatroon.

>> No.38502835

We already know that out of 30k auditions NijiEN only hired people with 100k subs and only hired them for their sub count, completely disregarding talent, passion for vtubing and everything else

>> No.38502963

they don't watch vtubers they're literal numberfags

>> No.38503030
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Shouldn't have suspended this autistic stream machine YAGOO

Captcha: X2SNTR

>> No.38503051

Aka the Sana clause. lmoa. We'll see about that really but there's two problems really -
a.) finding someone motivated to actually take advantage of the spotlight and rise to the occasion
b.) the above but also not just use the clout to funnel to roommate or be a rebel against le ebil idol culture

>> No.38503064

you should blame snowflakes of the EN management

>> No.38503281

Did I make this post?

>> No.38503810

They kinda managed to that with ID3 after both of the past gens were sorta relegated to be honorary ENs, but I can't for the life of me trust the EN management. I believe there are still quality, dedicated girls out there that would put the spotlight they would get with Hololive into good use, but it's likely that Cover would overlook them to hire whoever matches with Omega's 9-page backstory bullshit OCs do not steal™.

>> No.38506708

You are literally wrong

>> No.38507308

Japanese Elon Musk?

>everyone pretends hes an intellectual
>everyone pretends he invented vtubers (musk and rockets and electric cars)
>kills his own employers (tesla workers and rushia)
>is revealed to be a massive idiot when his company starts to fail (it never took off in the first place)

>> No.38509172

Gura is one of the faces of vtubing in the global sphere now right next to Ironmouse and CodeMiko, sure niji has known vtubers but ten years from now I doubt any nijis will show up in any sort of "history of vtubers" media. Don't get me wrong Gura and hololive don't deserve it but they were the big name when vtubing blew up on 2020 and 2021 and they'll keep that lasting remebrance

>> No.38509496

>Gura is one of the faces of vtubing in the global sphere now right next to Ironmouse and CodeMiko,
[citation needed]

>> No.38509738

Or they could just start fucking streaming again. They're probably busy getting ready for the 4th fes but still they could just stream or interact with their base for like just 1 hr a day

>> No.38510041

No matter how much you fags ask for this it still won't happen. They won't magically go back to having consistent schedules out of nowhere, and Cover won't fucking do anything to force them to stream, they won't beat them into shape and they won't threaten them with termination. Nothing will change unless there's a curve ball thrown into the current situation, even if there's a chance shit will remain the same even after 5 more girls are added to the equation. And no, Tempus doesn't count as a curve ball when half of the branch couldn't give less of a fuck about them and they already went to their Holostars hole like everyone expected it would happen.

>> No.38511191

Well, since its now December, it’s probably low chance for any new gen debuting, and even lesser chance if Super Expo is out next month. December is just super crowded with many people either celebrating birthday, or debuting. Gen 4 JP have debut anniversary end-of-the-year, and Pekora is next month.

Honestly, kinda agree that EN3 should be released soon. But at least CouncilRys will have 3D soon anyway so the tradition is not broken yet.

>> No.38511300

Yeah, they actually already have 2nd studio operating already but they just can’t keep up with demand. They are probably in process of opening 3rd and 4th studio but any result probably will need to wait until mid-2023 where they will also get fresh batch of newcomers.

>> No.38511579

Yeah, Kiara kinda laments the situation too. She blames all of them being all-over-the-world for them to come together

Also, its one of the reason why I really enjoy HoloID more. Its really like the best of both JP and EN, and the banters are vicious

>> No.38511702

Its not Cover lacks management. Its basically Cover is still overwhelmed with request. Alot of JP’s 3D celebration got moved around or delayed. My thinking is that Holostars and Uproar, basically adds additional 15 people to accomodate to get 3D celebration so its like almost 50 people sharing 2 3D studios. Yagoo already said that they had use the new round of fundings to make new studio, but clearly still not enough. Probably need to wait until 2023 to get 1 or 2 more studio

>> No.38511949

Rather than begging for EN3 why not just go and check out any of the other hundreds of EN vtubers out there? Or do they need the Hololive mark of approval first?

>> No.38511988

Basically make ID3, but EN.

Honestly, Tempus actually great choice but they are definitely not “to-the-moon” like Kobo. EN management are probably not sure on who to add here since so many people are probably super impatient. IRyS getting her model redesigned abit above 1 year in is actually pretty quick since they definitely will want 6 months of research first of whether they actually need model redesign. Looking at how some vtubers replying to Magni’s design, EN landscape definitely full of landmine.

>> No.38512200

And desu, this is why the Niji strategy of waves after waves can work to grow their company. Sure, it will cannibalize existing fanbases, but it will also make sure there is a stream going on every time since if they don’t stream, the fans will definitely go away

On one hand, Cover is definitely comfortable place to work in. Its like a workplace that allows holiday leave anytime they want. On the other hand, it does promote abit of complacency

>> No.38512723

There's definitely a middle point between what Cover and Anycolor are doing. NijiEN having 32 members in 17 months is fucking insane, but HoloEN having only 10 in 26 months shows that Cover doesn't know what the fuck they're doing. Yeah, it's technically 14 if you still want to lie to yourself that HoloPro unity is an actual thing, but that bullshit aside they really screwed themselves by taking this fucking long to debut more girls when the gen didn't reach a healthy place yet to hold itself for these long droughts without new members. If we compare it with HoloJP at 26 months they had 23 members in total, now imagine if HoloEN was that big. Unless they managed to hire a bunch of lazy cunts then Myth having half of it's members away wouldn't hurt as hard as it does now when it's essentially a third of the current roster.

>> No.38512754

The Tempus designs seem to be in the "so bad it's good" kind of intent I thought, to make them more of brotubers they seemed to aim to have at least some of them objectively-not be prettyboys. This definitely seems the case for Noir especially, who looks far more like he walked out of a JRPG than an otome game like the Niji guys.

There was a lot of lmao'ing at their designs like a week in but surprisingly people got used to them quickly and it made them kind of endearing/more unique feeling, which if that was the goal, was a success. For contrast Niji's Noctyx dudes look like clones of each other and while they're not bad/ugly designs, they're not very interesting either, and they got shit on for just being lazy generic prettyboys. So there is no set formula for success really.

On the other hand, Irys was panned hard and earnestly instantly, not just the design but how it looked in motion, and this stayed an extremely consistent complaint for months and months into it being common sentiment of "if only she actually looked as cute as she is" etc coping that she'd be way bigger if she had a better model and such. Her makeover was worth it IMO as she's ridiculously cute now, but the thing is holoEN itself seems in kind of a slump overall between the holidays (probably a lot of kids are having their finals now or soon or traveling etc) and also at least the past week small corpos seem to be making a dent of a couple hundred CCV a pop, some of them hitting 4view territory lately, and that plus nijis is probably sapping a fair bit. Cover used to utterly own this market with an iron hand but they've not only loosened the grip the past year but also disenfranchised large chunks of viewers with the attempted Nijisanjification shit with tempus being pushed so hard on the EN girls.

>> No.38512861

I guess for troon facing reality look like a mental illness

>> No.38513061

>"I want CGDCT but improv"
>facing reality
clown world

>> No.38513518

Definitely have a space for at least 5 more EN members at this point. So many empty space in the schedule, which is probably great for Kaela since anyone bored now just go to her stream.

At the very least, at least whatever delaying EN3 does not delay CouncilRys 3D.

>> No.38513639

I think it's pretty obvious that EN3 will be announced at HoloExpo. It's the big Holopro event and I honestly don't see them debuting between now and March, which is fucking horrible. As for CouncilRyS 3D I advise you to not expect them to have conventional 3D debuts before HoloFes. It's more likely that ID2 will have theirs while CouncilRyS will receive the Myth treatment and never have actual showcases other than IRyS since she already lives in Japan.

>> No.38513698

I legit does not remember alot of Noctyx members because of the pretty generic design.

IRyS makeover seems to worth it, at the very least to shut up all the complaints buzzing around her. Kinda glad that its out before 2022 is over. But well, we're at the point that most people know what to expect from CouncilRys so unless they're looking for something specific, they probably won't pop-in. Holofes is definitely their chance to make abit more splash just like ID1 did although I kinda don't see any CouncilRys have especially-good 3D performance like Moona's

>> No.38513887

I honestly think that the Myth debut is scheduling problem (especially if they insist to all debut at similar time) because Cover's 3D studios are all super booked to the brim with even JP members need to move around their own 3D performance and Myth is less accomodative in their schedule. ID1 can debut theirs because either the managers foresee the problem, or they can perform around the Cover's 3D studio schedule.

Maaaaaybe they will have a 3D debut in February? before Holofes if they all travel to Japan? Not sure how free the studios will be though.

>> No.38513991

IRyS and Rrat are definitely the main attractions, while Fauna will be cute but probably not this big performance, and I don't know what to expect from Kronii and Mumei.

I'm keeping my expectations very low so that anything can surprise me. Rather do that and be happy to be proven wrong than overdose on hopium, but I still find it very unlikely that we'll see them having a traditional 3D debut before or after HoloFes.

>> No.38514057

Someone please save the Bond EN girls, wait not you >>38467011

>> No.38514082

They needed EN3 at the start of autumn to rekindle the fire that was clearly dying by then. "NOW" is far too late.

>> No.38514863

Kek, that's like a moderate size to measure your career, hiring 4 digit content creator is risky when they somehow in it because they are a big fan but came unprepared with being in a huge corpo.

>> No.38515364

We'll get HoloEU, which will end with all 5 killing each other in a 3D off collab.

>> No.38517002
File: 540 KB, 246x291, catastrophe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go with tempiss instead of literally anything else
>follow up with an endless stream of bad decisions
>entire EN branch has a sharp decline
Oh no, how could such a thing have happened.
