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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38442768 No.38442768 [Reply] [Original]

Where did it all go so wrong for them?

>> No.38443632

At the moment of their inception. Most of them are ok but there is no place for HoloStars, not in JP and definitely not in EN.

>> No.38443730

They've all gotten much more success and exposure than either their pl or senpai. They've carved out a niche for themselves regardless of how much cucks seethe that their whores collab with them.

>> No.38443852

It hasn't. See you next thread

>> No.38443926


>> No.38444253

Accepting Mori's request for early collab
It agitated unicorns and caused civil war
The collab ban should be 3 months at minimum
Collab ban was for the talent's sake, to build the core fanbase, polluting it with other fanbase will be detrimental in the long run

>> No.38444285

They’re not a success. Just because the JPs were a catastrophic failure doesn’t mean these fags are successful. Vesper was the most popular and even Sana got better numbers. The biggest issue I have with them, above everything, is how little they knew of Hololive when joining. Again, Sana watched Watame and Korone for years before joining, Bae is a super Hololive fan, Fauna and Mumei knew a fair amount. Only Kronii was a cunt like Tempiss. These fags are all new wave Niji-tier and you have to be a fat fatherless woman to not see it.

>> No.38444349

Bae is a holostars fan, tourist-chama . .

>> No.38444389

When they debut as male

>> No.38444404

Management being retards

>> No.38444441

here we go through obligatory
>not a success
>obligatory numberfag because girls mogged them in every way
have you ever enjoyed something that's not related to numberfagging? like just one... you're so insistent on getting rid of them when people enjoy them as a niche.

>> No.38444479
File: 686 KB, 1125x918, 67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Vesper took the role in Castlev.

>> No.38444480

nothing, but the fact that they still live rent free in your head speaks volumes

>> No.38444500

>Schedule a week of Kino, highly anticipated streams
>Get suspended

>> No.38444987

You are the tourist here newfag
Bae is a fan of both, this can be seen on how she is always in JP holo chats, always live tweeting concerts and how her other 2 favorites in holopro are Subaru and Marine respectively
She even talks about what happened in streams that she watched

>> No.38445670

>Twitch Takeover.
>Off collabs too soon.

The Holo Collabs did some damage to them, but it was Holo En who took the most (Thanks Kronii)

>> No.38445695

I like the boys, well, 2 of them but no hate on the other 2 as well as the JP ones but I have to agree. Cover fucked up their brand in regards to pushing out male chuubas. No amount of hard work will give them even a tenth of the success hololive currently has.

>> No.38446046


>> No.38446097

The moment you get involved with Mori you know you're fucked.

>> No.38446271

no proper talent...
garbage hires

>> No.38446925

>suspension eating up the FOTMness of the Pokemon soul link
>officially dead now that Altare marathoned the game
Maybe in another timeline...

>> No.38447518

Existing at all.

>> No.38448854

>Sana watched Watame and Korone for years before joining
Doesn't matter how much she claimed to have loved Hololive when she didn't fucking stream.

>> No.38449477

Pretty sure they didn't fucked up at all. Their market isn't interested in male that all. Either they would have put males another way and they wouldn't have their current market and popularity, probably wouldn't be able to concurence niji at all, or they would have done like they did, or better they wouldn't have wasted time and money in stars at all, that was a possibility, and probably a better one for hololive if you ask me.

>> No.38450286

>You live and die by your solo content.
>*proceeds to spam collabs like nobody else*

>> No.38451568


>> No.38451720

Didn't the StarsEn management job listing say it was aimed at a female demographic? Did all of that just go out the window? They don't seem to be going the fujo angle at all

>> No.38452192

that nora

>> No.38454462

Turns out the "high demand" for starsEN are only people that will watch them in drama causing collabs, but people will always cope that they are some insane success just because they get more views than the average holostars, which is not hard when management keeps pushing the whole "holopro" shit

>> No.38456975

They have started to do fujo pandering now, probably because their numbers are imploding

>> No.38457451

>Suspension delayed DND session 2 by a month
>Killed soul link
Once we find out who did this, I will never forgive them

>> No.38457718

ccv and the low amounts of harassment they received compared to starsjp says otherwise, en was definitely more welcoming of homos than jp. take your meds

>> No.38457752

When Cover decided to publicly humiliate an empolyee who relies on his image, all because of some power-tripping jap managers.

>> No.38457870

rape should be at least a month suspension, he got off lightly.

>> No.38457878

They don't mention being hololive fans because imagine the shit storm if any of them said they were a gura fan or a teamate or some similar shit.
Also considering only Axel know Japanese it's not surprising that they weren't a holostars fan .

>> No.38457913

Rape should be encouraged by management to keep the females in line

>> No.38457926

When they were announced

>> No.38458140

Cut them some slack, they are taking /tg/‘s advice.

>> No.38458169

Nothing was wrong with them. They're streamers. They stream.
There are two things that i learned from Tempus in that it showed me how insufferable the holo fan base is and how the permissions game is fucking stupid and is a result of japanese autism.
They do not support male talents and they are outright hostile toward male talents and the male gender. It's a fanbase that is unwelcoming and unsupportive at its core. It basically means that the hololive fanbase is already unstable in that it has tribal faggotry within while they're having their tribal faggotry war with niji.
Permissions is the other part of the coin. Tempus made it even more apparent that getting actual games to play is a pain in the ass and borderline unsustainable. The more interesting games are basically locked behind japanese autism because they're still living in the 90s where they think that a rental is "lost revenue"
The best games to play are japanese and most cant get permissions for japanese games.
This also goes back to the fanbase where they hard debuff any game that is not league of legends, valorant, minecraft, or apex. The fanbase does not like video games, yet they complain when the girls dont stream.

>> No.38458213

Im glad soul link is dead. Pokemon with retarded arbitary rules is not fun to watch. Also its FOTM garbage.

>> No.38458219

>claim they want to stand on their own feet during debut
>instantly collab spam the moment they are allowed to

Already fucked up. Just a bunch of leeches the lot of them, even going so far as to do it in the Twitch circles.

>> No.38458220

Wrong chromosomes

>> No.38458231

>The best games to play are japanese and most cant get permissions for japanese games.
I thought Vesper wanted to play a lot of western RPGs?

>> No.38458236

>Once we find out who did this
I mean, it was very obviously Vesper who did this. Otherwise it would have happened and he wouldn't have been sacked

>> No.38458335

Since they were all part asian with plain streamer backgrounds

>> No.38458348

Trully spoken like a retarded homobeggar tourist who don"t know a shit about anything.
You learned nothing you just got an occasion to spam buzzword.

>> No.38458350

>beg for collabs
>get collab
>no not that

>> No.38458387

The only non asian was the first to get axed. Chinks feel threatened by white men.

>> No.38458406

>crying about buzzwords while using buzzwords

>> No.38458549

Nice buzzwords esl retard.
Also nothing in the post you're replying to is wrong. Most of the hololive fanbase hates males, and it's incredibly dumb getting game perms.
But please, do keep crying over buzzwords of all things, it really makes you look just that extra bit retarded.

>> No.38458972

>I will n-never f-forgive them
What are you going to do about it? Throw a hissy fit? Eat an extra burger?
Homobeggars are so cringe lmao

>> No.38459104

I will start watching Nijisanji instead

>> No.38459191

Who are you quoting retard? I never asked for any collabs and I most definitely never asked for Tempiss.

>> No.38459263

Is that supposed to be a threat?
One less homobeggar is a win in my book.

>> No.38459408

Who are you quoting and why are you conceding?
You do know that this is /vt/? A board that has a reputation for begging for collaborations?
Though these days, they shifted their begging for EN3 because they gave up on myth and council, but dont want to admit that they gave up on myth and council.

>> No.38459416

They're losing a costumer

>> No.38459585

Were you membered to any of them? Did you superchat even once?

>> No.38459750

My views help them with the algorithm

>> No.38459784

Are you actually unironically retarded? I didn't quote anything.
>board that has a reputation for begging for collaborations
In your schizo head maybe.
There are dozens of posters on this board. Just cause one person said something doesn't mean that everyone shares their opinion.
I know you are a homotourist but try to be less obvious.

>> No.38459835

I accept your concession that you don't matter

>> No.38459899

Latching onto Mori early, collab ban changed, off collabs, EN group collabs, kronii drama, homobeggars, management favoritism killed them

>> No.38459904

What lmao

>> No.38459974

buzz buzz buzz
What are you buzzing bout now?

>> No.38460006

>The best games to play are japanese
you have shit taste

>> No.38460015

The most coherent homobeggar in existence lol

>> No.38460070

You have to be 18 to use this website.

>> No.38460193

buzzy buzzy buzzy little unicorn faggots

>> No.38460299

why are unicorn cucks seething so hard lately?
they will never fuck you, dude
they'd rather fuck actual MEN, the Brians of this world

>> No.38460350

Having a meltdown over being called out for your usage of the meaningless words, i see.

>> No.38460366

>fagwatcher is calling someone else a faggot

>> No.38460368

That reminds me, did Kobo already know about Irys's special relationship with Brian when she decided to call Axel Brian?

>> No.38460399

Found the racist american.

>> No.38460418

This is what homoseethe looks like kek

>> No.38460493
File: 242 KB, 1200x955, 1654422332034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is what seething unicucks look like.

>> No.38460510

>still a virgin loser that pays girls to actually cuck him

>> No.38460685

Nice projection lmao
Cope seethe dilate

>> No.38460814

When they applied to this company, holostar should've been dead along with only jp

>> No.38460819

I'm sure they think of you and your superchats when they're buying condoms lmao

>> No.38460828

buzz buzz buzz buzz

>> No.38460898
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, Piernoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were the underdogs with shitty ass models, nice bro chemistry overall, then omegatranny had the brilliant idea of making them collab with the girls ignoring why Hololive is popular in the first place, it went as well as you'd expect and then the girls showed their true colors. Vesper and Altare being the only ones who actually watched some sort of Hololive content (chumbuds) orchestrated a plan with the help of Gura, she gave Vesper her account to ask for Factorio codes ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxiTePQgKgs )
With this minor offense they would reduce the male collabs and save HoloEN, Vesper sacrificied himself because being the most watche StarsEN would give him some kind of Inmunity in the matter.

>> No.38460912

Who are "they" lmao
Are "they" with us in this thread right now?

>> No.38460970

Nice headcannon faggot. Now kill yourself.

>> No.38461015

What could've saved them?

>> No.38461070

Looks like what they say about overlap between autists and trannies is true after all.

>> No.38461127

Quadruple suicide stream

>> No.38461248

Now this is peak cringe

>> No.38461325

Oneyplays level of chemistry between the guys, which they do not even remotely have. If they had that I'd watch.

>> No.38461393

Trying to fusion the hololive and stars fanbase. If there are two different branches then it should stay like that, they can maybe share some viewers, but the hololive viewers shouldn't be the main audience for stars. That's why after the 15k collabs and hype hype shill shill, some of them still have 3view streams

Also half of them are twitch faggots who didn't even care about hololive production product in general and they just send their applications everywhere.

>> No.38461415

They are doing alright, the market just isn’t that big for their niche at the moment. They just have to slowly but steadily evolve their content into something fun and unique while organically expanding their reach

>> No.38461446

Female fans who are not sex obsessed.

>> No.38461790

I fucking hate shitflix so much it's unreal

>> No.38461980

Their senpai are massive bitches. Some don't even acknowledge them, even though they are EN3. Should be terminated for toxic internal misconduct

>> No.38462131

I agree. The sooner Tempiss gets terminated the better.

>> No.38462213

Magni inviting Daph39 and Altare acting as a janny banning anyone who didn't like it
anyone supporting them after that is legitimately a fucking retard

>> No.38462304

This and unicorns are fucking cringe at this point better become a flesh streamer

>> No.38462317

lol cope and seethe

>> No.38462377

Nobody told vesper he can't call his managers racial slurs when they're being incompetent.
Nor that the japanese don't understand what a "bit" is.

>> No.38462389

Now say this without crying homobeggar

>> No.38462466

I like them but have zero interest in all the twitch trash

>> No.38462569

>Getting mad because he got bonked

>> No.38462619

>In a board about e celebs
>Complaining about e celebs collabing with e celebs
Is being contrarian just a core characteristic of this site?

>> No.38462792

Their very existence is wrong. Nothing "went wrong" for them, they just shouldn't even be here. There should be no males in Hololive, and absolutely no male collabs and bullshit like that.

>> No.38463115

>support the chinese hate for white people to own the unicorns
you are why they were a mistake

>> No.38463285

They're both shit.
Also you're in a thread where people are melting down because males exist.
Is pretty much on the mark.

>> No.38463638

I'm a massive racist and I like Japanese games
I'm only racist towards races that deserve it

>> No.38463651

Boring streamers, bunch of jobbers without remarkable talents, managed to fail and run their metrics to the ground in 4 months, uncapable of refreshing the churn of audience from debut. basically failures, but you do you tranny, now go support DN to not quit youtube like your kind like to do.

>> No.38463734

buzz buzz buzz

>> No.38463787

The funny thing about that collab is homobeggar defending it saying magnis not a racist while him and daph laughed when magni called puerto ricans Mexican.

>> No.38463863 [DELETED] 

aaaaaaa francowawa my diiiiiick

>> No.38464191

When they underestimated the number of parasocial schizos that watched Hololive.

>> No.38464378
File: 19 KB, 331x363, 1655255313836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love to see it

>> No.38464538

>homobeggar is calling someone else a schizo
There is one of yours in this very thread who replies to posts with "buzz buzz buzz".
He is also the smartest homobeggar ITT which is pretty sad.

>> No.38464721

>They've all gotten much more success and exposure than either their pl or senpai
This means nothing considering they're backed by a major company and are catering to english speakers on a predominantly english platform, not to mention the western hololive audience is much more open to watching males compared to the JP hololive audience.
Tempus is a failure no matter how hard you revisionists try to move the goalposts.

>> No.38464792

Holy cope

>> No.38464804

You shouldn't be surprised if people respond to buzzwords with the word buzz. If you don't want to get buzzed, then i suggest you say something that has a modicum of merit in it.

>> No.38464862

The western audience is more open to watching males, but that is still a minority audience. The idea that the JP fanbase is worse than the english one is astonishing.

>> No.38465072

>everything I disagree with is a buzzword
By all means keep demonstrating to everyone how unstable and hysterical you are. If you think anyone is bothered by your temper tantrum you are delusional. People are just laughing at your chimp out.

>> No.38465129

buzz buzz buzz

>> No.38465138

>Also you're in a thread where people are melting down because males exist.
no I'm in a thread where retards try to paint every legitimate criticism as muh incel unicorn chud haters

>> No.38465373

I have no idea who you're quoting. I'm just giving you some advice so that you can stop complaining about people replying to you with buzz. If you're just going to fling shit with no substance then don't complain if you're going to get the same thrown at you.

>> No.38465921

I am not complaining at all. Actually I hope you will act like that as often as possible in as many threads as possible.

>> No.38465995

Again, i have no idea who you are quoting, but you want me to keep trying to be helpful and informing people how they can get better discussions on /vt/?
Thanks i guess?

>> No.38466103

You have no clue what that word means do you?

>> No.38467069

They thought twitter likes would translate to engagement.
