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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 147 KB, 889x500, hololive-EN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38394991 No.38394991 [Reply] [Original]

There aren't enough indie/small corpo graduations to make me think there's a new wave ready to debut, unless cover picked up total normies. I'm quite sure I haven't missed any relevant graduation. What are your thoughts? Any interesting graduations happening soon?

>> No.38395142

Graduate half of this and you got the perfect Gen 3

>> No.38395533

who would you graduate

>> No.38395670

I'm really curious about how EN3 auditions went because the circumstances around working for Hololive have changed so much since the first two gens.

Myth - Holo has minimal Western exposure, there's not much expectation that the EN branch will be successful.
Council - Myth was a powerhouse phenomenon, getting in gets you rich and famous.
Gen3 - Western Vtubing as a whole is seeing big numbers declines, Myth and Council seem burnt out, the restrictions placed on talents by Hololive are much more commonly known to potential applicants, game perms/promoted games dictated to the streamer, Western indies are able to get big and go full time on Twitch with almost no restrictions.

For Gen1: Noone knew what to expect, so people could apply if they were curious.
For Gen2: looking at Gen1's success, getting in would be appealing to almost any vtuber.
For Gen3: I think only a much smaller and more specific group of content creators would apply to this gen.

>> No.38395754
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It's the pure unicorn anti male girls only faction who matter.
Perfect gen

>> No.38395964

You know that the only councils that had graduations before joining was only Bae right? Hell, most of Myth weren't even chuubas. Unless you were already in a corpo, making a graduation announcement or whatever isn't needed, ffs irys is still technically active.

>> No.38397106

Mumei too, Fauna too. They all went on an indefinite hiatus/graduated.
Sana was a nepo hire so she doesn't count, and Kronii has a great voice but is clearly a fucking normie and cover won't make the same mistake with the new gen.

>> No.38397183

Yeah I agree, it's not worth it anymore for big creators. If you have a significant personal project you better keep that one instead of joining a restriction fest corpo.

>> No.38399118

I honestly hope they're still in the hiring process, I'd rather wait 6 more months than have to witness another Iluna situation.

>> No.38399323

Unless Cover ignored every single girl applying and only paid attention to the guys they had a whole year of applications to look into, and I hate how that's a real possibility.

>> No.38400360

EN3, is no longer the glamour and glitz that it would have been. If Council had debuted around early summer 2021 to keep Myth's momentum going, then EN3 could have come around late 2021/early 2022, and the EN vtubing landscape would look significantly different right now.
As of now, an EN3 would have amazing debuts, but then settle in the low 4view territory like everyone else after a few weeks.

>> No.38400730

I disagree, current EN doesn't stream enough to satisfy demand. There's plenty of ways to recruit aside from finding successful indies, they could just go with what other employers do and just look at college degrees. It's probably a better indicator of work ethic than streaming experience anyways.

>> No.38400915

>but then settle in the low 4view territory like everyone else after a few weeks
Depends on their quality and drive. If EN3 ends up the golden gen like HoloFantasy or ID3 with girls who actually want to stream and create content they might be bigger than current Myth, but either way they would be at least twice as popular as Tempus.

>> No.38402241

This, most ex-holofans that migrated overtime don't really have anything against holo. People would come back to see something entertaining if the hires are good.

>> No.38402309
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How many fucking times do you retards need to be told that Tempus was EN3?

>> No.38402540

Kronii was part of a small corpo and had a graduation stream.

>> No.38402932

And they're a huge failure as EN3.

>> No.38404195

Didn't Kronii's company go under?

>> No.38404564

ID3 is already doing better than their senpai and Indonesia is a much smaller market. There's definitely room to grow in EN and anyone who keeps saying it's oversaturated is insane, but Cover needs to hire girls who want to do shit and not coast by 2 months in or graduate after barely streaming for a almost year. Hopefully with the new requirements they put on the auditions page we won't have another Sana situation.

>> No.38404606

I guess I technically have “something against Holo”, and even I came back to watch IRyS’s outfit reveal. That said, I get HoloEN recommended on my feed now, which is the reason I kind of regret that…

>> No.38404843

Anyone in vtubing can see that hololive sucks to work for. So no one good is going to apply.

It's over

>> No.38404943

>Only Kiara streams

>> No.38405608

I don't have anything against Holo but I'm not coming back as long as they still have video game permission restrictions.

>> No.38405617

>Indonesia is a much smaller market
Kobo is the only one who specifically targets Indonesia though, the rest of the branch are essentially honorary ENs.

>> No.38405756

Yeah, like a month after.

>> No.38405829

Tempus was a huge mistake no matter the classification.

>> No.38405951

So you're never coming back. It's true that Cover is exceptionally slow at getting permissions (probably a lack of interest from part of their incompetent managers), but other than becoming more proactive they'll always have to go through this stupid bureaucracy as long as they're based in Japan. It's either that or risk having the talents losing their entire channels because a publisher decided to take action, and some times it still happens after giving permissions because of some dumb automated system or some dev mad that a streamer is playing their game.

Pretty much all of ID up to that point were honorary ENs but somehow Kaela and Zeta manage to get better numbers than Moona and Ollie who both have like twice the amount of subs.

>> No.38406296 [DELETED] 

Good, they really need to trim the fat. Dump Mori, Ame, Kronii and Tempiss. Then merge the rest of EN and add new talent one at a time.

>> No.38406326

HoloEN should not be tied down by the same permission regulations as JP. They could do something like establish HoloEN as a different legal entity and then they wouldn't need to deal with this bullshit anymore.
But since they keep on hiring talents who are barely interested in video games i guess having permissions or not wouldn't really make that much of a difference.

>> No.38406421 [DELETED] 
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Based and true.

>> No.38407085

I'm sure someone would find a way to fuck them over regardless, especially when half of them don't even live in North America. But even then, as you said, it means fuck all if the girls end up playing the same stuff.

>> No.38411243

I just want collab restrictions done away entirely. It's clear that the girls want to collab with friends but Cover won't let them. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue, but seeing as how there's a handful of HoloEN streamers that get along well with each other, this is a big problem.

>> No.38411613

>Western indies are able to get big and go full time on Twitch with almost no restrictions.
You have to wonder if the holoEN applicant pool won't start skewing towards people who expect they *couldn't* quite make it big as an indie. Would be bad news.

>> No.38412153

If you look long-term, vtubing is shrinking and any mature new thing eventually shakes out competition. It's a tough road for indies. Hololive guarantees some level of success and basic support. Free advertising and viewers that would be very hard otherwise. It's the talents who waste it. Hololive has issues, but it is a decently sized business and won't just quit overnight. It'll at least decline slowly.

>> No.38412305

I thought the twitch landscape was dying, i've seen a lot of streamers moving to youtube, is it different for vtubers?

>> No.38412399


>> No.38412526

No they're not, you niggerfaggot.

>> No.38412723

Twitch increased the cut it takes with content creators, which makes them moving to YouTube a logical choice.

>> No.38412916

After the Niji collabs and Magni collabing with someone from Hasan's friends cricle I doubt there's any restrictions and it's just the members not being interested in collabing with other indies or smaller agencies.

>> No.38413097

>Jenma scouted out Miori Celeste while visiting LA with Bae
>Sana graduating spooked EN management so every potential nepotism hire gets probed to death
>we are here

It's probably over anons. There is not enough talented westoid women that want to do their idol/stream reps.

>> No.38413336

Tempus management is different and Niji is kind of an exception. But yeah, sure, some of them are too introverted to have friends outside of Hololive, but a lot of them want to have fun with friends, which can't happen.

If they can't bring in more members, they should let members collab however they want.

>> No.38413401

Wait until next week there’s an announcement coming

>> No.38413404

with how much Mori's RM shit on Cover, I would not be surprised if the EN3 girls just decided to not go through with their contracts.

>> No.38413608

It's always possible they just don't have 5 members for a new gen. Either no one is meeting the bare minimum or no one good is applying at all

>> No.38413728

>What are your thoughts?
your gay

>> No.38413761

Tempus was EN3 though

>> No.38413818
File: 43 KB, 250x357, 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Mori
>do absolutely everything in your fucking power to get kicked out
>nothing works
>in fact continue to grow and succeed
>all collab partners love her
Why, /vt/? Her continuous, flagrant disregard for idol and otaku culture is driving me fucking crazy. This shit wouldn't have been acceptable just two years ago in hololive.

>> No.38413887

Fauna too

>> No.38413967

>in fact continue to grow and succeed
where's the soundpost of Mori seething with her subs, CCV, etc? KEK
>all collab partners love her
Of course, she's Mori of HoloEN Myth. Wait until she goes full RM, her orbiters would suddenly disappear HAHA

>> No.38413992

Record deal. She only gets to leave if they say she can.

>> No.38414036

Its because the market has openned up more and more. ID2 was also pretty low key outside of Ollie who was doing reat until fairly recently. ID3 came out well into Hololive becoming the big company and were the most accessable thing outside of a Councial that was hated by Youtubes evil AI Overlord. Kobo blew up in ID but Kaela just constantly pops out 6-12 hour marathons twice a day and got noticed for it

>> No.38414276

Mori has a record deal under her Hololive persona's name. She is unironically the least likely EN to graduate for at least a couple of years. Even the most hysterical of dramaniggers have figured that out and stopped memeing about it.

>> No.38414317

>Sana graduating spooked EN management so every potential nepotism hire gets probed to death
If that's the lesson they learned from Sana then they're really fucking retarded. Sana being a nepohire wasn't the problem, but how she was barely a streamer before Hololive and from the get go decided to not do art streams. Ina was the same thing but she was able to build her fanbase by doing what she's good at, while Sana decided to be a kusoge streamer and dropped that idea a couple of weeks after debut.

>which can't happen
Again, we don't know about that. Might be management blocking, might be just lack of interest. These girls barely collab with each other, what makes you think they would jump on the opportunity to collab with outsiders?

>> No.38414566

EN 1 and 2 are physically dying from work, the NEED EN 3

>> No.38416989

>Sana graduating spooked EN
I believe the rrat that EN3 was supposed to debut with Tempus a few months after as part of shared lore shit Omega loves doing, but the whole gen got scrapped when multiple of the accepted hires backed out because of Sana's graduation or hearing some of the frustrations of the others EN

>> No.38417330

Niji is going too fast and Holo too slow.
You'd think by now they'd have figured a sensible release schedule.

>> No.38417437

Best gen

>> No.38417463


>> No.38418417

>(no br*tish)
I'm surprised none of Tempus were bongs actually. For some reason the British accent moistens women's panties like nothing else. I have no idea why.

>> No.38418786

Male bongs are acceptable, females... eh... i wish for a french or italian chuuba

>> No.38418885

Cover is allergic to Euros. Other than Kiara who was living in Japan when she was hired they managed to only hire Americans, Canadians and for some cursed reason 3 Aussies. EN3 will probably be the exact same thing.

>> No.38418931

EN3 already happened. Cope.

>> No.38419042

also make sure you are part asian

>> No.38419048

Pretty sure Mumei has collabed with males though?

>> No.38419475

they nailed with these girls. I trust cover hiring team...but the manager team......I wonder if they knew what vtubing is

>> No.38419596

No more Mori/Kronii's. No more lazy bitches who never stream. No more traitors like Ame. We need whoever scouted Mumei/Irys/Fauna/Kiara to do the entirety of EN3 and say fuck off to anyone trying to hire another bitch who hates vtubing.

>> No.38420120

>half of them have collabed with males
the only true unicorn friendly holoEN is fauna, and maybe irys

>> No.38420212

is holoID hiring team the same as holoEN? because they failed misrably at holocouncil but somehow got one of the best holoID hires just a couple months later

>> No.38420233

Yeah, I forgot that both Council and Tempus have 3 Asian members each.

Nah, I trust everyone but EN. They're the ones that thought Sana was a good idea.

>> No.38420241


>> No.38420476

Kiara has been putting together EN3. The amount of indies and small corpos she's been grooming lately makes it undeniable she will have a hand in its future. It will be far better than what Ina did. Kiara understand what Hololive means to small streamers.

>> No.38420589

Would that combo work, though?
I thought Kiwawa and IWyS detested each other.

>> No.38420706

Hololive isn't going to have a shortage applicants.
A majority of the applications are being binned by an automated process anyway. It's not like going from 50k applications to 10k means they're going to have issues with finding the right role for their next gen.

>> No.38420948

Well only 2 members of Myth were former vtubers.

>> No.38421029

You ever consider the possibility that you might just be a schizo?

>> No.38421393

Yup. Hoomans just in denial as always.

>> No.38421682

we need a pregnant single mother vtuber, she can be the first ever to stream during giving birth

>> No.38422822

EN 3 is T3mpus

>> No.38422934

Refer to >>38402932

>> No.38429881

Hold on guys, I need to breast feed.

>> No.38435150

>EN 3 isn't happening anytime soon
its happening

>> No.38439412

Maybe they're going back to their roots and grabbing non-vtubers? Mori, Kiara, Sana, and to a lesser extent Ina IRyS and Ame were never regular vtubers weren't they? ACtually the only real regularly streaming ones were Kronii and Bae and then Fauna, right?

Hell, Magni was never one either.

>> No.38439506

cool, so what if EN3 is pro-Tempus? think carefully

>> No.38440019
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, on the decline[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxa7ipi.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where's the soundpost of Mori seething with her subs, CCV, etc? KEK

>> No.38440800

Vesper has to graduate for EN 3 to happen. Coco graduated and Council happened. Sana graduated and Tempus happened. See the pattern? There needs to be a sacrifice.

>> No.38441156

yep, EN3 coming soon

>> No.38441436

Ina had a model but barely used it, Gura also had one but her schedule was already fucked up back then and most people only knew her from her main yt channel, and Mumei was an indie vtuber.

If all 5 girls are pro-Stars then you can already suspect about their quality as streamers because Cover would've had picked only those who were willing to collab with them and possibly drop actual good candidates who weren't interested. There's no way the entire gen is ok with it when half of the current girls want nothing with the Stars.

>> No.38441820

This guy gets it.

Hololive has always had better luck outside the existing vtuber pool. Assuming that EN3 is comjng at all, the lack of grads is a good thing.

>> No.38442785 [DELETED] 

Yeah, IRyS has a decade plus of content creation online and only debuted her vtuber model like 3 months before she went on hiatus. Probably just to practice streaming with a vtuber model.

>> No.38442986

Can you post the full clip? I'm not getting the context here.

>> No.38443857

>unless cover picked up total normies
like Mori and Amelia?
Ina was borderline normie too

>> No.38443888

Tempus is not even Hololive though
they are holostars

>> No.38444011
File: 409 KB, 1654x2339, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how does /vt/ feel about Cover publicly decrying and condemning it? Doesn't feel very good, does it?

>> No.38447290

We're 4chan, the cesspool of the internet. Even if sites like 8kun and Kiwifarms have already outperformed us in that capacity, it's in our tradition, our DNA to be proud of being denounced by the things we like.

>> No.38447552


>> No.38447721

I need ASMR of someone reading it.

>> No.38448483

>There aren't enough indie/small corpo graduations
Was that an issue for Myth or Council?

>> No.38448721

And what would they do to 4Chan? Honestly, they can't do anything anyway, especially since there are established rules against "doxing" here.
Also, if you didn't realize it after all this time, several politicians and corporations from America have already failed to take 4chan down ever since the Trump election.

>> No.38448751

A few of the 3views I watch on twitch have announced they're able to quit their jobs and go full time streamer so it can't be that bad, a vtuber named anny just made over 10k with a 48 hour donothon this weekend though she is a larger indie pulling more viewers than any corpo but the big 3

>> No.38448811

her rm has been leaving hints that she's getting ready to leave for a bit now, at least that's what I'm getting from her tweets

>> No.38448969

I don't trust them, they've flubbed they last few groups, Gen 6 has rap+, council had Sana, Kobo is a yab waiting to happen and then there's that failed starsjp gen that I forget the name of and now they hired an actual sexual predator who tried to vampire rp with Mel on discord and wouldn't stop typing until he was physically restrained by his loved ones and put in a mental ward for "two weeks"

>> No.38449012

i share the board with people like you now....

>> No.38449080

of course they'll be pro-stars, Mori is somehow a god to women and she's set the precedent, there's no way any new girl is going to come in and ignore the guys when she's still swept up in all the hype of her debut and trying to please as many people as she can, the beggars will get to her immediately

>> No.38449152

Unironically they should just hire ironmouse she would fit in with the girls and cover could do a suisei and let her keep her model and lore

>> No.38449304

Vshojo exists no matter how much you don't want it to and it's ever growing

>> No.38450515

Gura was a VTuber, Mumei was a VTuber, Bae was a VTuber, Kronii was a VTuber, Fauna was a VTuber. They all either announced an indefinite hiatus or had a proper graduation. The only one who didn't is Gura but graduation wasn't really a thing back then. The rest of Myth aren't VTubers just because EN VTubers started to pop out after Myth. I don't think cover wants to hire more normies.

>> No.38452013

What would you do for the next gen after that?

>> No.38452428

ironmouse wouldn't survive not being able to roll out 7 new models a year

>> No.38453956

Mumei collabed with holostars once, 8 months ago… with JP’s who she can’t even talk to because she doesn’t speak JP… and then she never did it again because she realized people didn’t like it… she tripped up slightly but picked herself back up and has been a perfect idol since

>> No.38457415

Language barrier saved her from being fully tainted.

>> No.38460630

Hire eurochuubas

>> No.38461197

>failed starsjp gen that I forget the name
StarsJP will always be a failure not matter what, but at least the 4 guys they got for Uproar are infinitely more interesting unlike the Twitch streamers wannabes they got for Tempus.

You people severely overestimate Mori's influence. If she's a fucking god everyone would've collab with Tempus by now, but Gura didn't even acknowledge their existence and she's good friends with her, Kiara already said she's not interested and unless you believe in one of the billion rrats that they hate each other they're also friends, IRyS has a freaking podcast with her and the biggest pro-Stars member from HoloEN and straight up said she wasn't interested in collabs, and both Fauna and Mumei look up to her but I don't remember if the former ever talked about the Stars and the latter completely ignored them after the Gartic collab earlier this year, and before Tempus she interacted far more frequently with StarsJP than Mori ever had. As I said unless Cover ask the possible candidates if they will collab with StarsEN and only chose those who say yes there's no way all 5 of them will do it when some of the actually popular members of EN couldn't care less about them while Mori has an horde of dead subs who barely give a fuck about her music anymore and she keeps acting like a menhera on her rm account implying that she wants to leave Hololive.

>> No.38462850

oh okay guess then theres like a cooldown period of some sort? So all other homocollabers are fine and pure too i guess if they don’t collab with homos for some duration of time huh. Well care to share what that duration of time is hooman? 3 months? 6?

>> No.38463043

Cover should just let the holos go crazy with new models as long as they get information beforehand so they can prep more merch.

>> No.38463557

You're so obvious that it hurts. None of you extremist unicorns are genuine at all, and I bet you're one of the fags who kept asking why Tempus wasn't on HoloFes. So what that Mumei collabed with StarsJP 8-9 months ago? Since then she never mentioned them again, she didn't act like a complete bitch to her fans like Watson or Kronii did and even if she kept interacting with them none of the JP guys are cancerous fags like your boys on Tempus. Give up, she won't interact with your precious lads.

>> No.38468231
File: 342 KB, 1093x2161, 8931B0E8-AA99-4711-A1AB-FD1CCDAFE7FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crabs in a bucket mentality. Homobeggars know their time is over, but think if they can drag everyone down with them it will level the playing field. If everyone is a cuck then no one is. They probably think this will save Tempiss and the failures that collabed with them.

>> No.38468886

she's been doing that for a year now, and she's still here

>> No.38474605

EN is dead

>> No.38479620

They might as well be with how incompetent the people in charge are.

>> No.38482049

Rye graduated months ago so it cant be long now

>> No.38482184

lmao she's the gura skinwalker

>> No.38482295

Wait what?
Which one??

>> No.38486030

good, shit's bloated already as is

>> No.38489854

they don't stream so it's not

>> No.38493740

Not if they add in another gen, but it has to be a good one with unique chuubas. I got tired of basic American/Aussie bitches so I'm hoping for a couple euros.

>> No.38494074

>I'm hoping for a couple euro
Keep your expectations low because it's more than likely we'll see the same configuration of Americans/Canadians/Aussies. They managed to do twice, what makes you think they won't do it 3 times?

>> No.38495748

Bro they waited so long that people that might have got intially in like her reincarnated already and then needed to start all over again with the selection process most likely

>> No.38496528

That rrat is crazy unless there's significantly less money on the table for talents than we've been led to believe.

>> No.38498259

Cover does not do mixed gens you fucking mongoloids.
Thats the entire point Holostars are their own branch

>> No.38500073

Cover doesn't do mixed gens yet but a few years ago the same could be said for Nijisanji.

>> No.38500393

>but a few years ago the same could be said for Nijisanji
What in the god forsaken hell are you talking about? Since the very beginning Nijisanji had mixed waves/gens. NijiEN not having then for the first couple of waves doesn't mean they never did it, you fucking tourist.

>> No.38500527

EN schizos are pretty fucking retarded, good god i truly hope EN dies soon so you all go back to posting your JP oshi's name alongside sex in caps instead of making up this dumb scenarios in your heads or better yet commit suicide so your families don't have to live knowing how fucking stupid they were for not using contraceptives.

>> No.38504247

>The only one streaming at euro friendly hours is kiara
>and ironically the JP holos
>Ignore the euro market a second time
>Most of the current talents could easily get euro viewers if they were to start their streams just a couple of hours earlier
>But they won't
It's baffling how little they care for the euro fans

>> No.38504474

Ina also streamed on earlier hours, I believe around prime time for most of Western Europe, but she's currently MIA. Ironically enough Vesper was also one of the few who did, and he's also MIA. But yeah, I doubt we'll see any variation for EN3 if Cover managed to hire the same exact talent configuration two times in a row.

>> No.38506162

he can't, because the context is something like the temprature or the economy. lmao. fucking SEAs.

>> No.38508231

who is that black one in the 3rd spot of the top row? Did someone slip their OC into the image?

>> No.38508446

I gotta say if they don't hire euro girls they're retarded. Euro market is almost untouched.

>> No.38509157

This is the same company that managed to hire 2 Aussies for the same gen. Do not underestimate the ability of Cover to be retarded.

>> No.38511144

bro what if i tell you that they are debut ready for almost a year

>> No.38511244
File: 3.92 MB, 2048x1509, 1669059803447990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real EN3

>> No.38512396

Well, if you are interested in music-related career, Hololive is probably still first choice. You will definitely get 3D in 1-2 years and will also be able to do all sorts of concert.

Also if you are a streaming monster like Kaela, that’s one niche EN does not have yet. It may even guarantee you a spot

>> No.38512665

I guess it depends on what you define as “better”? Each HoloID have wildly different fanbase. Iofi is a mix of JP and ID, Risu is EN and ID, Moona is EN, ID, and few JP, Reine is mostly EN, Ollie is also mostly EN, while Anya is EN, JP, and ID mostly mixed together.

Also Indonesia is not a “small” market. Its the 4th largest country and highest number of weebs after China.

>> No.38512838

Kaela is just catching all the viewers that are missing from non-existent EN stream from all the other timezones. Zeta is basically Indonesian Ayame that streams.

>> No.38513101

Well, Kobo is also same branch as Reine, Moona, and Risu. Unless something truly bad happens, they will definitely be able to cover for her.

>> No.38513148

What has gone so right!?

>> No.38513511

>Kobo is a yab waiting to happen
is she? she seems fun and semi wholesome and has breakout popularity, I doubt they'd let her go even if she did have a minor yab and she doesn't seem like the type to have a major yab

>> No.38517109


>> No.38517728

get the fuck out

>> No.38520027

At this point I sort of believe

>> No.38520050


>> No.38523170

>It's the pure unicorn anti male girls only faction who matter
>Fauna and his "RM" situation
Kek fucking imbecile

>> No.38523201

They sort of seem to be the first real alternative to Hololive.

>> No.38523861

>Fauna and his "RM" situation

>> No.38525738

i dont care
