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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38239734 No.38239734 [Reply] [Original]

>only using hololive to promote her failing music career
>doesn't care about her fans
>rarely streams
>openly shits on gachikoi
>frequently associates with men
>doesn't care about upholding idol culture
>would have no problem with cucking her fans

Just about the only things she has over Mori are not being fat or an alcoholic. In every other respect, she is just as bad as her in all the same ways.

>> No.38239798

don't care, i will always support the minmay of hololive

>> No.38239814

>is Japanese
All is forgiven

>> No.38239815

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.38240261

Yeah, but Suisei's cute so whatever

>> No.38240753


>> No.38240989

>>frequently associates with men
Yeah, me
>>would have no problem with cucking her fans
Yeah, with me

>> No.38241059

If you wanted to make a thread shitting on Mori just say so. Mori is fat, sips lean, can’t fit through doorframes, is a Wigger, WNBJ, can’t even speak Japanese on a social level after years in glorious Nippon, can only rap about haters (badly), has her own gravitational pull, once picked up a live chicken by the foot, swallowed it, and then immediately pulled out its whole skeleton. Cleaned with no meat. She is also a whore, and could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. She can only make jokes about being a retarded Texan sheriff and Shrek. She has ruined every collab she has ever been in. Also she is fat.

>> No.38241216
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>> No.38241280
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Its your oshi's fault she isnt cute like Suisei and most importantly, isnt blue. Also good luck trying to keep this thread alive OP

>> No.38241289

sounds based as fuck to me, idol cultists are fucking cancer

>> No.38241334
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>> No.38241685

Hololive is successful because they're idols, retard

>> No.38241839

Perhaps more specifically, the idol-focus set them apart from nijisanji, where idolesque events were merely an extra for people like Mito, while Sora was always marketed as a budget idol.

>> No.38241880
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Well lm glad blue woman carved her own path then

>> No.38241897

but all you did was just describe every vt

>> No.38241965

>hates idols because she couldn't become one
its fascinating, but when you think about it she is also an anti

>> No.38242296

>>hates idols because she couldn't become one
Where did you get the impression that Suisei hates idol?

>> No.38242300
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I don't care.

>> No.38242392
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Today I will remind them

>obsessed with Tetris
>loves Mario Kart
>likes trains
>got horse girl levels of attached to the family dog
>very picky eater, hates vegetables
>perfectionist, does the same thing over and over again until she's satisfied
>refuses to upgrade her Live2D because it wouldn't be "her"
>refused to change her character voice until a doctor told her she was risking permanent throat damage
>shoves her face into peepholes and doorbell cameras after she rings the bell
>leans over edges and windows in high buildings, fascinated by people who commit suicide by jumping
>talks to a soundboard of her kamioshi
>talks to a plushie of her kamioshi
>takes the plushie out to dates
>bakes cake for her kamioshi's birthday
>room filled with shelves of merch for her 9-10 oshis
>watches anime and reads shoujo manga to understand how relationships work, finds it really helpful
>doesn't understand why people would want to kiss each other
>unable to stay still, even when management scolds her
>wanders off backstage at events, requiring staffers to watch her
>still gets lost if she goes to Cover's office without Google Maps
>wandered around backstage at 3rd fes carrying a doll going "sui... sui... sui... sui..."

>> No.38242499

anon, we know you are talking about mori, stop

>> No.38242620

Based suipiss

>> No.38242833

>she is also an anti
No thats Towa

>> No.38243100

>No thats Towa
Based I will now tribute to her on twitter

>> No.38243242

also first link doesn't work anymore

>> No.38243411

Lmao OP getting absolutely fucked by these replies

>> No.38243416

>only using hololive to promote her failing music career
Yeah, and there it's the difference. Her music career focus is hololive, everything that she does is to make her and the company recognized. Mori used hololive to revive her another rap career and start having her eceleb life out of it, she would probably be gone if it wasn't for the paypigs and her UMG contract. Something like the purple faggot using hololive to have his eceleb life, what a coincidence that he likes Mori. Thanks to her we have the "hobbylive" culture

>> No.38243788
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holy shit people are earnestly replying to this stale bait

>> No.38244576

>failing music career
yeah, no shit. Retard. If she had a successful career as singer, why would she join Hololive?

>> No.38245701

>the purple faggot
Literally who?
No seriously, who

>> No.38245806

Nah, Suisei is good, Mori is also good, so is Laplus btw, Hololive good, Niji bad

>> No.38245912

yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.38246108

>Working on a career you actually own is "hobbylive"
Unironic corpocuck.

>> No.38246168

Nijicunt btfo

>> No.38247704

>so is Laplus btw

>> No.38247949

She's not really failing with her music career. But it's definitely stagnating.
It's been a while since she released Ghost and Stellar.

>> No.38248720

>triple digits as indie
She just wants moar

>> No.38248913

Laplus did nothing wrong

>> No.38249069

You're right about your greentexts but the difference is professionalism. Suisei is what she presents herself as and although she doesn't give her fans any service, she's never disrespectful or ungrateful of them either. Every hoshiyomi gets exactly what they signed up for.

It's different from people who join an idol company then actively complain about idol shit.

>> No.38249106

Unfathomably based blue women.

>> No.38249130

Nijinig being retarded is the new norm here right?

>> No.38249290

>good at singing
>doesn’t do gfe
>associates with men
Is this the jp ironmouse

>> No.38249376


>> No.38249447

>she doesn't give her fans any service,
True, she's busy giving service to all the producers. She's good working on her knees.

>> No.38249624

This makes me very angry

>> No.38249667

And your mom does it for free, so what’s the problem here?

>> No.38249835

I don't get it, am I supposed to be mad at this post? I think I should, but I'm not, why?

>> No.38249863

Based as f-word

>> No.38249920

Hating your fans does seem to make you popular juat look at Gawr Gura

>> No.38249946

who's her kamioshi anyways

>> No.38249985

>But it's definitely stagnating.
She has another new album coming and had her MGO gig.

>> No.38250176
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>only using hololive to promote her failing music career
>doesn't care about her fans
She does but doesn't endulge them nor pubicly shows it, It's like a rare occasion.
>rarely streams
The price of popularity sadly.
egotistical is too strong of a word, She's quite perceptive of peoples thoughts through mass egosearching but if she really wants to do something then she'll do it regardless of what the public reaction is.
>openly shits on gachikoi
Fake news that keeps being spread, She's warning you there's nothing to gain from being a gachikoi for her but she isn't stopping you.
>frequently associates with men
Men are a massive part of the music industry, Normal.
>doesn't care about upholding idol culture
I think this is true to a degree, She mostly does things for herself than the fans which is fine but Idol's are mostly doing stuff for the fans sake.
>would have no problem with cucking her fans
yeah, with me.

>> No.38250258
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Keep crying those unicorn tears.

>> No.38250277

>It's like a rare occasion
And the few times she does it feels really special. Unlike most chuubas who use mengen to vent out stuff they won't vent in normal streams(which is dumb since it always gets leaked anw) she went and talk about anime for one hour straight instead. Or the few times she does Twitter space. Which is good because it means she has reliable friends and family members to vent if she has problems

>> No.38250427

You like getting cucked?

>> No.38250575

Is this the stealth Mori hate thread?

>> No.38250884

Ok cuck

>> No.38251687

I want to believe it's not just kayfabe, especially the parts about her needing staff to watch her back stage as she runs around spekaing to dolls and fidgeting.

You should also add to the post btw, I don't have a link but I remember someone posted an interview where someone said they took her to a recording studio for the first time and she sprinted around the room 3 times.

>> No.38251736

A catalog bait using Suisei? The absolute state

>> No.38251790

I'm not going to watch her, but she sounds based.

>> No.38252015

Based Touhou enjoyer.

>> No.38252030
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>> No.38252117

this mattress looks comfy enough. dont know about the smell though

>> No.38252137

They say musical geniuses are weird, well Suisei is weird by talking to her dolls.
There that confirms Suisei is mentally special

>> No.38252149

Update: Bonded with THE Tsukino Mito via talk about poop

>> No.38252185

>failing music career
>doesn't care about her fans
>rarely streams
>openly shits on gachikoi
>doesn't care about upholding idol culture
>would have no problem with cucking her fans

>not being fat or an alcoholic

>> No.38252219


>> No.38252356

You know it's true, schizo

>> No.38252377

>only using hololive to promote her failing music career
She's exploiting a corporation? Absolutely sickening.

>> No.38252393

Suisei could be 100 times more unicorn-friendly than any other holomems (especially EN) but she just doesn't want you to watch her this way
Based comet

>> No.38252827

Suisei DEFINITELY said this

>> No.38252914

Hi Taku

>> No.38253113

You don't even watch her or you are just a fan of nkok

>> No.38253282

> based
> based
> busy doing what will actually make her successful in music instead of coasting off her simps' money and getting nowhere aka based
> based
> based
> based
> based
> based

>> No.38253648
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Oh my fucking god how can a woman be so based

I would literally let her squat and piss on my face I'm not even pretending

>> No.38254450


>> No.38254548

No anon, this is /vt/, the not-so-stealth Mori hate BOARD

>> No.38254723

Very amazing reminder

>> No.38254774

Success breed Jealousy

>> No.38257046

Today I learned that Suisei's fans are full of cucks

>> No.38258711

t. Lapschizo

>> No.38262458

She has more personality then your whole genus so kill yourself

>> No.38262530

You would only feel sorry if you see a rabid dog same applies here

>> No.38262663

So she's just a retarded slut just like Mori. But it's fine because she's japanese. Stupid cunt, kys.

>> No.38262727
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>would have no problem with cucking her fans
Based. We REALLY need a cute vtuber who does netorase instead of NTR boring femdom shit. I want to see them cutesy during the day-stream then a sticky, conquered mess on the night-stream.

>> No.38262826

>wandered around backstage at 3rd fes carrying a doll going "sui... sui... sui... sui..."
You gullible retards are also the same people who think a 60 year old Hulk Hogan smacked around Brock Lesnar.

>> No.38263214

Her music is good and she's passionate about it, making it ok

>> No.38263449

So she's Mori but JP

>> No.38263460

I'm glad that deadbeats stopped trying to pretend that Mori is good and now just try to argue that other girls are just as bad.

>> No.38263510
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>is kind to my oshi
will continue to support her

>> No.38263557

Moris music sounds like a donkey being raped so no they are not comparable

>> No.38264804

Miko is shit too

>> No.38268219


So she has a quirky personality; that doesn't make her shit, just weird and human.

>> No.38268414
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>> No.38268472
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Ok cucksagi

>> No.38268590
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still having sex with her in my head, OP
can't stop me

suityan love

>> No.38270452

Based and same

>> No.38270548

She has the same appeal as ui mama. Her fans love her BECAUSE she hates them.

>> No.38270663

Difference between someone with charisma versus someone who doesn't. She's also a lot smarter business-wise than Mori.

>> No.38270714

Why doesn't Laplus get forgiven for being JP?

>> No.38271988

Because Anon is consistent and principled.

No, actual reason it's the JP viewers who blame her, /here/ started hating only after most of JP were already anting her.

>> No.38272080

Laplus is the real JP Mori and it's so evident that even EOPs can't deny it at this point.

>> No.38272095

I hated her before jp hated her because she got one of the rare loli models and she wasted it by not being interesting.

>> No.38272097

Both Mori and Suisei are on the spectrum

>> No.38272363
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at this point this post is just a way to gauge the amount of newfags we've gotten since the last time it gets posted.
one constant remains in OP getting BTFO every single time though.
