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3822916 No.3822916 [Reply] [Original]

Is Iofi menhera or not?

>> No.3822956

I want to prone bone her while she speaks Indonesian

>> No.3823009

I want to fist her ass while choking her

>> No.3823136

She's a numberfag who is driven insane by the lack of popularity.

>> No.3823285

She's extremely horny.

>> No.3823340

For who?

>> No.3823472


>> No.3824099

doesn't seem to be

>> No.3824200 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3824342

she would at least be interesting if she was menhera

>> No.3824628

If shes in hololive, she's menhera.

>> No.3824659

She has fujo/yumejoshi brain.

>> No.3825362
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yeah I wonder

>> No.3826186

nah but she unironically joined hololive to find a husband

>> No.3826340

>shilled by Sora
>shilled by Pochi
>joined Aqua's group in Minecraft
>somehow still having lack of popularity
What went wrong

>> No.3826341

I am curious:
What does Iofi-chan look for in a guy?

>> No.3826402

worse, a normie

>> No.3826429

as long as he's east asian or westerner
consider it as an upgrade

>> No.3826871

like moona, a retarded face

>> No.3826944
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iofi thread?

>> No.3827228

i know nothing about her, i know more of the dagger for the memes than iofi kek

>> No.3829210

Pre-EN1 ID is big debuff.

>> No.3829555
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You'd be menhera too if you were the worst performing Hololive girl.

>> No.3830766

what went wrong with her? how can it be this bad...

>> No.3830860

She's literally the most boring girl in all of Hololive. Even Ina is less boring than her. I've never seen her even get a fucking clip.

>> No.3831125

When I watched ID1 debuts I thought she was the highest spec ID. Then she immediately gets mogged at art and I lost interest.
Then she went fangirling really hard for homos, ranted about wanting to interact with them, and cried when they graduated. I felt bad for her fans.
Then she went menhera after the among us collab and put some chinese troll in the spotlight. I couldn't imagine who could be her fan after that.

>> No.3831202

>below Anya
Jesus, at least Anya has saviourfags

>> No.3831276

She literally refuses to put herself out there or pander in any way. I think one time in a Bandori stream, somebody backseated her in a superchat and she shut off superchats for the rest of the stream.
She's not exactly hostile to her fanbase, but she clearly is more interested in doing her own thing, but is unwilling to tard wrangle at all. Her streams aren't bad content, either. She plays what she wants, draws what she wants, and says what she wants. HoloID Gen 1 all seem to have that sort of aura to them, but Iofi isn't really a memelord like Risu and hasn't had a breakout moment like Moona did with Pekora. She seems content being where she is.

>> No.3831327

>clipnigger EOP
Your opinion sure is credible

>> No.3831502

Shut up SEAnigger.

>> No.3831526

she won't be so content when she lost her job, her number is an embarrassment to hololive

>> No.3831700

>She seems content being where she is.

I guess that's all that matters then. Comfy job making comfy money.

>> No.3831740

Hololive isn't Shounen Jump.

>> No.3832117

Iofi is still probably earning a decent penny.
Compare her numbers to an indies and the difference is night and day. Even Stars will stream to no less than 3 times the numbers that an indie will get.

>> No.3832215

I like Iofi, but I'm scared that stuff like this will make me like her a little too much.

>> No.3832644

Iofi's nice but just boring, the worst sin of a streamer.

>> No.3832897
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>> No.3832966

She's sexy af but her content is variable. I only watch her zatsudans and drawing streams if I can catch her. A nice person overall

>> No.3833854
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Pagi, yopi!

>> No.3834070

not menhera, just a disgusting fujo, but being fujo is menhera

>> No.3834997

God i swear hololive really warped people's perceptions about streaming numbers

>> No.3836402

Clipfag here
>Seen risu a lot
>Seen Ollie a lot
>Seen moona sometimes
>Seen Reine sometimes
>Seen Anya like twice maybe
>Literally never seen a single Low-Fi clip
This is why she has shit numbers, as I'm subbed to all above her except Anya

>> No.3836617
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I respect Iofi i'd admire her will but it's a fools errand, Hololives strength is their bonds, Iofi's indifidual strength is her linguistics and she absolutely doesn't want to depend on anyway she's doing it to herself

>> No.3840553
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This is all I want in life.

>> No.3840627

Anon, numbers dont really matter in Hololive when its basically a group effort and Cover is raking in hand fucking money.

>> No.3842323

Yes she is a menhera. Did you all forget the shit she pulled on twitter months ago where she lost her mind because someone responded her on the same tweet line where another holo vtuber was there?

>> No.3849097
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wedding dress doodle stream today

>> No.3849167

In her culture, menhera episodes are fixed with beatings.
However, she lives in a girls only dorm, that might enable her to let her inner menhera loose

>> No.3849365

She is.

>> No.3849502

Clip was torn between Iofi and Lofi, the later probably didn't get enough traction and it was the most common.

>> No.3849590

>Pushed Moona to collab with Peko
>Get Pochi to be a mama
>Introduce Ono Yuuki to Roberu
She's already done so much for cover that she'll never be fired for her low numbers.

>> No.3849994

>Pushed Moona to collab with Peko
there is good amount of clipfaggots who unironically believe that pekomoon wouldn't happen if it wasnt for Lofi. this is why >we need to gas all clipfaggots.

>> No.3850027

Or you're just a fucking clipfaggot pretender who don't actually watched Moona.
She talked about it in her stream.

>> No.3850366

give me the timestamp where she said it exactly otherwise it's only your delusion.

>> No.3850681


Among us collab and her sperging out in comments about not translating.

>> No.3850834

not that guy, but iofi is the one who get mooner to play minecraft in JP server.
it's happen months ago and Im too lazy to diving archive, but you can find a moment where moona jump to iofi stream and said she scared to start a collab with pecorr here
(I won't spoonfeed you again)

>> No.3851073

I like Iofi but she needs a new mic. She sometimes go from speaking quietly to loudly and her mic doesn't handle that well

>> No.3851272

Anything over 150 viewers is still very impressive in my eyes

>> No.3851381

>suck at games
>drawing isn't really that good even though promoting self as artist
>can't sing well
>stream mostly consist of ikemen gacha
>literally fujoshi
>pander to homostars
>no GFE

she is a nice person, and cute. but the stream is hella boring

>> No.3851605

Wasn't she the one that talked about serial killers once?

>> No.3851622

Wishing a very good evening to my fellow Hololive ID friends.

>> No.3851698

>no GFE
she does GFE >>3826944 she just doesn't know that if you're doing GFE you're not supposed to collab with males. her GFE is very entry level and she kinda just does it half assedly

>> No.3854739

>she doesn't see anything lewd about holding hands
Wow, she really is loose.

>> No.3859426

yes, her /x/ talk was kinda comfy

>> No.3859776

No English speaking chuuba does GFE. Making a small clip with some cutesy content barely counts.

>> No.3859997

she speak indog majority of the time and like i said she just does it half assedly

>> No.3861654

>not that guy, but iofi is the one who get mooner to play minecraft in JP server.
>Pushed Moona to collab with Peko
Two different things my guy. And the collab was already set whether Lofi called Moona or not.

>> No.3861846

>iofi is the one who get mooner to play minecraft in JP server
what is up with lofifags taking credits on something they dont have anything to do with? JESAS, that was simply management's decision to throw them into JP server. ffs.

>> No.3861948

this is my post from months ago

here's why you're wrong:

1. pekomoona 1st collab will still happen wheter that "weakest moment" happen or not. pekora asked moona for the collab on 26 of november https://youtu.be/nSqaHqRQVIc?t=9002 and "weakest moment" is on 29. so the collab was already settled by then.

2. the context of that moment was moona being sad about being left out alone FOR AN OFFCOLLAB with kira family or whatever they call it. then iofi suggested moona to ask pekora for an offcollab too. that's the trigger, that's the moment where moona talked about her insecurity of not being able to speak japanese. the rest is history. so it's not about asking pekora for a collab (1st collab).

>> No.3862997
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Lofi is doing her reps, this is really nice

>> No.3864723

She retweeted art of her with a hijab, so obviously she's beyond redemption
