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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 244 KB, 1080x996, IMG_20221202_122725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38198553 No.38198553 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no...

>> No.38198595

>check your windows search bar btw
wait, what did she do?

>> No.38198627

cold tea...

>> No.38198646

NEW GEN?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.38198668

Vesper coming back from his suspension. Ame going on hers now. What exactly was going on in that discord!?

>> No.38198719

Cant believe vesper molested ame, gura, and ina

>> No.38198733

Joseph Bell's birthday
alright pack it up, nothing to see here

>> No.38198753

They need a new gen that streams in nighttime jst. Yagoo pls.

>> No.38198770

Don't let this distract you from the fact that vesper only had 2 weeks suspension from molestation.

>> No.38198774

Not sure why she doesn't just have a scheduled month off around this time of year. I remember in her first year she said she gets depressed around about this time and it was extremely evident even in the less jaded debut days. No need to lean on sickness as an excuse to coast through it in sadness

>> No.38198777

Oh no.

>> No.38198780

So a european gen.
That's gonna be a tough one.

>> No.38198886

stop the cope, tempus is your new gen this year

>> No.38198937

Especially with Kiara threatening to graduate if Cover hires another German girl.

>> No.38198997
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, womp womp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only other german I'm aware of is the shylily whore.

>> No.38199041

there will never be another EN gen. EN is almost a complete write-off at this point

>> No.38199051

Every vtuber company caught depression today

>> No.38199090

I think it's more an issue that european girls are generally not into this kind of thing.
Like here in the UK. The girls are just mega tier normies. If you're not out drinking yourself into an early grave and having casual sex every night then they think "yer a right queer one"
You'd have difficulty explaining the concept of vtubers to the overwhelming majority of them.
Froot is basically the best you're going to get out of bong girls. And she's a total whore.

Yeah most European countries encourage their women to be like this.
And most of them aren't interested in things that aren't widely socially accepted/promoted.

I could see one more StarsEN.
But I don't think we'll see a LiveEN until there's been a few graduations. The economics don't make much sense.

>> No.38199123

It happening, EN3 lets goooo

>> No.38199264

Looks like the window with no TEMPUS collabs is growing even larger
She was one of the girls who could join Mori's Pokemon tournament with the stars, and some Tempus members already said they weren't doing it
Ame was also planning some piko park collab that she had troubles getting girls to join

>> No.38199271

I like the orcat tho.

>> No.38199382
File: 96 KB, 626x790, E11D0471-1522-489F-8485-3B5A86B16CA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regis you son of a bitch why did you come inside

>> No.38199415

I know plenty of birds who like the whole thing conceptually, just UK isn't a nation that harbours creative talent, so a lot of people are lazy admirers. They have long term ADHD, they constantly come up with plans and "oh yeah let's do that" and act fully intent about it and then just ghost it and bring up a bunch of frivolous life reasons as to why not

>> No.38199449

It's Joseph Bells birthday so the search bar shows a detective hat.

>> No.38199489

lmfao when did this supposedly happen

>> No.38199501

she's pregnant with me of course

>> No.38199546
File: 1.19 MB, 1287x723, 1669721780936217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let Vesper's molestation spree distract you from the fact that IRyS is playing unprotected Smash Bros with Brian every night.
Captcha: KNTRRW

>> No.38199572

Well then let's hope they hire one

>> No.38199672
File: 274 KB, 161x215, 1667796362937321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys. I ate her. felt bad so I sent the tweet.

>> No.38199715

>Froot is basically the best you're going to get out of bong girls.
>who is Shondo
>who is Rin

>> No.38199735

Ame’s started to realize she’s dragging down the brand

>> No.38199766

stop this, you have to acknowledge tempiss as holoproen new gen

>> No.38199793
File: 173 KB, 1476x1402, Empress.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneel to the unbroken Kaiserin.

>> No.38199862

>cries on stream
>goes on alt
>cries on stream
>eats cake

>> No.38199973

If it works and she still keeps regular hours what the fuck does it matter? Can you say the same Teakek/Cumbud/kekodachi/Deadcuck?

>> No.38199978

There are several others. Shirahiko, Poya, Inislein.

>> No.38200404

>If it works and she still keeps regular hours what the fuck does it matter
Idk, it's kinda pathetic to basically guilt trip your audiance into feeling pity for you so they feel more inclined to give you money and feel guilty when they're not watching you. Imagine if some big twitch guy streamer was crying on stream and pouting their sob story of "woe is me, guys can we get a sub in chat" you'd 100% think it's pathetic & sad.

It's just manipulation which she's done in the past, as has her roommate.
and anon I'm none of the keks buds achis or cucks you listed, I stopped watching streams a long time ago and moved over to being a clip watcher; no drama, no downtime, I get to pick what I watch and just see highlights, it's great.

>> No.38200447

Ame will be EN new manager!

>> No.38200459

There's a massive amount of creative talent in the UK.
Problem is the UK is stuck in a self inflicted downward spiral.

>> No.38200534

>gura back
>ame break

>> No.38200844

Oh I remember

>> No.38201347

We shall never forget.

>> No.38201433

You mean JP streamers, right?

>> No.38201544

Rin even sounds British, unlike the weird whatever that is Shondo's voice.

>> No.38202762

You know exactly what's going on. Vesper is a boomer creep.

>> No.38202967

Convinced Shondo is just an American who says she's British to get views

>> No.38203041

Have you ever seen Shondo talk to her mom? She's definitely some kind of Norf

>> No.38203143

Her mother is british as fuck

>> No.38203302


>> No.38203369

Dead chuubas: Gura, Ina, Ame, Sana.
Not looking good holobros. Practically a gen down.

>> No.38203490

I don't actually watch her streams, I do what any sane person does which is check her ASMR vods every so often, tab through the scrollbar to see if she does any interesting triggers, lose interest when 4.5/5 hours is her fucking babbling inanely about shit I just don't care about.

>> No.38203513

>sane person
>listen to ASMR

>> No.38203554

just sliding in to remind you guys to disable bing from your search bar, because even if you're searching locally, inside your own computer, that search is sent to microsoft's servers anyway (because maybe you meant to bing!). can't get away from all of the telemetry but you know

>> No.38203592

Roommate and clipwatcher holy shit your horrible.

>> No.38203603

Comparatively sane, who the fucks want to listen to someone talk in a loli voice for more than an hour, at the very least I thought maybe there was an essence of degeneracy to it. No people just actually find it pleasant to hear someone tawk wike wis into a micwophone

>> No.38203757

>Ame on break
So nothing new then

>> No.38204237
File: 940 KB, 3508x4960, da7xzxzw1ls91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Install Arch.
Don't need windows to game anymore.

>> No.38204276

>eggchama's only dirt on Kiara is shit that happened over 2 fucking years ago
lmao you're so pathetic
>goes on alt
>cries on stream
source doko?

>> No.38204347

sorry ame, windows user = instant unmember

>> No.38204377

>cries on stream
Everyone knows the Zelda incident.

>> No.38204553

>I'm a clipwatcher
oh that explains why you're saying shit about Kiara as if it's still 2020, she literally isn't like that anymore, clipwatching scum. Watch streams.

>> No.38204616

I was asking for a source on the
>cries on alt
part, not the Zelda stream. Source doko?

>> No.38204924

>Myth on strike
>Cue Solidarity Forever

>> No.38205026

bruh i got 3 day off for posting this "similar" shit

>> No.38205087

Anon…Shondo is one of the most clipped indies. You can watch her and her mom talking without clicking on streams.

>> No.38205886

esl commit suicide
no, I'd never watch streams where they have boring ass segments of thanking superchats or jerking off for 40 mins doing nothing. Why would I watch the boring shit when I can watch a 2 minute clip and get the same enjoyment from the highlights?
suck my balls anon I ain't watching no streams.

wtf does this even mean
no, find it yourself retard I'm not linking her alt :)

>> No.38205968

Even I as a NEET work more hours then Myth.

>> No.38206398

I don't check clips out as a courtesy, evidently none of her clipbait stands out and I'm not thrilled at watching a clip of two bongs natter away at eachother.

>> No.38206463

so is the US but all these bitches is from here

>> No.38206691

Its weird. I was already not feeling the new model then this happened and I just have no inclination to watch her now.

>> No.38209192

She was 10 minutes away from streaming Pokemon then 7 hours of waiting to see if she was even alive, then bam "short break" with the exact same wording she's used for multiple other breaks. What the fuck even happened last night.

>> No.38209316

She shit her pants after eating a bagel

>> No.38209531

Tempus chibi 3D Christmas needs a shit ton of work

>> No.38212575

Someone from Tempiss called and needed their dick sucked. Ame, being pro unity, said she would help.

>> No.38216814
File: 2 KB, 459x46, 1665100766411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got me to look, ass hole.

>> No.38216908

Probably this unironically. She refuses to make dietary changes to better her health so she has tummy hort 24/7.

>> No.38216947

Imagine the stains!

>> No.38217019

Amelia got a quiet suspension because she knew he was sexually harassing kronii and kept quiet about it.

>> No.38217021

Samefagging retard

She has stated multiple times she wants more European girls. KYS
