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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38192253 No.38192253 [Reply] [Original]

HoloES fucking when?

>> No.38192974 [DELETED] 

nobody wants worthless latinx money
they would actually lose some

>> No.38193210

Not happening and if it does it will last less than the Chinese because Hispanics are too assholish for the soft Japanese Managment

>> No.38193407

is not happening happening until nijiES happens

>> No.38193701


>> No.38193732

>Spanish male joins
>After a month Pekora announces she has to take a break
>More and more breaks on her part
>both her and the Spanish talent announce they have to take a few months of break during his 9 month mark
>Pekora finally got the Argentinian baby she always wanted

>> No.38193742


>> No.38193850

So never?

>> No.38193926

They'd be better than EN but worse than JP
Maybe similar to ID but even more whoreish

>> No.38194146

i guess
coco and hachama got cover to create HoloEN

reimu spanish streams are a flop and scarle is a fake latina, i don't think they care at all about helping to create a ES brand

probably coco would have created holoES if it wasn't because of her graduation

>> No.38195912

Next year

>> No.38196032

why specifically spain?
spain is insignificant nowadays

>> No.38197713

Hopefully never. Third world shit cultures and no money, what's the point.

And yes, including Spain.

>> No.38198984

But it's okay when ID does it

>> No.38199046

Honestly I wouldn’t mind a Hololive Spain branch because the absolute amount of seething that would cause here would be hilarious to watch

>> No.38199139

I want a member from Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Mexico and just try to see them pretend to like each other like the tempus boys only for 1 stream to just get at each other's throats and shit talk their countries and their economies.
Then Managment fires all of them and ES Branch is cancelled as the JP branch is in amazement at the fact that people that rude exist.

>> No.38199262

i hope never, thanks to some jp "talents" and recently the lazy shark blue triangle went rotten, numbers company changed too, es its fine with W but they need to step in to the pt market to dominate that part of the continent.

>> No.38199825

Please no, i already have Hana yomeguri if I want to see a vtuber in Spanish and the last time I checked her was like 6 months ago.
I doubt they can top a Japanese, fluent in Spanish with a cute accent and have to graduate members because they died in a gang war or something.

>> No.38199994

>270m population
>big weeb market
>biggest economy in SEA
>close to japan
>is japan's major trade partner
is okay

>> No.38202316

because like 500 million people speak spanish

>> No.38202656

But she already bought a fucking monkey

>> No.38202744

yeah but like 90% of them are living in south america

>> No.38203422

Ain't happening.
Meanwhile, you can watch other Spanish Speaking Streamers out there.
Wactor, Reimu Endou (when she streams in Spanish), SEDAI ONE, Hana Yomeguri, etc.

>> No.38203467

Not after losing Japan

>> No.38203893

Hopefully never, Spanish speakers are a cancer

>> No.38203990

I don't wants corpo chuubas to be tainted by roastie latinxs
t. spic

>> No.38206717

fucking what?

>> No.38207428


>> No.38211829

>I want a member from Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Mexico and just try to see them pretend to like each other like the tempus boys only for 1 stream to just get at each other's throats and shit talk their countries and their economies.
That would be unironically and unbelievable based.

>> No.38212005


>> No.38212068

Never, we are only getting the polyglot starsEN vsinger who speaks spanish

>> No.38212354

It would suck if they had spanish, mexican or argentinian accents + their slang.

>> No.38216813
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Subscribe to Neon

>> No.38218416

>Sidosas one in full capital letters

>> No.38218707

you see, no blue dorito which is the only thing OP cares about

>> No.38219544
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Llevan 3 años haciendo estos hilos, ya dejen de humillarse rogando por esta mierda

>> No.38220138

This but they actually continue to shit talk each other and their countries while being great friends because latinos are not fags that get offended at banter

>> No.38220623

come home brown man

>> No.38221019

If they want to take over the ES market they would have to compete with Wactor (YouTube) and Owosu (Twitch)

>> No.38222186
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Subscribe to Himea d'Almaria

>> No.38222232

i don't watch choripaneras

>> No.38227196

Very true. even the women don't take any shit.

>> No.38229421

Go watch Neon

>> No.38230052

And more chaotic and cursed. Also, racist jokes will be banned.
Racism is part of ES culture, they can´t take away that

>> No.38230612

The more the merrier

>> No.38231189

But some white bitch on twitter would call racism and try to get all 4 cancelled

>> No.38231223


>> No.38232298
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Que te calle la puta boca ya

>> No.38232347



>> No.38234697

Wactor sub thread
>Neon Love
>Himea Love
>Luna love
>Hina love
They have for the surprise little to no whore behaviour compared to the usual anglo.

>> No.38234901


>> No.38235117

Beaners are a little bit better than negroes I guess, but not by much. Asians can at least pass as human from time to time.

>> No.38235246

Lo mismo decían de holostarsEN y tu oshi fue la primera en abrirse de piernas cuando llegaron

>> No.38236838

racism, insulting politicians, fanbase that lives insulting each other because of nationality
Cover is not prepared for what is coming

>> No.38238006

>ES can't happen because they are too poor
Bro Kobo lives in a fucking shoebox and shares a bed with her brother, it's so bad she actually goes to Reine and Ollie's houses just so she can sleep on a bed by herself.

>> No.38238238

I'm Portuguese, and to me the idea of a chuuba speaking mainly Portuguese is cringe as fuck.
As for HoloES, I can understand Spanish perfectly, but I'd never watch it for the same reason.
Might just be me though, but I'd like to know:
Do Spanish speaking fans really want this?

I only support stuff like HoloEU because EU lacks holomem streamers for EU timezones, but even the I'd want all members speaking english primarily,

>> No.38239539

nah south american nationalists go nuts over this shit

>> No.38239548


>> No.38239680

Go back and KYS

>> No.38239776

spics can't stand their own women even if they're hiding behind an animu girl avatar

>> No.38239900

I despise my language so fucking much when it comes to content creation and it just goes miles higher if it's related to chuubas. Plus women here are fake already that the girls they would find would either be whores or speak with a fucking accent.
t. spic

>> No.38240226

>Asians can at least pass as human from time to time
t.coping flip or indog

>> No.38240525

Unironically yes, that's why we are so obsessed with asian women especially Japanese and Korean

>> No.38241111

simon that's why my gf is a jap

>> No.38242826

How many times do we have to have this thread?
There's no money on ES, plus people are degenerates. Check Miu's chat if want to see the ES experience

>> No.38245170

Hey, nothing can be worse than Calli

>> No.38245293

wanna bet?

>> No.38249360

After HoloKR

>> No.38251600

if indonesia is profitable, why would an ES branch wouldn't be?

>> No.38252861
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>anons forgot about HoloES0

>> No.38253006

so much sovl...

>> No.38254195


>> No.38254316

Nadie quiere dinero sin valor de pobres sudacas.
Are you happy now?

>> No.38254536

Wasn't Latin America one of the first places outside of Asia to dub anime?

>> No.38254742

Lost the fucking Game of ESLs to fucking ID. Too late. Should've tried harder.

>> No.38254958

magni Desmond is actually very fluent in Español

>> No.38256099

Too bad his Niji GF sucks at it despite being one of them

>> No.38257239

I fucking hate anyone who speaks Spanish as their first language.
t. Peruvian

>> No.38257373

Come back...

>> No.38258447

When holoen collapses

>> No.38259135
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Whenever my mentally ill wife decides to stop being an alcoholic gopnitsa long enough to actually stream on a regular basis. So never.

>> No.38264036


>> No.38267696
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Don't forget to subscribe to Wactor ES

Rurine Luna
Hina Misora
Kuroyuri Neon
D'Almaria Himea

>> No.38270004

sorry I only watch hololive

>> No.38270265
File: 359 KB, 2199x712, 1645102500598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your holoES bros

>> No.38272738

boquita el mas grande

>> No.38277565


>> No.38279120

why doesn't gura learn spanish

>> No.38283744

BR first

>> No.38284244


>> No.38287947
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Neon love

>> No.38292713


>> No.38293850

Mañana y todas van a hacer watchalongs de Dragon Ball sin autorización.

>> No.38294720

we still do, us cheap ass aint paying for no crunchyroll

>> No.38294988

Ojala nunca, si las HoloEN salieron asi de mierdas imaginate a las HoloES

>> No.38301890

Never. Latins don't have money for sc and they are they probably one of the most toxic and degenerate fan bases on par with the japs.

>> No.38304120

>Racism is part of ES culture, they can´t take away that
no it's not. anglos exported racism to us, history illiterate

>> No.38304634
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>Mexican sombrero
>not a Puerto Rican pava

>> No.38305131
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stop sucking Anglo cock you selfhating faggot

>> No.38309018

Exported the idea of "that's racism and it's bad" but people has been always racist here.
Argentinians believe they are Europeans and whites, but they are blacks, Chileans, Peruvians and Argentinians think Bolivians are ugly llama people and they are right.
A clean vtuber can't get audience without racism

>> No.38310220

I like them but wactor has the worst management ever

>> No.38311560

because OP is a retard that immediately relates spanish to spain and doesn't know any other spanish speaking country

>> No.38311746

literally fake latino
argentinians are faggot italian wannabes
peruvians are pigeon eaters
bolivians are ugly ass llama people
chileans might as well speak their own retarded language
brazilians are the sterotypical niggers of south america
literally every country here is somewhat racist against each other, but it is less hostile racism, it's more a rivalry with tinges of muh country >>>> your shitass country

>> No.38311902

Because spain is tye only spanish country. Everywhere else is indio mutts

>> No.38312409

HoloES will happen whe Essie fucking kills herself. They know ES vtubers are just fucked up pedos and drama whores

>> No.38315103


>> No.38316394

Ojalá nunca son todas putas

>> No.38316860
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you forgot id already know about and has their own vtuber there back in 2018

>> No.38317742


>> No.38319122

I fail to see the problem

>> No.38319830

>coco and hachama got cover to create HoloEN
I love that this narrative is still alive

>> No.38321693

After EN4

>> No.38326681

Once WACTOR goes under

>> No.38328766

I think it would work if they hire bilingual chuubas like Mousey. That way they could Collab with EN girls all day.
