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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38126360 No.38126360 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.38126541

Hmm? What’s over?

>> No.38126557 [DELETED] 

time to grab a rope, faggot.

>> No.38126581

Ina is not on the holo countdown happening on 31st which confirms that she really died

>> No.38126751
File: 53 KB, 737x472, cryingttosleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so she really is gone...

>> No.38126933

Time to end the world.

>> No.38127265

Lmaoing @ jabbies.

>> No.38127336

come home octopus man
the jewish eel is the korean for you

>> No.38127347

She's taking care of the baby

>> No.38127420

>The vax gave her a genetic heart disease.
Stop being a dumb wigger.

>> No.38128310

>Thinking she's sick
She's a deceptive fucking bitch committed to repeating the Sana arc because Priestess duties have ramped up but she's too fucking cowardly to just say she has other priorities. It's over and it has been over since late May.

>> No.38128370


>> No.38128386

who what?

>> No.38128734

Damn so she's gone this entire december

>> No.38128839

Sorry her vagina is still clamping on my dick and this had been going on for the last few months.

>> No.38128863

Kiara would be based if it was the countdown to Ina graduation announcement stream.

>> No.38128879

thats not christmassy at all

>> No.38129643

Why are gacha artists like this? Second time they could have just said they prefer drawing for their gacha chink overlords over streaming instead of dragging it out with month+ long breaks. Does working for soulless gachas always make you a deceptive person?

>> No.38129772

That really sucks, man.

>> No.38129801

Would make my Christmas. It would get it fucking over with.

>> No.38129920

fucking cover trying to keep quiet about this until people forget about her

>> No.38130004

I know
I know I've let you down

>> No.38130631

its never over

>> No.38131607
File: 154 KB, 354x347, 1663896867843878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Take it, you slutty comfort woman whore!"
>Motoaki Tanigo was currently in the process of disciplining one of his talents from the english branch
>"You want to draw for the chinks? That more important for you than your fans, you WHORE?" he said in perfect japanese
>Ina was used to the racial abuse at this point, but yagoo's large tentacle was even harder than usual
>"No, Im sorry, Tanigo-sama!"
>Yagoo slapped her large bottom
>"What are you?"
>"A whore!"
>"A whore for whom?"
>Yagoo rewarded the gook cocksleeve by filling her womb with his potent seed
>Ina cried out in orgasm and replied "B-banzai..."
>Yagoo zipped up his pants and told ina that her punishment was over
>"If you get pregnant, visit our office for summary abortion. Wouldnt want any stinky kims or parks on my family register."
>"Yes sir"
>Ina cleaned herself up and prepared to go home when she got a message
>Apparently one of her contacts for the gacha games that she is making art for needs a personal meeting
>Ina knew what this meant, so she took a shower and applied make up that would cater to chinese sensibilities
>the chinese were less accomodating about terminating unwanted pregnancies, so she got 3 packs of condoms on the way
>"I hope the takodachi won't be too angry that I'm gone for this long. Who am I kidding, they'll never abandon me..."
>With a smile she entered the hotel where her meeting was scheduled
>As she walked towards the reception desk, she saw omega leaving the hotel
>"I may be a gook whore, but YWNBAW" she thought

>> No.38134488

Not yet

>> No.38134546


>> No.38134632

Well can't say takos don't deserve this cause desu they do for shit posting about my oshi a year ago, I don't forgive so easily.

>> No.38135455

Hey you got a real talent at that. Did you get your practice while watching your Enna get blacked Moona slip up about her bf or listening to your Kronii give out her phone number to random male passengers on her flight home? Whatever it was you certainly know how to write cuckoldry. Experience has to be the best education out there.

>> No.38135542

>throughout all the Ina ass art no one made good buttjob porn of her

Fuck this kink for being so rare

>> No.38135596
File: 28 KB, 227x222, 1669601782263879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a nousagi, sorry anon. And sorry if you're a takodachi, it's jork, handu surippu

>> No.38135903

Yeah, me goo goo gah gah

>> No.38136465
File: 1.33 MB, 2608x4013, 229D52F6-709A-4C44-840E-0BC132076C0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Ina, my beautiful priestess. You were a great vtuber and made all us takos very comfy. RIP

>> No.38136514

I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could live for no one else
But now, through all the hurt and pain
It's time for me to respect
The ones you love mean more than anything

>> No.38136686

Holy shit that was a bloody good read. Do you write fanfiction? You should.

>> No.38136757

She just bought her house, she needs the extra income for a while.

>> No.38136800

Why is this kind of radio silence allowed?

>> No.38136819

Why stream when you can take a break and make 10x superchats for your "comeback". Then do it again later

>> No.38136868

HoloEN is a great way to earn passive income ladies

>> No.38136880


>> No.38136901

Maternity leave laws. Cover can't legally make her do anything for a while

>> No.38136952
File: 88 KB, 563x571, 1665821628662062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, but I dont. This and other shitposts has been the result of being down with the flu since monday and being bored out of my mind

>> No.38137219

Well, I hope you get the flu more often then.
