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38112228 No.38112228 [Reply] [Original]

No graduation stream, effective immediately.

>> No.38112298


>> No.38112332

who? not trying to be an asshole, I'd actually like a rundown on this guy and why he's graduating.

>> No.38112380

Wasn't this the guy who took a break because of antis?

>> No.38112387

Did he actually rape someone?

>> No.38112421

what did he do? i know the red one is racist and torrented porn (based btw) but what happened to this one

>> No.38112472

he was a guy that mainly played fps and got sick of fujos shipping him and yume's babying him and thought it was gross so made a diss track about them and then took a break for months until he just graduated

>> No.38112474

I think so. Was in the same gen as Lain Paterson I believe.

>> No.38112513
File: 510 KB, 736x981, 1645792802045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pour one out for the Thronez fans, only they know true suffering.

>> No.38112525

Good for him.
I'd leave too if antis were shitting down my throat for no reason to the point of making me wanna die.

>> No.38112538

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.38112540

Based. I will now watch....oh
Wasn't Oliver in that same gen?

>> No.38112541

Technically yes, but mostly he took a break because of rrats that he fucked honma

>> No.38112549

>Takes a break because of both antis and annoying fangirls that baby him
>Decides to fuck off and not do any graduation stream

This is the weirdest graduation I've seen in a while.

>> No.38112578

imagine hating your fans so much that you shit on them and then just graduate holy shit I feel bad for his gachikoi

>> No.38112607

Can't have a graduation stream if you're dead

>> No.38112608

That's fucking horrible and somehow people think having fujos is way better because they are girls, thanks for answering anon, hope he has a good career after he leaves.

>> No.38112620

hates his fans for calling him cute and treating him like he's a baby. the last thing he ever uploaded was a dis track telling those fans to fuck off.
he was also dealing with antis when people saw that he played monster hunter with himawari a lot off stream and made shitposts about the two dating

>> No.38112668

fucking based

>> No.38112678

>Wasn't Oliver in that same gen?
Oliver Leos Lain Axia and Lauren

>> No.38112695


>> No.38112704

>diss track telling those fans to fuck off
>in the end he's the one who fucks off
what did kirito from SAO mean by this?

>> No.38112705

Wasn't he also doxxed or spreading missinformation too

>> No.38112712

>no 3ds for axia or lauren
>axia leaving

How long for lauren? Though axia's leaving makes sense, he had some psycho fans and told them off.

>> No.38112748


>> No.38112753

I hope nobody ever insults a female streamer again when Niji's male talents prove that it can be so much worse

This fucker couldn't handle being called CUTE when he's a fucking male vtuber with a design like that to the point he insulted everyone who watched him and then graduated without even doing a stream

>> No.38112765

You mean nipple guy Lauren?

>> No.38112767

oh n-
rip bozo

>> No.38112816

Yes, they were part of a 5 man group. 3 of the 5 have 3Ds, but also those 3 get into shit a lot less.

>> No.38112890


I hope Luxiem learns the hard way how fucking awful female fans are

>> No.38112907

Niji were priming Thrones to be the next Chronoir for when/in case one of the two graduate. They shat out so much promotion for Edengumi and it blew up in their face

It's happening again with Luxiem coincidentally enough

>> No.38112944

Looking at the quote retweets right now and people are in despair.

Imagine telling 90% of your fanbase to go fuck themselves, disappear for months and STILL have a mass amount of people be sad at you leaving.

Holobronies could never.

>> No.38112953

Most guys don't like getting babied.
It's better to keep it to yourself
His fans are just that retarded
Can't really blame him
t. Yume

>> No.38112990

>Graduating from a lucrative career because you can't ignore being called cute
I can absolutely blame him.

>> No.38112992

>Ignore the antis and doxxing

>> No.38113035

I don't know why this specific breed of obsessive yumejoshi fans latched to him specifically. Even kanae the poster boy of being a cute male doesn't have it this bad.

>> No.38113042

Probably just Mysta and Vox. (Maybe Ike too)

Shu and Luca could not give a fuck

>> No.38113079

It’s pathetic as fuck and everyone calling him based would be shitting on a female talent doing the same thing.

>> No.38113102

Vox loves the way his fans treat him. Mysta has his hangups but he's fine with being called cute and even plays into it, at least. Not sure about Ike.

>> No.38113138

girls are meant to be cute though, most normal adult men don't want people to think they are cute thats something you call a child or a woman

>> No.38113150

All of them have these fans including Kanae. The difference is that Kanae is not a drama queen bitch boy.

>> No.38113170

You would quit your well-paying job because somebody called you a mildly annoying pet name every day?

>> No.38113180

No he does he just doesn't care. Axia is just a fucking wimp and Enikara were stupid to pin all of their hopes on him and Lauren to be the next Chronoir

>> No.38113238

>Drops a diss song to his fans.

>> No.38113240

kanaetai are worse and have been at it for longer. kanae just likes the attention + likes infinite free money enough to keep it to himself when this sort of thing bothers him.

>> No.38113255

nah i would probably take it but i can see how some guy thats skilled at fps and just wanted to do shooty stuff suddenly finds himself stuck having to pander to the whims of people that want him to pretend like he wants to butt fuck his mate not particularly liking how things turned out or wanting to be part of it anymore

>> No.38113300

If an EN vtuber did this.....
If a female JP vtuber did this...

>> No.38113328

Do your really believe it?

>> No.38113345

The most kanaetai have ever acted up was with hoshikawa and even that died out eventually.

>> No.38113363

Did you see the money he was making at his height with Lauren? I'd just ignore it, anyone who isn't either flamingly homophobic or stupid would

>> No.38113365

Is he going to get erased?

>> No.38113390

Kanaetai are the worst shitposters to other chuubas but they treat Kanae fine I guess

>> No.38113400

Bring out the new wave

>> No.38113418

>he was also dealing with antis when people saw that he played monster hunter with himawari a lot off stream
It's actually just 50 hours, that's not much at all. Seems to me like he's making a mountain out of a molehill then graduate.

>> No.38113433

They deserved it.

>> No.38113466

>Lucrative career
Nice joke, anon
Most people in Nijisanji are streaming for fun as a side job thing. Streaming is not their first career choice except for Kuzuha

>> No.38113475

OMFG he actually went to that route, I thought he was based for owning his antis?

>> No.38113485

Antichads win again.

>> No.38113519

How true are the rrats of him fucking the sunflower girl?

>> No.38113522
File: 454 KB, 509x713, 1662765961317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't follow NijiEN anymore but didn't Sonny say something similar recently? Or did I misunderstand it when I skimmed /NijiEN/?

>> No.38113533

He was always stupid but now he's possibly the dumbest vtuber in the industry. Or was, he's not coming back I bet because he ought to know by now he won't be successful as a vtuber without a cute avatar

>> No.38113558

Basically the problem gen lol

>> No.38113603

No but Mysta did. Shu probably minds too but he doesn't care enough to say anything

>> No.38113607

they fucked in habbo and in roblox, they are 100% ISREAL

>> No.38113632

further proof that male vtubers are feminine little faggots who are often more menhera than their female counterparts.

>> No.38113636

Sonny did an autistic stream recently where he worried about his members being too active in his chat turning away greynames but nothing that serious

>> No.38113640

wtf, so he was unironically retarded.

>> No.38113678

they played monhan together off stream they must be fucking.

yes the accusation is literally that insane.

>> No.38113685

Sonny was mostly tired of hard fujobaiting. It seems like most of niji is getting tired of it.

>> No.38113706

what the fuck, he hasn't streamed all month!?
Is he next to graduate?

>> No.38113711

Axia was selling merch up the ass, he was making bank and him and Lauren were the new hot fujo ship on the scene. All that's gone now.

>> No.38113743

i would understand if it happened in holo, but why in niji?

>> No.38113759

He said it a while ago, along with telling people to stop drawing him or thinking of him as a detective. He is definitely graduating when that contract ends unless he stops being menhera

>> No.38113781

He's taking a month break because he got burned out. It's been months in the making and he only couldn't take one sooner because management makes Luxiem work like slaves. He's been saying how much he wants to get back to streaming on Twitter so I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.38113787

>why dramafags want drama

>> No.38113792

>looks at vesper
Pls no.

>> No.38113806

>telling people to stop drawing him or thinking of him as a detective
but why...?

>> No.38113824

most fans would be fine with it, but theres always going to be some portion of the fans that are nutcases

>> No.38113846

>along with telling people to stop drawing him or thinking of him as a detective
Literally never happened, all he said was that he quit his detective job to become a streamer

>> No.38113869

yeah pretty weird that it also happens there, I guess there's no escaping the unicorns

>> No.38113890

Basically this. Everyone has that kind of fans, if he didn't want to pander to them he could've just ignored them, like most Nijimales do, hell, he could've just stream once a month to collect money like some Holos do if he hated his fans that much, there's no reason to graduate at all.

>> No.38113893

I don't think he likes the kayfabe and people expecting him to be smart might've annoyed him.

Some people drop the kayfabe a lot earlier than others.

>> No.38113932

I think the triggered unicorns this time are extra persistent and basically spammed the thing on every single liver's chat for weeks on end.

>> No.38113959

Please tell me you haven't fallen for nijifag lies about unicorns being a Holo problem

>> No.38114011

Oh come on
It's obviously management mandated.
They want to replicate Chronoir without taking into account that Chronoir chemistry is not as forced as Thronez

>> No.38114056

Holo falseflaggers trying to destroy Niji probably, why would there be unicorns in Niji, that makes no sense.

>> No.38114066

No shit it's management mandated, doesn't change the fact that it made money fly into his pockets.

>> No.38114070

>quitting with no notice when your last vid is a rap dissing gachikois because you hate them THAT much
Does this cement him as the most based vtuber ever?

>> No.38114081

This, its every big vtuber's problem not just in holo.

>> No.38114083

Eh, his issue wasn't the shipping or fans entirely, his issue was probably the way his chat is. It seemed like he really wanted his chat to be more like kuzuha's, more gamer bros saying gamer bro things.
I don't think he expected his chat to end up the way that it did.

You see this with a lot of fleshtubers ironically where they get annoyed if their fanbase is a majority young teenage girls because of the stigma. He probably felt like the core issue was how Niji marketed him and what crowd that gathered.
I think he just legitimately hates yume/fujo/homo fans or something lmao.

>> No.38114128

Overly-coddling Menhera Femcorns/Yumejos
I remember that incident with Kuzuha and that green selejo girl where Kuzuha's Yumejos went apeshit on her

>> No.38114140

I've been under a rock, what problem did Oliver, Lain and Leos have?

>> No.38114184
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No chairs
No refunds
No graduation stream

>> No.38114186

Didn't oliver say some korean slur?

>> No.38114201

Female in a male gen
Made a comment once that made it seem like he wanted to fuck Ryushen that rubbed their fans the wrong way

>> No.38114240

That's lauren.

>> No.38114294

Who doesn't want to fuck ryushien though?

>> No.38114305

That's nippleboy

>> No.38114317

>he really wanted his chat to be more like kuzuha's, more gamer bros saying gamer bro things.
He should have spam Apex and hanging out with the pro-gamers

>> No.38114332

why are holofagoons so fat?

>> No.38114366

>"I fucking hate women"
>Leaves without doing anything else
Based af

>> No.38114379
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He won.

>> No.38114396
File: 88 KB, 850x1179, Lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lain's yab is that I can't ever fuck her

>> No.38114461

LAIN SEX. When's lack gonna design an EN girl...

>> No.38114476

If you want to stretch it a little Oliver was involved in that whole "please don't call us honorary en" stuff

>> No.38114602
File: 405 KB, 462x542, 1609597973107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No...not Krone...

>> No.38114614

Not to be that guy but If he was a female and she did the same with her gachis you would all hate her.

>> No.38114651

I don't think anyone actually thinks he's based. I get why he graduated though, but he's definitely retarded.

>> No.38114675

luca fuckinig dms his fans direclty.
he threw his mod under the bus early on to keep their fanabse

>> No.38114685

Anon you have it mixed up. That crowd flames their own oshi more than anyone else. kuzuha fans are the shitposters

>> No.38114716

>hates his fans so much he doesn't even do a graduation stream
good for him i guess

>> No.38114724

One less nijinigger is a win for the rest of the world

>> No.38114730

No if gibblets did this I would still think she's based

>> No.38114744

He is based the same way Rushia is based for trying her damndest to "prove her purity". I still think what they are doing is dumb.

>> No.38114750

I never see western Kachiku so I wouldn't know, especially not on this board

>> No.38114755

>just ignore the fujos
i mean nijinsanji fuckin paster the males vtuber on women accesories for merchandise. even if they want to ignroe them the comany doesnt want them to stop.

>> No.38114761

To be honest, yeah, I get that he doesn't like it, but he's a male chuuba from Nijisanji? He should have expected that.
Why didn't he just go indie or better yet just became normal streamer?

>> No.38114782

>the same way Rushia is based for trying her damndest to "prove her purity"
No, that's retardation at its finest anon.

>> No.38114806

Maybe that's exactly what he's doing right now.

>> No.38114836

Kuzuha has a mostly male audience, you have to look at the VOIZ guys to get genuine female dominated viewership
Air has over 60%, the highest in nijisanji

>> No.38114917

They're both dumb. If he overreacted to being called cute and having fujo fans, then he shouldn't have applied to Niji.

>> No.38114943

kuzuha stil hs like 40% female fanbase

>> No.38114955

Yeah but he had to have known how they were gonna market him.

>> No.38114956

Any idea what's Axia's audience gender ratio?

>> No.38114964

if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen kek
and that's what he did

>> No.38115014

>Kuzuha has a mostly male audience
Only when his streaming fps stuff but most of his relevancy comes from Chronoir which is the reason why niji is heavily invested in the group.

>> No.38115109

ITT: EOPs discussing nijijp even though they never watched a single stream/clip of nijisanji

>> No.38115177

Isnt it around 70% male 30% females on his apex streams while non fps streams have it closer with 60-40? I only remember because of that thing with nijisanji years ago where his fans attacked and harassed rindou

>> No.38115190
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here's the official reasoning

>> No.38115211

>most of his relevancy comes from Chronoir which is the reason why niji is heavily invested in the group.
What the fuck did threadwatcher mean by this?

>> No.38115239


>> No.38115257

>The reason I decided to graduate is due to the difference between the company's vision and the direction I want my career to take.
I'm now worried for NijiEN gamers. I hope they gave Models that are not leaning to Neoteny. Give them small pupils, Strong physique, realistic proportion and thick neck next time.
Something like Bonnivier and Belmond

>> No.38115292

Yeah guess they wanted him to go back to the way things were.

>> No.38115301

>the things I want to do does not match the direction the company wants to take
So basically he doesn't want to pander to women.

>> No.38115349

>Please we need you to pamper the fujos
>No, I'm out

>> No.38115357

Was meant for >>38115190

>> No.38115483

Anon JP commerce aka merch has a huge percentage in anycolors revenue if you saw the financial report and Im pretty damn sure that its not his fps male crowd buying most if not all of his merch.

>> No.38115497

They can have the pretty boy models, they just need to have the balls to not became slaves of the women
Although I don't think anyone aside luxiem has this problem in en, so I believe they'll be fine

>> No.38115635


>> No.38115647

Do you understand how much ccv kuzuha has?

>> No.38115675

>they just need to have the balls to not became slaves of the women
>in Nijien
good luck everybody there is a slave and bends the knee to luxiems fanbase.

>> No.38115700

Luxiem "falling" apart was inevitable. They grew too quickly too soon, and they realized the hard way that their new fanbase didnt care about them for them, only for whatever coomshit they did.

>> No.38115751

It all comes down to the women already invested in EN, if they decide to get attached to any of the guys then it's over, numbers talk and management is not going to let them lose that audience even if it means burning the streamer themselves

>> No.38115763

Nigger he collabs with Hikakin, Chronoir is old hat

>> No.38115805

useless metric when it comes to revenue
Aia and Scarle have a lower ccv than Ars or Chihiro yet they bring in more revenue than the jp.

>> No.38115899

they wont have a choice especially if the women attach themselves to that wave. they either bend the knee or do an axia.

>> No.38115921

>people with like 20% lower ccv makeup for it with akasupas
>So surely this much mean that 70% higher ccv is useless pog!

You're so retarded femcel.

>> No.38115923

Luxiem is reclining and except for vox and his monthly numberfag breakdown I bet they're low-key glad for it

>> No.38115932

literally who?

>> No.38115984

It's not hard to tardwrangle your fanbase without imploding, the rest of the JPs manage just fine. Axia is just retarded.

>> No.38116015

>Aia and Scarle

>> No.38116076

I think Maimoto has like a 90% male fanbase. Some of the males have an even/more male viewers too iirc. He probably wanted something along those lines but he got the mommy audience that wants to baby him

>> No.38116119

>It's not hard to tardwrangle your fanbase without imploding
Thats if your fanbase is jp and not cn which is a lot harder to tardwrangle.

>> No.38116296

Maybe Axia should've started talking about brothels too

>> No.38116319

>It's not hard to tardwrangle your fanbase without imploding
wasnt the recline of the jp females due to the jp males fanbase with the volleyball thing?

>> No.38116444
File: 20 KB, 415x739, sung jin woo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be a sexy pretty Boy AND a strong man like picrel
>Sung jin Woo from Solo leveling
The problem with Axia's art is it looks quite Moe / Neoteny / childish / baby-ish
Irises are too big, legs are significantly longer than Torso, neck is too thin, shoulders are too narrow.
t. Yume who prefer this Shounen Manhwa Art

>> No.38116476

Damn no wonder tempiss went the brotuber route

>> No.38116698

Axia is the one who applied for nijisanji 5 times before he finally joined, I don't understand how he wasn't aware of what the fans are like

>> No.38116831

I mean dude had to have a huge as fuck ego to audition FIVE times.
He probably thought management would let him do whatever he want since he brought in the numbers like they wanted.
Reality was not so kind.

>> No.38116890

Yeah it's exactly what I thought kek. Dude hated homos/women/fudanshi so much he wouldn't accept Nijis promotion of him anymore or his design. I feel awful for his mama

>> No.38117068

Please shut up Flare.
You will never be a cute women.

>> No.38117216

Chaika's ratio is 80 male 20 female and iirc Yashiro too. Though none of them have a pretty boy design. I think Rikiichi has 60:40

>> No.38117348

We all learned a valuable lesson today. Women deserve less

>> No.38117374

Most of the old nijijp males have a high male viewership while the newer ones have a higher female viewership. I wonder if this was intentional for anycolor.

>> No.38117411

More like don't hire menhera idiots who don't know what they're getting in for

>> No.38117450

Kek, what a weakling. How is it that female talents can handle their unicorns with ease, but the male talents can't even handle their fujos without throwing a temper tantrum?

>> No.38117479

apparently he passed away and he is vaxxed

>> No.38117518

>How is it that female talents can handle their unicorns with ease
rushia dont look

>> No.38117544


>> No.38117548

Rikiichi isn't that high

>> No.38117732

That's not what the PR says. It makes it pretty explicit he refused to be treated as a cute boy anymore nor marketed like that towards women

>> No.38117735

>Unironically peacing out because he can't deal with fujos and women in general
What a literal failure of a man

>> No.38117739

>fujos are attacking Honma now

>> No.38117742

Kronii sounds like she’s blazed out of her mind during every stream

>> No.38117779

>Refused to kneel to fujo's money and choose graduation instead of whoring himself like Vox

>> No.38117830

Imagine being a well behaved fan of his. You do everything write, you send him money each month, you draw him fanart. Then suddenly he shits on his fans as a collective, graduates without so much as bothering to do a stream and everyone blames you for it.
That'd be my Joker moment. I'd anti him for life.

>> No.38117855

He didn't even have to do that. He just had to take it and ask for a different kind of model from his mama, or someone else, then use that 90% of the time and nobody would notice so as long as his default and 3d model stayed the same

>> No.38117891

Most of his fans transferred and latched on to Lauren after his dis track if I recall. Is he fujo friendly or does he hate them too?

>> No.38117897
File: 308 KB, 1021x575, Team_Trinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blue haired Throne graduated
>Red haired Throne is the only one left

>> No.38117903

Cope, this proves that women deserves nothing and that men are truly.oppressed gender

>> No.38117948

Huh? There are plenty of bigger NijiJP brotubers who don't have to deal with these sorts of fans to this extent, his mistake was not trying to get a design that was more "manly"

>> No.38117962

I don't remember which stream it was, probably a Maimoto-Rikiichi ep but that was when he looked and said it's 60:40. It was some time ago so it may have changed.

>> No.38117969

he was definitely retarded but not only for these reasons lol

>> No.38117996

By the way they just released an Axia CD two weeks ago

>> No.38118008

Jesus Christ, Nipple Boy will outlast everyone in his gen at this rate
He was the one who I suspected to graduate first

>> No.38118054

Nipple boy is based and anykara was a nigger for shaming his kink

>> No.38118082

nipple boy can take the bantz, baby axia can't

>> No.38118088

Oh this the one who hates & dissed his fans then went adios to an neverending hiatus and now this. Roru. Ina soon

>> No.38118099

I mean they released Mayuzumi and Roa merch not too long ago so its not that surprising.

>> No.38118124

Nah it's possible that the ratio is that high, he's a funny clownman who doesn't play game, and since women can't understand game they probably like his contents.

>> No.38118132
File: 121 KB, 685x725, 1650600717438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Axia Krone
axel korone...
artia kronii..

>> No.38118133

>Listen to mai's talk over some shit
They unironically gave the clown avatar to the wrong person

>> No.38118145

They didn't have a choice since it was pirated shit. Actually he's legit lucky he didn't get arrested for that and further more kept on in the company given his mere existence probably makes companies hesitant to Collab with Enikara. I wonder if they regret that now with Thrones being dead

>> No.38118186 [DELETED] 

No... my black cat...

>> No.38118234

No, the rrats is he got AIDS after fucking the fatfuck.

>> No.38118273

She hasn't graduated, she just released a voice pack last month. She's just bidding her time until she wins the lawsuit over Google, which looks to be the case since she has a good lawyer who's used to this shit
His only issue was live events, he recorded a lot of shit before he actually graduated

>> No.38118277 [DELETED] 


>> No.38118292

my chubby sunflower!

>> No.38118302

Nooooo not korone please

>> No.38118438

Mashiro is anything but manly and he has like 95% male viewers.

>> No.38118470

Are you guys seriously siding with shitty idolfag fans and blaming it all on an attractive model?
So when do the streamers actually get to have say in their own channel? As long as the fans pay money they can do whatever shitty thing they want?
Geez I wonder why half of this board's oshi has zero online presence and only come back to remind you guys how much of a loser you are once inawhile.

>> No.38118469

Yeah but they mostly want to fuck Mashiro.

>> No.38118496

Have you seen what he plays? Or streams? Or talks about?

>> No.38118504

No, because his fanbase is legitimately psychotic. Luna participates in baby play but I don't think Luknights have ever had a meltdown and hijacked another chuuba's chat telling them to take care of their little baby boy and to not hurt him too much. Have they?

>> No.38118534

Saying Roa will be back is in the same spirit as saying that Tsumugu will be back.

>> No.38118546

Roa hasn't graduated and is still taking part in their monthly voicepacks.
Mayuyu prepped a ton of merch stuff before leaving

>> No.38118564

Guess it doesn't matter if women are vtubers or fans or both. In the end they're all menhera.

>> No.38118608

one graduation per month huh..
whos next month?

>> No.38118614

dumbass why even become a vtuber even joined fucking nijisanji at that then

>> No.38118647

Chaika is the cutest of boys.

>> No.38118660

He knew what he was getting into by being a vtuber. It's his own fault

>> No.38118686

I don't think they have any input on their designs
They're pre-made and niji assigns them, and badly at that
iluna is the perfect example of this

>> No.38118716

He's at 7:3 now and him going crazy over booba in blue archive actually increases his female % for reasons he himself is confused about.

>> No.38118744

They do for their second outfits and beyond. All Axia had to do was commission a second outfit that was more masculine

>> No.38118747

His horror streams seem plenty girl friendly

>> No.38118814

Leos sounds so fucking sad, Axia is such a nigger

>> No.38118868

I would not be surprised if he wanted that and Nijisanji didnt which is part of the creative differences reason of his graduation.

>> No.38118903

Fifty bucks says Roa

>> No.38118919

Literally making stuff up, nice.

>> No.38118935

Your oshi is probably banging someone as we speak. Check her twitter for her last activity.

>> No.38118974

I doubt that was it, he probably wanted a hard shift in merchandise.
That seems like the only clash that the two of them could've had.

>> No.38118982

Another NijiID

>> No.38118986

it's a catalog thread, what did you expect

>> No.38118990

We don't know that. It could have been due to marketing, like the fujomarketing with Thrones or his cute image in general. Now if he was asking for this theoretical new model to be the default then he really was an idiot since nobody would notice if he used that most of the time so as long as his 3d model and base outfit stayed the same

>> No.38119049

They have a bunch of other unused designs and Axia was one of them, but fair, for all we know he could have tried to get a different one.

>> No.38119053

Feel free to post your interpretation of it. I don't see how what he said could be interpreted as anything else.
That on top of the ren tweet makes it pretty clear to me.

>> No.38119069

An environment that would make holosters weep and envy. Axia was not suited to be a Vtuber itself.

>> No.38119079

thats what i mean he wanted to steer away from the fujomarket and rebrand himself but nijisanji didnt want too.

>> No.38119120

What Ren tweet? The one about Kyo? That's on Kyo being homophobic

>> No.38119141
File: 215 KB, 1202x1429, 1655198613600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sasuga androgyny lover leos

>> No.38119182

You can't prove a negative. Sonny said nothing about fujobaiting whatsoever.

>> No.38119199

It sounds believable enough, some people in NijiEN already seem like they're regretting selling their soul out to fujobucks. Only difference is that they haven't been around as long as NijiJP to where some people are even more sick of it.

>> No.38119229
File: 157 KB, 1707x875, 1662482255872790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh If I had the opportunity to be a vtuber I'd probably go all in and go pander to yume/fujo chicks. I'm already mentally fucked in the head anyways to begin with so nothing changes
plus I get along with girls more than I do guys and get called effeminate/told that I have the mindset of a woman (which I understand the reasoning why) so I may as well use what little got to my advantage even if it does mean I'm a failire of a male

>> No.38119235

>Wanting to fuck Ryushen
Incredibly based

>> No.38119263

When will Magni

>> No.38119285

>some people in NijiEN already seem like they're regretting selling their soul out to fujobucks

>> No.38119284

>he wanted to fuck Ryushen
I love him now

>> No.38119283

Because Nijisanji is not a male idol agency? That's Holostars

>> No.38119311

He has a thing for androgyny. His favorite livers are Melissa (RIP), Mashiro and Ryushen.

>> No.38119312

Mysta, Shu and Kyo probably envy Axia

>> No.38119355

Why, did you ran him over?

>> No.38119390

Hey man, if you feel that way that's fine. I'm not trying to piss off sonnyban/briskadets

Just the way I interpret it.

>> No.38119422

>enters into a business that has a high female audience
>is surprised that he has a high female audience
Should've stuck to being a fleshtuber instead.

>> No.38119423

Thread is weirdly civil for a catalog thread about a niji JP.

>> No.38119434

Eh he’s a talented guy that didn’t know the degeneracy he was diving into.
Tried multiple times to get his crazy fanbase, shit hit the fan when they started harassing people he worked with.

Hope he reincarnates into a saner corpo, or finds success as a fleshtuber.

>> No.38119436

Don't need to interpret anything. Fans prodded him to talk about ship tags and he really wasn't bothered but said yeah, explicit ship stuff shouldn't go in his general art tag. The guy follows and has used art from a fan artist that drew him as a slugcat getting raped and impregnated, multiple times. He likes ship art all the time. Flirts aggressively with the gayest vtuber out there. Next time pick Mysta to make stuff up about.

>> No.38119453

Interpreting WHAT, nigger? You're making the vague insinuation that he said something that he straight up did not say. What's your angle here?

>> No.38119495

JP graduations are just too comon to cause any real drama. unless it is about anycolor abusing him sexually it wont be used for dramabaiting.

>> No.38119529

>Next time pick Mysta to make stuff up about
please, the guy's on vacation, at least wait until he's back

>> No.38119580

It differs, some design their own character some don't

>> No.38119607

Maybe the women like big tits too

>> No.38119622

Holy shit he's actually me

>> No.38119632

You don't watch Holostars.

>> No.38119639

I mean Nijijp is irrelevant post 2020 so nobody actually cares.

>> No.38119676

It's old news anyways. The graduation announcement was just the nail in the coffin.

>> No.38119747

To be fair, prior to 2021, Nijisanji wasn't always known as the fujobait company. They were debuting weirdos like Chaika and Rikichi from time to time plus Mito was still considered as their top talent. I think the shift started when Fuwa, Kuzuha and Kanae started to see more lucrative success with their Fujo audience. Mind you, they didn't go out of their way to pander to their femcels. Hell, they still don't outside of the mandated shit like Chronoir. But I think Anycolor saw all the Yen signs and decided that fujobaiting was the way to go which only got cemented even more during Luxiem's peak. Hell, they're even starting to bring in more idol like motifs because of how successful that shit is for Hololive.

>> No.38119801
File: 41 KB, 761x218, 1669873413457643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blame it on muh idol culture
This you?

>> No.38119885

To impregnate you.

>> No.38119923
File: 65 KB, 640x442, Nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The livers? Who cares about what they want!?
>Go tell those nerds to make a dicksucking noises and cash me some ¥s!

>> No.38119961

He hates his fans too but at least he’s good at ignoring fujoshit, unlike this faggot. Imagine being a bigger fag than fucking Fagni, Christ.

>> No.38119985

Calm your tits sister. He aint gonna fuck you. Also his mom is a whore

>> No.38120023

You see, that'll be a much better time than arguing in a catalog thread. I'll bend over.

>> No.38120052

Yes. In 1 week

>> No.38120089

>Hell, they're even starting to bring in more idol like motifs because of how successful that shit is for Hololive
I remember a post from a year ago saying that there were some people in nijijp who didnt like the way nijjisanji was heading with their idol stuff and mayuzumi was one of the names that came up. Granted that was in one of the jp schizo sites but i wonder if it was someone in niji who wanted to vent out anonymously.

>> No.38120159

Vesper take notes!

>> No.38120243

Shitposters blew their load on the gura stuff

>> No.38120281
File: 85 KB, 249x286, 46349634973497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking kneel please forgive my conduct briskadets. I will never be a dumb whore in the catalog again.

>> No.38120362

If Vtubing is still viable when I finally start streaming, and if I got into a big corp, I'd graduate before dropping my kayfabe.

>> No.38120503

He explicitly denied the reason he quitted Nijisanji being idol stuff.
Maybe try not to believe everything you read on the anonymous board.

>> No.38120534

You say that but he unironically probably would have had more freedom in Holostars even under the idol label, not just with the company but with fans too. Just look at how they let pizza dad become pizza fuckboy.

>> No.38120598
File: 240 KB, 1200x900, Fg1wpgsaYAI5phK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sure about Ike.
He's knows his audience and is perfectly okay with it. He even voiced the commercial for AGF

>> No.38120605

Axia’s statement sounds really familiar…

>> No.38120641

Just looked up whoever this is and....THAT'S A MALE????

>> No.38120650
File: 103 KB, 500x515, 1660458980554684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman says fuck you to fans and would rather pander to people who don't even watch streams and offcollab with men
>Fucking whore, how dares she, she was supposed to be MY girlfriend!
>man says fuck you to fans and would rather pander to people who don't even watch streams and offcollab with women
>Based! What a chad for shitting on his fanbase! I would watch him now!
The hypocrisy is quite amusing. Both are just as bad, now collectively kys

>> No.38120723

The reason Mayuzumi quit is because they wanted him to attend live events and Mayuyu didn't want to. That's it

>> No.38120783

Yup, with a penis.

>> No.38120788

It's based when a man does it because femoids aren't human and deserve to be shit on

>> No.38120789

>projecting your feelings onto other vtubers who have better relations with their fans than Axia
>"hurr I bet their jealous"
Whatever you want to believe.

>> No.38120804

It's not hypocrisy from a male-centered standpoint.

>> No.38120894

>You say that but he unironically probably would have had more freedom in Holostars even under the idol label
lol The sad part you actually believe this.

>> No.38120899

>they wanted him to attend live events and Mayuyu didn't want to
Who told you? The voice in your head?
He never directly said anything related to the true reason for his graduation but did deny it wasn't because of the idol stuff.
Anyway, if he really hates the company, he would not leave his archive and let the company still earn ad revenue from his content.

>> No.38120911

This. Men are oppressed enough as it is

>> No.38120927

that's to cover up because his parents are antivax

>> No.38120943

And you wonder why no one wants you.

>> No.38120947

>we might be heading to an era where niji is more AKBish than holo
And I'm not sure how to react to that

>> No.38120958

I thought we learned this when female anstar fans tried attacking tokomachi after they commissioned an original song from the composer who usually did the songs for their male idol game.

>> No.38120965

He didnt do any of this.
At least pretend to know anything what youre talking about, its fucking Nijisanji, of course men collab with women.

>> No.38120988

He already attended live events. There was the joint event with Levergacha and Nijiquiz that he was a part of.

>> No.38121020

Not only that he requested his voice pack be put on permanent sale after graduation despite knowing he'll no longer receive revenue from it.

>> No.38121034

Damn calm down sister. Take a chill birth control pill or whatever it is you women usually take

>> No.38121048
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>> No.38121067

>Adhering to the laws of nature and natural selection is bad
We collectively fucked up as a species by giving women rights

>> No.38121079
File: 284 KB, 1632x918, FgmIviMagAA-xzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He hates his fans too but at least he’s good at ignoring fujoshit
Haha yeah...

>> No.38121082
File: 2.94 MB, 800x450, TheStrongest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Granted that was in one of the jp schizo sites but i wonder if it was someone in niji who wanted to vent out anonymously.
Nijisanji has several girls who like idol stuff and primarly do singing and dancing and a few idol units to. This is nothing new for them, the fact that you even remember that, much less believed it is retarded.

>> No.38121109
File: 332 KB, 750x1029, 52C64188-B659-437F-9E47-2F2FC05AD804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38121134

I bet your mother still cooks for you.

>> No.38121173

Cooking is a femoid duty, men shouldn't cook

>> No.38121174

proving his point that graduation was the only option for him

>> No.38121181

You never built pcs with your bros naked to avoid static electricity?

>> No.38121195

The idol branding of Holostars is filtering a lot of good candidates. People like Axia or even Kuzuha would never auditioning for Holostars

>> No.38121201
File: 304 KB, 766x1740, 1645792802055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who? Anyway throw him into whatever hole is open

>> No.38121234
File: 1.24 MB, 766x1851, 1668548233216230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.38121263

>men shouldn't cook
You're revealing so much with this statement.

>> No.38121282

are you having a contest of how deep you can get into anycolors asshole?

>> No.38121291

>Be holostars idol
>Get to shoot the shit with your fellow members and hang out with various chuubas and just chill out together or go wild
I initially shat on the stars but man, they have it made

>> No.38121309

Cute erogaki appeal

>> No.38121315

Fuck you. I was even getting a semi looking up its pics before I came across the wiki page. Fuck you. Why the fuck? So my type too. Fuck you.

>> No.38121320

>VirtualReal is not Niji
>He says this when they even banned any interaction with kson due to how invested they are with VirtualReal

>> No.38121322

Kinda based honestly.
They sick pornbrained fans could not influence him with money. So he just left.
Very based, his values didn't change

>> No.38121347
File: 325 KB, 800x1384, kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduations won't happen as frequently if your CEO looked like this

>> No.38121359

This place is rrat infested enough without retards endlessly arguing in bad faith.
They banned Niji because of their JP and EN livers you moron.

>> No.38121371

They have been moving towards Johny’s direction for a long time, so…

>> No.38121389

>>we might be heading to an era where niji is more AKBish than holo
lol no. Come back when someone from Holo actually stands up against their management.

>> No.38121390

Proof doko

>> No.38121452

Well, he sounds exactly like a girl if that helps...

>> No.38121453

Oh no yagoo is hot

>> No.38121462

>falling for that scripted act
lol you are as gullible as holofags

>> No.38121465


>> No.38121503

>>Get to shoot the shit with your fellow members and hang out with various chuubas and just chill out together or go wild
You idiots live in your own bubble, do you?

>> No.38121521

I will not be checking that out.

>> No.38121527

wut? they banned kson because of their investment in china.

>> No.38121529

No, hes correcting you because you are putting two branches that never were owned by anycolor and lost their license to nijisanji name. when they ended they had nothing to do with niji anymore

>> No.38121570
File: 681 KB, 685x685, 1660191326461885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many women will commit suicide because of this?

>> No.38121579

and both JP and EN have livers who stream on bilibili here and there, retard
you fuckers are so out of touch with nijisanji and its amazing

>> No.38121581

So many niji interns itt

>> No.38121584

I knew a guy that quit on the spot because someone told him he was talking too loud

>> No.38121587

I think this was meant for >>38120894

>> No.38121598

>one of the people he was the closest with was uiha
>"hE qUiT nIjIsAnJi BeCaUsE oF iDoL sTtUf!!1 He HaTeS tHeM1!"
typical thread about nijisanji, people come here to create shit out of thin air and will repeat it until it's accepted as the truth

>> No.38121605

>I dont like the direction the company is taking
This is literally the nothing speak they put out when Mayuzumi graduated too.
I dont even know why they put out a reasoning at all in that case.
At least with someone like Hololive's EN we all knew she was crippled and they said "yeah we kinda tried to work shit out with her and she didn't wanna try".
At least be fucking transparent AnyColor jesus christ, we all knew he hated his fucking fans

>> No.38121615

Which Virtual real isnt a part off.
Kson wasnt allowed to participate in some event that involved a bunch of vtubers not just from niji, so people are saying its nijis fault.
Not fooling anyone cover-kun.

>> No.38121619

>and both JP and EN have livers who stream on bilibili here and there
what the fuck do you think investment in china entails you retard

>> No.38121630
File: 233 KB, 720x405, nijidemographics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the demographics for female audience

>> No.38121641

Okay noor

>> No.38121643
File: 40 KB, 1169x340, virtuareal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally on the nijisanji main website
>virtuareal isn't nijisanji

>> No.38121645

Isn't it because he's a tranny?

>> No.38121664

Hating and shitting on your fans is based, especially if they're foids

>> No.38121669

>Kson wasnt allowed to participate in some event that involved a bunch of vtubers not just from niji
>Disregard the fact that the biggest names in that event are from Niji.

>> No.38121688

not the same as VirtuaReal, retard

>> No.38121723
File: 415 KB, 660x735, FAxXSZ4UYAQp0Gr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayuzumi being used as anti-idol is hilarious when the person he was closest to was the premiere idol epitome

>> No.38121724

well, yeah? but I don't know what this has to do with anything

>> No.38121725


>> No.38121728

I can't hear Mashiro as anything other than a boy now

>> No.38121748

Unless you are a newfag, you should know about Kuzuha and the blue oni whore's yab right?

>> No.38121775

Cool it with the Sinophobia, chud

>> No.38121791

That's like saying Holostars is Hololive because they're both Hololive Production

>> No.38121807

I mean you can be friends with an idol and still not want to do idolshit.

>> No.38121843

I dont normally get bothered by graduation since 90% of the time they reincarnate but hearing lain crying about this really got to me

>> No.38121868

Nooooo All Male Vtubers are Idols who need to pander to females!
I feel dejavu
Except Nijisanji never claimed that they're Idol group like Holostars and Hololive, although they should make it clear for the future male applicants if they want to stir the whole company towards male idolshit route.

>> No.38121882

No that would be the same as saying that NijiEN is Nijisanji because they are under the Nijsanji brand.

>> No.38121889

Oh so now they arent hololive when you've been shitting up the entire board for months calling them HoloEN3? You zhangs are embarrassing

>> No.38121899

He's okay when it's somebody else but not when he himself is the one to do it. How hard is it to understand that

>> No.38121909

Did they fuck?

>> No.38121915

>>The livers? Who cares about what they want!?
Vox is still making his erotic asmrs despite the higher-up's hesitation.
>>Go tell those nerds to make a dicksucking noises and cash me some ¥s!
Ironic you're saying this because it's well known that management have been vocal to livers like Uki for being too explicit on social media. But those concerns have been repeatedly ignored.

>> No.38121918

And how many will fake their death just to get him to reconsider his decision?

>> No.38121920

This is kinda old, I think Kagami is around 50:50 now, and there is no way Fuwa isn't higher now

>> No.38121935

>Except Nijisanji never claimed that they're Idol group
North Korea also claimed that they are a democracy but that doesnt mean that they are anon.

>> No.38121940

delusional cope go take your meds and come back in a hour

>> No.38121943

Granted he's a 3 view but how the fuck does Hajiki have 40%

>> No.38121977

So he definitely got fired right?

>> No.38121983

>Vox is still making his erotic asmrs despite the higher-up's hesitation.
> he thinks its not because of the ¥s!

>> No.38121989

Horror, YGO, and recently coomer gacha

>> No.38122010

Fuck off Zhang, go drink your bat soup

>> No.38122017

>O-only 36 members left instead of 60 (technically speaking)! So what if 36 left, that's nothing!
What exactly are you arguing here?

>> No.38122021

Nice strawman, femoid

>> No.38122026

Would anyone even care if he was? Nobody will notice him in the graveyard of nijisanji graduations this year

>> No.38122037

Wasnt this around last year? Im guessing that they have a bigger female percentage now.

>> No.38122039

But they aren't even EN3, why would you think I'd be in support of that when I said I think otherwise? You think everyone who isn't you is one person?

>> No.38122060

I see people some of them blaming Lauren, somehow.

>> No.38122089

Yeah, me

>> No.38122091

Nah Nijisanji absolutely wants to do idolshit it's just that members in general have a bigger say in whether they want to do it.

>> No.38122172

That image is outdated and is missing a bunch of NijiKR and NijiID graduates. Wait, they do count as nijisanji since they are part of the main branch now right? Or does that fall under the "they dont count because I say so" cope?

>> No.38122232

Sarcasm, learn it.

>> No.38122231

why are you marking this on me? i never said virtuareal isnt nijisanj

>> No.38122275

honestly hard to say it could also have been this wont stop so I quit situation

>> No.38122284

What a beta faggot kek

>> No.38122310

Holostars are marketed as idols and train to perform but most of them don't fujo/yume pander at all and are free to take their channel, lives, merch in whatever direction they want. Only the official group merch is out of their hands and while it's definitely marketed to yumejoshi it's mild as fuck.

There's also the fact they have smaller fanbases so it's easier to get their fans to listen and behave. Astel early on was in a similar position to Axia where his fans called everything he did cute and babied him but he actually hated that shit and got them to stop.

>> No.38122321

>members in general have a bigger say in whether they want to do it.
If that's such the case maybe Axia could be saved, but nah...

>> No.38122337

Kagami was lower a while back because all he streamed was duel masters

>> No.38122341

>> he thinks its not because of the ¥s!
Try making up a story on the spot for two hours, all while sticking your hand in a bowl of overcooked pasta if you think it's that easy.

>> No.38122346

Mayuzumi crossdresses in real life, and he said he is bisexual, but he is currently interested in male. Go figures.

>> No.38122370

I hate holosharts so fucking much

>> No.38122406

Mayu is a tranny

>> No.38122439

if he was they would've deleted the diss track on his channel long ago. they probably woke with a letter on someone's table and went "oh fuck"

>> No.38122445

>Nijisanji fans making him retire.
Nijisanji keeps creating history.

>> No.38122530

>Holostars are marketed as idols and train to perform but most of them don't fujo/yume pander at all
This is why they're a failure

>> No.38122545

Nah, he wants male audience like Kuzuha but he's just a sissy boy so he only attracted fujo mommy audience, so he threw a tantrum and quit

>> No.38122594

>most of them don't fujo/yume pander
Funny you said that when the pizza guy change his entire persona from Ojisan to Ikemen literally want that piece of market despite upsetting his not-so-many fans
Also, all the things you said basically still apply to Niji as at least half of Niji males don't do pander shit as well, even some like Fuwa or Kagami.

>> No.38122618
File: 3.00 MB, 3000x2295, Fb1sHLsVEAAekXB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holostars are marketed as idols and train to perform but most of them don't fujo/yume pander at all
Not only are you a hypocrite, but are delusional too.

>> No.38122669
File: 89 KB, 728x863, bad advice korone 83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38122696

That's not an own when the alternative just graduated, sister.

>> No.38122721
File: 300 KB, 720x720, Uruha_Rushia_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive fans making her retire.
Hololive keeps creating history.

>> No.38122791
File: 698 KB, 497x488, 1642753176689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont envy his psychotic fanbase but the rumor that he was banging Honma was pretty based ngl, even if it was off baseless dogshit that they were just grinding MonHun offstream as friends
I wish I had a rumor mill going that I was banging Honma

>> No.38122875

whoa did you guys hear >>38122791 is banging honhima

>> No.38122980

I can't believe this, Anon's banging honma??? Gotta post this on the catalog now

>> No.38123004

Kira, suzaku and Kaoru?
If Yagoo wants male audience for Holostars like Nijisanji, why bother with male idolshit then? Make a gamer, rock or rap group instead

>> No.38123024

there where you wrong she getting kick because her menhera level is over 9000

>> No.38123082

And if you actually watched Aruran you'd know when a fan asked him (new model form) to do more "romantic" streams he shut them down and said he'd never do that. Wanting a younger model doesn't mean he wanted to yumebait.

Also never said otherwise, but hasn't the whole discussion been about Axia not wanting to pander but the company wanted him to? We're not talking about other livers, but Axia's situation.

>> No.38123116

physically ill and deficient
fucked off to play AmongUs because it made him more money and didnt want to stick it out in the trenches like the others did
To this day nobody knows why he left when he did but he's a successful TTPG DM and organizer before Hololive and still is

>> No.38123189

>fucked off to play AmongUs because it made him more money and didnt want to stick it out in the trenches like the others did
>More money
Is Holostars THAT unprofitable? Jesas

>> No.38123202

So he wanted the gay bara audience?

>> No.38123252

He debuted in 2019 and had already fucked off a month into 2020 retardbro, they were all still nobody shitters then
>inb4 they still are
haha joke berry hado, theyre not 1k-10k sub shitters like they were when he left

>> No.38123274
File: 135 KB, 850x477, 1248012948091225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a problem with that?

>> No.38123310

Pretty sure holostars are earning more money than him now compared to back then so I guess it was his lost. Just the merchs and concerts stars have done earns them a lot despite the low ccv.

>> No.38123316

>nobody knows why he left
He fucked Miko

>> No.38123374

Stop it, Stars sister
Don't be a catalog nigger.
You are gonna break the unity.
Go back to /stars/ or /mans/

>> No.38123386

I saw so many people wanting to fuck Yashiro yesterday when that PR art for the protein collab was released it was funny

>> No.38123388

yes im sure the married man whom everyone knew was married cause his wife would call him on stream even when he was in holostars still fucked one of the 3 real dykes in hololive, very funny narukami

>> No.38123400

>not wanting to pander but the company wanted him to
That's pure speculation, mind you.
It could also be the company want to persuade him to accept his "monster" fans as it's inevitable for being a Vtuber, but he denied it.
>Wanting a younger model doesn't mean he wanted to yumebait.
Then for what? Why would he suddenly change his model, and his lore at the same time? Just to trick his fan?

>> No.38123452
File: 94 KB, 813x624, 1669878343963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38123478

>affairs don't exist
>miko is a real dyke
Pick none lol

>> No.38123506

and Narukami has to beg for dinner while he gets pounded up the ass by big vtubing and the japanese courts

>> No.38123535

>Real dyke

>> No.38123534

>thread is about Nijisanji
Holostarsfags and Hololivefags can't stop making it about Holo

>> No.38123542

Narukami denied him fucking Miko anyway, he was always a hack

>> No.38123546

Tell them to ask for his non discord contact while they still have time
Don't be Rushia

>> No.38123743

he also never give any proof about the affair, unlike the Meiro and Roa case where at least he has some Discord screenshot.

>> No.38123823

>but hasn't the whole discussion been about Axia not wanting to pander but the company wanted him to?
Then I guess this a unique case. There a number of Niji livers, like Ike and Kyo, who outright refuse to yume to their fans, and pass it off as being tsun. Sure they give crumbs at time, buy they put their foot down when they need to.

>> No.38123861

>real dyke

Oh I am laughing

>> No.38123887

>small NijiJP only viewers stay in their thread
>HoloJP and StarsJP viewers who are also familiar with NijiJP are looking for news
>NijiEN viewers are EOPs
It's in the catalog for a reason.

>> No.38123953

He never gave an explicit reason, but most assume he just didn't like being the bullied old man of the group, especially since he likes to rap. He probably wanted a cool rapper image instead of dandy old man.

>> No.38123960

>It could also be the company want to persuade him to accept his "monster" fans as it's inevitable for being a Vtuber,
Now this is a conspiracy if I ever read one.
