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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38033639 No.38033639 [Reply] [Original]

>mogs Prism Project
>mogs KawaiiPro
>mogs Phase Connect
>mogs Tsunderia
>mogs MyHoloTV
>mogs Iluna
How did they do it?

>> No.38033701


>> No.38033717

How did they do it if you don't provide actual numbers?

>> No.38033850
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She's not bad from what I saw, but she's really just another egirl. I have no interest in that archetype, but I hope the people that like her enjoy her.

>> No.38033872

By actually advertising all over the place rather than relying on what little clout they previously had, like the others

>> No.38033945
File: 580 KB, 900x827, 442212112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura but more hyper and parasocial and streams ended up being popular
who would have thought.

>> No.38034011

The numbers, give us the actual numbers. Not this copage.

>> No.38034139

She hasn't passed Pippa's numbers

>> No.38034143

broke 2k on her karaoke which is absurd for a small corpo like IdolEN, even had one of Guras main oil baron pay piggies donate to her twice during it. shes the default "girl to watch when Gura is fucking off again" and will probably continue to grow because of Guras ghosting (lol) patterns.

>> No.38034169

The sailor cursing is a big debuff, she only need hold herself

>> No.38034270


>> No.38034333

They said the same thing when idolHE debuted and they are all 2 or 1 views now. Let's see how it plays after the honeymoon period is over.

>> No.38034398

IdolHE were getting over 1k viewers a week after debut?

>> No.38034476

yeah, how new are you? these exact same threads were being made back then

>> No.38034537

you literally can't lose when you're chosen by God.

>> No.38035089
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yet another Gura killer

>> No.38035166

Every day another gura killer, they should combine and form a company then they can rename themselves as hololive killers

>> No.38035251

>mogs Prism Project
That's not a very high bar to clear...

>> No.38035286

jewish shilling is unmatched

>> No.38035379

even some holos were labeled as "Gura killers" at some point. see

>> No.38035652


>> No.38035750
File: 744 KB, 400x273, Elmofire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly once you are called a 'gura killer' it means that you are cursed. Cursed to disappoint everyone around you while they cope to save their own humiliating selves. The curse is real.

>> No.38035762
File: 43 KB, 1577x108, 1668878163934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded? idolHE were 2view a day after debuts, here is an image a week after debuts

>> No.38035825
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>> No.38036062

>catering to /here/ will kill your caree-

>> No.38036697


>> No.38037562

Pippa's had over 2k, plus she isn't post-debut.

>> No.38038110

Yuko had almost 2k yesterday, and 1 week is not post debut, also Pippa been grinding for two years

>> No.38038164

>and 1 week is not post debut
It is, give it a month.

>> No.38038326

All of those companies especially iluna are shit.

>> No.38038370

I can't find any record of this at all. Kek.

>> No.38038645

1746 her record on karaoke, not 2k, but still very good #

>> No.38038646
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>> No.38039089

why did she do it

>> No.38039167

its called advertising nigger. they got shilled hard all over the place for like a month before debut and guess what? it worked

>> No.38039443

Didn't happen. Kattarina gets over a hundred occasionally (not lately, though she's inclining a bit from curious new EN fans).

>> No.38039444

Leprecunny is the most boring Vtuber I've watched in a long time, the one in your pic was much more interesting before she went corpo and is now a boring diluted version of herself, and the other 2 are worse versions of other chuubas. I will say the Jewish shilling has been unparalleled.

>> No.38039768
File: 2.80 MB, 1080x1920, Katta mental illness[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjtjpyi.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks about all the names she'd want to give her kids
She's a star.

>> No.38039822

You forgot to mention that they’re mogging all of holostars JP and half of tempiss

>> No.38039834

Quite literally copying Gura.

>> No.38039867

>Leprecunny is the most boring Vtuber I've watched in a long time, the
It would be better if Idol were to commission fanart so they can get it spammed all over the coomer and fetish threads, artsites, boorus, and discords

>> No.38039899

Unfortunate especially since Katta is better. Good girls never win.

>> No.38040679


>> No.38041160

Not really. They do have the numbers, just not the SOVL.

>> No.38041663

>worse versions of other chuubas
why are holokeks always like this? Yeah, Cover invents catgirls, wolfgirls, vampires, brown haired girls etc.

>> No.38041903

>Pippa been grinding for two years
I'm not even defending that shitty rabbit, but what time chamber are you in?

>> No.38042230

You say that, but there are plenty of vtubers that have put in youtube ads already and they really don't grow on the stream side. I've seen plenty from single mother vtuber, girl with puppet on hand and the usual like that "I'm a Chick" girl, Hayate and Oren ones. Sure, they may gain subs because they saw the ad but not much else.

>> No.38045905
File: 2.07 MB, 1280x720, Cunning [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fodpaz2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this

>> No.38047229

buy an ad shlomo

>> No.38047491
File: 841 KB, 1170x991, 7B43C1D2-9B85-4D6D-9082-CDC82BCAAE92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, this post aged like milk

>> No.38049546

He said all over the place

>> No.38050059

Anon the ghost is also confirmed /here/, she might even be the one who was constantly shilling herself in the numbers thread months ago.

>> No.38054978

>the one in your pic was much more interesting before she went corpo
How does everyone /here/ know this much about everyone this quickly?
>the other 2
How can people have these kinds of research skills and yet not be able to count or do basic arithmetic?

>> No.38055179

i love my little ghost cunny wife. she can't help herself if her genetics cause her an addiction to constantly chasing the shekels. i love her regardless.

>> No.38055209

Good luck with keeping your cunny above 500 ccv after 2 weeks lol

>> No.38055490

>How does everyone /here/ know this much about everyone this quickly?
Because as this >>38050059 poster has said, ghost's past life was shilled in the numbers thread for months saying she was gonna reincarnate in HoloEN3.

>> No.38056020

>the numbers thread
People actually READ that? They don't just shitpost and leave? Jesus, this board is worse than I thought.

>> No.38056144

Its what makes posting bullshit fun, someone is going to read it and maybe even believe it.

>> No.38056211

/#/ is basically a meido sanctioned /hlgg2/ with tribalfaggotry allowed.

>> No.38056322

Ppl actually watch this chick, i was expecting cute and instead got some old whore with a horrible voice and the personality and mannerisms of a 30 year old trying to fit in with the teens at a party. Shes trash, tho gura is too

>> No.38057123

God, why do i love her so much

>> No.38059277

Surely Gen 5 will save us…

>> No.38059641

Leprechaun is actually pretty funny and endearing. She has that 'I am an actual fucking moron, but damnit I'm trying my best!' vibe like IRyS.

Rin has a great voice that is pleasant to listen to, shame about her personality and love of dudes.

>> No.38059659

t. chumbud in denial

>> No.38059699
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>sub 1k shitter
Practically irrelevent

>> No.38059863

She's literally Gawr Gura.
Gura HAS to come back or she's done.

>> No.38059875
File: 242 KB, 1608x346, D0C5848E-BDDA-44FA-B06C-933DE034C642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.38060041

Why aren't you using today's stream? >>38047491
Must be just a coincidence, right?

>> No.38060088

Shill thread. Idol's getting the absolute shit mogged out of them but they're sending their shills out to pretend like they're some kind of huge success. They think they can fake it until they make it.

>> No.38060454
File: 2.17 MB, 1080x1920, Charm Loli [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fs3m4w3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38060579

Has anyone been tracking the donos?
I'm curious what their conversion rate is.

>> No.38061321
File: 239 KB, 463x454, 1651289045424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont make the same mistake nijinigs and homofags made in hyping up their dead branches

>> No.38061938

Now you got me curious. There were a few numbers' indies that graduated recently-ish but I'm bad an tracking reincarnations. I have one in mind but I can't fucking remember her name.

>> No.38062062

Literally pick a time when two of myth have basically given up streaming then just debut then with cunny models it's easy views

>> No.38062138

being popular isn't difficult when you own the media

>> No.38062205

Jew money

>> No.38064066

I don't even watch hololive, you coping faggot

>> No.38064124

These jewbas aren't popular though. That's why they're astroturfing /vt/ so hard.
