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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38015295 No.38015295 [Reply] [Original]

Chuuba love thread

>> No.38015367 [DELETED] 

Most of the gura hate on this board comes from falseflagging teacucks. The days of trinity are long gone.

>> No.38015416

i blame mori for making her opsec even more tight.

>> No.38015548

Yeah, with me.

>> No.38015724

ok, present the evidence, please

>> No.38015864

That JP cafe thing

>> No.38015868


>> No.38015917

With my ass

>> No.38015954

>The only Holo who appeared in AFA but didn't stream the week before
Nice cope.

>> No.38016019
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>> No.38016141

>all 16+8 hours of the day
>enough to not be able to make a single tweet

>> No.38016202

She also said that by december there will be two new ori songs
and she will be returning on Dec 1st, hopfully it's a 3D live (like when Suisei released Ghost)

>> No.38016286

if she actually IS busy she could just tweet once a day or update her community tab at least.
fuck, kiara tweeted WHILE on a vacation with her mother and streamed while getting fingered by Reine.

>> No.38016403

Why does she press the "N" key?
What is it going to accomplish?
What did she mean by this?

>> No.38016510

most of it was because she doesn't update her fans when going MIA, I only know that she hates using twitter but still, it couldn't hurt for her to send out atleast one update tweet tho.

>> No.38016567

Her philosophy is she doesn't owe chumbuds anything. She goes radio silent because the idea that you guys need to know what she's doing or even whether or not she's alive just doesn't enter her head.

>> No.38017674

Basic math computations even barely enters her head.

>> No.38017858

Nobody is too busy to make a community post or tweet, her pc only actually broke in the unarchived streams so It would just be good manners to update the rest of her fanbase as to what happened at the very least, even if you think that wasn't necessary when the "few days to fix it" turned into a full week, then two yet she still didn't bother do give anyone an update you can't really justify it, you don't have to care about it but any other holo would have kept their fans in the loop at least a little bit.

>> No.38017903
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I don't have to, anti-bud.

>> No.38017946

Busy having sex with me

>> No.38017956

She won't need that when she's working at walmart in 20 years. She just needs to know how to greet people and stock shelves.

>> No.38018255

The problem is that she said that things were going to be different this time, and then they weren't.

Gooba is still my favorite, but there's a lot of vtubers now. I'd honestly rather she stream once every couple weeks than decide she doesn't want to do this at all anymore.

>> No.38018292

Nip red tape, her OPSEC and the Mori incident that a bunch of people were sending a letter to Cover on why Mori compromised the basic security.
Gura has probably been at management's hands this time. Reminder she told us she got covid even didn't have to, this one on the other hand involves with locations. Silence is golden since it doesn't risk anything.

>> No.38018709

>absolute bottom of total stream time
>less music output than ame
>same amount of 3D appearance as ina
Busy with what?

>> No.38019046 [DELETED] 

>less music output than ame
why do teaniggers have to lie like their whore oshi? fuck off nobody cares about Kiara's lackey

>> No.38019248

But isn't shork a water elemental? Would lightning hurt her?

>> No.38019566

Because my oshi is also really busy and she still tweets and makes membership posts.
Gura is somewhere between lazy and retarded, neither is cute.

>> No.38019715

>all evidence point to her being busy
Most chuba's is busy. There are some exceptions, sure, but pick out a random Holo and they are most likely part of some current promotion, working on covers/orisongs, do skits for the main channel or their own channel, etc. Most of them, however, still try to find time to stream at least a couple days a week, and are still active on Twitter at least to let their fans know what is going on.

>> No.38019962

Reminder that chumbuds from reddit managed to make gura actually tweet meanwhile /here/buds are busy whiteknighting her here

>> No.38019994

so why didn't she say it instead of lying about literally every electronic device she owns breaking at once

>> No.38020105

>he doesnigger't macro his nigger key to type niggerigger

>> No.38020904

>she has to update her fans constantly or else she's a bad person
She doesn't owe you shit. She gave you a reason for her hiatus and it's up to you as fans to wait patiently.

>> No.38021146

The thing is the reason she gave was only available to the portion of her fans who caught the unarchived sonic + karaoke stream, and the timeframe she gave in those streams also was not accurate, we ended up waiting over 3 times as long as she said it would take. At that point it is reasonable to expect some kind of further update, especially considering she herself has promised to do better with communication.

>> No.38022331

>to her being busy
Because it's impossible for her to have been so busy that she couldn't make even a single tweet or members post during her 2 week absence. Even if her PC was broken, she still had access to her phone and could have easily updated her fans who just wanted to hear from her, but even that required too much effort.

Gura has said in the past that she doesn't think about Hololive or her fans when goes on breaks or when she's not streaming. She's a fake manipulative person that took her computer breaking as an opportunity to spend time with her "family".

>> No.38027520

Me. Her husband

>> No.38027804

Meanwhile Lui tells her fans everytime she leaves the house or comes home and apologizes if she stopped thinking about them for five minutes. When Korosan was sick Okayu took it upon herself to provide regular updates to the koronesuki. Western women were a mistake

>> No.38030523

I'm used to chuubas vanishing and going radio silent for weeks or even months, the difference is that these don't make promises they cannot keep or announce projects they will give up halfway, they just vanish and come back as they see fit

>> No.38030676

It’s not that people necessarily think she’s lying or exaggerating how busy she is. It’s that it’s, what, the dozenth time or something? It sure as fuck seems more sensible to assume she just doesn’t give that much of a shit about her fans (and desu I wouldn’t blame her).
I’ve almost never gotten mad at a vtuber for making herself scarce or changing her content until it’s shit or even collabing with males. I just drop her and move on.
I don’t get why chumkeks do it. You owe her the same amount as what she owes you, which is nothing. Watch her while she’s streaming and forget about her and watch someone else when she’s on her fifth month-long break of the year. Why try to justify it? Just tell yourself, “I don’t know if she has a good reason to be absent, and I don’t care,” and be done with it.

>> No.38030985

I miss Goob...
