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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3796467 No.3796467 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me, why do some people(normies) get irrationally angry when you show them Vtubers?

What do you guys think?

>> No.3796503


>> No.3796542

what even?

>> No.3796573

They are jealous because you are not supachatting them. UwU

>> No.3796663

It's the same as anime was when it was "not cool" a few years ago.
Because it's a niche interest people think that it's weird and they don't want to be associated with weird, so they don't want to associate with you.

>> No.3796727


Did i fucking make a brony/furry reference unintentionally ?
If i did i feel filthy

>> No.3796841

Where are you from? Please go back.

>> No.3796889

I'm from the year 2007
please understand that i'm probably older than you

>> No.3796971

You're 14?

>> No.3797024

Nobody is making chuubasonas and the fans are the intended audience. It's a phenomenon but to compare these shows a lack of understanding.

>> No.3797029

You must be at least 18 years old to post in 4chan.

>> No.3797092

The w in uwu is wolf fangs. While it takes some time to type, the weeb version is ochinchin Daisuke, so end your posts with that.

>> No.3797093

no i'm a time traveler, who uses the word 'normie' because i traveled from the year 2007

>> No.3797175
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Because vtubing is literally turning to last bastion of woman resistance into simps because they realized that a portion of western males will never kneel to a 3D girl.

>> No.3797262
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Why would you show them to begin with? it's like a brony or gachafag trying to hook you in their hobby, leave everyone else alone and just enjoy your shit

>> No.3797285

Most people love Miko getting an n card and dropping n bombs.

>> No.3797334

I have a friend like that and its because all that another friend of ours showed him was Gura clips so now he thinks its a pedo thing.

>> No.3797367

>so now he thinks its a pedo thing.
So he's on the money?

>> No.3797419
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hue hue hue
ochinchin daisuki nandayo

>> No.3797530

Luna was the scariest part of RE8.

>> No.3797601
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Women can't cope with the fact that they created millions of incels because of how lopsided dating is. They'd rather have them all be jailed instead of having them be happy by simping to a bunch of idealized animu waifus.
They keep telling them they're not entitled to love, but then when they find love even if it's fake they fucking lose their shit.

>> No.3797837

b-but muh rabbit hole

>> No.3797907

But people are shoving Holos under your nose just like they did with ponies. The behavior is the same.

>> No.3797945

>thinking anyone on this board interacts with women

>> No.3798011

Yall need to understand that showing your friends funny shit is fun, you know, bonding and shit?

but bronies have autism man

>> No.3798115

Women *are* your idealized anime waifus.

>> No.3798137

>defending brony behaviour
>not hiding your powerlevel
Why do you insist on driving anything interesting into the ground with your autism?

>> No.3798148

No, they are voice actors that play a character. Woman are barely a part of it.

>> No.3798217

The amount of women that are anything like chuuba characters can probably be counter on one hand.

>> No.3798272

>Caring about what normies think
I stop reading right there anon.

>> No.3798310

Yeah, and they even wear an earpiece with a man on the other end telling them what to say

>> No.3798341

i wasn't defending bronies. I was just saying sharing things with your friends is something everyone does.
I was 'defending' everyone that shares shit and aren't a fucking bronie.

>driving anything interesting into the ground with your autism?

nigger did you think i showed vtubers to my mom? And not a fucking weeb friend or some shit like that?

>hiding your powerlevel on a anonymous board

what even

>> No.3798378

They follow general guidelines and only show an appealing character to us as a form of entertainment. They aren't women we love, they are voice actors.

>> No.3798423

You're supposed to hide it IRL you mong.

>> No.3798431

Mad you aren't worshipping 3DPD instead.

>> No.3798459

And I'm saying that you have autism, but after a sperg-out like this that would be stating the obvious.
Yes, showing niche shit like vtubers or ponies to your "friends" is annoying.

>> No.3798491

lol alright you do that

>> No.3798573

i see now that you don't have friends, damn

>> No.3798711

There is a world of difference between anime and spending hours watching a girl put on a cute voice while playing video games behind an anime avatar, or using that avatar to have a virtual idol concert. If you're in the vtuber echo chamber than that shit is great, but anywhere outside that you end up looking like a loser even by loser standards. I have a single mate who introduced me to vtubers by sending me unfunny clips, but I never got into Hololive until I found something stuff that appealed to me personally. I would never go up to my other weeb friends, yet alone my "normal" friends and show them a Mori clip because I'm not fucking autistic.
Hide your powerlevel, don't be a freak and don't act like a brony.

>> No.3798840

Dunno man during my college years all of my male classmates and some female ones are weebs and now graduated and has jobs their still weebs.

>> No.3798954

Yo bro check this song out
Ey check this video from this youtuber
Oi check this twitch streamer is pretty funny

Ey, look at this Vtuber clip
>ew faggot
>what are you a loser
>are you acting like a brony now?
>lol lol lol

i did show vtubers to my friends and they said "oh nice cool", but i've read and seen on places online that people get really aggressive or dismissive so that's why i started the thread

stop assuming things nigger

>> No.3799008

>implying it's just normalfags that hate vtubers
Even the boards on this site that have otaku interests as their subject matter hate them too.

>> No.3799052

Yea, when my circle asks what stuffs I'm into recently, I tell them karaoke streams.

>> No.3799068


I feel ya on this man. A lot of folks are so hyped to shire their interests with others that they forget that its other people with different interests that you are sharing stuff with. You might even be right and they will enjoy it but if you dont introduce a new thing properly they can easily be turned off. For one of my friends it was Korone clips another it was Mikos backstory and for another the concept is so strange they will never look at it and just talking about it makes them uncomfortable

>> No.3799344
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>> No.3799768

I don't show this hobby to anyone else but my small group of online friends, I just send memes and general shitposting without context, and some don't care and others just view them as smug anime girls and stuff. Nobody else watches them, but all of them accept it. So I don't know what to tell you, man.

>> No.3800021

I don't have to assume anything, you're the one having a meltdown when it's pointed out that vtubers aren't exactly a normal interest.

A lot of fandoms grow "organically" and keep themselves in check through gatekeeping giga-autists or just by having a limited scope of appeal. Something like 40k can afford "normal" fans who are hobbyists who enjoy the game and setting alongside DEATHCORPS SO FUCKING AWESOME 4 TEH EMPRAH DUDE DO YOU WATCH TTS? fans because the autists are regulated to the sidelines or forced to control themselves (somewhat) to interact with people in a social environment.
Vtubers on the other hand, like all streamers, depend on drawing people into the community because that's where all their money comes from. It's different from a community around a hobby because it's not just a sideline to the enjoyment of the actual thing (40k, modelling, sports activities that require a load of expensive gear, fashion communities...) they're all about drawing people into "le rabbit hole" to make more dosh. You can even buy people subscriptions on twitch and I can't imagine anything more annoying than a "friend" obligating you to enjoy something with money and guilt.
Frankly I think if you try and force vtubers onto other people you're not only annoying and lacking in social awareness, you're a useful idiot for the mill side of the industry.

>> No.3800062

normalfags barely understand the concept of watching streamers. why would they be able to understand watching streamers pretending to be anime girls?

>> No.3800065
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Dubs of truth.

>> No.3800177

Kelly will never be wrong.

>> No.3800279

Alright you're describing anything that has ever been successful, it goes by word of mouth a lot. GOT, Sports, 40K and so on. And the communities you're talking about are people that shared with their friends you know. I know what you're trying to say and what your overall point is, i'm just saying you're aiming at the wrong person. I wouldn't and didn't share my anime shows with my gf for an example.

And im not having a breakdown lol i haven't slept in like 20 hours so i feel i need to finish writing before i fall asleep

>> No.3800298
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>> No.3800324
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>> No.3800366

Oi vey this is worse than the fursecution.

>> No.3800409

I don't care. I feel that 4chan has fundamentally changed with the influx of SEAmonkeys who watch shounen shit and don't have to hide their powerlevel because they live in a country where everyone prays to Goku. Companies want people to fangasm over their products because "hype" is more important than quality and a body of people who will accept you is a commodity in this day and age.

>> No.3800466


>> No.3800526


>> No.3800544

>giving a fuck about what normalfag and autismos here think
As long as you arent hurting anyone or committing actual crimes who gives a shit

>> No.3800576
File: 24 KB, 739x415, Exurg9rVoAYtVN5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you that 4chan has changed, been going here since 'weaboo' and 'normalfags get out' days and yes fanbases gets shit after the influx and new fans. you can gatekeep all you want it wont change shit. embrace nihilism and apathy, share shit because it's fun and because none of this shit matters anyway.

fuck i need to sleep

>> No.3800643

alright then, make like haato and kill yourself

>> No.3800677

go and fucking neck yourself.

>> No.3800680
File: 61 KB, 778x404, E0HmWqiXIAEmIZ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you say nigger

>> No.3800797

I blame the lurker to poster ratio. There are so many lurkers they leak shit out and that brings in scum who actually post. the number of people reading boards dwarfs the number of posts.

>> No.3800857

repressed homosexuality
unironic faggots

>> No.3801086

Your a brony

>> No.3802776

because its cringe

>> No.3803352

awesome larp

>> No.3803446

>posts an actual, literal reddit meme with the shitty meme face
>nobody even calls him out
Holy shit this board is fucking atrocious.

>> No.3803485


>> No.3804690

Probably the same reason why 4chan made a containment board about the subject.

>> No.3806176

hololiveEN is literally the new MLP, so I don't blame them.

>> No.3806225
File: 779 KB, 2429x1878, PORKA ORCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people post reddit mobile screenshots in the op here all the time and will defend the op if anyone calls him out on it
sometimes i wonder if we are already dead and this is hell

>> No.3806238

What do you think containment boards are for?

>> No.3806815
File: 685 KB, 597x721, 1608725716583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously if you give a shit about what a "fanbase" of whatever you like does online you already lost.
The VTuber fanbase is fucking cringe but do you write it on your resumée or introduce yourself as "Hello I am anon, I enjoy watching 2D anime girls playing games - I barely understand them but they make cute noises"? Of course you fucking don't, might as well deny the fucking holocaust first thing you do.

>> No.3806881

It's people online pretending to be anime. Of course it would be seen as cringe by normies. Just like furry or transgenderism in the past. Eventually VTubing is going to be accepted just as such and you'll be able to claim discrimination otherwise

>> No.3808410

I rarely see holo content outside of this board unless I'm looking for it. The modern bronies are political posters, both /pol/ and /lgbt/

>> No.3808429

>Hiding your power level
Enjoy living a lie.

>> No.3808594

*clap clap*
