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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37946034 No.37946034 [Reply] [Original]

How difficult is it to take 1 minute out of your day to update your fans on your current situation?

>> No.37946079

How hard is it to do a twitter space? How hard is it to deliver on your "projects"?

>> No.37946106 [DELETED] 

Shut up Teacuck.
Go watch the Tempus collabs you love so much

>> No.37946155
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idk why i find this funny

>> No.37946190

To say what?
"I guys, I'm on vacation. See you at my graduation (maybe)"?

>> No.37946197

1 minute she spends on the PC is 1 minute she spends not receiving cum in her womb, you have to understand her priorities

>> No.37946253

She has an extremely busy recording and Japanese studying schedule. Finding even one minute might be a real challenge. Also, her PC recently broke.

>> No.37946284

She doesn't care about you chumfucks.
She already knows Gawr Gura™ is an stablished successful IP that can exist alone on brand name and merch, pretty much like Mickey Mouse.

>> No.37946290

Shes busy doing stuff

(Im stuff btw)

>> No.37946298


>> No.37946341

god I wish

>> No.37946355

It's not this. She could perfectly tweet something while doing it

>> No.37946409

>but she's extremely busy
Have you seen the JP's schedules? The JPs have brutal work hours outside of streaming yet still deliver constant updates and actual projects. Why is it that chumbuds scramble to defend Gura's laziness? Even Ayamefags aren't like this.

>> No.37946466

You have to consider also the "PC broke". Japanese PCs are built better. They don't broke as easily and can be replaced faster.

>> No.37946559
File: 204 KB, 432x410, selen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's surreal to see a vtuber of this magnitude emit radio silence for two whole weeks. Regardless of her circumstance (back hort, pc hort, etc) taking a minute out of your time to tweet at your fans saying "hey, still on break guys" is the tactful thing to do. No matter how "busy" she is she could do it while she's taking a shit or something. This isn't the first case of someone from Hololive doing this, Ina hasn't said a word in two months. At least she has a health excuse to fall back on but if she's physically able to use her phone she should also give any sort of update. They just don't give a fuck about their fans. You would never, in a million years, see someone like Selen do this.

>> No.37946666

I too love Selen
Also, this is why you stick to the working class tubers like Selen, or Kiara (who both may work for the big corpos) or the thousands of 2-3 views out there. They actually give a fuck about this passion they have.

>> No.37946733

This is why Kiara is the best EN at the moment. Her passion far exceeds anyone in her branch by a long shot.

>> No.37946763 [DELETED] 

Still the most unpopular

>> No.37946797

why does she get hated?
is it her voice?

>> No.37946825

The voice and because she's too hyper for some people to handle. I was filtered at first but once you get used to it it's a fun experience.

>> No.37946827


>> No.37946847 [DELETED] 

Never watched or heard her but probably yes. Personality too. It's the complaint she usually gets even in the midst of praise for being a hardworker and unicorn.

>> No.37946859
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>> No.37946873

For me it's because she emits Stacy energy with her voice. It brings up bad memories and is draining to listen to for long periods of time

>> No.37946876
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>> No.37947181

I would argue for Baelz, Fauna and IRyS (she was on a break this past month, but she's consistent and STAYED IN TOUCH) as well, but for Myth Kiara is the only one who recognizes the rare opportunity she had handed to her. This is it for her. She's not going to fuck it up.

A mixture of early streaming teething problems, game selection, EU time zones and a forceful personality scares a lot of people off. The J-Chad induced numberfaggotry and subsequent menhera attacks coupled with being isolated in Japan didn't help.

>> No.37947978

you're assuming her shark brain can multitask

>> No.37948086

>it's because she emits Stacy energy with her voice.
The fuck does that even mean?
>A mixture of early streaming teething problems, game selection, EU time zones
Its mostly this.
She had some issues on debut that were more unfortunate than anything else, and didn't get as much of a viewer base in 2020 as others in Myth. Her game selection isn't bad on its own, people like that content, but it doesn't bring in tourists from /v/ either. Her timezone is also unfortunate, because EU primetime is bad for anyone in NA with daytime commitments and anyone in SEA / KR/ JP / AUS that isn't nocturnal. That makes her viewers VOD heavy and generally makes scheduling challenging for her.
She didn't get as many people to oshi her when Myth was starting out, many tourists were filtered when vtubing was booming, and her timeslot makes it hard for new people to find her live if they're not in EU or NEETs.

>> No.37948833

This is a classic manipulation tactic and you're all falling for it. The manipulator pays a lot of attention to someone, distances themselves, comes back and lovebombs them, distance themselves again (a bit further this time), comes back and lovebombs them, repeat over and over.
The manipulator will eventually find the "correct" distance to keep their target at while getting the most out of them for the least effort.
The only thing you can do is remove yourself from this situation.

>> No.37948995

She's just annoying.

>> No.37949024

This, but unironically.

>> No.37949414

Fans seem fine, OP and the collective /vt/ malding on a chubba you don't watch, now that something funny.

>> No.37949574

I'm honestly surprised that someone with as big of a following as Gura is allowed to do this by Hololive. I guess they really don't put any pressure on their talents. This absence and silence is only hurting her and the brand. People will flock to other chubas to get their fix and they might not come back.

>> No.37950087

Even then, can't their """"manager""""" write some ghost tweets in the talent's absence? Or is it another showing of EN management being incompetent?

>> No.37950341

Not sure if stupid but you do know 99% of PC parts are made in Taiwan and China? There is no "Japanese PC" it's just different levels of quality from the same factories. Now Japanese PC makers might source better components then Dell or HP but it's no different then going out and buying an ASUS or Gigabyte mobo and usually a lot more expensive.

>> No.37950431

The fact you even ask this shows how fucking new you are. There's a reason Every post in the catalogue was about her until the end of last year.

>> No.37950480

for me she is an evil women

>> No.37950663

She streams longer hours which makes her ccv lower. This gives off the impression that she is hated, despite bringing in the highest profits from the EN side.

>> No.37950731

Gura has no reason to update her fans about anything. You think she actually cares? Kek. Do you miss her? Are you worried about her? Fuck you she doesn't give a damn. Her only redeeming quality is her refusal to recognize Tempus.

>> No.37950815

She’s annoying and genuinely retarded

>> No.37950816

Are KFP really this delusional? You guys have been asking for months why she's not more popular.

Is it her attitude?
>it's her voice.
Is she too candid and haughty?
>it's her voice.
>It's the voice!
Maybe it's her timeslot
>It's the god damn voice!

First fix the damn voice that's filtering the tourist then she can think about fixing her streaming style because there are plenty other streamer that get away with shitty attitudes and no one bats an eye about it.

>> No.37950920

Kiara knows her voice filters people but she keeps doing it anyway because she's based as fuck.

>> No.37951068

annoying voice
annoying personality
annoying tactless german bluntness

>> No.37951262

It won't surprise me if we get a tweet of wawa this week (indie wawa, not the orange woman). But she's post of this promo in Japan
so she's not gone, yet.

>> No.37951357

it’s difficult if you have social anxiety

>> No.37951624

I love this. Making the unicorns of her fanbase squeal. Their despair is delicious.

>> No.37951830

Not difficult. Pomu is currently in Japan travelling with Elira and Finana, and they're constantly throwing out tweets about what they're doing together

>> No.37952217

I normally try to avoid RM shit, but her RM is a toxic piece of shit, to the point where I can't separate the two any more. It's kind of like finding out an actor you enjoy is a pedophile or something. You just can't make the distinction between the person and the character any more.

>> No.37952292

Legit haven't been a Tempus collab in months...did it effect you that much?

That aside, Gura legit going AWOL for weeks is not good bucko.

>> No.37952445

She absolutely abhors streaming and her fans. There is no other explanation. Think about it logically.
