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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37945874 No.37945874 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.37946064

B-But cumsharts said she has social anxiety...

>> No.37946135

>oversocialized vtard sees leaving the house as a social interaction
I'm so busy that the only time I leave the house is to go hunting on weekends. Gura has it right, in that touching grass is an essential for those that work hard

>> No.37946448 [DELETED] 

But she doesn't work hard

>> No.37946462

She's really going Ayame route...

>> No.37949313
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Gura the normalfag. Spends most of her time offline and can't even name 10 different anime.

>> No.37952586

she said Boku no Pico, Kiss x Sis, Interspecies Reviewers etc they just refused to print the list
the others just had lists picked by committee based on popular anime lists

>> No.37952743
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All cope. She even had Konosuba listed on her debut stream (reddits anime of choice)

>> No.37952837

i personally like that gura doesn't pretend to give a shit about anime

>> No.37954119

Don't project too hard, Anon.

>> No.37957416


>> No.37957587

>those that work hard
So, not her?
