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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37887749 No.37887749 [Reply] [Original]

Why do (You) hate her?

>> No.37887787

i know she's menhera but why would you ever post this, for any reason

>> No.37887834

Why is she this retarded?

>> No.37887885

I don't know who she is.

>> No.37887899

I don't hate her, i just think lolcows are funny.

>> No.37887906

i don't hate her, in fact i only ever think of her when someone posts bait on /vt/

>> No.37887953


>> No.37887967

She needs to come back. I know it would hurt her pride but she was happier in hololive.

>> No.37888031

She's really good at playing the victim.
She knows how to incite people e.g responding to the Rushia post etc.
Clearly has mastered the way of getting attention for all the wrong reasons and revels in it.

>> No.37888039


>> No.37888047

she joined vshojo, a porn studio

>> No.37888177 [SPOILER] 

let it go, she's blacklisted

>> No.37888215

Because she's not in my bed right now

>> No.37888234


>> No.37888316

I don't care about her but if I did hate her it's because she's the poster child for how awful modern women will get.
>insane streamer uses her youth to wile men
>bullies guys threatening to have them jailed
>ages out of that part of her life
>doesn't take it well, continues to try to be "the young wily streamer"
>seething and just generally getting more unhinged as she ages
>will destroy the lives of all the weirdos who follow her
And more.

>> No.37888373

Learn from Oga, don't date crazies.

>> No.37888522

My dick has taken full control. This is no longer my choice.

>> No.37888590

You make it sound like a teenager who ran away from home

>> No.37888614

Godspeed anon.

>> No.37889449

why does it feels like she'll do another yab in her rm account that even "talent freedom" can't save her.

>> No.37889518

Because she's an idiot that tries to blame everyone else for her very poor decisions.

>> No.37889561

this is why you should anti your oshi
>be a simp
>oshi just says you name once every stream along with thousands of other donators
>be an anti
>live rent free in your oshi's head

>> No.37889566

She raped my husband.

>> No.37889798

I don't hate her but I think that (You) are a piece of shit.

>> No.37889866

I've seen some good virtual porn from them but for real RTX porn I have to go back to hololive

>> No.37890614

Try posting it on 5ch. Can you see any anti threads about her lately? No? Then we don’t really care about her, not hate her

>> No.37890621

menhera, lying whore, throwing out lawsuits left and right ruining people's lives

>> No.37890680

>throwing out lawsuits left and right ruining anti's lives
That's actually based anon.

>> No.37890700

You're saying as if she's the one who chose to leave

>> No.37890733

It gets attention
She loves attention

>> No.37890804

Because I support my green hair wife.

>> No.37891158

I don't. Would watch her if not for the fact she stream on twitch.

>> No.37891166

>my pure oshis, like Marine, Mel, Noel, Lamy
They are all whores, EOP cuck

>> No.37892276

She's just pretending to be high EQ

>> No.37893305

one of the shittiest Miguel bait threads in a while but made respond, so 2/10

>> No.37894040

I don't hate her, but nowoday i'm convinced internet is the place she shouldn't be.

>> No.37895097

Because I want to hate fuck her.

>> No.37895161

Yeah, me.

>> No.37896000

Maybe if you're thin skinned and have something to hide.

>> No.37896733
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I hope this loser does a flip

>> No.37897614

Nah, more of a they're spreading rumors about you as truth and harassing you, as well as literally doxxing your fans.

>> No.37899317


>> No.37899553

I dont hate her. I just disrespect her.

>> No.37899701

I've noticed Mikeneko is actually a good litmus test for vtuber fans.
People who actually like watching streams and care about the people behind the avatars tend to at the very least sympathise with her.
People who are addicted to drama, or people who browse the catalog for too long, tend to hate her. If you're ever in some vtuber community, you should try that test out. I guarantee that it works out 9 times out of 10

>> No.37899783

>as well as literally doxxing your fans.
as well as literally doxxing her elementary school female fans*

>> No.37899806

The chuuba? or OP?

>> No.37899880

>People who actually like watching streams and care about the people behind the avatars tend to at the very least sympathise with her.
I don't really know how much you want me to sympathize with someone who's always up to some dumb shit every other month, at some point I am simply tired of hearing about it.

>> No.37899991

Congratulations, you've literally given me the typical dramafag response, almost word for word.
Do you want a medal?

>> No.37900226

Anon you sound like a dramafag. Ay the very least you could do some research into what caused dramas in the first place and you'd find that most dramas Mike the Cat has gotten into wasn't even caused by her.

>> No.37900384

so suicide bating and manipulating her fanbase was done by parasites in her brain?

>> No.37900423

I'm convinced this bitch actually likes being hated

>> No.37900749

amerimutt pls

>> No.37900893

So February? And once last month? Also stop trying to divert the topic faggot.

>> No.37900996

would need to show an improvement in mental health before they let her back in

>> No.37901045

I'm not sure why people are surprised that a physical frail, bipolar woman diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorders who has been harassed daily for nearly an entire year might occasionally consider taking her own life

>> No.37901076

Mel and Silvervale literally either make or sell porn of their models publicly

>> No.37901084

I dont hate her, but I dont feel like I understand her at all, and some of her behavior seems kinda uncalled for.

>> No.37901107

Im convinced that none of you actually bothered to confirm if this tweet was real or not. No date on the OP, no link, no nothing. I went on to her Twitter and no nothing again, no tweets or replies. Provide link or screecap with date and time faggot.

>> No.37901178

>thinking the Japs don't usually settle the most mundane things in court anyways

>> No.37901233

You can just ask her fans and they'll usually explain

>> No.37901632

She's suicide baited before all the drama though. She's just like that and her fans are used to it.

>> No.37901847

lol, still just as manipulative i see. gaslighting her fans into thinking they've done something wrong, when all they did was call her out on her behavior. straight up emotional abuse. i feel really sorry for her gachis.

>> No.37901900

This was because antis were insulting a cat that her friend owned.

>> No.37902077
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>> No.37902222
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I love my wives

>> No.37903132

You even know the context? Someone insulted a cat that she posted and she then decided to call them out on it.

>> No.37903282

This bitch

>> No.37903311

I feel sorry for your investigation skills.

>> No.37903395

I'm putting it lightly when I said insulted anon, it was straight up malicious to a cat from her friend just because she shared a picture of it. It was also from an actual known anti account of hers so this illness is fair.

>> No.37903484

how am i diverting the topic? you asked about doing research into what caused dramas. and i answered with exactly what did.

>> No.37903555

>genshin drama caused by Genshitters just because she played the game
>Pokemon drama caused by antis just because she played the game
>Someone doxxing her fans simply because they are her fans
Anon.....you simply are retarded.

>> No.37903780
File: 155 KB, 448x448, keklol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone ofended her friends' cat, can you believe it???
You faggots can't be for real can you? I dont know if i should laugh or pity you. Mikenigger should go to prison for emotionally abusing you into this state.
that account is hers and she faleflags as her own anti all the time for pity points

>> No.37903856

>just because she played the game
are you retarded or just pretending?
kys cuck

>> No.37903968

Fucking catalog poster can't even do a little bit of research. Bet you cried when DN got outed as a faggot.
>catalog poster has shit takes
Damn not suprised.

>> No.37903990

That was literally what happened.
In Genshin, she did one stream. Antis started spreading rumours that her fans were harassing people to get Genshin accounts, and then it turned out that the only evidence was someone falseflagging
For Pokemon, she did one stream and some Poke YouTube channel with 100k subs made a video about how the Pokemon community would be worse if she joined it.

>> No.37904029

>t. retard

>> No.37904096

I like that Mike the cat antis can only even call someone retarded whenever someone calls them out on blatantly false rrats like the 'she caused all of her dramas' bullshit. Really love to see it.

>> No.37904240
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>le owns the haters
Why don't you love Mori too?

>> No.37904288

she was the one who spread those rumours for pity points in the first place.
you are extremely gullible and naive if you believe anything she says. now go to sleep. you got school tomorrow.
