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File: 581 KB, 687x631, 1669518291999122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37857968 No.37857968 [Reply] [Original]

This stream unironically gave me hope that there is still a market for En chubbas and Holo En is still somewhat of a power house.
Fauna, Mumei, IRyS and Gura are about to get an incline

>> No.37858407

IRyS is an honorary JP

>> No.37858530
File: 494 KB, 1016x671, Screenshot 2022-11-26 at 22-18-15 「【IRyS NEW DESIGN REVEAL】HOPE 2.0 is Coming Down To Earth!【#AWholeNewHOPE】」の視聴者数推移.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People stayed because they were expecting a redesign and she was stretching it out, but as soon as she revealed the face, the viewership took a nose dive. I'm sorry to say this, OP, but it was a total flop. Everyone was expecting a redesign, but it's just the same goblin face with some make up.

>> No.37858797

It fell because people were just eagerly waiting for it.

>Oh that's IRyS's redesign. Cool.

>> No.37858899
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>> No.37858980

every new reveal is like that, people leave once they've seen it all.

>> No.37859057

This happens for every new outfit stream, people come in to see the design and leave once it's revealed.

>> No.37859164

This is the level of cope Ennakeks have to resort to, gonna be a rough day for you tomorrow mate rest up.

>> No.37859182

>people like big events and new models
No fucking way.
I hope en stupid management understand this and stop these awful low poly vr shit

>> No.37859185

>it was a total flop
>highest peak CCV of any EN stream this year
It was literally the least flop stream of the year

>> No.37859221

If Gura actually streams

>> No.37859288

I love watching you squirm you pathetic faggot.
You did this to yourself

>> No.37859514

>This happens literally every reveal stream

Cope and seetheRyS

>> No.37859541
File: 37 KB, 566x594, a19919293c3cc96fb907ef421b1ddfa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number Fags mad Irys is now going to thrive and nothing to cry about, Seethe idiots.

>> No.37859892

collab with irys fauna and mumei will bring the most views for en at this time

>> No.37860507

People really think that because an outfit reveal has high CCV, IRyS will have higher CCV on her regular streams? Really?

>> No.37860585

No but that retard is moving the goalpost and we are making fun of him and his coping. He should just shut up and wait until a yab or something

>> No.37860968

based and same
he runs away to another thread each time because everyone can see how much of a petulant little worm he is

>> No.37861328

Holo En unironically sucks and has no hype and won't have hype just because bae is going to look like a slut, fauna will get another mommy apron with jeans and a minivan outfit, kronii will finally get an outfit that hides her tits and gura will not stream again this year because all her computers are broken.

Also there is mumei I guess she'll randomly stream at 1 AM in the morning but that's not really a 'powerhouse'. If her outfit isn't goth/emo/scene then it's useless to my dick.

>> No.37861817
File: 2.88 MB, 1080x1082, 1669520010478999.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love new Irys so much. It has a much lighter and happier expression, so it fits her a lot more. And the rigging is so much better too.

>> No.37861991

Nijiseeth is all time high today. Kek

>> No.37862566

I only watch elira and pomu sometimes. Mostly I'm watching/listening to small corps now. Their ccv is shockingly increasing very rapidly for some reason so I assume others are getting tired of Niji "POG HERE'S A GUERILLA MALE COLLAB" sanji and Holo "you want streams? too bad, improve yourself" live.

I will watch mumei though.

>> No.37862620

you mean like every reveal?

>> No.37863419

Dorkrys kinda grew on me

>> No.37863523

It looks great.
I'm very happy for the IRyStocrats.
I will now join you in watching this succubus chuuba.

>> No.37863595

The exposure looks blown out, it's better in terms of rigging but it's kinda painful to look at without dropping the brightness on the monitor.

>> No.37863892

They fixed the nose and shading but the eyes and mouth are still hard to watch. Also cleavage was great improvement, I hope she leans towards the camera more. Also
>Tofu is very ethn-plabluahpelld
what did she mean by this/

>> No.37865553

Gura hates streaming
Mumei is too autistic not in an endering way
Fauna is the most boring and by the book Hololive member there is without any solid talent
I'm sorry but HoloEN is a 2020/early 2021 thing

>> No.37865802

lol not even a Z graph so can't do the bot cope

>> No.37866653

Goddamn she is beautiful

>> No.37866939

All these are correct but IRyS will still incline to the moon. She's JP quality but speaks native English, the model was the only thing holding her back. Screencap this and come back to it in a year when she's absolutely mogging all of EN.

>> No.37867298

nijikeks in shambles

>> No.37868052

She is so FUCKING cute!

>> No.37868175

Cake makeup

>> No.37868538

For reference
Calli: https://vrabi.net/video/fm7DGv7KnDY
Ame: https://vrabi.net/video/ewss-AjRo7Y
Ina: https://vrabi.net/video/ND3ai2gSipc
Gura: https://vrabi.net/video/fH2L5O8CmOM

Kiara's graph is six kinds of fucky where she dropped to ~2k viewers.

Aqua's recent reveal shows almost the exact same peak and sharp drop.

>> No.37868631

>immediately leaves
proof 102% male viewers, even the female ones are male.

>> No.37868846

You and your horde were calling her a failure that won't beat reimu's reveal

>> No.37869346

Fuck off, I'm still watching, I don't care.

>> No.37872836

lets hope so

>> No.37873250

This reminds me a bit too much of Flare, I really don't understand women where they get this tilted over what turns out to be such minor changes. At least Aruran just hated everything about himself and his audience.

>> No.37873353

>"IRyS won't even get 30k"
how things change when you triple-downed on being wrong

>> No.37875130

No, there isn't

>> No.37876010

>At least Aruran just hated everything about himself and his audience.

>> No.37876112

His original design was 'lovable old man' but he recently got a redesign to sex pest young man, lost a lot of core fans but he doesn't seem to care about that. All he cares about is numbers.

>> No.37876203

Cover actually tried for once? No broken rigging or half assed model?
maybe WHOrys will actually get over 4k ccv on a stream for once

>> No.37876220

>loses fans
>cares about numbers
Why did he hate his audience? Also wasn't he the guy joking about cutting off his dick to become an idol? The sex angle doesn't really work there.

>> No.37876297

Literally soulless.

>> No.37876323
File: 333 KB, 916x968, Nene evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering how people get when a holo is held back due to redesign they couldn't afford to half ass it. It's like Nene all over again.

>> No.37876395

Honestly I know people hate it being rushed but I prefer new Nene.

>> No.37876402
File: 294 KB, 850x1171, __momosuzu_nene_hololive_drawn_by_yudetama-5b7cade2b7111fca1f0402e824027185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was a massive upgrade too. Nene's reworked outfit is literally one of my favourite ones in the whole of Hololive. Especially when she puts on the bear hands.

>> No.37876454
File: 1.82 MB, 2851x2015, Nene old and new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked both, the original has a nice sort of subtle bust and homeliness to it while the redesign was pure sex

>> No.37876494
File: 227 KB, 600x723, 1645360462353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then there's the less dramatic holo redesign because Flare never really liked her original

>> No.37876538

Isn't it rushed due to the China yab?

>> No.37876573

Yes. Flare was changed too.

>> No.37876738

I feel like he was willing to sacrifice some of his core fanbase to aim for a larger pool of fans with a 'younger & cuter' design. As far as I can tell it's not working and he gets about the same # of views

>> No.37876833

It sadly the artist/face that turns most people off. Its an acquired taste for true gentlesirs. Commoners dont understand it.

At least should have given her some buttons to do the classic anime emotions/faces.

>> No.37879070

Can confirm, his numbers are the same, but his merch sales only got a slight bit higher and he’s not the last star to have his merch sold out when is comes to events such as AGF, but I wouldn’t necessarily call this a win. Right now, being a Familiaran sucks

>> No.37880370

Dont they have NijiEN to worry about?

>> No.37880745

At least he feels more comfortable, I'm assuming?
I feel a little bad for talents that don't connect with their models

>> No.37883968

Their original designs are the only time the talents have no input on it outside of very small cosmetic changes, so tough luck if they don't like them. And even so, Aruran debuted back in 2019 so it's likely he didn't even have this privilege. It was clear he wanted a younger look with his last outfit before the redesign, so this outcome didn't come out of nowhere.

>> No.37884316

Now that I think about it, yeah his last outfit as Arupapa seemed like a last resort for his original model since it can go topless and he thought that can pull in more views, but guess not.

>> No.37885080

It was 70k nips wanting to see if her face was still fucked up

>> No.37888456
File: 169 KB, 1200x1504, 1596509367766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare wasn't changed due to China though. It was changed because she fucking hated it and kept on using alt outfits like the New Year costume.

>> No.37888508

Can she retain a 1/4 of it regularly? Otherwise nothing changed

>> No.37890004

New Nene looks good but the alien chinese Nene was soul.
