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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37569105 No.37569105 [Reply] [Original]

Lɘsbian this lɘsbian that
She's more than just a lɘsbian. she's an entertaining individual with actual personality.
Stop using her to "Le own the hɘterocuↄks"
there's nothing wrong with having a hetɘrose×ual female as your oshi, it's okay to be a cuↄk

>> No.37569150

she's a muslim. There's actually no way she's a lesbian

>> No.37569228

Is this what you call stepping up your game?
And have I really mindbroken you so hard by posting archive links that you're filling your posts with reverse letters?
How did you even become like this? You should actually be studied to deduce if a sub-70 point IQ human still has sapience.

>> No.37569263

heterocuck this blah lgbtyidh that
How about you tell your oshi to hurry up and stream herself eating out Kiara already

>> No.37569415


>> No.37570086

>she's an entertaining individual with actual personality.
no she isn't. she is one of the most boring holos. there is a reason people only remember her for being a dyke, it's because she has no memorable moments outside of that.

>> No.37570404

Trannies and femcels have nothing going for them besides putting LGBTQXYZ in their bios.
This makes them assume that it's the same for normal women, when stepping even a few seconds out of their parent's basement can immediately debunk that notion.
That never happens though, so here we are.

>> No.37570667

she's massively sadistic and possibly a psychopath but those clips don't get views

>> No.37571448

>not wanting to fuck your oshi straight

>> No.37571499

>not wanting to keep her bi so you can fuck her and her wives

>> No.37571727

She is also a Whore who collabed with Tempiss. Hope your Oshi gets force graduated by a gaggle of rabbit seamonkeys.

>> No.37571903

>t. Never watched Reine

>> No.37571944

>she's massively sadistic and possibly a psychopath
yes, we all know she's a lesbian.
