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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37550295 No.37550295 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't you forgive her?

>> No.37550362

Because I haven't improved myself

>> No.37550367

Something that does not ask to be forgiven should not be.

>> No.37550418

Did she ever apologize or ask for forgiveness?

>> No.37550463

It's very, very wrong to be unkind to people who are already losers.

>> No.37550468

you can't forgive someone who did nothing wrong

>> No.37550503

Because she hasn't improved herself

>> No.37550593

never liked her because she was always bitchy and a contrarian
males don't even enter the equation

>> No.37550634
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The HoloEN members who collaborate with the pantheon of mediocrity Tempus, have betrayed us all anon
I will march on Cover and destroy their branch
I am DONE serving Yagoo and his misguided ambition!

>> No.37550760
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For me I'll forgive her if she does ASMR genuinely, not as a joke. Otherwise she's still too immature to put aside her baggage for what members want and keep mocking people for wanting it.

>> No.37550848

she needs to improve herself first

>> No.37550957

Because that would imply she did something wrong.

>> No.37551027

Because she's not guilty of anything

>> No.37551045 [DELETED] 

Until she realizes that Amreway isn't endearing and in fact is just her needlessly making everything more difficult I will continue to refuse to support her.

>> No.37551093

not happening
it would make her look like a hypocrite

>> No.37551107

Until she realizes that Ameway isn't endearing and in fact is just her needlessly making everything more difficult I will continue to refuse to support her.

>> No.37551112

Because I never liked her. Unforgivable really

>> No.37551272

Until she realizes that Ameway isn't endearing and in fact is just her needlessly making everything more difficult I will continue to refuse to support her.

>> No.37551466

She's not sorry and she doesn't want my forgiveness anyway.

>> No.37551627

Because she hasn't improved herself

>> No.37552252

I'm so busy lately, but I tried to make time for and looked forward to spamming global and chat during the karaoke streams and the special streams. I'm not gonna say that she didn't leave a hole, but I genuinely thought that she didn't want to fight a culture war or I wouldn't have been so invested in watching her in the first place. I wish she hadn't pretended to be something she's not lol.

>> No.37552290

Still waiting for her ASMR like what kronii and mumei did to apologise for collabing with males.

>> No.37552294

She hasn't asked for forgiveness. Do a naked dogeza stream and I'll consider it.

>> No.37552381

She never slighted me in the first place.

>> No.37552485

i was never even mad, just annoyed

>> No.37552521

You want forgiveness? Get religion.

>> No.37552659

Because hitting things until you break your fingers is fucking terrifying to watch. It's a sign of deep anger issues. Ame needs therapy desperately but instead just abused everything around her. We hope she hasn't ever hit any of her pets, if you can't control punching a wall or breaking a keyboard, you will hit a person eventually.

>> No.37552745

I would NEVER hurt my pet no matter how angry I was............ I am one spilled coffee from clocking someone at a gas station though.

>> No.37552776

did she apologize to Gura? no

>> No.37552897

I don't care, I'm sure she doesn't either. She has her teacucks to abuse.

>> No.37552944

For what? Being boring?

>> No.37553814

Until she realizes that Ameway isn't endearing and in fact is just her needlessly making everything more difficult I will continue to refuse to support her.

>> No.37554093

She needs to unironically improve her self and apologize

>> No.37554336

If she disavows tempiss, I will not only forgive but I will kneel.

>> No.37554348

>I won't forgive her until she apologizes!
>Ame apologizes
>She's lying! I don't trust here!
Actual cancel culture

>> No.37554463
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I never disliked her.
I never loved her.
She was always pretty cool.
She got along with my oshi.
I respect her and wish her well.

>> No.37554564

Yes, vt is full of Twitter women

>> No.37555765

What's funny is she could give such a half assed apology about maybe being a bit brash with things in the beginning and that of course she didn't mean to upset people, and end without some snide or snarky remark, a lot of former Teamates would tuck their tails between their legs and go back to her. Myself included.
Not that she has any incentive or reason to do that, of course.

>> No.37555926

Because she did nothing wrong

>> No.37555939

I can hardly believe it, but it's true.
There are w*men that post here...

>> No.37555983

I don't know what any of you are talking about
It can't be that bad
Are you just mad she collabed with tempus?

>> No.37555996

I never was into her.
Subbed to her during debut, got filtered by the walking piggy banks comment.

Add to that the room review with Gura, was pretty obvious they both look down on their fan base. That’s a pretty disgusting viewpoint for an entertainer to take, haven’t really checked her stuff out since.

I’m sure she’s a nice person that deserves all the success, but I don’t vibe with her.

>> No.37557165

I don’t know what to tell you, anon. I didn’t watch her before because I never liked her content, I thought what she said was based and doesn’t require forgiving, and I still don’t watch her because I still don’t like her content.
Your question is moot.

>> No.37557335

Has watching any vtuber actually ever helped anyone get better? And in what way?
Because it only makes me feel more miserable over what I'll never have

>> No.37557425

Pic not related I hope.

>> No.37557463

There was never anything to forgive though? She's doing pretty well and I tune in to her streams when I can

>> No.37557502

Only if she calls me her special little boy and gives me a quick kiss on the cheeks and headpats me a bit.

JK I never left. I understand people feeling like she didn't handle things well but I was also just kinda into her but not quite my oshi.

>> No.37559120

Can't forgive someone i don't watch. When the content will stop being lazy and shitty zoomer FPS games i will maybe be able to apreciate one or two stream of her and forgive her sperging.

>> No.37559175

She killed the Fish Tank after 1 episode. Simple as.

>> No.37560317

You will soon, wont you?

>> No.37560453

Because she did nothing wrong.

>> No.37560484

She can't be forgiven if doesn't have the decency to apologize.

>> No.37561210

Any good streams recently? What happened to Sherlock playthrough? Where is my Oblivion fix?

>> No.37561337

>She's doing pretty well
>Losses more than 50% of her cvv on a half year span

>> No.37562304

She'd rather be with Nijiwomen instead of her genmates. That's not how a leader supposed to work. The group broke apart is her fault

>> No.37563848
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I never cared about her in the first place

>> No.37563974

after all the improvement i have done? fuck off

>> No.37564053

I have an actually British creatavidad streamer now.

>> No.37564056
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Mumei! ! ! Shush!

>> No.37564057

She never wronged me specifically. I went to a couple of watchalongs, they were decently fun. But that was... a year ago now, longer? I don't know what the newest drama is.

>> No.37564165

I wish it was 10 years ago when women on the internet weren't real and minors were b&

>> No.37565306

I just want to be able to call people niggers and faggots with no consequences. Is it really so much to ask?

>> No.37565397

No point
Her decline is inevitable

>> No.37565426

Because I did in fact improve myself and now deserve better than a washed up vtuber who openly hates her audience.
I will never ever give her the time of day again other than to briefly shit on her here from time to time.

>> No.37565436

we're a dying breed, oldfriend

>> No.37565600
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Because the fake Ame is better

>> No.37565637

Where's her free voice pack she promised as a charity goal?

>> No.37565667

>Why won't you forgive her?
Because she hasn't apologized.

>> No.37565810

Sorry, but I've improved my taste in streamers like she asked. She's going to have to improve herself if she wants me to come back.

>> No.37565929

>and end without some snide or snarky remark
That part would be impossible for her, I think.

>> No.37566073


>> No.37566096

She's done nothing she needs to be forgiven for. You are all schizos.

>> No.37566919

Yageus: Your obsession with this... thing has become somewhat of a nuisance, my child.

>> No.37567003

>She's done nothing she needs to be forgiven for.
That's exactly what's going through Ame's mind and why her viewership will keep diminishing.

>> No.37567114

I'm so glad she's not my oshi. It's amazing to me how far she came but also how far she fell from when she started.

>> No.37567470

how does Gura also look down on her fanbase, by not streaming? (that's what I've heard), in Holo En i only watch Kiara i love her

>> No.37567559


>> No.37567606

>She didn't apologize
>I don't trust here

ESLchama, you are actual retard culture

>> No.37567728 [DELETED] 

No, i moved on to Gura. Best decision of my life.
She doesn't stream but at least she won't cuck me with males

>> No.37567845

nice falseflag

>> No.37568315
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Release me from this torment of cuckoldry..

>> No.37568392

Left her long before the faggots debuted and forced the sluts to suck their dicks, her anger outbursts are some of the most cringe things I've watched and let me tell you, I've been around since Toxic Jester was a thing in /v/

>> No.37568709

I improved myself and cut toxic people like Ame out of my life.

>> No.37568727
File: 662 KB, 1103x592, yageus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't confuse this talent... this construction of many staff-sans... with your own girlfriend or wife!

But perhaps you already have, anon.

Your quest for GFE, your pathetic attempt for parasocial gratification from strangers has caused nothing but havoc for vtubing!

Look around at what you have done!

>> No.37572723

boring bitch

>> No.37573380

Busy improving myself

>> No.37573620

What? You think all the posters in male vtuber threads are all men? There's only so many gays around, media just over represents them to gaslight you into believing that gays are everywhere.

>> No.37573701

She needs to GSH

>> No.37573835
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The charge? Officer?

>> No.37573868

Being too cute without a cuteness loicense

>> No.37573987
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Unforgivable, correction is needed.

>> No.37574007

I have nothing to forgive her for, I just won’t watch her because she’s a genuinely unpleasant woman.

>> No.37574194

Kek never.

>> No.37574292
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>> No.37574912

Is there still gosling for her ?

>> No.37574967
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Forgive her for what?

>> No.37575101

That was Ame's WDSDIB for me, I know she played it off as banter and it probably was just an ill-judged attempt at that but I still think about it sometimes, I can't reconcile that comment with how decidedly not greedy she actually is overall so I don't think it was about money but I do sometimes wonder if she is disgusted by the level of yes man the average hololive fan is and does not respect her audience, she certainly despises being told what to do by them on the rare occasion people do kick up a fuss so maybe she doesn't mind.

>> No.37575115
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I unironically did forgive her and regret ever cancelling my membership in the first place. I was mainly pissed off about the Homo collabs, but realistically speaking, those are very easy to ignore and the Ame I still love never left. From the perspective of a hardcore Ameschizo, the only things she genuinely did wrong were
>remove any mention of being an idol from her youtube bio as a fuck you to unicorns
>le improve yourself yab
Both of which I was able to forgive because she's an autistic contrarian who wants her audience to be more than just chuuba-addled goslings. Now stop making these threads faggot, keep my wife's name out of your mouth and go shitpost about someone else.

>> No.37575482
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Because she did nothing wrong
God, Ame is so cute...

>> No.37575866
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I took a break from Ame after she said to improve myself. Coming back to her streams made me realize how bad she is at streaming or just being fun to watch at all. Maybe she was different when I first started watching her but I have no idea how I got hooked for months in the first place. She was one of the first Vtubers I ever watched so I guess I didn't have perspective.
Still fap to her model though sometimes.

>> No.37576043

After the worms shit I did some introspection and realized I don't really enjoy her content anymore. Even if I forgave her I probably wouldn't start watching again.

>> No.37576258
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Anyone who thinks she did something wrong in the first place is a bad person anyway.

>> No.37576327

Was never mad at her in the first place.
Not my oshi, but by far my favorite EN.
I watch what I like and ignore the rest.
Simple as.

>> No.37576406

Has she improved herself by growing a thicker skin and not being such a cunty bitch when chat jokes with here? Judging by all of the teacucks in this thread damage controlling I'm going to assume the answer is no.
Also I'm not interested in a used tempus onahole.

>> No.37576599

>collabs with Tempus just to antagonize people
>tells her own core audience to fuck off
Anyone who thinks she didn't do something wrong is a deeply retarded

>> No.37576657

>thinks supporting her coworkers is antagonizing people
See? Bad person.

>> No.37577065

>Also I'm not interested in a used tempus onahole.
That's not a nice thing to call to Ame. Show a little respect.

>> No.37577094

She doesn't deserve any kind of respect

>> No.37577212

2 months after myth debuted I got the sense of what a cunt Amelia is. As an entertainer that gets showered with money just for existing, she should be more mature, patient and reasonable than the (mostly) kids that watch her content.
But she is not. She is a spiteful cunt and a massive contrarian. She lashes out, she ends streams, and humiliates her own audience.
>inb4 boo hoo anime girl didnt read your message
I never chat. I keep it disabled most of the time because hololive chats are just mindless emote spam in most cases.

>> No.37577231

honestly my coworkers can go fuck themselves. Anyone spouting shit like this is probably a neet that doesn't realise that in any given workplace 80% of the people are cunts you would not associate with if you didnt have to

>> No.37577298

maybe you don't get along with your coworkers because you're the cunt, not them

>> No.37577381

>thinks supporting coworkers is good behavior when it's done for the express purpose of antagonizing people out of spite
See? You're a retarded person.

>> No.37577387

>remove any mention of being an idol from her youtube bio as a fuck you to unicorns
she just edited it for brevity
>le improve yourself yab
she was right in what she actually meant (not what schizos think she said) but she didnt really need to say it at all
agreed with the rest of the post

>> No.37577452

>when it's done for the express purpose of antagonizing people out of spite
you're assuming malice where it isn't there because you're an evil person

>> No.37577468
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Used to be a gosling for her until she made it clear that we make her feel uncomfortable with her job. I tried to see her as just another variety streamer like she wished for but unfortunately she's not entertaining to me at all in that way and has the worst taste in video games on top of it. Haven't tuned into a stream for a long time because they all seem way too boring. At least those early memories will always be nice to think about.

>> No.37577682

>At least those early memories will always be nice to think about
The original Ame died around late 2021. What we have now is Negative Ame from an evil timeline.

>> No.37577898

she hasn't changed you schizo

>> No.37578141

You can't seriously tell me she's the same person before and after the termite arc. She seems so distant now and it feels like she's killing time during stream. Her last member stream was god awful and we rarely get them at all. I've slowly stopped watching this year, she just hasn't been the same.

>> No.37578287

>do self hating, low testosterone, cucks exist

>> No.37578350

sounds like a (you) problem
she hasnt changed,you are schizo
>Her last member stream was god awful
it was comfy and cute

>> No.37578378

Chumbud deflection thread

>> No.37578580

Sure man. Whatever

>> No.37578608

If you still enjoy her, good for you. Don't hate us for moving on.

>> No.37578652

What'd she do?

>> No.37578901

>she hasnt changed
Kek. Even Ame is aware that she's changed hence her member post where she admitted she's off her game and would try to return to being Original Ame. But unfortunately Lazy Spiteful Ame completely took over.

>> No.37579007

Toxic positivity like this is what causes Vtubers to stagnate.

>> No.37579065

the burnout arc ended almost a year ago
oh no not the numbers

>> No.37579092

>seems so distant now
she was literally opening up to us in the member stream that you think was godawful, what's going on in your head?

>> No.37579115

Didn't improve herself.

>> No.37579141

but she's doing her reps

>> No.37579357

She spent half the stream looking for music, making a thumbnail, and thinking of what to say. She wasn't always like that. It's like she literally rolled out of bed to do the stream.
I'm not talking about numbers.

>> No.37579691

that's your complaint? really?

>> No.37579724

why do you care so much?
just drop her if you dont like her

>> No.37580058

She's not my oshi anymore but I don't have the heart to end my membership. I still show up to streams and put her on in the background but I find myself muting her now.
If I get around to selling my merch maybe I'll quit her entirely.

>> No.37580067

Anon, Ame was a born poorfag. Those people are the worst.

>> No.37580147

>poor people are bad
lol, wow, you are not hiding that you're an evil scumbag huh

>> No.37580395

How did you feel about the things like the surprise homo in the duet karaoke (do you buy her excuse that was the first search result?), her organizing the worms collabs pretty much as soon as the ban was over, and her "don't like it, don't watch" comment? Genuine question because all that back to back is what pushed me away. Like you said she's always been an autistic contrarian and I always liked that, and even the improve yourself comment I had no problem with, but the way she went about the stuff I listed felt rather like genuine contempt for those who didn't care for homo shit. Curious about your thoughts on it.

>> No.37580427

Forgive who?
Who the fuck is she?
No I'm serious I don't know who you're talking about.

>> No.37580469

>the burnout arc ended almost a year ago
The burnout arc never really ended. It just kind of dovetailed into the spiteful, unmotivated, low-effort Ame arc we have today.

>> No.37580518

>moving on
>Literally in a thread about her
Just move on anon. What are you doing here?

>> No.37580607

don't even try anon, he's clearly one of the many yes mans masochist.

>> No.37580616
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>> No.37580617

nta but the duet karaoke was the only thing that pissed me off
that said i dont think she was doing it out of spite, she just wanted to duet for UNITY and didnt think about it very much (the laugh was beacuse the duet was awkward)
she pretty much memory-holed the whole thing anyways which is good
as for worms dont care and "dont like dont watch" is good advice

>> No.37580663
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>> No.37580691

nah its good breeding for rrats. rrat gods run this hobby. dont like it? tough luck.

>> No.37580733

>remove any mention of being an idol from her youtube bio as a fuck you to unicorns
I don't understand this point, the unicorns were screeching she was no longer an idol so is she supposed to call herself one or not

>> No.37580830

product is defective, i didn't sign up for this. anti for enternity

>> No.37580971

That was the point at which she decided she wouldn't even try to follow idol kayfabe anymore and she'd turn Holo EN into Nijisanji EN.

>> No.37581198


>> No.37581202

but idols like sora and suisei don't have problems with collabing with males?

>> No.37581261

please watch streams

>> No.37581268

Was it hugely controversial when they decided to collab? Did they continue to collab despite protest?

>> No.37581294


>> No.37581340


>> No.37581365

nta but the surprise duet was the most retarded thing she did in the whole saga and I think she realised it midway through the song and tried to make excuses for it in a stream after the fact but I did not really buy any of them, I do think she was trying to be cheeky, I wouldn't go so far as spiteful but like I said I think she realised her mistake right away but Ame being Ame rather than admit any wrongdoing to her fans she just offered a few flimsy justifications instead.

Her organising the worms collab was something I was not happy about but knowing the kind of person Ame is I really was not expecting her to entirely ghost a new EN branch so I was prepared for it to be honest, when the collab actually came around she kept it pretty much as professional as you could possibly expect, not a hint of flirting or anything like that, people who never wanted males are still not going to be happy obviously but she does at least seem to be making an effort to keep them at a co-worker distance and not try to be one of the boys like Mori.

>> No.37581380

you're the newfag if you think suisei gives a fuck about gachis

>> No.37581396

>moves goalpost

>> No.37581415

where is the goalpost?

>> No.37581432

I had stopped watching her before Tempiss existed, she got boring for me

>> No.37581538

she is DEAD to me
at least until she plays oblivion again

>> No.37581542

Did the Vtuber begin interacting with males DESPITE huge uproar (to the point where it had to be addressed on stream).
Sora and Suisei didn't have the same big fanbase before Holos like Miko stopped interacting with men.

>> No.37581599

>huge uproar
lol, lmao

>> No.37581662

It's ok, I understand you only got here after Holos were literal 2 and 3 views.

>> No.37581718

Don't question a woman, if she apologized, she apologized, get over it already.

>> No.37581734

you are a funny, delusional loser if you think suisei collabing with men isn't controversial to the losers of 5ch just like how this place is the only one that cares about EN interacting with males

>> No.37581838

nijinigger twitch whore

>> No.37581852

5ch isn't the equivalent of Twitter and Reddit like 4chan is, especially in those days. They barely got any hate. Nor was there a precedent already set where Holos don't collab with males back then. Ame had to choose a camp with much more kicking and screaming.

>> No.37581885

>They barely got any hate
is this nigger doing a LARP or something

>> No.37581937

hololive got big because they switched their formula

>> No.37581954

I'm talking about when SUISEI and SORA specifically did their first male interactions. The most hate you got was after Hololive started getting popular and fans started comparing Holos.

>> No.37582069

the only thing i know is i don't watch nor like male vtubers simple as.

>> No.37582104

and they still collab with males even after hololive got big and attracted loser unicorns

>> No.37582262

nta. the suisei-fubuki-homo one was quite a shitstorm now imagine if suisei decided to do a one-on-one collab instead

>> No.37582296

The blonde cunt is a disgusting, worthless loser. A talentless hack who won the Hololive lottery, proceeded to do fuck all with her golden Wonka ticket, and has squandered every opportunity she had to salvage her channel from perpetual closed loop view bleeding.
Which is all whatever. Who cares? But the fact that the blonde cunt then has the gall to talk down to men who didn't win lottery tickets, didn't squander their golden tickets, and work real jobs building real things that make society function, is unintentional comedy.
And the endless damage control campaign from the blonde cunt's simps, how she was giving "constructive feedback," was hilarious. No one goes to their boss or their father and tells them to "improve themselves." Because that's an inherently condescending way to speak to someone who deserves your respect.
The blonde cunt already has a family that despises her. Now all that's needed is an early death caused by health issues that the blonde cunt won't address.

>> No.37582343

Thanks for the feedback, lol

>> No.37582351

whoa dude not reading all that but it sounds like you should improve yourself

>> No.37582445

I am a better and more successful person than the blonde cunt. I am also freer, happier, and not part of an industry with the stability of a three-legged dog.
If my words about the blonde cunt upset you, then it sounds like you need to improve yourself.
Or, if you'd like, I can just call you a "fucking bitch," as the blonde cunt called her former friend live on stream.

>> No.37582476

ngl but you seem like a pretty terrible person

>> No.37582555

You could be building the large hadron collider and she would still be correct in telling you to improve yourself, not your life circumstances mind you, but your mindset, for which I am not sure there are enough meds in the world

>> No.37582611

Not as terrible as the blonde cunt. I can't imagine what goes through the head of a loser who calls her financial patrons her "little piggybanks."
The blonde cunt deserves every ounce of misery she has endured from her broken family situation. If she wanted a family that loved her, she probably should've improved herself.

>> No.37582647

>Out-teched all of hololive staff to make 3D models before hololive did.
The worst...

>> No.37582663

I cant. I was never mad at her in the first place.

>> No.37582700

nah, ame seems like a nice and kind person
you on the other hand, are unpleasant and genuinely evil

>> No.37582808

> I am also freer, happier
>Writes a paragraph of pure seethe about an vtuber wishing death upon her
Something is not adding up here I don't think happy people would let something so minor get to them this much

>> No.37582831

Lmao why does this always happen, someone's talking shit about ame then they have to say how much better they think they are kek

>> No.37582969


>> No.37583058

nta. what will happen is the usual, some loud minority barking and making threads but nothing really change lol

>> No.37583110

>Amelia Watson
The blonde cunt is a worthless piece of shit. Belittling her is an honor and a privilege.
She'd have long been relegated to three view territory if she wasn't existing on the good will afforded to her by her fat tits.
The inevitable early death of the actress from health complications is well-earned.

>> No.37583163

Teamates are catalog regulars? Why does this thread have so many replies?

>> No.37583301

this but unironically

>> No.37583335

You really underestimate schizos and antis

>> No.37583361

Yes anon, it truly is a mystery of what's happening in this thread

>> No.37583399

>she hasnt changed
She has but it doesn't matter, if you feel like you've invested too much money and time into her to give her up, a lot of us get it
There are a ton of other vtubers that are similar to old ame however.

>> No.37583485

Anon, the entire gosling fanbase came from here

>> No.37583508

>There are a ton of other vtubers that are similar to old ame however.
Any suggestions?

>> No.37583560

She's been collabing with males since she was an indie. The only "people" that "cared" here were shitposters and shitstirrers.

>> No.37583718

No one gives a fuck what she did in the past you idiot. She wasn't a Holo nor streaming for us. I just want old Ame back. If there has to be male collabs, fine; but I don't want to be spammed with them.
