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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37453874 No.37453874 [Reply] [Original]

Behold, the only reason anyone gives a fuck about Kronii. Her design and mama: Wada Arco. When people talk about potential, it's mostly because Wada is one of the biggest artists in Japan and also a giant coomer herself. If Kronii were motivated or even just not lazy, we could have had possible Fate crossovers and other things, given that at this point, FGO has more Wada servants than even Takeuchi.

People pine for this mediocre bitch because Fate is huge and Kronii's design looks like Melt's face with Nero's body. Wada, a notoriously reclusive hermit, does her part and retweets everything Kronii does, even given how absurdly busy she is, currently overseeing her multi city multi day exhibitions that are sold out every time. Fate is fucking huge in Japan, much bigger than Hololive for sure. If Gura got even Nacho to do a collab, surely a person who wasn't a waste of a spot could have gotten Wada to do one.

Even if you aren't a Fatefag or don't like Wada's style, (and admittedly, boobs on a stick isn't the greatest design, although you never see her legs anyways) the fact is that Wada and Fate are huge and the untapped potential of having one of the lead artists as your mama is due solely to the fact that Kronii is basically a normalfag by otaku standards and also a lazy uninspired piece of shit.

>> No.37453926

you think she doesn't know that? any attempt to steer away from her sexualized design is her attempt to validate herself as a person.

>> No.37454238

It's a fucking waste is what it is. I would have loved to see Wada's original demented New Year's design, before Kronii made her cover everything up. I bet the pillow had a more racy design originally too.

Anyways, Kronii's attempt to separate herself from her avatar just goes to show how retarded she is and how little she understands what Vtubing actually is. How the fuck did this person land a job at the biggest Vtubing agency in the game?

>> No.37454268

Why is she so committed to the apathetic normalfag though? If she's popular she should be able to design another chuuba. And or the record I don't want Kronii, just sounds kind of sad to have such a passionate mama wasted on this whore.

>> No.37454455

Wada is unironically in love with her creations. To have one become a Vtuber is about as close to bringing it to life as possible. Plus she's busy as fuck, so the fact that Kronii doesn't stream a lot doesn't matter to her, she can barely catch the VODs as is. Wada is a full blown otaku. It's a little like how Geppetto was fond of Pinocchio even though he was objectively a bratty piece of shit.

>> No.37454847

Nah she has a lot more going for her but it's nice that she fits so well with the design's theme and color scheme. You'd think anons would be less judgemental about someone not being a paragon of virtue with impeccable work ethic

>> No.37456342

>Paragon of virtue
>Impeccable work ethic
I'd settle for someone who doesn't lie to her fans and treat them like trash, and who is only moderately lazy. Kronii really is a shitty person.

>> No.37456618

her voice is nice and she has a pretty good gap moe. you are still mostly right though

>> No.37456901

As a fan I don't feel like she did anything reprehensible and I'm happy with her streams. You should try not viewing every vtuber-fan relationship in an adversarial light

>> No.37456936

The model was completely wasted on her. It's such a damn shame.

>> No.37457434

I just think she's funny

>> No.37457584

>her voice is nice
Only when she tries. Most of the time it sounds dead, raspy and downright bored.

>> No.37457625

Her voice is pure sex though, so that fits with the model. Sadly her personality is just trash.

>> No.37457623

which sounds nice.

>> No.37457709

If Kronii and IRyS swap models, kronii will genuinely be a 2view getting worse numbers than kiara

>> No.37457876

People need to stop this exaggeration. A sexy voice is something like IRyS, Reine and Suisei. Not Kronii

>> No.37457888

When she tries

>> No.37457984

Even when she doesn't

>> No.37458529

IRyS and Kronii are some of my favorite voices, IRyS is better than Kronii though

>> No.37458969

I think she’s cute, sexy, funny, adorkable, and relatable. Never found any of her conduct offensive, just naive and retarded.

>> No.37459777
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>> No.37459870

Preach it brother

>> No.37462230

That daki is not even on model.
Wada is a disgrace.

>> No.37462361

>have the biggest tits in hololive
>completely hide them on daki

this is what she should have looked like

>> No.37462402

She only treated delusional people like trash due to the voices in their heads.

>> No.37462535

Kronii's daki outfit is sexier

>> No.37462673

People who like Wada are normalfags and everyone who likes Kronii's design are normalfags. It's overrated with retarded proportions, and liking things due to brand recognition is pure normalfaggotry.

OP is a normalfag.

>> No.37462953

Kronii has a cute face but thats it.
The rest of her design is quite honestly garbage.
Her Kimono outfit fixes most of it, I'm pretty sure she feels the same way.

>> No.37464236

>decide to make a daki for your birthday merch
>hide your tits
>hide your body
>have a blue ribbon on one side that specifically hides the cleavage
Kek it's absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.37464422

Kronii has always hated her model, this is to be expected

>> No.37468735

Can you summarize that in one sentence?

>> No.37470113

OP should write more paragraph next time

>> No.37470245

>I bet the pillow had a more racy design originally too.
Judging from her exhibit artwork, i gurantee it.

>> No.37470287
File: 257 KB, 408x408, gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ringfit stream where she dressed up in her multicolored hijab

>> No.37471059

Kinda based tbqh

>> No.37471132

She's even more retarded than I thought.

>> No.37472256

proof of her saying such a thing?

>> No.37474124

Even Kronii’s not retarded enough to do that. I’m sorry that you have to draw inferences from her actions, anon, but vtubers generally don’t shit on their models outright, not least because they’d get in trouble with their corpo if they did it.
Magni is the only one in the entire company who’s done something like that afaik, and even he did it on his rm account.

>> No.37478278

Her design sucks though. Everyone just sees huge tits and gets excited but everything outside of that is bad.

>> No.37479620

I don't mind Kronii but I despise how much she enables her fan's stupid shit

>> No.37479757

Tits are the weakest part desu, a model figure shouldn't have such disproportionate and distracting protrusions.

>> No.37479914

even when you're given all the best tools and artiest,
you can't be good, if you're a shit person , unwilling to work hard, and two faced

>> No.37480144
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At least her rigging is pretty good imo I like the way the side of her face curves when she looks to the side, and she has a cute nose.

>> No.37480208
File: 972 KB, 1061x1500, 20221119_121218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wada should have given her more tits

>> No.37483088

On model is boobs on a stick. The daki is an improvement.

>> No.37483834

I do find it surprising she is the only one in council and maybe EN that has a daki.

>> No.37483885

Wada threatened to KyoAni Cover HQ if they didn't let her make one.

>> No.37483907

Mori, Kronii, Irys

>> No.37489026
File: 407 KB, 1280x1813, img0089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw any other chuuba with the same mama?

>> No.37489362

No and it's surprising they got Wada at all. What a waste. The only artist with maybe a bigger impact would be Takeuchi doing a Saberface vtuber.

>> No.37495347

You can see how fucking long her neck is.

>> No.37498316

>If Kronii were motivated or even just not lazy, we could have had possible Fate crossovers and other things, given that at this point, FGO has more Wada servants than even Takeuchi.
Pekora is doing just that
