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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 82 KB, 1280x720, Vespertino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37406541 No.37406541 [Reply] [Original]

Vesper is the Pierce Hawthorne of Hololive.

>> No.37406708

I still stand by the 9/11 attack connections and funding of ISIS sleeper cells theory.

>> No.37406790

It was all because Yagoo woke up and realized that male chuubas are actually a stupid fucking idea

>> No.37406863

he probably went over management by asking for perms or some dumb thing japs took too personal

>> No.37407344

He probably had a feud with Yagoo.

Vesper was difficult to work with. Being INApproiate on streams and only streaming when he felt like it. He refused to do a recording for a really essential part for the lore, but production wrapped and itr couldnt be finished because of him.

Then a party happened, Yagoo got all the Myth, Tempus and Council to yell "Fuck You Vesper".

Vesper got so mad that he left the party early with his family.

While filming a Yagoo-less season 4 (Vesper got Yagoo graduated from his own company). While complaining about his script he said very hurtful slurs about Sana's race (He called her Space N*****). And got banned on set.

Vesper came back just as a hologram cameo on season 5, and then got killed in an unceremonious way (He masturbated until death).

>> No.37407809

He's actually 98 years old WW2 vet and still calling Japanese with old derogatery term

>> No.37407860

He had sex with Flare on an airplane bathroom.

>> No.37407951

He went full boomer, said the vaccines are bullshit and only trons took it.

>> No.37408045

The Belmont's got him and they're trying to lessen the blow that he got murked.

>> No.37408046

He called Gura "Jewie"

>> No.37408061

he tweeted without filling in the tweet permission form and faxing it to cover hq
insolent gaijin

>> No.37408241

Myth invited him to play TTRPG to help with Moona's depresion about her weight. But he almost drover to suicide (He humped Anya too).

>> No.37408294

he did a stream in Blackface.

>> No.37408361

he attempted to segregate Vtubers.

>> No.37408621

Fucking kek

>> No.37408686

But Vesper IS black....

>> No.37408687

He turned down kronii and she made up allegations out of spite

>> No.37408874

how old is his rm anyway? Some anons are implying he's like in his 40s and I'm starting to beleb it

>> No.37408948

Only on weekends.

>> No.37408985

40 is not boomer, 40 is millenial age.

>> No.37409008

Management wanted him to push the lewdness like Vox but he said no

>> No.37409033


>> No.37409049

ok boomer

>> No.37409092

He referred to magni’s neighborhood as “your hood”

>> No.37409243


>> No.37409566
File: 288 KB, 512x512, 1649037606429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly Vesper always gave me the vibe of the "nice guy" who passively pursues women, and always lives in denial of his true intentions.
If you're here, don't do it bro it's not worth it. Don't let the fame get to your head.

>> No.37409765
File: 2.18 MB, 2100x1500, vesper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37410057

its kinda awesome to vesper to makes cover suspend him while haato basically cumming on stream

>> No.37410087 [DELETED] 

And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids and your FUCKING MONKEY!

>> No.37410141 [DELETED] 

Chevy Chase's Castlevania.

>> No.37410236


>> No.37410458

And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids and their FUCKING MONKEY

>> No.37410798

It's gotta be serious if the other members are canceling streams.
If it was a simple time out and think about your actions thing, then the other members would probably be going on business as usual.
The two week suspension is most likely the lawyers doing internal review and seeing if they can justifiably fire him or not.

>> No.37410874

No way.
I always thought he sounded super white.

>> No.37410934

If that was the case, he would have been chasing after collabs with the girls a lot more than he did.

>> No.37410979

His word choice is black af despite him not acting like a wigger

>> No.37411054

Maybe he was behind the scenes.

>> No.37411110

darkest timeline stream when?
>you're already in it

>> No.37411313

>he literally flew to canada to creampie Kronii without impregnation perms
>sent an email to ARMA devs without manager knowing

>> No.37411504

Boomer is for people born before 1981. If he's 40 now it means he's part of the millenial you dumbass

>> No.37411585

Because he's still a virgin? You don't know that

>> No.37411673

He might be a genius but at least he's not a lesbian.

>> No.37411792

techincally boomer is an age but internet slang boomer is anyone older that acts like a faggot and only a boomer would use actual dates to differentiate who is or is not a boomer hence the reason for previous anon's responses

>> No.37411846

What happened to gen Y?

>> No.37411868

Vesper tongued my anus


>> No.37412067

Tempiss is admittedly one of the most close-knit gens in all of Holopro. Losing one of their members for 2 weeks due to a negative reason would definitely make them too depressed to stream.

>> No.37412079
File: 160 KB, 670x460, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual boomers are a lot older than that, son. Internet slang boomer is a different thing and more about the attitude.

>> No.37412442
File: 703 KB, 256x256, crunchytowa[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz0ieix.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wasn't Axel cancelled for being a pedophile?
He called his 10 year old pokemon girl Alice and started lusting after her immediately.

>> No.37412475

If I got that right, the sexual misconduct part is completly /vt/'s schizo rambling, right? After all, if he were to do something that serious he would be instantly terminated, I'm sure. I'm betting on regular misconduct, probably had an argument with management or even with another talent

>> No.37412645

Most logical speculation is that he argued with management or broke NDA. Cover confirming that it’s an “internal matter” pretty much means anything involving another talent is off the table (unless he raped his manager or something).

>> No.37412771

based UOH dingo

>> No.37412843


>> No.37413045

>impregnation perms

>> No.37413116

if you start hunting down the lolicons you might as well shut down hololive

>> No.37413203

It's only okay when girls do it.

>> No.37413808
File: 48 KB, 602x755, EJ-1MH7X0AInT82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"With a bicycle, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.37413810
File: 885 KB, 3276x2582, 20220913_044017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's an American male who is more than likely older than the people who are directly in charge of him(the most stubborn form of human). they wanted him to do some dumb shit and he told em to kick rocks multiple times. he also probably refuses to attend their retarded ass 3am meetings. I know I wouldn't

>> No.37414877

older people in young people job tend to be stubborn as well. It's not an American thing. Older men will always be stubbon.

>> No.37415105

Zoomers call anyone older than them boomers. It's just how they are.

>> No.37415237

>probably refuses to attend their retarded ass 3am meetings
You know, this makes a lot of sense... I hate meetings in my job too, and find any excuse to avoid them.

>> No.37415255


>> No.37415393

He did a kyrie irving/kanye west and is trying to spread his beliefs to others.
