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37334006 No.37334006 [Reply] [Original]

white girl clique

>> No.37334045
File: 96 KB, 293x142, when you a meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did OP mean by this

>> No.37334056

white girl crinque

>> No.37334105


>> No.37334151

lol. lmao even.

>> No.37334182

Mori is white, and Kronii is Korean, I don't think that's even docxx at this point, both have talked about this.

>> No.37334205 [SPOILER] 
File: 376 KB, 720x722, 1660794962179371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black girl clique
Retardchama I didn't want to break it to you this way....

>> No.37334231

I don't understand how Fauna can tolerate these 2 retards
Kronii is a pushover, so she just takes it. But Fauna doesn't need to listen to these retarded zoomers

>> No.37334332

I really hate the clique shit in EN.

>> No.37334474

whore clique would've been more accurate

>> No.37334531 [DELETED] 

Not white, she's a gook

>> No.37334593

More like the YJK clique

>> No.37334637

I don’t see any of your female relatives in there.

>> No.37334667

Doesn’t really seem much different from stuff like SMOK or Bakatare or OKFAMS desu

>> No.37334840

Irys unirronically has more white blood in her than the American members of EN on account of being half honorary aryan.
I mean, Mori is a fucking dago pollack. That's worse than being black.

>> No.37334895

Isn't Fauna and Mumei pretty close?

>> No.37334920

>Not white, she's a gook
made for forced marriage with Ina......

>> No.37334978

>a gook

>> No.37335021

Well EN isn't big enough to have a non-clique presence to balance it out. The majority of EN is in a clique. The "loners" (actually just 3 of Myth) stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.37335081

Gura, Fauna and the leeches

>> No.37335156

That honestly sounds like more a problem with the "loners" than anyone else.

>> No.37335212

And Mumei is a chink, I guess honorary whites huh

>> No.37335245

Correct, beecause it only contains your ENwhores, cuck.

>> No.37335279

MADE for bwc

>> No.37335321

Italians and poles aren't white, retard.

>> No.37335350

Ame was literally excluded from SNOT RUST

>> No.37335358

>Mumei is a chink
Are you the retard from the other day claiming Fauna was an ESL Asian?

>> No.37335370

Replace Kronii with Ame to get the ultimate clique that has nothing to do with Asian culture. At least Mori and Kiara have been in JP loads.

>> No.37335416

Ame literally excluded herself from RUST because she didn't ask for whitelist permissions in time. She then called Gura a "fucking bitch" and later doubled down and said she deserved it.

>> No.37335448

try yellow

>> No.37335459

>At least Mori and Kiara have been in JP loads.
And JP loads have been in Mori and Kiara.

>> No.37335681

How the fuck are they not white when their skin is white

>> No.37335722

Are you saying jews are white you fucking antisemite?!?!?!

>> No.37335725

Mori is black...

>> No.37335752

top kek

>> No.37335771

Gura gets a pass because she's fauna's oshi and mumei and fauna play kick the autistic by gaslighting and bullying kronii, so the dynamic works pretty well

>> No.37335897

>snot is just replacing bae with gura in council
poor rat, must sting

>> No.37335953

Rat gets to be in a clique with her “sister” and best friend, doubt she cares.

>> No.37336123

The only ENwhore is your mother.

>> No.37336258

got em!

>> No.37336434

Good. The shitclock is bad enough, 2 whores would completely destroy SNOT.

>> No.37336449

Kronii's a banana. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside. Joke was stolen.

>> No.37336480

>white on the insid
when I'm done with her yes

>> No.37336564

>Ooooo(rgasm? rigami? rgyastic?)

>> No.37336708


>> No.37336718

Fauna understands that it is a job and playing up ignorance or stupidity can be endearing in a female. She does it herself at times. Fauna is smart, even if she isn’t as smart as she thinks she is.

>> No.37336767

Snot was formed before Sana left
Besides, Mumei and Fauna love the rat

>> No.37336786


>> No.37336800

Ame isn’t white.

>> No.37336850

It’s funny because it’s true.

>> No.37337178

Are you legit retarded? Kill yourself

>> No.37337188

>Two Canadians
>Two Americans
None of them are white

>> No.37337251

Gura doxxed her real name on stream to over ten thousand viewers.

>> No.37337346

Yeah? stay mad pussy

>> No.37337394

not as mad as you are about rust, lmao. touch grass, tranny.

>> No.37337441

two koreans, an american and a jew walk into a bar

>> No.37337527 [DELETED] 

Biased mods once again. Tell me why this >>37334531 got deleted when others didn't that said the same thing

>> No.37337780

Twitter tourists like you are really obsessed with troons huh? Cock sucking faggot

>> No.37337810

Rrat hangs out with Mori an IRyS.

>> No.37337881
File: 11 KB, 840x64, 1662068110021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only a fucking tranny would be so oversensitive as to be obsessing over someone getting slightly tilted over a game

>> No.37337891

Mumei Is, dyr

>> No.37337957

Talk shit get hit?

>> No.37338009

That just sounds like Mori third wheeling her friendship with Irys...

>> No.37338309

And only a tranny obsessed little fag like you would still be talking about it 2 years later

>> No.37338396

can I cast snot if i am not a wizard ?

>> No.37338434

Mumei the whitest girl in holo EN.

>> No.37338439

she lives in the country located near SEA and Japan so she must adhere to the specific audience from those locations what a jaw-dropper.

>> No.37338547

i am straight and hope the backstabbing two-faced bitch dies soon

>> No.37338748

Kiara and Gura are whiter because they have gray and blue eyes. Mumei has brown eyes, we don't know Fauna's eye colour.

>> No.37338986

Greeks aren't white.

>> No.37339030

Shut up cracker

>> No.37339194

>tfw i am ethnically exactly half polish and half italian
Is it that fucking bad? How is it worse than being black?

>> No.37339377

race is a social construct.

>> No.37339455

So are colors but they still exist.

>> No.37339657

>i am [ass-blasted virgin] and hope the backstabbing two-faced bitch dies soon

>> No.37339721

They're yellow, idiot.

>> No.37339728

Ok papadapolis. Not white tho.

>> No.37339859

That means mathematics, philosophy and western literature were invented by brown people.

>> No.37339939

If by "invented" you mean got basically everything wrong until Germanic and English mathematicians, philosophers, and scientists fixed their mistakes, then yeah. Guess what, fucking monkeys can do basic arithmetic. Did monkeys invent math?

>> No.37340070


>> No.37340082

crackers really believe this

>> No.37340106

Nanashi Mumei doesn't sound like a white name to me.

>> No.37340282

How do you invent something like philosophy?
Basic questions regarding ethics for example are as old as humanity itself.

>> No.37340296
File: 29 KB, 533x159, Kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reps newnigger, unless Kiara and Ame are evil women how else do you think Gura would know Ina wanted to postpone creating mascot for IRyS?
Ina was in fear of Kiara and Ame bullying her and couldn't fight back so she came to talk with Gura to vent.

>> No.37340346

why do pathetic scumbags like you actually exist? you are beneath insects

>> No.37340388

By "invent philosophy", they mean the formalized system of logic and argumentation by which philosophical ideas are codified and tested. In the same way that one "invents" a numerical system even though people have been counting before that.

>> No.37340389

ignorant dumbass, shut the fuck up if you don't know what you are talking about.

Greek mathematicians invented the axiomatic method.

Mathematics, science and philosophy was built not only by Germanics and English but also by Italians, Slavs, French and Jews.

>> No.37340482

That's not her actual name, it's just an alias she used.

>> No.37340549

You mean Romans, who A. Were succeeded by the HRE and B. Like the greeks got everything wrong
Have never invented anything except for new forms of corruption in government.
Some French from the north are white. Nothing useful has ever come from the South.
Stealing ideas from the patent office does not mean Einstein built upon anything.

>> No.37340603

Ame, Mori, and Kiara are also white.

>> No.37340627

Spics, wogs, and jews aren't white.

>> No.37340650

One of Fauna's best friends is Fallenshadow. Fauna unironically likes dumbos and cunny.

>> No.37340660

Nope. Ame is British

>> No.37340689

> One of Fauna's best friends is Fallenshadow
Has she ever brought her up on stream as Fauna?

>> No.37340711

No because she actually cares about kayfabe, but she showed up in shadow's birthday stream.

>> No.37340778

Spaniards and Castillo are white pipo and Ashkenazim are definitely white. Gura is a jewess as well so she's non-white by your definition.

>> No.37340823

Not just kayfabe but it would be against Cover policy for her to appear as Fauna and connect Lily to Fauna on stream.

>> No.37340827
File: 225 KB, 1226x1017, 1667005258499716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those weird girls you avoided in middle/high school clique.
Guess the jokes on us now, huh?

>> No.37340999

Neither are you, though.

>> No.37341043

Sure they formalized the method but that doesn't entitle the greeks to claim themselves the progenitors of philosophy
Also chinks and assyrians did similar shit way before them even

>> No.37341272

But 'philosophy' is literally the term invented by the greeks for that codified system and methodology. Pre-philosophy there was sophistry.

>> No.37341295
File: 650 KB, 1025x556, 1648453428684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck would he say this what a retard. also I FUCKING HATE CLIQUEPOSTING

>> No.37341521

The current arrangement is SNOT, CHAD and the other three doing their own thing or being antisocial but I wonder if there will be any significant shakeup to this when EN3 drops

>> No.37342883

But Kronii is there

>> No.37342919

mumei is a dark ass black african

>> No.37343049

You know Mori and IRyS actually meet up and hang out IRL right? Like they go out to dinner and watch movies. Mori is even taking IRyS, Watame and A-Chan to an onsen.

>> No.37343101

but she tweeted/liked her tweet

>> No.37343106

Where is Rome located? What country is Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire in?

>> No.37343119
File: 155 KB, 1007x1048, 1667515601982609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are, what you eat.

>> No.37343160

yeah, me.

>> No.37343283

hai, boku no

>> No.37343357

Best/Favorite SNOT stream?

>> No.37343681

both devour streams, Halloween stream

>> No.37348731


>> No.37348973


>> No.37349038

Because those aren't cliques, just groups. Cliques are based on exclusion, not inclusion. Don't forget that they played a 5 player game with only 4 people because they didn't want anyone else to play with their clique.

>> No.37351704

What game?

>> No.37352897

The one in his head.

>> No.37360673

Are you probably a brownskin from SEA? Well sorry for Your misfortune but fairer skin tone doesn't mean automatically white.

>> No.37362474


>> No.37363968

snot is just western hemisphere and chad is just eastern hemisphere

>> No.37364091

assimilated korean girls are the whitest white trash ever

>> No.37366972

Mori is in USA though.

>> No.37367235 [DELETED] 

Yes and that was after Ame purposely brought up shit from Gura's past. Somehow you faggots always forget that

>> No.37367301 [DELETED] 

All but Kronii is white. There are fucking pictures, tard. And Kronii is the only Canadian out of the group. I love faggots who think they know secret info but always get it wrong.

>> No.37367380 [DELETED] 

Mori is back in Japan, tard.

>> No.37367611

That's Bae you retard, Mumin is a kiwi.

>> No.37367759

A broken troon can still be right once in a blue moon.

>> No.37369382

He has brain damage

>> No.37370196


still don't get their dynamic?

>> No.37370216


>> No.37370279

>how Fauna can tolerate these 2 retards
She's a retard too, don't get tricked by her mommy image


>> No.37370439

>it's just council -Bae
I wonder how she feels being excluded from her own gen

>> No.37370477

Didn't arabs invent numbers and math? Those guys are pretty fuckin brown.

>> No.37370544

Isn't Fauna Jewish?

>> No.37370631

anons think fauna is the innocent one, but she's just as retarded as the zoomer shark

>> No.37370674

I mean neither of them understood how much coins are worth.

>> No.37370764

Fauna laughing before Gura says anything implies that Fauna and Gura have laughed about this joke behind the scenes extensively

>> No.37370858

She has CHADcast
