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37317111 No.37317111 [Reply] [Original]

HoloEN died for this

>> No.37317244
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We warned you about twitter trannies bro, we warned you

>> No.37317272

It was ID that asked for Stars
Risu was so thirsty about it
Why did they release EN one instead I don't understand

>> No.37317305


>> No.37317358

Didn't the Jp also got Uproar? how come its a big issue when it comes to En? Can someone explain?

>> No.37317455

Yeah we, the JP chads. Not you of course you're an EN cuck

>> No.37317466

Uproar doesn't have subversive leftists like Tempiss does.

>> No.37317475

There are only 10 ENs
Half are inactive
JP has like 50, you can just ignore the stars

>> No.37317517
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just woke up. thanks for the reminder. I'll go watch the VOD now.

>> No.37317622

I was fine with there being holostarsEN initally because holostarsJP is fine, I wouldn't have watched them but I wouldn't have disliked them. However they didn't follow in JPs footsteps at all and even the one month collab ban that all gens have was eschewed. Leading to near instant collab spam that completely tore a rift in the community and possibly, if not likely, the talents. It completely changed the feeling of HoloEN for the worse and homobeggars are a blight upon everyones chat now.

>> No.37317788


>> No.37317824

No one ever believes it until it's too late.

>> No.37317825

Almost half the holoEN branch immediately collabed with the new stars more times than the JP girls who are open to stars collabs would do in an entire year.

You simply cannot compare how JP and EN handle stars even when pointing to FBK or festival.
On the JP side they feel like different companies with very occasional interactions, on the EN side they are being branded together under holopro, share a discord server, are pushed together with the girls on twitter, reddit ect.
If they were being treated like JP stars barely anybody would have an issue even if Mori wanted to spam collabs with them every day, it is the management level decision to blur the lines between the branches that people are mostly reacting against.

>> No.37318125

they didnt listen

>> No.37318192

thanks for the heads up anon

>> No.37318201

It's not their fault. Solasta is an extremely shitty game both to play and to watch. The devs spent all their money on advertising instead of producing something that wasn't an obvious asset flip with E-rank story and voice acting

>> No.37318317

then why stream it?

>> No.37318342

It's sponsored, easy money

>> No.37318366

They’re greedy chinks

>> No.37318383

>HoloStars = HoloEN
Tempusantis really are unironic homobeggars aren't they? Kek.

>> No.37318497

fuck sidebranches

even though any literal who streamer with 800 viewers owns a stupidly large house in cali or texas with a maid and drive whatever car they want, but you do you, /#/fags.

>> No.37318924


>> No.37319144
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>> No.37319228

Uproar did absolutely nothing to fuck up Holo JP. Tempus did a whole lot to fuck up Holo EN.

>> No.37321810

>solasta stream

>> No.37322516

Its just a temporary setback
