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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37268794 No.37268794 [Reply] [Original]

Numbers this numbers that how about we count how many times your oshi streamed?

>> No.37268851

>Ina still having 50 more frames than gura despite going on her like 50th deathbed break

>> No.37268889


>> No.37268900


>> No.37268920

>amount of vids
>not total hours streamed
And I think Hayama wins. She only has 428 vids, but like half of them are 10+ hours long.

>> No.37268937

Rare but based.

>> No.37268972

at this point if your a vtuber who's been around just as long or longer and cant even surpass ina that just proves how lazy and lousy of a streamer you are

>> No.37268987

IRyS is currently in a cocoon.

>> No.37268988

why does kfp hate irys? including her is unfair she is one year behind

>> No.37269036

Numberniggers don't have souls. You know that. They are just on this planet as a test for actual good people.

>> No.37269070

i mean many of those are shorts, gura may seem low but she does unarchived stuff more often than the rest too, kiara is the one that go putting 30 sec videos on her channel thats why the numbers are way up too, i agree gura doesnt stream as much but quantity of videos is a shity metric

>> No.37269101

Nijiwhores lose by default

>> No.37269103


>> No.37269145

fotm shit isn't quality

>> No.37269199

ENwhores lose by default too.

>> No.37269255

Based argue all you want about Kiara's low numbers it just means she appeals to a smaller more refined taste audience and we will always have closer interaction with kiara than chumbuddies will ever have with gura

also cope

>> No.37269301
File: 394 KB, 1080x1002, kaela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

debuted in March this year btw

>> No.37269356

kaela is awesome and comfy, but i will not abandon ina, so kaela can only become my oshi once ina is officially poof

>> No.37269416
File: 31 KB, 640x421, more ogey ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW kaela,s about to surpass gura soon

>> No.37269451

>Kiara still can't pass Ina's sub with a month of radio silence
Why do people hate hard work?

>> No.37269462
File: 315 KB, 463x453, OMGEYYY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37269499

Myth has been streaming for more than 2 years, I give them the pass to take a break. Ina is literally dying.

>> No.37269514

The world is not fair anon. But if you don´t try your best you will never get something

>> No.37269599

"hard work" doesn't make her less annoying

>> No.37269682

>It unarchived doesn't count
keep seething then

>> No.37269713
File: 137 KB, 360x360, Kataribe_Tsumugu_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What stream?

>> No.37269724

And that is how therapists trick you into not killing yourself

>> No.37269856

Classic chumbud cope. Because that scuffed as hell karaoke that came from her not being able to play Sonic Frontiers was "quality", right?

>> No.37269881

lol actually coping

>> No.37269931

so you already given up arguing about numbers cause you know you can't win reality.
good luck on losing this too.
numbers matter.

>> No.37269961

>total hours
Meh. I'm not more satisfied with a 7 hours stream over a 4 hours one. It just wastes more of my time

>> No.37270179
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>> No.37270385

oh god now i cant wait to hear from numberbuds about how numbers somehow affect how people enjoy a stream

>> No.37270496

Based kiara is the queen of audience interaction

>> No.37270598

fuck off kfp take your shitty oshi and her niji numbers out of here

>> No.37270694

awwwwwww are you mad gura doesn't want to stream for you as much as you think she does?

>> No.37270844


>> No.37270899
File: 44 KB, 1004x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, why not. To be fair to Sana, I'm only counting the days she was active. I can't be bothered to add the average stream time into this, but Kiara would be on top no question asked

>> No.37270940
File: 194 KB, 1394x2048, FMCGFRCVcAIjdt-.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Hayama pilled

>> No.37270943

>The Toyota Corolla is the most sold car in the world, therefore it's the best car ever built!

>> No.37270990

Op got kick out of /#/ thread, now shitting on catalog, what a loser kek.

>> No.37271076
File: 48 KB, 640x640, ab67616d0000b273058cef855b9270278a29ab4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cool

>> No.37271093

Um...unironically yes with its reliability, fuel efficiency and reasonable price which is why it sold like hotcakes so yes anon it is the best car ever built so your dogshit analogy doesn't mean jack

>> No.37271206

average IRyS stream is like 5 hours

>> No.37271392

>I'm Kaela Kvolskia, the coolest blacksmill from holoID!
But she's the only blacksmith from holoID.

>> No.37271401

Is this how other EN fans cope about gura?

>> No.37271482

HOLY mother of all schizo copes

>> No.37271706

Based lazy streamers deserve to get called out

>> No.37271954
File: 201 KB, 828x560, ID stream queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case reine is the absolute stream queen of holo ID and no amount of numberfagging is gonna stop me from regularly watching her and enjoying every bit of it i feel bad for those who have oshis that dont even have nearly as many streams yet

>> No.37271959

>how about we count how many times your oshi streamed?
So… still numbers?

>> No.37271992

Shes nearly overtaken gwarble gloop and she is only at a quarter of the subs lemao

>> No.37272030

but still the coolest. and cutest

>> No.37272038

lent free

>> No.37272099

This girl is something else.

>> No.37272432


>> No.37272434

Hard work is a lie.
Look at the most popular Myths. The laziest whores Gura and Ina gets the most popularity

>> No.37272917
File: 331 KB, 730x268, 1664228101700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top quality

>> No.37272973

Holy shit, IRyS is a lot lazier than I thought.

>> No.37273412

It is a bit more complicated because She is a vsinger rather than a vtuber. She isn’t even expected to stream at all.

>> No.37273496

The nice meta thing about reine is that she absolutely has no need to do this job. She does it basically as a hobby and has very high streams by volume and time.

>> No.37273561
File: 520 KB, 863x1200, 87765192_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the new KFP cope?

>> No.37274453

>The absolute cope and seethe in this thread at trying to defend lazy streamers

>> No.37275591
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1646169999796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura may seem low but she does unarchived stuff more often than the rest too, kiara is the one that go putting 30 sec videos on her channel thats why the numbers are way up too

>> No.37276971


>> No.37277126

I mean it would be funny that anyone losing to a vsinger that don't even need to stream at all.

>> No.37277173

we get a lot of memes from that, what is not to like.

this. the european bitch still can't sing after all these years. Orcschizo was right.

>> No.37277787


>> No.37278372
File: 29 KB, 533x159, Kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about quality
>i shame that orange bitch for her lack of quality
>I'm coping

how about you find a better oshi that's not a skeevy woman like Kiara? KFP hope she dies

>> No.37278421

how is it "kfp cope" when it shows ame having the most

>> No.37278805

because OP is probably a kfp he has full notifications for kiara

>> No.37280575

KFP antagonizes anyone who isn't Kiara's current plaything

>> No.37280652

But I'm sure thats Chumbuds for Gura.

>> No.37280925

Why do you care? Just enjoy your annoying Austrian SJW whore and let people enjoy their own oshies.

>> No.37280933

Another easy Ame W

>> No.37281420

This is why NijisanjiEN is surpasing hololiveEN, the fans do nothing but hate each other, /vt/ is the only one who is vocal about it but the silent majority of people who get into holo EN actually think like this, they just don't express it, it kinda shows in views.

>> No.37281905


>> No.37282058

>stream for ten minutes at a time twenty times a day and you'll impress a numbergroid
I've cracked the code.
