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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37251291 No.37251291 [Reply] [Original]

>doesn't even get hate threads anymore
kek what a flop

>> No.37251358


>> No.37251405

that's because the teabeat tempus loving janny immediately deletes them

>> No.37251501

Gura 15k karaoke deflection thread

>> No.37251553

You just made one idiot. SEAniggers are so retarded.

>> No.37251599

can't hate what I don't watch...

>> No.37251610

More like 12K Kekw.

>> No.37251750

Chumfuck deflection thread

>> No.37251764

10k more than your average tempiss stream

>> No.37251847

>A 15k scuffed karaoke still does better than anyone in HoloEN streaming.
Not sure if you can call victory that people would rather watch a scuffed stream over an actual stream.

>> No.37251889

This why everyone antagonizes you. Have fun in your grim future!

>> No.37251921


>> No.37251937

the opposition just isn't up to the standard, what can i say. stuck at the bottom where you belong

>> No.37252683

I'm not sure an unannounced, scuffed karaoke mogging literally every other member of Hololive and quite literally 20x'ing Axel's current stream is the own you think it is...

>> No.37252766

Unironically this thread became this exactly KEK

>> No.37252785

they get like 3 per day they're just trojan horse'd with pictures of Kronii or Ame

>> No.37252864


Stay mad.

>> No.37252994
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, 1557637639697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, they haven't even broken 200k subs, it's like making fun of disabled kids at this point.

>> No.37253033

Because nobody gives a shit about them. Obscurity is all their future will be.

>> No.37253067

I have a funni shork
You have 4 dude's that might have one personality combined, actual niji rejects lmao

>> No.37253178

>funni shork
it's crazy that chumbuds actually talk like this as a point of pride

>> No.37253459

"People DO still occasionally make threads shitting on my homos! That PROVES they aren't a flop!!"

Way to go sis. Thanks for the free kek.

>> No.37253502

>"those evil chumbuds!" he proclaims for the nth most time as he watches his faggot brotubers fall further into irrelevancy
Face it, you've already given up on them. They're 3rd rate entertainers and can't incline without leeching off the girls.

>> No.37253542

dude what are you talking about

>> No.37253596

your shark is a a trucker's comfort woman

>> No.37253703

Tempiss and their decline. Did you think this was /mans/?

>> No.37253754

All of Council still sub 1M.
Some of the best rigged, coomer bait designs - and still you fags can’t get these boring whores to 1M.

There’s less non-Zhang women watching male vtubers, what cope do you have for your whores underperforming?

>> No.37253767

I never even mentioned Tempus

>> No.37253817


>> No.37253950

die tempus die

>> No.37253961

Anon, sub 200k after 4 months of being backed by a major company on modern youtube is downright disgraceful.
>comparing your leeches to fucking council of all people
Kek, at least you acknowledge just how low the bar is for these failures, and even then they still couldn't manage to meet the low expectations that were set.

>> No.37254247

I swear Tempuschizos can come up with the weirdest excuse to shitpost on something they won't even watch lmfao

>> No.37254513

>Backed by a major company on modern YouTube..

Yeah scuffed as fuck models, 80% of their branch mates not uttering a word about them, and a shit Google translate JP/EN song is alot of support..

They earned those subs, can’t say the same for Myth or Council leeching off the VTUBING Covid boom and Korone/Fubuki.

Who cares anyway it’s like arguing against a wall.

>> No.37255056

It's so funny seeing the homobegging twittards go from bragging about how Tempiss will literally save HoloEN pre-debut, to now saying "w-who cares if they're complete and utter disappointments, I eenjoy them and that's all that matters! it's the girls' fault anyway for not propping them up more!!"

>> No.37255225

>They earned those subs
Yeah, the blue fag who collabed with kobo multiple times being the only one to break the 200k barrier really drives home how hard he worked to """""""earn""""""" those subs.
>he's still going on about myth and council

>> No.37256154

....tempus fans never talk about wishing the girls would shill for them. I understand tempus lives rent free in your head but we don't think about the girls while we watch our bros stream. We enjoy the streams and don't care about numberfaggotry. I don't even care that they're part of hololive, I just enjoy them

>> No.37256278

>tempus fans never talk about wishing the girls would shill for them
>80% of their branch mates not uttering a word about them

>> No.37256440

ESL anon, Holostars talents are the branchmates

>> No.37258860

Woah can't believe my one shitpost got a lot of cumsharts riled up here

>> No.37258936

>pretending you were the OP
Anon it's obvious he's talking about the EN branch but I'll entertain your post
Nearly every holostar talked about them at least once, and not like they could talk about them more since they are fucking japanese, it would be as retarded as asking the JP girls to promote the EN girls to their japanese audience. And even then they were the LAST people to even know about tempus, EN members knew about them first, they're more part of the EN branch and management reinforces this

>> No.37258966

>You have 4 dude's that might have one personality combined, actual niji rejects lmao

>> No.37260285

They're V-shojo rejects actually

>> No.37260448

>Every other member of Hololive
You forgot to attach EN, because there are JP member that crush those numbers regularly

>> No.37260480

*JP members
