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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37213598 No.37213598 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive has been going for, like, half a decade at this point. Sure, their origins are in idol culture, but they long since moved to traditional streamers, but with vtuber models.
Hololive does not need to keep pushing this fucking idol culture bullshit anymore. Their demographic has completely shifted. I support having concerts and karaoke and what not, but it's time to drop this idol outfit bullshit. It doesn't fit them and it's time to let it go.

>> No.37213644

Because they want to?

>> No.37213677

>corpo not using easy money grab with low effort of copy-pasting same outfits to different heads

>> No.37213679

They will continue to push it as much as they want, and I will continue to enjoy seeing you seethe over it.

>> No.37213708

Know what's even more low effort that makes money?
Not making a new outfit for each Holomem.

>> No.37213717

Hololive also does not have to push whatever shit you like. Here's a (You) since that's obviously what you are here for twittard

>> No.37213765

It's not shit that I like. It's shit the vast majority of their viewers like.

>> No.37213776

>thing is wildly successful
>twitter retard screeches to change it

>> No.37213797

>Degradation of a hobby.png
What stage are we now?

>> No.37213823

It's successful because they're concerts. The outfits have no impact on it.

>> No.37213846

terminal stage

>> No.37213865

think, without outfits, you can't make excuse of new low effort, overpriced merch including it

>> No.37213881

dont watch, retard. stop complaining, enjoy your dicksucking.

>> No.37213889

Tell me you don't know how economics work without saying you don't know how economics work

>> No.37213951
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Gamers marked the shift towards this era of Hololive where their streams became primarily game focused, transitioning them towards traditional streaming. Are you willing to talk shit about streamers like Korone?
The economics do not justify spending money on new outfits to push this played out "idol culture" that the company has long since moved away from.

>> No.37214181

EN isn't the entire company, newfag

>> No.37214227

Because they want to Op, its successful and always been a thing in hololive. Its like going to apple and asking why they keep releasing iphones, Stop being a retarded little bitch and take your meds.

>> No.37214246
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If you think I'm wrong, check this website for all the upcoming streams. See if there are any real "idol" streams. If you spot any, compare it to the sheer number of normal ones. You'll find out very quickly I'm right.

>> No.37214255

Because the Japanese aren't being butthurt and retarded like you EOP faggots are. Hololive doesn't exist for you, take your HoloMyth/council/whatever and don't worry about the JP branches.

>> No.37214366

Don't worry OP, they only do this with the JP branch. EN is where the western whore experience you seem to crave for is.

>> No.37214374

Why do you want to homogenize everything, are you retarded

>> No.37214386

I don't watch EN. Haven't in ages (with the exception of Gura). The m*le collabs turned me off.

>> No.37214433

>waaa waaa
>NOOOO I DON'T WATCH EN, just Gura btw
Everytime, it's always someone larping as a chumbud

>> No.37214463

>larping faggot

>> No.37214490
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>I don't want Idol shit
>But I also don't want male shit
Just fuck off retard, you don't know what you want.

>> No.37214493

Gura remains cute, pure, and free of drama and men. She is basically an honorary JP member.

>> No.37214567

he wants easy (you)s

>> No.37214579


>> No.37214597

>The economics
Was that revealed to you in a dream?

>> No.37214613

Clearly it’s made for people in Japan, not OP from malaysia who wants hololive to be all sex jokes like EN :^)

>> No.37214629

>japanese market

>> No.37214646

You can want a pure focus on female members without wanting idolfaggotry.
When I say pure, I mean she's above the rest of the EN bullshit that goes on.
Unless you can tell me in all honesty that they would have such a massive backlash from the lack of idol outfits that it would lose them more money than the cost of idol outfits are, the economics clearly are against idolfaggotry.
Do you seriously think the lack of idol outfits are a make-or-break for them?

>> No.37214714

So...why are you bitching about something the Japanese don't complain about and actually enjoy? Stick to EN.

>> No.37214730

I think the myth and id gen 1 will get their idol outfits aswell, kiara is contacting cover right now asking why gen 6 got theirs first.

>> No.37214749

Just be honest. If you say you're an idol, be an idol. If you wanna be a whore, go to VShojo.

>> No.37214752

i think this board forgets that JP is an idol company first, gaming streamer company second. oh wait that requires this board of moronic subhumans to actually watch the JP branch.

>> No.37214767

>wanting them to do idol things but not wear idol outfits
The bad news is you have autism. The good news is you can cure it by jumping off a bridge.

>> No.37214791

I am straightforward about why I'm bitching. The meme of idol shit overstayed its welcome. It is a waste of time, effort, and money for unnecessary bullshit. Plus the idol outfits are always way worse than their actual ones.
Prove it.
Are you saying Phase Connect are whores too?
Maybe you shouldn't throw stones in a glass house. Tell me how many of these streams are idol in nature and not gaming.
I don't want them to do idol things. Not wanting them to collab with males is not an idol thing. Idols breathe too. That doesn't make breathing an "idol thing."

>> No.37215002

>Not wanting them to collab with males is not an idol thing
That's 100% an idol thing. So are the concerts and karaoke. You want them to stop doing the idol things you don't like but continue doing the idol things you do like and you're throwing an autistic shitposting fit about it on /vt/ as if anyone values your opinion which, spoilers, nobody does.

>> No.37215049

That is not an idol thing. I've never liked any of the female streamers I've watched collabing with males. Literally ever.
Concerts and karaoke are also not an idol thing unless you want to call certain members of vshojo "idols." It's a thing certain streamers have done for ages. Lastly, if you didn't care about my opinion, you wouldn't have responded.

>> No.37215090

>their origins are in idol culture
How fucking new are you?

>> No.37215117
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How fucking new are you that you don't even know the origins of Hololive?

>> No.37215133

I genuine don't care about your opinion. I'm just having a little fun playing poke the autist.

>> No.37215168

You mean the ASMR company?

>> No.37215205
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How in the hell do you not know Sora carried Hololive on her back in its infancy and enabled all the newer generations of members to thrive today? Do some damn research, man. This isn't esoteric knowledge.

>> No.37215240


>> No.37215278

Hololive only began its idol focus a little bit before sankisei and only went all in post sankisei.
Sankisei was the first actual idol generation. Before sankisei, even aqua collabed with dudes.
Also, what exactly is offensive about idol culture to you if you enjoy all of its perks? Name an actual, meaningful cultural aspect of idol culture you dislike.

>> No.37215369

>Name an actual, meaningful cultural aspect of idol culture you dislike.
He won't be able to answer this, literally no one can.
>"Oh it's toxic because the girls can't do whatever they want.."
>"But fuck em if they want to interact with males!"

>> No.37215396

It's forced bullshit that's completely cringe and not even remotely faithful to their personalities.

>> No.37215443

If you don't like it, watch other corps.

>> No.37215465

>forced bullshit
Bullshit in what sense?
>remotely faithful to their personalities
And you know each of their personalities?

>> No.37215482

because idols are based. That's how vtubers should be. They're NOT normal streamers. They have anime avatars, concerts, etc.

>> No.37215518

This is the shittiest response to any criticism you can find online. "If you don't like it, just don't buy it" is the form it usually takes place. It's a complete nonresponse to any form of criticism used to silence people with opinions about things you disagree with. Fuck outta here with that.
Bullshit is a term for negative things that are typically dishonest in nature.
And yes, I know their personalities.
It's possible to have concerts with anime avatars that are not idol concerts. I don't know what is so damn hard for you people to understand about this.

>> No.37215523
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>Kiara's not getting an idol outfit for HoloX's 1st anniversary
It's not fair bros

>> No.37215542

how come hololive is so succesful? they don't owe you anything. They will continue being what they want to be and you will keep seething about it.

>> No.37215571

They only really took off and entered their prime with the introduction of Gamers. It's why all of the members started playing games. Because that's what people want to see.

>> No.37215576

>Gamers marked the shift towards this era of Hololive where their streams became primarily game focused
Nope, gamers was a not-so-succesful experiment because niji did it first succesfully with kanae and co, in the end even Korone gets idol costume, Okayu got sololive. If anything hololive always a streamer first then the shift to idol route starts at Gen 3 debuts. The shift to idol route makes the previous powerhouse streaming monsters Gen 2 to get burned; opened up to more girls without streaming experiences but decent singer/dancers (i.e watame) or an ex-idol without streaming experiences (i.e nene).

>> No.37215586

EN onlys have to setle for worse.. :(

>> No.37215607

>It's possible to have concerts with anime avatars that are not idol concerts
I'm sorry Anonchama but the science just doesn't support that

>> No.37215662

OK, I think korone is one of the best ones, so?? She plays games AND has her own music and concerts. The games don't really matter, the personality does. That's why she plays kusoges so much. She's just having fun instead of playing the most popular thing all the time. What's your point? She's still an idol.

>> No.37215674

Gamers was a successful experiment that put Hololive on the map. I don't know what kinda fantasy world you live in.
If that were the case, the band Disturbed would be idols since they hold concerts. If it is specifically because they're anime that makes them idols, that means every "Idol group" composed of real people in Japan aren't actually idols.

>> No.37215705

Vshojo's concert is definitely inspired by idol concerts, it was in no way a normal concert

>> No.37215728

Why would Holo drop the idol outfit when even Niji and Vshojo also started using idol outfits.
The supposedly savior of Holo Coco/kson also had an idol outfit in her last 3d live.
Majority of JP audiences want it. You don't want it, go watch something else.

>> No.37215748

Idol science is too complex for you to understand. Sad.

>> No.37215769

>She plays games AND has-
Doesn't matter what else.
>Personality does
Personality that primarily shines when playing games.
Kusoges are fun.
>She's still an idol
No she isn't.
So are you saying Melody and Silvervale are idols?
They do it because it's a tradition that needs to fucking go. The vast majority of vshojo and niji are not even remotely close to even the loosest definition of the word "idol."

>> No.37215771

Gamers has effectively become an idol unit.

>> No.37215794

Here we go. One of the shittiest criticisms you could give to the Hololive girls.. "wah wah they're not even allowed to be themselves". stfu. It's not forced because they chose to join this company and want to be idols.This is what most fans want.

>> No.37215817

>Gamers was a successful experiment that put Hololive on the map
Dude Korone was fucking trash at debut, literally the worst streamer in the company, Mio isn't even a gamer and Okayu was the only new addition that did well from the start, and none of them were doing better than aqua
They were just fubuki's friends, cover wasn't planning for them to explode

>> No.37215827


>> No.37215873

They're not idols but your argument that concerts aren't idol thing and you point to the concert that was idol-like isn't a good argument

>> No.37215895

Gamers was a gen to put MIO in hololive. They want to mio to be included in hololive but was too late to put in gen 2 and too early to put in gen 3. so they included fubuki who is a close friend and put a interim gen

>> No.37215907

That means saying that they marked a shift away from idol stuff is nonsensical.

>> No.37215908

>vast majority
proof ?
according to their 5th anniv video you're wrong, the SSS summer video and 1st Holofes nonstop story are successful and other concert got more and more people watching, so which vast majority you're talking ? you mean your EOP circle group ?

>> No.37215965

>Doesn't matter what else.
uh...gaming isnt all she does.
what else would you want her to do? You're whining about idol culture so what's your problem? She plays games so you can watch that if you don't like the concerts. It doesn't need to go because people like it and it makes them money. As we have said, They don't have to do what you want. If it isn't for you, shut up and don't watch it.

>So are you saying Melody and Silvervale are idols?
Obviously a glorified prostitute isn't an idol. unlike vshojo, hololive actually has standarts.

>> No.37216015

don't listen to the ENfag, he probably doesn't even watch the streams he's malding over.

>> No.37216089

All i hearing is nijiseeth, suck vox dick and get those number for him, or he gonna having "ptsd" from tonight stream again.

>> No.37216102

>This is the shittiest response to any criticism you can find online. "If you don't like it, just don't buy it" is the form it usually takes place. It's a complete nonresponse to any form of criticism used to silence people with opinions about things you disagree with. Fuck outta here with that.

It would save you some time if you ignored what you are clearly too stupid to understand.

>> No.37216246

>hates I do culture
>why did the jp branch got their idol costumes first
>Why do they need to have idol costumes? This is 2022. They need to pander to the normie crowd weeee
Literally this thread

>> No.37216279


>> No.37216296

To make you in particular mad. They really hate you, and you alone.

>> No.37216384

>If you don't like it, just don't buy it
That because you a retard that don't watch them, what the point of selling to a dumbass that doesn't know the brand itself. Did you go to an electronic store and complains there no furniture.

>It's possible to have concerts with anime avatars that are not idol concerts. I don't know what is so damn hard for you people to understand about this.

I found it funny that there people like you who seething for watching something they hate. Fag, go outside and touch grass and watch other vtuber.

Unironically there 10000 vtuber that don't have idol theme, but somehow you want to reform holo because "i hate they idol :(" kek

>> No.37216450

I think this just proved that you are the worst kind of newfag anon. I suggest you deep-dive to streaming archives, warosu(s) archives, clips, heck go to bili2 and nico2 to watch some old clips. Good luck and lurk more.

>> No.37216466

So it true OP is nijinig kek, the classic complain holo being an idol. Only nijinig use this excuse cuz why would holofag use it since it pretty much an idol theme company.

>> No.37216494

>complaining about idol outfits because muh toxic idol culture
YWNBAW, go back.

>> No.37216695

Why are EOP niggas commenting on JP talents they know god damn well they can only watch clips of?

>> No.37216809

just say vshojo lives rent free and moe on already

>> No.37216835

i don't give a shit about vshojo. OP is the one that brought it up, retard.

>> No.37216854

I don’t know. Many other corpo shills in this board that would accept someone like him. I don’t need another monkey screeching in the thread or YouTube while I enjoy my hobby

>> No.37216962

NTA just don’t watch hololive block all holo related threads and recommendations. Or just watch EN, they’re integrating well with nijiEN

>> No.37217051

>Their demographic has completely shifted
I'll bite; proof? EN is a lost case, I'll give you that, but since you're posting HoloX, I expect you to prove that the JP demographic has shifted from idolfags to normalfags.

>> No.37217168

If they're just "larping as a chumbud" what's their true identity? They act just like the average EN fan.

>> No.37217578

No way that this board is so retarded that they actually take this post seriously.

>> No.37217805

The idol outfits sell expensive concert tickets/merchandise so Cover easily makes a profit. It wouldn't make much of a difference in the western market where most fans won't even pay to watch an online concert but this makes sense for the Japanese market. Also I don't think anyone in holoEN dislikes cute idol outfits and their problem with idol culture is related to the many rules on how they have to behave.

>> No.37217852

Nevermind this board actually in this fucking retarded

>> No.37217902

How the fuck are you going to have future Holofes if you just stop making idol outfits for Holomems at some point? Other girls from older gens will all be wearing idol outfits but newer will be stuck with their base outfits only? That will look stupid as fuck. If such a decision happens I'll bet all my money that at least Kiara, Gura, Bae, IRyS or even all of them will have a mental breakdown on stream because they were so close to getting their idol outfits but didn't get them.
>It's successful because they're concerts. The outfits have no impact on it.
You absolute fucking retard. First, idol outfit reveal is one more Important Event for holomems along with the likes of 3D debut, first orisong, first totsumachi etc. One more Important Event means more money, simple as. Second, I assure you every single one of them absolutely adores these outfits and can't wait to get one of them, even Ame who is tone deaf, even La+ who streams like once a week for an hour. Fans also want to see them and produce a shit ton of fan drawings until the real idol outfits are made. Even fucking Myth which is a disaster in all imaginable ways had an event with custom idol outfits in VR. Those who are good at singing and/or dancing or put a lot of effort to improve at it treat idol stuff seriously, every concert and song is a huge event for them. Those who can't do that either practice singing or at least shill others' concerts and songs like crazy. Every Holomem sang SSS at least once.
>Gamers marked the shift towards this era of Hololive
Yeah right.
Started out absolutely hating her voice and lacking confidence. Is actively pushing the idol route now, had her first album and a paid sololive already.
Singing is still not her focus but when she has milestone lives they are absolutely fucking amazing, you can see that she puts tons of effort into them.
What's even game focused? Her main contents are zatsudan, hosting events and stuff like tarot readings, not to mention that she sings nearly every week.
>I know their personalities
So, what you are saying is that all of them are spiteful, heartless, greedy lying bitches, right? And really good actors on top of that? That's how their personalities are if every single Holo girl ruthlessly faked her tears and emotions while having her 3D debut, singing SSS or Fansa, right? Not even that, they'd have to fake it every time for guest appearances in others' lives too. They'd have to fake all of their excited post-event talks which sometimes span hours.
This board has been awful from the start but gradually went to complete shit, worse takes have been made here seriously. Now I just assume every faggot who shits out something like this is genuinely retarded if he defends his shit for more than a few posts.

>> No.37218128

The outfits are fun and everyone likes them. There's no reason to stop doing them.

>> No.37218452

>Hololive does not need to keep pushing this fucking idol culture bullshit anymore. Their demographic has completely shifted.
Holo's concerts like HoloFes and Bloom are the result of idol culture
Are you saying those aren't popular?
Why are you seething over some copy paste idol clothes
Those clothes are primarily for them to use during HoloFes anyway
Would be weird if HoloX is the only gen with different costume during HoloFes

>> No.37218564

If you don't like idol shit then don't watch HoloJP? No one is forcing you to watch HoloJP

>> No.37218637

Because, they want to you tard. The idol stuff is just the music and concerts, anyways.

>> No.37218648

>I don't want them to do idol things
So JP must stop soing their yearly concert, one of their biggest source of income to for (You)?

>> No.37218659

you're just a retard OP
Doing streams unrelated to being an idol is not "moving away from idol culture". They are in no way mutually exclusive. Hololive have literally never shown any signs of deviating from their idolshit, and have no reason to, no matter how much you wish they did.
>The demographic has completely shifted
The entire vtuber industry has seen a measurable decline since Covid restrictions were lessened, this is not some "shift to viewing more traditional content" unless you meant going outside.
Idols are still massively popular in japan and most of the girl either clearly enjoy related activities or at least don't make a fuss about it.
>It doesn't fit them
You are a literal nobody whose opinion is irrelevant and opposite to basically the largest following in the industry, having your personal mold for "what an idol should be like" is absolutely meaningless.
Also, technically not OP but stop using "idol culture" if you have no fucking clue what that means, parasocial relationships that every single streamer who gets an audience has to deal with is not "idol culture", even if some Idiot who had no idea what type of expectations would be set on her when joining such an organisation would say otherwise.

>> No.37218682

The potential global market from dropping idolshit is much more profitable and less volatile than what they're doing right now.

>> No.37218862

>potential is much more profitable
go invest in crypto instead of arguing about shit you don't understand here

>> No.37219628

lmao just go back flipping burger you moron, don't talk about shit you don't understand

>> No.37219894

go watch Niji instead

>> No.37220268
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>> No.37221151

Oh hey gen 6 are getting their idol outfits, nice thanks op i look forward to watching it

>> No.37221483

When I saw this thread I thought it's just another "muh gen 6 doesn't get along" rrat but jesus christ, slit your wrists you giganigger

>> No.37222191

YWNBAW beggar

>> No.37223393

Imagine making this post using Suisei to avatarfag

>> No.37226941

How convincing, retard.

>> No.37227053


>> No.37227107

>Why do they push on of the most viewed streamers in all of holo?

Gee, really gets your noggin joggin....

>> No.37227184

>most viewed
That only applies to Koyori.

>> No.37227529
File: 2.50 MB, 960x520, PolIdol[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxzu93u.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's time to drop this idol outfit bullshit.
Fuck you, they are cute.

>> No.37227552

Only EN went full Twitch streamers

>> No.37228073


>> No.37229721

>assuming trolling = real opinions if they lead you on for more than a few posts

Are you literally new to the internet

>> No.37230194

>and less volatile
lmao even
Anon, the vtuber bubble are either deflating or about to burst here, no way it can maintain the same level of revenue in the next year, the mips side probably plateaued, but it will maintain itself strong by pure sheer japanese autism, unlike west

>> No.37230312

You take for granted the success that Hololive has become. Hololive is not normal, there are so many failed vtuber companies. The quality of the talents and the idol concept are key in their success.

>> No.37230518

>It's forced bullshit that's completely cringe
please elaborate

>faithful to their personalities.
>implying said personas need to be set in stone

>> No.37230666
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>> No.37230682

>forced bullshit
The talents voluntarily agree to be fake, corporate products, nobody is forcing them to do anything. In fact, letting women do what they want is a recipe for disaster anyway.

>> No.37230722

To be fair I love moona's first 3D and that definitively wasn't idol-like, instead it was more pop-diva, I think It works better for solo parts

>> No.37230816
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>Holobros wouldn't you agree it would be better if Hololive dropped the idol schtick and became whoretubers like Niji and Vshojo?

>> No.37230837

k but you're not japanese so your opinion doesn't matter
