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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37212538 No.37212538 [Reply] [Original]

Is she the biggest pick me Penelope in the vtuber industry?

>> No.37212548
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>> No.37212563


>> No.37212572

instead of making another worthless pippa thread, why don't you bump existing ones? you have at least three to pick.

>> No.37212590

“Pick me” is a femoid concept. Go back.

>> No.37212632


>> No.37212669

I genuinely don't understand what the problem with a "pick me" girl is
If they want to be picked
And then somebody says "i choose you"
Isn't everybody happy?

>> No.37212870

It's just a strawman that femcels use for any female that actually tries and is not as miserable as they are.

>> No.37212920

And she's got more viewers and money than you 1view shitters.

>> No.37212948
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>thread obviously made by a woman
>it's shit
Back to the kitchen, bitch.

>> No.37213007

The super entitled Western female mind thinks it's beneath a woman to do something a man would find attractive or pleasing unless the woman also likes that thing. A woman doing anything for the sake of males is degrading and servile in their opinion.
Basically, end stage feminism.

>> No.37213013

buy an ad retard

>> No.37213043

>pick me
fuck off to crystal cafe, femcel

>> No.37214019
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I would pick Pippa.

>> No.37214243

She's Burrito.

>> No.37215064

>that vid of her giggling while her bf picks her up

yeah, I would too pick up a pippa if I could

>> No.37215188

Pippa and gura fans must be related somehow both of them have the most obnoxious trashy garbage fans in all existence of vtubbing.

>> No.37216433
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>there's a video of me floating around /vt/

>> No.37217255

Post a video of you nutting inside her pink-haired pussy already

>> No.37217383

she literally lives with her bf, she's been picked already

>> No.37217429
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>> No.37217547

Hey you can’t Dodd yourself like that tranny, it is against the rules.

>> No.37220399

who wouldn't?

>> No.37220490
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>> No.37221052

Yes and its working

>> No.37221166
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this is like, the forth pippa thread
>> 37208613

>> No.37221198


>> No.37221550

>infiltrating a hobby by pretending to be le based and then destroy it when they are bored of pretending is le good
Kill yourself, fucking simp faggot, you are exactly the target of pick me whores

>> No.37221590

Nay, that's either Lumi (Kaneko) or Kiki.

>> No.37221603

>Isn't everybody happy?
Childless women in their 30s who didn't get picked because they have horrible personalities are not happy

>> No.37221655

Yes, admittedly so, and the personality contrast between her notPippa streams and Pippa streams is enough to put me off of them. It's one thing to have kayfabe and another to entirely fake your personality, interests, and beliefs for views.

>> No.37221693

i want to pick penelope!

>> No.37221700

Who cares. Women actually can choose pandering to men and be aware of it.

>> No.37221712

Doxxnigger AND retarded? What are the odds?

>> No.37221742

>unreciprocated facial abuse head for 5 hours
Yeah, I’d pick Penelope.

>> No.37221743
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Look at pick-me women as normies trying to pander to you with their surface knowledge and who'll leave you the very second they find a better target.
Look at pick-me women as people who have zero self-esteem and who cannot find an audience on their own so they result to cheap pandering.
Look at pick-me women as men who'll self-insult and self-degrade just for a bit of appreciation in the eyes of those who hate them anyway.
This isn't good. And you thinking it's good is literally the problem.
Gatekeep harder. Just because this human has a pussy and you're a horny loser doesn't mean it's okay to lower your standards.
That's all I'm asking.

>> No.37221765

skill issue

>> No.37221830

Keep seething, dont let Pippa live rent free in your head for too long, remember you need to dilate daily

>> No.37221882

what is pippa like in her other streams? i've never seen them

>> No.37221930

Basically it's how losers gatekeep women from having the same interest as them.
So if a girl likes 4chan and "meme culture" then she actually is just doing it for clout.

>> No.37221951

>calm and down to the earth, rarely raises her voice
>best friend is a transman
>oshi is literally nyanners
>lives with a furry man who used to appear a lot on her streams

>> No.37222318

I only have experienced her domo interview and it was kind of based

>> No.37222356

Imagine the sex..

>> No.37222519

no thanks

>> No.37222629

I'd pick Pippa to be honest.

>> No.37222656

Or they could just stay in their containment general

>> No.37222816

Same, it is refreshing to have someone not so fucking exhausting like calliope

>> No.37222859

The trick is to keep their confidence low and do the ol' hot and cold. This is a two player game.
Pickmes are great, you just have to do your part as well.

>> No.37222947

femanon status?

>> No.37222974

Not really Kiki, shes just very autistic to her own detriment. Lumi on the other hand just kind of follows what her mods say

>> No.37223017

Eternally buttblasted judging from this thread.

>> No.37223484

>Basically it's how losers gatekeep women from having the same interest as them.
No it is solidly a woman thing. Men don’t care about “pickmeism”, it is a purely female method of attacking another female.

>> No.37223647

Pippa and Fauna are legit bipolar schizos.

>> No.37223665
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>this is bad according to w*men

>> No.37223664

The problem is when it is used by girls as a general purpose slur against all girls that don’t conform.
Real pickmes (and I won’t get into whether pippa is one or not) are indeed trash. Often become the “anime/video game club queen” sort if you know the cliche. The “predator male feminist” of women. It makes sense that vtubing (and streaming in general) would encourage this kind of strategy.

>> No.37223726

I can not imagine any men bothered by a girl like this unless they are cucks. Why are butt hurt women trying to convince men that girls with appealing traits is bad?

>> No.37223738

More like sociopaths.

>> No.37223806

so basically its a girl who isn't a selfish bitch and tries her best to appeal to her man
yup, I'm seeing why other girls are mad about it

>> No.37223835

Why would anyone want to listen to a woman who already has a boyfriend? Do men not have better things to do?

>> No.37223908

She makes good content, makes other women mad, relatable content i can watch without puking. I have my waifu in the JP branch though

>> No.37223970

women logic.
every woman seems to think she's the best at everything and whatever place she finds herself in is the peak of womanhood. this is supported by enough desperate guys who just try to get their dick wet.
women hate nothing more than other women who actually try or outcompete them in one way or another.

>> No.37223994

Sure thing buddy. What ever you say.

>> No.37224011

Crabs in a bucket
The nail standing out gets nailed
Misery loves company

Pick your metaphor anon

>> No.37224115

cuckdol is much worse

>> No.37224157

Pickme Pomu.

>> No.37224164

Sarcasm is not a defense. You aren’t even denying it.
It is female lingo, men talk about them differently.

>> No.37224254

this whole vtuber nonsense looks like otaku culture to me

if your boyfriend is also your pimp then your doing something wrong

>> No.37224284

Bitches be like, Fuck, I actually have to contribute to a relationship now. Oh nyo!

>> No.37224320

Vtubing is a part of otaku culture. /vt/ is an offshoot from /jp/.

>> No.37224340

Pick me is a term used by jealous femoids to shit on other women who are doing better than them and are ACTUALLY appealing to men
only women that struggle to find quality men use the term pick, similar to the term incel, decent women dont use that term, they have no need to, they dont need shaming tactics

>> No.37224343
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>> No.37224373

>oshi is literally nyanners
You're saying she openly lies about Watame being her oshi now? Take your meds, anon

>> No.37224465

Zoidberg has chronic pain issues and will likely die in the next 10 years
You have a chance

>> No.37224686

Go look it up on her personal Twitter account, man. She might have changed her oshi later but Watame sure seems like a safe choice for her audience (especially compared to Nyanners)

>> No.37224708

do you respect men who depreciate themselves to earn your approval?
why don't you have a problem with that when a woman does it?
is that just because such women are the only women you'll ever have a chance with?

>> No.37224744

She pretends to be a holofag to earn (You)r respect.
She knows what /vt/ is about.
The embodiment of a pickme girl.

>> No.37224853


>do you respect men who depreciate themselves to earn your approval?

LMAO. You know literally nothing about men and how they think and interact with each other

>> No.37224869

I get turn on when women are submissive, this analogy does not really apply to me. All vtubers are my sex slaves and i do not care for theit selfsteem. Other anons are welcome to fill all their holes too, i want to see all women mindbroken and pregnant, now post tits or gtfo

>> No.37224976

I'm a different anon but you are plebbitspacing so I don't believe you know what makes a MAN a MAN either desu

>> No.37225134

Most men prefer submissive women you're just an average man, the reason why femcels hate "pick me" women is because they know it's what men want, and they hate men and what men want. Though deep down, even a femcel finds a man who submits to a dominate woman to be pathetic, that's why femcels are femcels, a submissive man that doesn't disgust them doesn't exist.

>> No.37225650

Even girls don't like simp men they just stay for the money and the security
On the other hand most men actually like submissive girls

>> No.37225758

I don't care enough to look it up, not that I even know her rm account. I gotta admit that Watame is a conspicuously weird oshi choice, especially for a person like Pippa, but to claim she's just lying about it is kinda schizo. Although she did mention she liked nyanners at some point in the nousagi stream I think

ogeyy rrat

>> No.37226085

This is just contributing to a relationship
Pippa doesn't qualify, because her "pick me" qualities only extend to being a loud, annoying /pol/tard who fantasizes about shooting roves of niggers from her high security forest compound

>> No.37226208

No, pickmes are hated because they're chameleons who can and will change their beliefs and political affiliations at the drop of a hat. They're basically grifters for stinky NEET dick and aren't loyal.

>> No.37226286

are you dense.
men are NOT women and other standards apply. your biology dictates you to go for a guy who can provide for you. in return, we go for girls who are unironically submissive and breedable. guys aren't interested in these "strong women" just like you aren't interested in a lazy ass who is too dumb to get a job.
think about it this way: you may think you're doing well as an independant career woman, but who takes care of the kids? spoiler: your husband who works his 9-5 won't, at least not full-time. 2nd spoiler: he wants a wife who can.

>> No.37226332

When I hear someone (probably a woman) call a chuuba a pickme that makes me want to check them out

>> No.37227219

You're 100% right. It's a shame the incels here pretend you aren't.

>> No.37227587

Pippa is sad but the person who made this is sadder.

>> No.37227890
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Crabs in a bucket, you have to tell yourself that your misery is only because actual women aren't real women like you and everyone in a relationship should consider toaster bath because they aren't aiming high enough.

>> No.37228829

>next 10 years
I can't wait that long anon..

>> No.37229099

All vtubers are liars to manipulate the male audience. It is bad but doesn’t match the definition women give for “pickme”.

>> No.37229196

On one hand I REALLY want her to incline, and genuinely hope she finds happiness.
But on the other hand, her content is the most manipulative clickbait spam imaginable.

>> No.37229266

I will now watch Pippa

>> No.37229622

kiki exists

>> No.37229857

I pick Pippa. Die jealous, Tranny.

>> No.37229938

damn femcel are cringe

>> No.37230866

Lmao, keep telling yourself that.
All straight men understand why that posts makes no sense without the need of any explanation.

>> No.37231089

>pick me
what on earth does this mean?

>> No.37231112

No issue.
Don't care tranny real pussy is real pussy even if its from a pick me.

>> No.37231580

>and aren't loyal
In contrast to what, the man-hating hambeasts who are *totally* loyal on top of being terrible company? lmao
"Pickme" girls are interesting/attractive to us by their very nature. The truth of the matter is that women are envious creatures and this namecalling is just an attempt to bring down all others who had sucess doing something they can't do.

>> No.37231809

>chameleons who can and will change their beliefs and political affiliations at the drop of a hat

Women. The thing you are describing is all women. Letting a women get groomed into retarded politics is a failure on the part of weak men in society.

It's our fault, not theirs.

>> No.37233798

it means you're an incel

>> No.37234858

Every time Pippa has a surge, this faggot comes out and antis her. You're a hatewatcher, aren't you, squidward?

>> No.37236361

Might be. But hoshou marine is also a big one. She literally makes songs about it.

>> No.37237656

What is this?

>> No.37239186

>You're a hatewatcher
No one does this

>> No.37239239

There is hard data going back far before the internet that many people do exactly that.

>> No.37239821

Why do people hate pick me's like depressed nousagi but love pippa instead

>> No.37242168

where the fuck are you hiding my wife? WHERE IS SHE

>> No.37242428

Do you know how we know this pickme shit is made by femcels? It's because it's such an absurd non-sensical insult that only a woman could come up with. If it was an insult made by a man it'd already be considered a slur and hatespeech to say outside of 4chan.
>tl;dr - no one cares or believes your insanity. You'll die and your multiple house cats will eat you because they, like all the people in your life, didn't respect you.

>> No.37243093

Why did you green texted?

>> No.37243457

how is pippa depreciating herself? if the bad thing about being a pickme is the self depreciation then it doesn't apply as an insult to most chuubas since that isn't what they're doing

>> No.37244285

by not being a complete cunt to males at all times she is attempting to appeal to men which is crushing her own freedom or spirit or something

>> No.37248037

Who are you quoting?

>> No.37249447

why are femanons so catty? they're worse than trannies

>> No.37250221

