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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 961 KB, 893x1111, Fifqin Afifah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37188866 No.37188866 [Reply] [Original]

the rabbit did nothing wrong

>> No.37188918

stealth Espresso Nowshaggy thread?

>> No.37189999

Not yet. I have a hunch though

>> No.37190044

Henri please take your meds nobody else is talking about pippa

>> No.37190493

>Too irrelevant for anyone to care about

>> No.37190875

The Andrew Tate of vtubing

>> No.37190987


>> No.37191571

what happened, i saw discussion of her was banned from some holo fan discords
is it related to a certain nousagi

>> No.37191595

If she did nothing wrong why is she getting blacklisted?

>> No.37191669
File: 283 KB, 1386x728, 2 doxfags interact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37191765

I don't know why it would be, she wouldn't have known about the current drama before it happened. I suspect people that have it out for her are just using this as an excuse.

>> No.37191801

Guilt by association.

>> No.37192011

But she did know. Theyre both on KWF, he started doxing at the earliest 13th april, that stream with pippa was done on 20th august

>> No.37192072

It was all paywalled so she couldn't have seen it, unless you can prove she was paying for it you have nothing.

>> No.37192131

Obviously all collabs mean each party reveals all of their side hustles personal relationships and bank account info to each other. Might as well be living together

>> No.37192936

Her "based /pol/chuuba" schtick is more than enough to refute that.

>> No.37193015

Pretty obvious you've never watched her. I can't believe there's people like you that get your opinions from /vt/ of all places.

>> No.37194418

Not even worth a (you). Try harder next time.

>> No.37194478

Ask them to back up their claims and watch them squirm, it's beautiful.

>> No.37194606

If you legitimately like this v-tuber,
You have fallen to the algorithm and are awaiting your next v-tuber in pill form.

>> No.37194870

If that's true than good for her.

>> No.37195161

Pippa is outperforming Pomu Rainpuff atm. 2.2K to 2.0CCV

>> No.37195170

What is her opinion of Destroyed Nousagi?

>> No.37195786

Tell that to the Fish

>> No.37195851


>> No.37195978

Check again

>> No.37197762

She's just having fun

>> No.37203009
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>> No.37204318

Why does she keep getting popular?

>> No.37204528 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 607x618, 1668372299137633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch rabbit supports doxfaggots

>> No.37204559

That's hilarious.

>> No.37204621

>only people that would get the reference already know
Do twitter trannies really?

>> No.37204753


>> No.37204755

>4chan and 5chan are the biggest vtuber forums
>the Holo JP chuubas actually pander to the 5chan folk
>HoloEn chuubas other than Gura disown Vt and rather pander to twitter
Well no wonder HoloEn and NijiEn are massively declining when they pander to reddit and Twitter who don’t ducking watch streams. The retarded Fish from PC should learn this lesson as Pippa inclines even more. The twitter and Reddit Tourist will come if they see big number on their own

>> No.37204764

She's making a fucking joke about it, you monkey

>> No.37204796

Are you implying this is doxx? And you're posting it anyway?
Anon, that's against the rules. You might get banned!

>> No.37204830

The only people who would get the joke would already know the doxx, you retard.

>> No.37204852

She supports him and should neck herself with him.

>> No.37205026

That tweet was from over a year ago you dumpling.

>> No.37205168

It clearly shows which side she's on still.

>> No.37206046

man you retards act like this rabbit really does anything controversial when at worst she dips her toes into anything that isn't mild heat for white people strong before the fish pulls her collar so hard your flaccid dick would be jealous of that choke.
Every time I check these treads its always the most milk toast ''''''controversy'''' bullshit this rabbit has pulled.
fucking look yourselves at the mirror before acting like edgy faggots

>> No.37209573

I never said she did

>> No.37209588

this was kino

>> No.37211488
File: 86 KB, 540x565, calarts pippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37213596

Creating her own vtuber company is funny

>> No.37213794
File: 401 KB, 704x610, animorphs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burrito left Ina, that's wrong.

>> No.37217196

she did, stfu

>> No.37217325

What's wrong with her?
What did she do?
