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37187884 No.37187884 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite gura streams

>> No.37188090 [DELETED] 

I wonder why the live chat isn’t there

>> No.37188118

What did Mori do this time?

>> No.37188135


>> No.37188276

why are island mobile users like this

>> No.37188327


lol lmao

>> No.37188483

When she responded to "It's her" in Kirby

>> No.37189590

Yikes chumbuds will memory hole this one

>> No.37189670

hmmm i wonder whats that thing on the top left corner DEFINITLY couldn't be someone close to her

>> No.37191005


>> No.37191057

What did she mean by this?

>> No.37191096

shes the one who pinged her

>> No.37191526

well i can definitely say that's one of her most infamous streams

>> No.37191559
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>> No.37191604

yea me

>> No.37191612

She would have to stream first

>> No.37191685

i wonder if she does GFE for him

>> No.37191732

(insert vtuber here) deflection thread.

>> No.37191829

Seeing this get reposted so often really shows just how many newfags infest this place. At least be up to date on this sort of stuff if you're going to try and make her look bad.

>> No.37191848

Yikes dude i still feel bad for whatever poor soul falls for her lies

>> No.37192104

people forget shit and sometimes need to remember how shitty some people are

>> No.37192183

Jealousy is a cruel mistress.

>> No.37192502

god you're such a loser kek

>> No.37192518

I'm surprised she hasn't went back to delete that all this time i guess she is aware that chumbuds will stay delusional no matter how much proof of gura manipulating them you show

>> No.37193003

i wonder what would be the new cope if it ever happens again

>> No.37193435

She never edited it out of the VOD but the chat was removed? So what DID she edit out then?
Also, man, the chat wouldn't stop talking about it and it's pretty clear that's why she immediately ended the stream.
But if you know anything about her, you'd know why this happening didn't matter. In fact, looking back at the timing, it was probably done on purpose to hurt her.

>> No.37193525

I thought CGDCT guys were cool with relationships as long as it doesn’t impact streams?

I don’t know why her being together with someone would change anything according to their logic. Weird how she had to disable live chat for this stream.

>> No.37193642

its called manipulating your audience

>> No.37193918

Because they're not in a relationship. They never even met IRL.
She changed her old switch profile to Gura after not using her switch in over a year and forgot to remove the old friend's list.

>I thought CGDCT guys were cool with relationships as long as it doesn’t impact streams?
Maybe. But Gura's fans are actually in love with her. Many of them are true unicorns and would stop watching her if they thought she wasn't a virgin.
And that's fine. Because that's clearly the audience she wants. They're super dedicated and they support her through everything.

>> No.37194013


>> No.37194252

>actually believes this

>> No.37194294

Bunkeronii arc was my fav

>> No.37194300

>bros he has reason to lie
You know why this shit never gained any traction is because all you get out of it is shitty rrats that isn't fed by anything, like most attempts to get at Gura honestly, you're better off making a thread about her being lazy or some shit

>> No.37194342

There are actual reasons why it's proven to be true, but you can't talk about it here.

>> No.37194414

no it's not

>> No.37194465

The voices in your head don't count towards arguments my friend

>> No.37194501

why was this forgotten again?

>> No.37194533

men know other men's genuine laugh
e.g. that blue faggot's laugh, 100% fake

>> No.37194545

it was?

>> No.37194574

You're not going to get me to post the timeline, sorry anon.
But if you do your reps, you'll find it if you search long enough.

>> No.37194584

chumkeks being delusional and forgetting they were cucked from the very beginning

>> No.37194611

>why won't you care about my epic yab?
lol what do you do for a living, anon?

>> No.37194619


>> No.37194665


>> No.37194677

Why would he lie?
So like every single vtuber fan? Doesn't that make you cucked?

>> No.37194682

Because her fans are genuinely retarded. Like, actual double-digit IQ, crayon eating, paint sniffing retarded.
But that makes her catalogue threads the only ones worth reading during drama downtime, because laughing at the mentally disabled is always a blast.

>> No.37194831

What's your annual salary, winnerboy?

>> No.37194874 [DELETED] 

I think Jay is behind this post

>> No.37194914

Gura is my oshi and I'm literally a mathematician with a degree and everything. The proof they couldn't have ever met is literally sitting there on warosu.
You're upset because no one cares about this and no one is willing to eat a ban to spoon-feed your newfag ass the reason why.
It's sad, anon.

>> No.37195330

Ancient yab, we have gone through an entirely new arc with an entirely new male since this which has also recently been disproven, keep up shitposterchama

>> No.37195416

What do you guys think about this?
Depressed Nousagi (he made this thread) is making excuses for being a piece of shit doxfag grifter instead of doing the honest thing and ending his online life forever immediately.

>> No.37195510
File: 86 KB, 907x599, Joraji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Depressed Nousagi
Just call him by his first name, Joragi.
