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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37157657 No.37157657 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.37157680


>> No.37157694

Reine is the best EN streamer in hololive. the other ones are boring or annoying, except Kaela but maybe that's just because her sex voice

>> No.37157933

Started off liking them and watching them, they had a great dynamic with the whole roommate feeling. Then they made it very clear that they'll do stuff with dudes and I don't really look for that kind of stuff when I watch Vtubers so I respectfully left.

>> No.37158437

Kaela is the most valuable ID

>> No.37158501

indonesian is a disgusting language.
how come japan is the only good sounding asian language?

>> No.37158521

holoEN but better

>> No.37158525

worthless branch

>> No.37158532

Very versatile gen, shits on NijiID, and beats the crap out of NijiENfemales.

Kobo also passed Salomenella, NijiJP's project to attract Investors,

Very good, i say

>> No.37158539

I only love Ollie and Risu
don't really care about the rest

>> No.37158590

because you never heard anything like it.
anything foreign will sound disgusting

me as indochad hearing thailand people sounds like trans people trying to speak

>> No.37158651
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very good branch to promote tourism

>> No.37158775

No thoughts
*ceases to exist"

>> No.37158966

but japanese language is foreign to me

>> No.37159071

>sex tourism
Fixed. I want to marry id woman.

>> No.37159232

jp is only foreign in the sense that its not your native language. you still consume japanese media on a regular basis so its not as foreign as a random SEA language, making jp more appealing. Ask a random normie and theres a likelihood that jp would sound as bad Indonesian to them.

>> No.37159262

i want to fuck kaela

but she's into piss drinking and not shaving pits and pubes

>> No.37159364

God, imagine the smell after long grinding session.

>> No.37159410
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My sister really hate japanese language.
She said it sound like squeaking dogs.
She also a stan of some kpop boy band and love watching kdrama.
Funnily, korean language sound like a disgusting drunken hobo to me.

>> No.37159453
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Reine sex. Ollie sometimes sex. Anya.

>> No.37159978

Saya suka Holo indoneisa. Mereka adalah gadis manis yang lucu. Saya suka terutama Kaela, Zeta, Kobo. Saya senang mereka dapat berbicara sesekali bahasa inggris, walau bahasa inggris kedua mereka membuat saya tertawa. Tapi, saya tidak suka mereka berkolaborasi dengan pria dalam siaran mereka. Setidaknya, saya masih mencintai kaela dengan penuh hati. Dia adalah gadis murni tersisa terakhir.

>> No.37160172

Obviously the weakest female branch, but Kaela is literally my oshi and I would die for her

>> No.37160397

I've had korean friends in school and their language always sounds like they're always complaining. Or maybe it was just because it was always too fucking hot where we went to school.

>> No.37160481

no such thing

>> No.37160498

This reads like something Google translated.

>> No.37160558

i like the yellow one

>> No.37160560
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Ollie is the best holo hands down.
But she has convinced me that Indonesian isn't a real language because whenever she speaks it she sounds like an engine backfiring.

>> No.37160720

It's the sharpest

>> No.37160793

Korean sounds like japan's aggressive uncle

>> No.37160819

Korean sounds like someone trying to talk while having a mouth full of marbles.

>> No.37160852

Korean is the noise made by a corpse as the air is slowly forced out of it.

>> No.37160935

Basically the wildcard branch, although I think the majority of them I either am indifferent towards our dislike period. The thing is you have a few like Moona and Kaela who are so good it's hard to say they're all bad, but overall I see the branch as kind of too carelessly managed and cavalier in attitude to be remotely on the same playing field as JP. Not sure if I like them more than EN or not, probably I might if I understood their language but I don't so no Kobo etc for me.

>> No.37161027

Kobo is funny and chaotic if you can understand her. It's a shame that not a lot of EOPs can appreciate her talents.

>> No.37161079

Bunch. Of. Whores.

>> No.37161097

I don't really care much about them since their language filters me hard. I still being support but I don't really see them as a part of Hololive, just like Homo brand

>> No.37161167

1 peko leech
2 literal runts
3 tempiss cocksleeve

>> No.37161211

Used to not care about them, then realised how based they were for interacting with Tempus and not giving a fuck about schizo unicorns. Showed they're better than the usual GFE panderers who manipulate lonely men for their money. I like Zeta, Kobo and Risu the most. I've even grown to tolerate Ollie, when she isn't screaming at nothing

>> No.37161256

I want to fuck Moona’s autistic brains out.

>> No.37161280

The better holoEN and an actually functional branch

>> No.37161615

Best branch in terms of actually streaming interesting games you want to watch, but the girls themselves are hit or miss.

>> No.37161782

You know, it's kinda weird. Knowing they're going full group lesbo orgy whenever they have off collabs somehow takes the edge off of knowing they collab with males, I think because any male would do and Tempiss is just convenient.

>> No.37161795

kek fucking hell translated formal indonesian makes my sides hurts

>> No.37162374

Used to not give a fuck about them maybe only watch subtitled clips of them here & there a few times then learned that they legit molest each other all the time & have kissy kissy gay sex in every off-collabs and that's when I started doing my reps. Love me some excellent, non half-assed yuribait.

>> No.37162475

Tell that to your WW2 veteran grandpa

>> No.37162567

they're unironically my preferred EN speaking holobranch. I like Reine the most, but I also like watching Moona and Kaela. I'd oshi Risu but that fucking treerat never streams or sings.

>> No.37162607

Not even our poets speak this formal lol

>> No.37162630

worst thing about them is that they mostly speak english in their solo streams, you get attached to them, you want to see them collab with their friends, but when they group up it all turns orcish.

>> No.37162679

Yes. This is a big problem for me too.
This is why I like them collabing with EN

>> No.37162817

Mob mentality. Nothing new. They come from asian society.

>> No.37162858

Kaela good, should collab more with EN. Zeta cute. Uh and the others are also there too I guess

>> No.37163106

Moona: Solid followers, felt pretty balanced with local and overseas fans. Her singing bring a lot of new followers
Iofi: Solid followers but sadly a bit smaller and have difficulty to gain new followers
Risu: Pretty much gaining followers from her voice and being memelord. Also it seems that when Hololive promoting the ID to overseas it's always Risu

Anya: Small followers and having difficulty to gain local followers. She's pretty much part of JP now with her native sounding Japanese
Reine: Gain solid followers thanks to hornybait. Also able to keep them because she's actually pretty interesting. Also a literal motherhen to other HoloID because.... if you know, you know.
Ollie: Solid loyal followers, slowed down a little bit but his active social media activity means she still able to maintain her existence

Kobo: Solid bigger followers, mostly local zoomers. Don't give a fuck about numbers because she doesn't understand.
Kaela: Thanks to her long streams she's pretty much the go to when other streamers are offline. Hornybait also helped. Almost never get scared except when dealing with Mumei
Zeta: Her Indonesian only streams are very popular because she created this GFE without her realizing it thanks to her sultry voice. Saw some local streamers who put her catchphrases on repeat like a goddamn mantra

>> No.37163176

You don't complain when Pikamee collabed with her VOM members and they start speaking in Jap only.

>> No.37163298

Completely irrelevant until Kaela and Kobo happened, hard to say if it was luck or proper casting but all the same I'm glad that it happened, if they do an even better job next ID gen might be something really damn good.

That said, guess Risu and Moona are also worth a mention, but they don't make a difference or anything really.

>> No.37164165

it's the inflection
the way they hang the end of sentences

>> No.37165311

Risu and Moona both had some entertaining talent at the start, but it wasn't enough to overcome the ID debuff that also plagued their niji equivalents.

What completely saved HoloID from irrelevance was Pekora, and what ultimately dispelled the ID brand as a debuff was Kobo.

>> No.37165659

>I'd oshi Risu but that fucking treerat never streams or sings.
I did when she was streaming and singing, she forced herself to take the meme route it put a horrible taste for me. Early 2020 risu was definitely the best risu.

>> No.37165793

The main issue with ID is that they went after the EN market and didn't focus on the ID market.
Kobo initially had a hard ID focus. Which drove a lot of her growth.

>> No.37166889

I might drop them as soon as EN3 announced. They better go full indo for ID4

>> No.37166945
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>another Le "HoloID is a failure because they not focusing on the local market" cope
I fucking hate newfaggot, you niggers don't know the early HoloID days when Risu taught Indonesian before Reine, Moona did Coca-cola cover and all of them mostly speak indogs. it just doesn't work for them, that was the reason why these girls chase the global market.
>what about Kobo?
Kobo is not popular because she only speaks indogs but because she is actually talented and funny. stop acting like there are no local panders chuba before Kobo.

>> No.37166966

I would like to have sex with all of them

>> No.37167043

Head empty.

>> No.37167069

they can't get popular by themselves

>> No.37167099

>hearing thailand people sounds like trans people trying to speak
Well it IS Thailand so…

>> No.37167178
File: 225 KB, 439x630, Indog brat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kobo is designed to get manhandled by some 6.3 ft western pedophiles.

>> No.37167180

Even multilinguals are unlikely to have one of the many indo languages as their secondary so it is hard find fault there.

>> No.37167183

Shut the fuck up ayame

>> No.37167245

ID has steamed with stars for years, streaming with homoen isn’t even surprising or worth discussing in regard to ID.

>> No.37167273

>implying catalog niggers watching V-tubers

>> No.37167516

They have better management than EN branch

>> No.37167765

LMAO says the Muttlish speaker, plenty of Asian languages sound beautiful idk what you are on about

>> No.37167835

Whats the appeal for kaela.. i watched her collab with fauna and bae maybe and she doesnt really say much..i guess she just cant express herself very well in english idk

>> No.37167919


early days HoloID was inevitably small because they were still somewhat amateur streamers and full of unfortunate scuffs, so even indog holofans would still prefer watching HoloJP at that time.

>> No.37168077

ah yes, i still remember those days, hearing a chuuba speak my language was still unbearable, i preferred to watch chinks clips on holoJP than my own country chuuba

even though i stopped watching kobo because more males collabs than girls and valo spam, she's the reason i can bear hearing id speaking chuubas.

i hope a chuuba with zeta's voice with kaela's stamina and cunny body recruited for ID 4

>> No.37169181

She gets overwhelmed in collab but in her solo stream, she usually speaks a lot (and mostly in english) and her interaction with her chat is really amazing so much that I like her zatsu the best from all EN and ID. If you want to try to watch her, I recommend you to start with her pejuang senin

>> No.37169627

She has a certain charm if you watch her long enough. Her earnestness and genuine enjoyment of the games she's playing are sweet.

>> No.37169739

she has a hairy puss

>> No.37170341

She really likes to listen to people and she's 95% introverted, so when she's in a collab with someone new or in a collab with more than 2 people, she usually just kinda forgets to speak from focusing too much on the conversation.
But in solo streams, especially zatsudans she's very talkative. Also she reads the live chat all the time, even grey names and non-SC. For SCs she reads them live 95% of the time.

>> No.37171094

Nice. Clip?

>> No.37171181

too smelly, need to be stoned.

>> No.37171198

no, razor

>> No.37171268

Quantity has a quality of its own.

>> No.37173317

I like Anya

>> No.37173894

Anya is the one I relate the most, although its because I can speak all 3 languages equally.

Moona is my entry point because Pekomoon. I like Pekora but ID is the underdog compared to the absolute behemoth that is Pekora, so I felt supporting her is more worth it compared to Pekora

The one I root the most though, is Risu. She has great potential, but she also has lots in her plate that prevents her from fully realizing her potential like Moona trying to do. Out of the 3 ID1, she's the financially weakest.

>> No.37173938

She talks quite abit, and she's the few that actually respond to SC and LC in real-time.

>> No.37174074

i remember when many ppl called them lab rat of hololive before they got the en branch

>> No.37174079

Risu have the balance of having the voice, having quite good English, and somewhat able to speak japanese. That's probably the reason.

>> No.37174113

Anime made Japanese sound not like dogshit, not the other way around.

>> No.37174144

who asked for this

>> No.37174172
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>> No.37174176

Kobo had a more solid ID fans indeed, but her popularity overseas cannot be underestimated too. I saw that first collab clip with Kiara had more than 1M views.

Although desu, just slightly before Kobo, ID1's Fest Debut really put them on the map for almost everyone. ID3 just cement it.

>> No.37174205

And that’s why it’s ok when ID does it. Simple as that. They just want to make content that sometimes features boys. They prove it by also collabing with StarsJP.
Simple as that. Some ID members might have some of the same issues as EN that make their content annoying (looking at you, Ollie), but overall they have much more of a sense of what they’re doing and why they’re in Hololive, so I’m fine with the male collabs.
I tend to skip most of them, but im still fine with it

>> No.37174308

I like Risu but shd doesn't stream.

>> No.37175147

>but her popularity overseas cannot be underestimated too
People don't know that /ehe/ is crowded by the yuro and Latam posters.

>> No.37175271

real Indo kobofag are moved to discord.
leaving that place to become a groomer gathering thread.

>> No.37180087

>try to speak your language.
>get laughed at instead
Why are you like this? :(

>> No.37180965

just dont use google translate bro,
indoniggers or any other language native aside of english elitist would appreciate you more speaking brokenassretardedchildlike because it shows more of your effort instead of clicking the translate button, get perfect formal sentences and copying it

>> No.37181330

if that was truly unironic my apologies anon, cant help it. it's basically the equivalent of scrolling through 1800's /vt/

>> No.37184489

I was the guy that talk about poets
Using google translate make it super formal, making it super awkward
It's actually better if someone actually try to talk in broken Indonesian.
The only poet/musician who can make formal Indonesian interesting is Katon Bagaskara, and that dude is a rarity here.

>> No.37185421

because Jap is the language of the anime gods.
also because I understand some of it, while ID is alien

>> No.37186834

lol tell that to your WW2 veteran grandpa

>> No.37187212

i find it funny but in a cute way, so don't get offended really
and don't get discouraged using formal indonesian as everyone completely understands it unlike regional slangs
also, in real life a foreigner using slangs is even more bizzare

>> No.37190868


>> No.37191244

I really don't like the font they used for Indonesia. It filters me.

>> No.37194029

This actually remind of this story about an ambassador for Japan and his tactic to learn Japanese is to move to Japan to live with the people for several years to learn their language. When he finally got appointed by his govt as official ambassador ho moved to Tokyo and met with govt official. When they heard his Japanese they burst out laughing. Turn out his Japanese is like the equivalent of someone learning English from a Redneck.

>> No.37196161

Love Kaelaad\

>> No.37200130

do you know the font they use?

>> No.37200998

It's because you are not used to listening to the language
I can listen to Japanese, Korean, and Chinese without any problem
But Thai language sounds kind of funny to me
My friend who doesn't consume JP media said she doesn't like how Japanese sounds

>> No.37201054

What MTL are you using? Sounds really formal but actually decent

>> No.37201868 [DELETED] 

Vtuber itu haram, tunggu aja sampai hukum shariah dilaksanakan

>> No.37204536

>Katon Bagaskara
I hope one day HoloID can get his permission to cover his or KLa project's song eventho I know it's very unlikely for them to listen to their songs

>> No.37205979

Better than JP but not as good as EN

>> No.37206470


>> No.37206480

They're cute

>> No.37206583

i only watch jp and id now, en just meh

>> No.37206598

Chad Russian >>>>> Virgin Japanese

The least based russian song: Victory Day
The most based japanese song: Any shit for virgin fagots like hololive songs

>> No.37206703

Poland article 5 soon ruski.

>> No.37206752

I used to think japanese was a boring language until I watched enough anime, chinese and korean is start to grow on me since a lot of chinese and korean games are starting to spawn over the past couple years.

>> No.37206815

There is none and her numbers show this. She's a bad mix of Moona and Lui.

>> No.37207340

mom said japanese talks like chicken

"kotok otokotk potkotok desu"

>> No.37207423

that sounds like indonesian to me

>> No.37207518

and you half Japanese Uncle Junichiro

>> No.37207780

Korean is by far the prettiest Asian language

>> No.37208719

sorry my mom insult your dreamland, tom.
hb you exercise more maybe you can have your own japs girls

>> No.37208749

korean? lmaooo

do you even hear them talk?
its like people complaining about stuff

"fqkjfnqffqj haaa.... wjjk3qqd yaaaa edeleq haaaaa"

>> No.37208924

IRyS and Fauna are in a league with Kaela and Reine.

>> No.37208986

I like Koreans but their language makes them sound a little slow. Also in Romanized form it's unintelligible and doesn't match how it's spoken. I do like that they went away from the Chinese writing system.

>> No.37209554

Kaela cute

>> No.37209668
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>> No.37209936


>> No.37209961


>> No.37209978


>> No.37210022

maybe because you never properly listened to it, japanese, indonesian, chinese, korean sounds alright to me but vietnamese sounds the weirdest.

>> No.37210098

isn't it 9pm right now Baetime? How dark does it get around her shed?

>> No.37210463

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Viet, Thai, and Khmer, Lao, Hmong, and the rest of that region all sound annoyingly weird to listen to.

>> No.37210557

>Katon Bagaskara
I don't know this jutsu

>> No.37210820

>expect kaela
i see this alot

>> No.37210904

and the people who says that isn't even indog lol

>> No.37214931

Or I can try to be the next Holostar ID and sing those songs.
My vocal skill is garbage though lol

>> No.37217811

rent free

>> No.37218353

IRyS yes. Fauna, no, she's far too boring.

>> No.37219108

Yeah, he seems to be the only one left who knows his own poet jutsu
Probably the only guy who can use the word "Saujana" in a song and it actually work and not cringy.
I'm fucking worried about our future poets
Even Horizon magazine is dead, website too
Indonesian literature is fucking dead

>> No.37220884

Is the national IQ too low? Not even memeing.

>> No.37223913

When will we get StarsID?
