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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37092440 No.37092440 [Reply] [Original]

Kronii is an honest to goodness, actual lonely semi-autistic woman. She is depressed, all she ever wanted is to have friends, male or female. She is LITERALLY (you), anon, just as socially inept and depressed and internet consumed as you
The only mistake she ever did was to collab with a male and listen to the pink woman's poisonous advice.

Why do you hate her?

>> No.37092706

I don't hate her op, but I do like making fun/teasing of her

>> No.37092747

I want her to milk my dick with her boobas.

>> No.37092853

I hate myself and you said she is literaly me so make your own conclusion

>> No.37092906

Only way I'll ever forgive her is through allowing her to milk my cock. And while I'll be satisfied I'll still never forget how quickly she dismissed me

>> No.37092996
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>> No.37093057 [DELETED] 

kronicucks are mentally ill

>> No.37093285

>Acts like a prude bitch with her fans
>Behaves like cock hungry slut in malecollabs
I can't think of a worse vtuber trait, socially inept my ass.

>> No.37093389

She exchanges phone numbers with strangers on planes and shit. Fuck off. She has no idea what depression and loneliness are and only pretends for pity points.

>> No.37093464

You know what?
It's seriously kind of messed up to take a bunch of people that want to be friends with you and then force them to watch you be friends with someone else...

>> No.37093513

She's a woman. She will never in a million years EVER understand what true lonliness is.
So shut the fuck up.

>> No.37093518

You can be so socially inept that a you are stupid enough to give your number to a stranger on a plane.

>> No.37093542

It's okay. I will love her.

>> No.37093573

>so socially inept that random dudes are begging her for her phone number

>> No.37093722

Yeah I hate Kromei collabs

>> No.37093843

Even social autistic women get men, whats your point

>> No.37093860

kronii is a run of the mill gook shes not even close to the class of women where you have everyone begging for your number especially in leafland, lol have you ever seen the native indian (feathers and facepaint) mixed with the french chicks in canada, They are fucking stunning women, kronii aint shit.

>> No.37093864

The solution to her problems is to just stay lonely and depressed for so long that she gets used to it and no longer feels anything. She will never be happy and resisting her true nature will only make her more aware of that. Sink into the abyss and make a nest out of garbage bags.

>> No.37093900

what a massive cope

>> No.37093975 [DELETED] 

lol do i need to link the photos of kronii u fucking retard, shes literally an average looking korean, shes not shit especially in the west where we want chicks that actually have some fucking body shape and meat on them, not to look like planks of wood.

>> No.37093988

"My friends aren't allowed to have other friends"

>> No.37094058

If she had a yuribait thing going on I would care, but she ruined that so...

>> No.37094072

even outside of vtubing she has hordes of dudes lined up ready to fuck her the moment she deigns to give them the go ahead, she constantly talks about her many male "friends" on twitter spaces

you are coping so hard

>> No.37094169

lol you clearly havent seen her irl pics, shes a 6 out of 10....shes semi cute but has literally no body..shes no where near the fucking class of women you are making her out as....Also shes full of shit the fact you virgin faggots take these women at their word for everything shows how inexperienced you are...but youll continue saying LUL COPE BRO fucking drooling nigger

>> No.37094227

UOOHHH clock belly erotic
DST correction needed

>> No.37094231

she is not lonely, she is not depressed, she doesn't know a single thing about either of those things

she is a rich, popular, attractive, extroverted woman who has tons of friends, most of which want to fuck her

>> No.37094236

I don’t hate her, I just dislike her content and think she’s one symptom of larger problems that are making HoloEN recline. And no, it’s not “males”, that’s simplistic as fuck
The reason I don’t express any sympathy for her is that it is not possible for me to. She’s worried that people only like her for her tits. I think she’s boring and people only like her for her tits. What the fuck am I supposed to say?

>> No.37094272

>>37094236 (me)
That said, my god are her antis a bunch of bitter retards. Almost as pathetic as her cucks. I only say “almost” because it’s mostly typical /vt/ behavior, nothing new

>> No.37094303
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do your reps

>> No.37094304

my brother take the doxxfagg pill learn to find out what these women actually look likeso you can laugh at threads like this one who claim these holos are 15/10 stunning goddesses that are inhaling cock 24/7 bc you literally cant resist them. You faggots will learn one day, This is why the doxxfaggs will always reign supreme

>> No.37094332

I know more than you do you coping retard.

>> No.37094361

lol sure thing bud

>> No.37094364
File: 231 KB, 323x347, 1662025259830233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male vtubers are not friends
Show me one (1) male vtuber who isn't an asshole, a faggot, or a coomer

Btw males have the worst fanbases because they will ship a chuuba with anything that moves, you think unicorns are mentally ill? Check /mans/ if you want to see how bad it is

>> No.37094377


>> No.37094388

>Why do you hate her?
>collab with a male
>listen to the pink woman's poisonous advice
If you already know then why ask?

>> No.37094437

you dont know shit kronii has a flat face doesnt even have the one genetic advantage that gooks have over the chinks or nips (high cheek bones) keep making her out to be the stunning symbol of sex when she has a flat face flat chest and flat ass

>> No.37094493

>strangers walk up to her and beg her for her phone number
>b-b-but she's not attractive actually

>> No.37094533

lol you actually buy that, how gulliable and retarded are you.

>> No.37094548

Baffling thread. She's unironically a bitch. There is nothing more to it

>> No.37094695

She's a backpedaling liar with no respect to her audience.

>> No.37094752

>gets called out for lying
>starts calling you a virgin
Woman moment.

>> No.37094849

She thought too highly of her fanbase

>> No.37096034

Have you ever been around men? They will try their hardest to fuck anything. Hideous women have men hit on them all the time.

>> No.37097165

I'll never forgive her for all the times she hides her body from us
