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37049151 No.37049151 [Reply] [Original]

Which chubba has highest sex drive? Which chubba has the lowest sex drive?

>> No.37049229

Marine - highest
Kaela - lowest

>> No.37050484

Gura - highest
Ina - lowest

>> No.37051844

Botan - Highest
Marine - Lowest

>> No.37052089

Matsuri - highest
Flare -lowest

>> No.37052176

Reine - highest
Ina - lowest

>> No.37052214

Iroha has a MUCH lower sex drive than any of these people posted

>> No.37052219
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Pic related for highest.
I like to imagine Mio being extremely pent up and just being an absolute beast in bed.

Lowest probably any of the prudish ones like Ina or Suisei.

>> No.37052232

What a shit Choco thread. The real question we need to ask is what would sex with Choco be like?

I think for all her forewardness Choco would prefer a submissive role.

>> No.37052240

>Marine - highest
Right... She will break her fucking back while sex.

>> No.37052380

I feel like a night with her would ruin me forever.

>> No.37052513

How? I don't know why but I just get the feeling she's not going to be that weird in bed because she talks so much about it. Meanwhile some other girls who are more conserved would probably be weird as fuck e.g. Korone or Kaela. It doesn't help Korone is known for her endurance while Choco is known for sleeping for extremely long periods.

>> No.37052555

Iroha has dropped hints that she's into Yuri and Shota.
Meanwhile Ina got assblasted when fans drew her with a big ass.

>> No.37052556

Lowest probably is Fauna, vegans have low libido.

>> No.37052577

Choco is known for being extremely demanding of others, so she wouldn't do anything in bed and expect you to do all the work

>> No.37052639


>> No.37053190

Yeah, can agree on Kaela. Bitch spends so much time on computer, probably thinks that sex involves grinding as well.Wait a minute

>> No.37054005

God I want to go on a long weekend trip with Choco to Hokkaido in my car where I'll fill her up with so much of my semen it'll leave a permanent mark, and afterwards I'll dump her before she wakes up and she has to take a plane home

>> No.37054077

All hags are the lowest because their eggs already died and there's nothing you can do to bring them back

>> No.37055233

your mom

>> No.37057611

Marine the highest but lacking the stamina for it.
Ayame the lowest, she seems rather afraid of sex at all for some reason.

>> No.37058429 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.35 MB, 2250x595, 100% real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame prefers anal, she isn't interested in sex because she loves the feeling of monstrous dildos gaping her ass in ways that no human can ever come close to matching.

>> No.37063136


>> No.37063463

Highest - Matsuri
Lowest - Kaela (autism)

>> No.37063769


>> No.37063922

Choco getting complete control over you by doing absolutely nothing...

>> No.37064210

sauce me up nigga

>> No.37064321

Choco would probably fuck you dry. She gives off the semen demon vibe and I'm not talking about her model.

>> No.37065063

I would treat her well on that occasion

>> No.37066678 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 250x225, Anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37067674


>> No.37069408

highest - Mel
lowest - Aqua

>> No.37074164

Choco SEX

>> No.37078720

Me and me

>> No.37078974
File: 365 KB, 2000x1502, 1616519817647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look deeper at the stuff that can't be seen directly, the girls in their late 20s/30s that couldn't resist having a baby must have had properly functioning sex drives.
That makes Aki the clear winner

>> No.37081591

Haachama - highest
Haachama - lowest

>> No.37084453
File: 273 KB, 1395x2107, chamaHome date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex chama

>> No.37086867

No IRyS? Really? Every stream she sounds like she's sex-starved.

>> No.37090439

The sound engineer will look after her.

>> No.37092828

Why are you like this?

>> No.37093235

Kaela's eggs... Gm42r2
