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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.27 MB, 1866x1049, 1663998186479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37033594 No.37033594 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166 (using the old one since the bin is broken)
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Hololive auditions are permanently open!

Phase connect auditions are now open!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous Thread: >>36863819

>> No.37033965
File: 995 KB, 1500x1700, 1576978344180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going to give your model a cute Christmas outfit?

>> No.37034040

You managed to put a girl out there that has with no idea how to handle shitposts how did you do that

>> No.37034411
File: 96 KB, 1280x692, collab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asp collab out of nowhere

>> No.37035012

Sex with cats and cat persons!

>> No.37037030
File: 141 KB, 1333x2000, mmmm crabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5th for eating crabs!

>> No.37037059

this is amazing

>> No.37038527


>> No.37038684

wtf I expected nothing but this is kino

>> No.37039868


>> No.37041799

Any auditions open currently?

>> No.37043836

Bump anchor

>> No.37043973
File: 192 KB, 878x930, 1651055016401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this bear

>> No.37044055

she doesn't like you though

>> No.37044185

Time for a random anon's thoughts on stupid shit you should be doing to avoid shitting up your content. This is all stuff I've seen here chuubas do over the last few weeks

- Set your stream details before you go live. Stream name, category, go-live notification, all that jazz. You're going to do this anyway, so do it before you actually go live. I
- Spell check everything. Make sure that your commands/responses are correctly spelt, that your posts elsewhere use proper grammar, and that you look at least semi-professional. I have seen a shoutout response that comes back with "go flolw $user, last scene straeming $game!". If you're not sure, ask s mod, your IRLs, or the threads.
- Mute your applications in windows. If you're not using streamer mode in Discord, mute it. If you've got music going in your Starting Soon screen, don't then have it clash with the music from the game.
- Similarly, do mic checks. Record locally, but make sure that your mic is on, that sound is coming through, and that you're not ruining the audio.
- Use all the tools available to you. Twitch has an 'about me' section and a link section. Use them. Twitter allows a single link in your bio, post your twitch or YT link here.
- Use all the sites available to you. Doesn't matter if you're active, sign up with the same fucking username.
- Don't do that "anon.ttv", "-VT" or "_CH" stuff. It's like an edgy 13 year old adding xXx to their name to make it unique. Get a better username,

>> No.37046908

I remember when this bear was not weird and talked about their work in a nursery or daycare. I doubt the parents of those kids would be thrilled to learn what kind of audience she is pandering to these days when she gets home.

>> No.37047285

Jinx get over it.

>> No.37047362

I didn't even mention the ASMR but your protesting reveals the guilt. You're saying it's coomshit ASMR baiting a certain audience.

>> No.37050594

>can't stream or record on days I work or I'll lose my voice
>only have 2-3 hours before and after work to edit
Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a vtuber...

>> No.37050628

Anyone who pretends asmr isn't coomshit is in some serious fucking denial

>> No.37051157

rent free

>> No.37051248

Always has been.

>> No.37051590

Thanks for cementing yourselves as 4chan chuubas for the rest of your life.

>> No.37052257

worked for kiki

>> No.37052281

Worked in what way

>> No.37052390

some people really don't care about that kinda thing you know

>> No.37052410

Like your /here/ 4chan buddies who call you based

>> No.37053913

actually discord buddies

>> No.37055505

shes a girl idiota

>> No.37055816

This is a cool idea. I'm using a simple PNG so it's easy to add different expressions and stuff like this.

>> No.37057113

looked like a ton of fun to me

>> No.37060216


>> No.37064532


>> No.37065276

>joined a competition so I can buy a rig & PC and pay off my credit card debt
>did well but didn’t get first
>not as much money as I would’ve liked so I can’t buy a PC or model but I can upgrade my mic
>order mic
>mom suggests ordering through her friend’s dropshipping company with USA address
>bc it redirects me to the USA store, I order more things because it still comes to the same price
>don’t realize until after the return window has passed that I’ll still have to pay the dropshippers for tariffs
>had I only ordered through Amazon int’l shipping this wouldn’t have happened
>I am once again in debt ($100)
I wonder how I haven’t died yet with these stupid decisions I make

>> No.37065423

Fire your mom.

>> No.37065484

Everyone deserves to be cute.

>> No.37065517


>> No.37066245


>> No.37066946

>got myself banned from the L2D discord for trying to follow their alt account rules
Clearly making models is not something life wants me to do.

>> No.37067028

...except (You)r oshi.

>> No.37070384
File: 348 KB, 504x635, 1660194970338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any chuubas with cool designs that look like the abyssals or enemy characters from a mobile game?

>> No.37073047

Anon I want to be cool

>> No.37073087

What about cool and cute?

>> No.37073310

Has anyone every tried combining different design aesthetics together successfully?
Like cyberpunk and gothic lolita
Or western and fantasy?

>> No.37073580


>> No.37074487
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x999, 1280px-Arbiter_Strength_VIII_Full_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love designs like these where the hair color matches the skin color. People should do more "evil" cute kind of designs.

>> No.37077383

I hate it when I get random design ideas that I want to use
I can't actually use it because I already have an established design.

>> No.37078849

I made it, /asp/!

>> No.37078961

Congrats. To clarify, we are celebrating the same thing, yes?

>> No.37079471

Proud of you!

>> No.37083138

The last major hurdle for me is finding what to name myself... do any of you have any advice for this?

I've honestly considered reaching out to creators that have come up with cool names and asking how they did it / straight up commissioning them.

>> No.37083687

Nigga just go with an username you've used before, just look at popular streamers.
>iron mouse
>girl Direct Message
>every chuuba with a regular ass name that sounds like their real name

>> No.37083691

I use behindthename for all my names. Just look for a name with a meaning related to a character.

>> No.37084823

When do I start making weekly schedules and how important is lore to a vtuber?

>> No.37085954

>translate your name to mandarin
>use the hanyu kanji and look up wiktionary for their modern japanese reading
>edit accordingly

>> No.37086603

when you feel like you have enough people that would see it to justify the time spent on it
not at all for most, do as much as makes you happy yourself

>> No.37088271

I'm trying to do more shorts since they seem to pop off but man I hate editing. I just wanna stream bros.

Also unrelated, but after almost a year of using a self made avatar I bit the bullet and got someone to do a live2d model for me. It looks super good so far and I am excited!

>> No.37089147

is your new model also gonna be a babi

>> No.37089388

>CBT and CXW reference
I kneel.

>> No.37089732

What's the point of catfishing people with a babi model if you're just going to cover your face

>> No.37090544


its my lore. Ugly janitor gets a wish, wishes for a hot chick, monkey paw situation gives me the body of a hot chick but keeps my face the same.

fr tho I've had multiple people question the titties, so im thinking of getting rid of them.

>> No.37090916

For those who only really started vtubing now, no prior streams, no prior online presence, what made you start?

>> No.37093380

>openly advertising that youre from 4chan
you will NEVER, EVER make it because of this. only females can get do that and get away w it. retards

>> No.37093421
File: 6 KB, 468x241, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm doing it, bros
not even a week into streaming and i'm already a consistent 2view and rising

>> No.37093468

>babi with titties
yeah you're gonna lose a lot of interest with this
genuinely, you should try flat

>> No.37093595

>- Mute your applications in windows.
The better advice is to disable desktop audio in OBS and instead capture specific application audio. And use game or at the very least window capture so you don't flash your whole fucking desktop, browser, discord, and/or male nipple torture porn by accident for fucks sakes

>> No.37094711

I just wanted to be a streamer, and I chose to be a vtuber because I like this stuff. There's also one cynical reason too, but it's much less important.

>> No.37095079

What do you stream? Also, male?

>> No.37095145

What's the oldest iPhone you would buy for face tracking? I heard the iPhone X has some heat issues with vtubing.

>> No.37099008


>> No.37099346

I wanna start streaming but there are old logs of me saying yab stuff on various IRC channels. I've also given out nudes of myself via DM to a gay guy online.
It's all from years ago (some of it like 10 years).
I am an ugly dude.
Should I be worried?

>> No.37099453

Any reason why you can't make a completely new Account with no connection to your past?

>> No.37099500

That would be my plan, but I'm a little worried that people would dig that stuff up.

>> No.37099522 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 929x750, neg fades away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes me laugh so fucking hard every time it happens

>> No.37099571

To add to this, I've attention whored with my real identity on 4chan in the past, and I'm not American.

>> No.37099676

no one will recognize a single voice and your opsec is entirely dependent on how much you leak info about yourself

>> No.37100105

My country is quite small, and my county's accent is recognisable.
I honestly would have started streaming ages ago if it weren't for this fear

>> No.37100405

theyd only recognize it if your country is literally 1000 or less people, retard
youre not that famous and likely wont be

>> No.37100441


>i sent nudes 15 years ago!! theyre gonna Le Doxx me!!
get over yourself
start streaming and just dont post on 4chan
being known from 4chan as a male vtuber is an absolute death wish anyways

>> No.37100469

i'm curious about the cynical reason now.

>> No.37100480

male and i stream youtube nights, just chatting, minecraft, and flavor of the month games / games off of itch.io that i find
the games dont make much of a difference, just having a unique personality and model does really

>> No.37100583

iphone 13 works amazingly well, never gets hot. only had it once fail with usb to pc, because of over usage
and in that case just switch vtube studio or whatever to wifi mode

>> No.37101143
File: 36 KB, 632x538, frogArtHQLineArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small megaman X stream.

>> No.37101472

you will never be more than a 0view because you selfpost on 4chan
please stop doing this and grow your brand on any other social media literally any

>> No.37102842

What tags do you use?

>> No.37103929

Twitter and 4chin do even views, better discoverability comes from twitch itself. What I need is luck.

>> No.37104785


>> No.37104850

He already streams pretty regularly.

>> No.37104923

How typical is this?
Granted that there’s only 18 views on it since I uploaded it a little less than 2 days ago…

>> No.37104961
File: 151 KB, 1170x919, F4D4E0D2-D9A8-4F6B-AB9B-AF2F2C304E76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37105139

Good joke, next you'll say he's still a Lumi mod.

>> No.37106014

lgbt vtuber envtuber nonbinary [game im playing] playing with viewers (if twitch integrated) first playthrough

>> No.37106031

lgbt shit gets you a confirmed +5 viewers
"cozy" is good, but youre probably not cozy

>> No.37106206

This world needs to burn.

>> No.37106268

anyone gonna apply to kawa?


>> No.37106501

fucking singaporeans think the world revolves around them

>> No.37106541

everyone abuses the current fag system to get views. what do you think babishitters are, anon?

>> No.37106570

LMFAO Creator Dashboard is full of mentally ill number nonsense no wonder why it gets to so many people there's literally a metric for everything and targets for everything.

>> No.37106691

you have to learn the mentally ill number nonsense on all social media that you use in order to succeed. this is why youre a noview

>> No.37106737

*Ignores your advice*

>> No.37107620

I think babi are genuine faggots, not astroturfers.

>> No.37107717


>> No.37107741


>> No.37110178

What's the longest break you ever took?

>> No.37111084

despite the fact I'm babi i put male as second tag, I'm not abusing anything if anything it makes it worse

>> No.37112205

Thank you all for your advice! I'm really considering what each of you had to say, thank you. I think I'll try the behindthenames strategy first.

Sorry for not replying sooner, I was slep.

>> No.37112396

Which babi should femboy it up?

>> No.37112767

7 years

>> No.37114467


>> No.37116134

I really want to get back into streaming again but Is there any worth to me applying to one of these companies with my old content from aprox 5 years ago? I used to be a 100-200 concurrent Steamer with a really consistent streaming schedule but I'm afraid I'm HAG now and don't know if it's worth to apply or just go indi and build back up.

>> No.37116304

you can try but you wont get in because competition is tough nowadays and companies tend to look for idol-like qualities (singing, multiple languages) rather than streaming entertainment quality.

Just start off as an indie and build it back up and then keep applying until you get into one if you care about it.

>> No.37117777

Shilling on any discord including chuuba discords is just a waste of my time
I rarely ever get any clicks as far as I can tell
Probably because my timing is shit, nobody wants to watch me, and I’m just plain boring and uninteresting
Why the fuck do I even bother even link at all
I’ll just go live and sit there and mumble into the fucking mic anyway
Fuck me in the ass

>> No.37118069

surprise gundam evo, may stop any minute.

>> No.37118860

yeah probably they've lived through their first gen with no major issues it seems.

>> No.37120994

I wanna have an excuse to play games again, and I wanna show off my rigs so I can sell them.

>> No.37121093

I didn't just start, but I did start with no experience earlier this year so I'll answer anyways. It seemed like fun, and I want to eventually land a role in Holostars.

>> No.37121126

This >>37120994 but without the rig stuff. I already played a lot of games but I kept postponing new releases to only play stuff I have been playing a decade ago.
Streaming is a good excuse to finally play some of the newer stuff I had been eyeing.
yet I still play old games on stream

>> No.37121946

being a vtuber is so cool man I hope I manage to stream tonight

>> No.37125050

whats stopping you retardo

>> No.37126566

Quads of defeat.
You're supposed to join discords of chuubas you watch AND interact with their community, no one is gonna watch someone who won't bother to at the very least make an effort to blend with the community and instead tries to leech off them.
Batata had the right idea of locking the self shilling channel to only members of her community.

>> No.37126750

Where should I stream, youtube or twitch? I think I prefer yt but I'm not sure yet.

>> No.37127205

AS far as I can tell, Twitch is usually recommended for streaming.

>> No.37128099

twitch is a prison built and guarded by the inmates

>> No.37128136

Do you think yt is better then?

>> No.37129175

And youtube is a desolate island that won't care about you unless you already have an audience.

>> No.37130071

Singing reps?

>> No.37130605

While taking showers.

>> No.37130664

As a platform overall yes, it's got better back end streaming architecture and better tools to help you, and isn't as completely transient as twitch is. As a way to get an immediate viewership base right out the gate no. Twitch is faster but youtube is better long term.

>youtube won't care about you unless you already have an audience.
Twitch is no different, if you have just 5 CCV you're in the top 20% of streamers on twitch. If you're not live you get zero advertising, there is no algorithm to help push you, and the analytics don't tell you anything useful.

>> No.37131402


>> No.37131931

would you like to share?
Good, you sound a bit quiet, are people sleeping?

>> No.37133965
File: 3.29 MB, 1536x1892, craiyon_184745_muppet_covered_in_blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pupet returns from work dungeon, immediately mauled by vampires

>> No.37139516

do it coward

>> No.37145196

>Mama bitching at me because I posted A.I. art
I'm starting to think artist actually are just angry that vtubers don't have to pay like 70+ dollars for random fun sketches anymore.
Feels like all the fervent A.I. art hate is just disingenuous.

>> No.37146105

>Luddites feared that the time spent learning the skills of their craft would go to waste, as machines would replace their role in the industry.

>> No.37147330 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 361x364, milf-OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up retard, no one cares that you're too poor to commission art of yourself

>> No.37150522
File: 1.17 MB, 1140x1300, Design concepts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of concepts.
Left or right and with or without the ahoge?

>> No.37150721
File: 340 KB, 626x648, 010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... got into Hololive, /asp/.

The EN Staff were flabbergasted by my message of openly healing trauma with viewers as a VTuber with a severe mental health, criminal, and "109th: off his meds and on bad weed" history and active recovery through quasi-fleshchuubing. Asian serial stalkers that did in Rushia and Coco are fucking terrified of the police.

Thank you /asp/ for all the fun shenanigans and diamond-in-the-shit guidance.

to be continued

>> No.37150893
File: 3.21 MB, 4608x3456, 20220608_193611 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I just came and it flew like 3 feet. Didn't even bother to search for the stain, it's Killing Floor time.


>> No.37150968
File: 294 KB, 1058x596, proof-im-girl-irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midtown East 11F, 9-7-2, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 Japan
Marketing Department

Hello! My is Riku Tazumi, I am a talent scout for YouTubers and Streamers on behalf of ANYCOLOR Inc., Our group has recently been considering you, SwissedToast Ch., among 10 other candidates for our Nijisanji EN Gen. 4 tryouts! If you are perhaps interested in our official tryouts this coming Autumn, please fill out this form at https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/contact and e-mail me at rikutazumi@nijisanji-en.com! We look forward to hearing from you, keep staying strong and thank you for uploading such a fun and exciting audition!

Sincerely, Riku Tazumi,

>> No.37151037
File: 96 KB, 478x269, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37151648

I'm actually in a complex state of menhera/excited about my singing reps. On one hand, my voice is still far from an acceptable utaite level and that made me menhera, but on the other hand, I know I've improved and I'm excited to hear more improvements

>> No.37151930

I think a bloodborne motif is a lot more unique than some guy in a suit. Left has been done to death. Right is also a bit overused but at least I can go to /mvp/ without seeing one.

>> No.37151943

That's great. Wanna post a vocaroo? If you're scared you can always post an old one instead and rest assured in how much better you are now!

>> No.37152810

Personally, I'd prefer left and no ahoge, but at the same time I feel like that might be a bit generic. I think a few distinguishing design elements might help.

>> No.37152869

posting voice might help

>> No.37153017

Is streaming on steam a viable thing? Seems horrible for long term growth, but maybe it is a way to shill your main channels?

>> No.37153278

Saw this one posted on /vt/ before and I think her whole existence makes a good point about gatekeeping

>> No.37153357
File: 157 KB, 538x960, 1663495525795432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I considered something more masculine like pic related but my voice definitely isn't deep enough for it

>> No.37153425

Actually I think this is a better fit for your voice than the white ahoge looked like.

>> No.37154114

who's a good vtuber that actually has/posts content; preferrably one that has a youtube twitch vod channel

>> No.37154287
File: 270 KB, 1280x1807, 0026-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd want to connect Discord, Youtube, Twitch, AND Steam all at once as a simulcast. It's a matter of policy and copyright logistics if you wanna cope about being unemployed.

Steam itself as as platform is trash, it's only useful to show to your friends especially on toaster setups. Parsec is the best for intimate streams and private streams.

Get Parsec, trust me on that. Cute tiny... you're okay with mutually-consensual swallowed-whole vore right?

>> No.37154370

check out OhayouHina, she has "no trauma dumping" as a rule. Another PTSD Overcomer > Survivor > Victim and one of my oishi's alongside Kiki Bea and Gura.

I recently added a rule:
"If you want to say "kill yourself" to me do it. Don't hold back"

stop being afraid of strangers, practice looking yourself in the eyes in the mirror and on your phone and with people you already know thruout your'e day.

>> No.37154451

>swallowed whole
bro she's literally chewing

>> No.37154551

Is there vore of tiny people being put into a tiny medicine capsule and being swallowed and passed through the entire digestive tract without dying? I think that might be the only kind of vore that wouldnt completely disgust me.

>> No.37154630


>> No.37155554

Name a chuuba.

>> No.37155611


>> No.37155683

>and/or male nipple torture porn
Lauren... My beloved...

>> No.37157357


>> No.37157716

This is way too good for a shitpost. Rock on brothers!

>> No.37158854

overlay or no overlay
overlay = game in a box, surrounded by chat and latest follow etc
no / minimal overlay being maybe just a chat box as its own asset

>> No.37158889


Just learn how to take advantage of social media you faggots. Its not that hard to make twitter posts that get likes / followers.

>> No.37158997

terminal playing cult of the lamb

>> No.37159088

>some guy in a suit
>some fantasy guy
is there anyone creative here

>> No.37159208

What would you choose? Unless you're actually afraid someone would steal it.

>> No.37159225

>streaming on steam
and i thought yt was the worst to stream on as a noview. i was wrong

>> No.37159359

i already have a model and stream regularly, i'm just saying 99% of asp and mvp is "some guy in a hoodie" or "some fantasy guy"
twitter is full of these types, what distinguishes you from them? it better be your amazing personality, amazing marketing /social media skills, well connected, or asmr tier voice

>> No.37159402

I much prefer no overlay myself. I hate wasted screen space. I don't mind when streamers don't have the chat box either.

>> No.37159482

I am a frog with toggles for hair, proton pack and vampire mode. I also have an expression that makes my eyes huge and an other for seething that makes my teeth pointy and my tongue stick out.
I am still naked though.

>> No.37160517

>am still naked though.
You need a suit.

>> No.37161164

ikr, that was my initial plan, but I skipped it to start streaming earlier. I really should start working on it.

>> No.37164279


>> No.37166176
File: 385 KB, 640x626, unknown1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37167480

What does any of this mean

>> No.37168214

Chuuba lingo, if you know you know

>> No.37168345

i managed to find an amazing artist who rigs as well, and they dont take that much money
im thinking if its worth it being a kenomimi vtuber, or its maybe too populated already
i have an idea for an outfit (latex supersuit under a hoodie and sweats) but im stuck on an idea if i should have cat ears or not

>> No.37168948

That's just gibberish

>> No.37170182

lost my voice today, I'll whip up something tomorrow if the thread still exists

>> No.37170240

Overlay is good if you want people to watch vods of your streams so that people can see chat messages. Otherwise it kind of depends on the game. Some games there really isn't a good spot on the screen to put your model, so shrinking the size of the game helps you not block out important things viewers might want to look at. On the other hand for high res games shrinking the game can affect the quality of the experience a lot. So I would say it depends heavily on the game.

>> No.37172467
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Any of you never did voice chat in their life but actually got the courage to stream? How did it go?

>> No.37173853

Not really a vtubing but a general streaming question
I normally play 4k 60fps (may upgrade soon to 120) and, if I can, with hdr on with a 4090. How should I setup OBS to provide the best quality possible?

>> No.37174902

kawa applications are open


>> No.37177414

Anon like anything the act of streaming is a skill that you can develop and get better at through repetition and practice.
Go download OBS right now, start up Halo CE, hit record, and pretend you're streaming.

>> No.37177462

>Female only
But also wow Natsumi Moe is 100% applying for that isn't she?
She's mentioned wanting to join a corpo lately and she's following their twitter.

>> No.37177543

How do you set up a loading screen like most Vtubers have?

>> No.37177576

Being myself is hard, being someone else is easy.

>> No.37177588

Make one in Sony Vegas then switch to a different scene when you're starting.
Or are you asking about the transition between screens that some people have like Ina's sliding door thing?

>> No.37177792

It ain't female only, anon.

>> No.37178051

>Creativity good
Anon why do you think over 98% of popular/successful vtubers have a generic model or lore?
Nobody's gonna watch a half kaiju half kamen rider vtuber where the left side of their body is a monster and the right is a super sentai hero.
Creativity doesn't mean shit if it's ugly and nobody likes it when you heavily play into lore shit like "oh hi guys I'm a sheep and oh I'm just munching on some grass for lunch right now baaaaa".
You should have some kind of backstory that's not generic university student but never go for a wild design like >>37159482 and their vampire frog shit. They're ugly.

>> No.37179105

Post the Canadian horse criatura.
You known which one I'm talking about.

>> No.37181815

you will suffer horriible lag spikes retard just play in 1080 and downscale to 720
4k downscaling to 720 is a horrible idea
and streaming in 1080p is not possible for non partners due to the bitrate cap

>> No.37181891

creativity doesnt mean "le deviantart oc" it means being original, retard
the reason theyre so popular is marketing or being a girl
you are not a girl
you as a male need to be original

>> No.37182230

>lag spikes
How so, streaming black magic?
>and streaming in 1080p is not possible for non partners due to the bitrate cap
Well that's retarded

>> No.37182295

Those transition things are called stingers. Just in case you want to Google them for more info.

>> No.37183704

We don't do that here.

>> No.37184123

>99% of asp and mvp
100% of vtubers can be reduced to "some X guy", some animal girl, some military guy, some sci-fi guy, some school guy. Even an actually creative design can be diminished in this way; it doesn't actually say anything concrete. Unless you're saying anything that isn't hoodie or fantasy is automatically good which I'm sure you wouldn't.

>> No.37185528

It's disingenuous to say that because the ones who made it big can get away with awkward names, that having a good handle won't help much at first.

I'd send an app out to companies I liked in that situation, but you'll get more out of rebuilding for sure. It's not like your workload will shrink if you get in, you know? May as well get used to it again.

>> No.37189155

/asp/ is dead without fotm girls...

>> No.37189287

It seems like vtubing is dying in general. Maybe there will be another bump after the spring

>> No.37191933

Speaking of bumps

>> No.37192563

anons, any tips on audition videos?

>> No.37193054

yeah just do this

>> No.37193164

fuck my eyes i always have such a squinty resting position so VSeeFace thinks im sleeping half the time, no idea how to correct this. this is what i get for being a filthy hafu

>> No.37193467

Vampire is a toggle I made for halloween. Eat shit you tasteless faggot.

>> No.37196304

It's been so long since this has been posted and yet that url is burned into my memory

>> No.37198179


>> No.37198221

god i wish

>> No.37198269


>> No.37198787

what's stopping people from being live on Twitch and Youtube at the same time?

>> No.37198906

Nothing, for affiliates you can't do that because of twitch tos you have to agree.

>> No.37199116

fuck this im just using auto blink and fake gaze ive literally spent hours fucking with my eye and expression tracking

>> No.37199455

I had an annoying child in my stream earlier. Not exactly doing anything bad, just talking about random shit. What would you do?
I kind of went into auto big brother mode and was just like "oh, that's nice" "good job". I feel like this was a mistake, but now I'm realizing this is probably what most streamers think of randos who show up but still support them.
I flagged my streams as not for children and I thought that would filter them better for some reason.

>> No.37199743

tell them off and if it doesn't help just ban them, nobody else wants to see annoying chatters like it'll likely lose you more viewers than you'll gain by keeping them.

>> No.37199831

>What would you do?
just ban. kills mood of the chat if a child floods messages.

>> No.37201639

>Singing reps?
No, but I did get a foot of camera shoved down my nose yesterday so that I could finally get a clean bill of health re: my vocal cords. Excited to get back to practicing, this time more carefully so I don't have to deal with any more callusing.

>> No.37202572

It'll be here.
How did that happen? I'd like to avoid it as well if you'd like to share. How much did you sing? Was it very difficult songs? Did you inadvertently push past the point of pain? How did it feel?

>> No.37202806

i have spent all day rigging my new model. it's pretty simple so I'm almost finished. only physics are missing now.

>> No.37203334

>Did you inadvertently push past the point of pain?
No, I pushed myself deliberately because I was being an impatient twat. The specific details won't help much, since vocal sensitivity is different from person to person. I wasn't really planning to leave a "paper trail" of posts, but since you're being polite I'll try to hunt down the post I made in October about it.

>> No.37205494


>> No.37206805
File: 4 KB, 111x124, wc3peon_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orc peon vtuber. Can I pull it off?

>> No.37207195

And Orc jermacraft.

>> No.37207309
File: 770 KB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. But are you actually prepared to do this voice for the rest of your life? Have you tried speaking like that for at least one hour?

>> No.37208569

id make them put their hard drive in the microwave

>> No.37208978

show it

>> No.37209750

bruh even randon wouldn't do that voice

>> No.37210986

somehow you sound like those female vtubers that are trying really hard to do a loli voice but it just sounds strained and weird

>> No.37212604

Where can I get background music from for free?

>> No.37212749


>> No.37212778

Thank you.

>> No.37212910

What size/aspect ratio do I need to make loading screens?

>> No.37213230

youtube music library has a decent selection of mediocre to okay songs

>> No.37214411

Well, what size are you streaming at?

>> No.37217251

Lowering blink sensitivity doesn't do it?

>> No.37217367

Don't get ahead of yourself. Try reading a full text that isn't the voice clips.

>> No.37217611

Um... anon....

>> No.37221415


>> No.37221448

Then you just need a nice model to go along with it.

>> No.37223807
File: 515 KB, 811x1410, 1653372880977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about my name and model for a while now. I've been wanting it to be fantasy China themed (partially due to playing too much Cathay in TWW3). Do you guys think a Chinese theme would be a turn-off for viewers? What about a (simple) Chinese name?
This pic is not my design, mind you.

>> No.37224864

From my experience both as a viewer and streamer, it seem no one actually care about the name. Even if it is complicated or difficult, people will just shorten it to something more casual.
The only issue would be if you'd get butt mad your name is butchered by viewers, but since you don't even know what name you want I doubt it will be a problem.
Don't overthink it.

>> No.37225018

Thanks for the reassurance. Spent ages looking for a good name that isn't hard to pronounce. It's nice to know people won't care too much if I chose poorly. Here's hoping the chink factor doesn't turn them off.

>> No.37225046

There is kind of a general dislike of China among vtubers for various reasons. Not sure if it would transfer over to the appeal of your design though.

>> No.37225722

Really? I figured everyone who watched vtubers absolutely adored China, because China has never done anything to offend vtubers.

>> No.37228170

I would encourage distancing yourself from china if at all possible, even in superficial ways. Not only does the country have a bad reputation generally among non-Chinese vtuber fans, but if you do manage to become popular and successful it might put a bit of a target on your head from chinese people as well. You say one thing wrong about china politically (and often what is considered wrong makes no sense from a western perspective, or can change very quickly), or you say something culturally insensitive the chinese people will just go to stupid lengths to make your life shit. Better to just ignore china completely.

Maybe its just being too cautious, but it could save you a lot of trouble in the future.

>> No.37230341

those numbers wont give you the personality of the successful

>> No.37230851
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>> No.37230927
File: 480 KB, 1920x2148, A54E1F84-3E6E-4431-B1CB-9FE12C31E601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool chuubas

>> No.37231205

Why are people putting reverie in jars?

>> No.37231429

You see, it’s because she’s very very smol

>> No.37231546
File: 34 KB, 561x255, 20221116_150143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37231556

Any new female chuubas?

>> No.37231952

kys fat groomer

>> No.37232012


If youre a westerner with a "le japanese" name you should be hung. weeb faggots

>> No.37232147

My groomee is now a partner.

>> No.37233103

Sure thing buddy.

>> No.37233321

Not everyone is shit like you

>> No.37233599

Not everyone is delusional like you

>> No.37233833

>150 cm

>> No.37234014

You should do stand-up.

>> No.37234083


>> No.37234500

good job jignx!!
have some ice cream!!

>> No.37234607

Don't flatter yourself, Jingx. You've not helped anyone get partnered.

>> No.37234629

china =/= japan

>> No.37234749

have you?
prove it

>> No.37234886

>Prove it to me anonymous

>> No.37235632

thought so

>> No.37236208

Okay, banana on your twitter then I'll tell you who I am

>> No.37236463

what are some good discords for a new chuuba to make friends and fans?

>> No.37236567

Nothing posted here.

>> No.37236951

your own

>> No.37237277

Just wander around and do your own thing. Join chats that interest you. No recommendations anyone gives you will be of any use. Nobody knows you. You're your own person.

>> No.37237677

Watch chuubas.
Join their discord.
Chat in there and become part of their community.
Once you have become a somewhat regular shill yourself there.
Rinse and repeat with multiple servers.

>> No.37238085

just did some singing reps and it really cheered me up! you guys should do them too (if you want to)

>> No.37238131

i imagined there would be asp vtuber discords, but there seem to be so many

>> No.37238209

why would you want in those?

>> No.37238239

cool, anything you'd like to share? (If you want to)

>> No.37238316


>> No.37238355


Just join the aspcord and make friends here

>> No.37238371

it sounds like an (easy) beginner-friendly way to get a few viewers and make friendships

>> No.37238446

groomcord link
groomcord link

>> No.37238549

Fuck off jinx, you're the only one who can create a link.

>> No.37238559

be careful if you choose that route. many wont ever get growth from other sources after getting into this community

>> No.37238598
File: 151 KB, 521x483, Chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37239321


>> No.37239346

this is how you remain a 0view forever
do not shill yourself on 4chan
do not go to this discord

>> No.37239379

>elliot ambers
if he ever joins my chat im going to doxx him live to my 40+ viewers and threaten to kill him

>> No.37240753


>> No.37242863

Anybody else?

>> No.37246689

Just DM me I'll groom you

>> No.37246786

Hes hag_collector now
