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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 389 KB, 617x450, Courtroomc1809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37009161 No.37009161 [Reply] [Original]

Meanwhile in 1800's /vt/

>> No.37009359

Doth not alloweth the current happenings distract thee from the fact yond madame Pekora hath bought a fucking monkey.

>> No.37009656
File: 487 KB, 894x682, 892A3ED5-AC44-4581-8652-9644322520F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, the Lady Kirin resumes her activities in less than 30 minutes. I dare say I have been feeling quite perplexed during her absence, but I am sure the soothing melody of her voice shall wash away my worries post haste

>> No.37010064
File: 312 KB, 480x480, 1667505607905886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed The Lady of the Grove. My heart will enjoy this brief respite with her presence.

>> No.37011275

keep your wits man, you're in public and you're embarrassing yourself...

>> No.37012078

a fornication ape ??

>> No.37012132

Ah, a thespian acting out the role of a knave from ages long past! How quaint.
My good sir, you speak to an admirer of Lady Ceres. Their kind has no wits to keep, having fallen into the depths of madness and passion.

>> No.37014055
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My good sirs I seem to have, on my ventures to the far east, come down with a case of the Japanisma.
I have found thus information within one of the inventories of one of the silk road merchants.
Do you think I could leave my parents on the farm and become a star?
Perhaps I dream too much. Well. Back to making sure the pigs aren't eating the chicken eggs again.
Still. Ah. Nevermind. Church is the morrow. I'll confess to the priest and see what he thinks.

>> No.37014778
File: 246 KB, 1073x589, Braindead transsexual hits the ban button.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to make your 1800s shitpost on a burner connection if you're going to mention a janny, this spineless manchild might actually try to ban you for 3 days. Good thing they're essentially useless since they can't make a ban stick for shit.

>> No.37015124

the shrubs cry the name of the lady kirin. why shed tears little ones? why water the earth with your eyes?

>> No.37016307
File: 58 KB, 631x615, 1665615637086321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Tis the only way we propagate m'lord. We're blessed with abundance and cry out the Lady's name as we pass by so as the grass grows it knows who to follow when the time comes to arise.
It's...its tiring M'lord but the rise of not only saplings but mandrakes and other flower children are a great boon to the alchemists. I believe one man went with a sapling to find a cure for Polio. Imagine no longer needing an iron lung!
I just hope they cease trying to transmute lead into gold. What good is money in the natural world?

>> No.37016726

Even the most learned of gentlemen squanders in presence of the Orient, their lunar teachings shall forevermore remain a queer curiosity.

>> No.37016831

I find myself intreagued in your culture, as well as your views on the natural world. I too am an admirer of the lady kirin and her creations. However my reasurch on others prevents me from setteling down with only her.

Such as the rodent woman of chaos, and the time mistress, and the owl maiden. The astral woman caught my eye for a time but it appears her vissage has gone distant as if late. I wish to preach the unification of my reasurch subjects. Perhaps a sense of community among the lot who follow such maidens.

>> No.37017290
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 1663193638383993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very flattered, but be wary! It is said that the Lady of the Grove can turn men into treants!
Despite how kind they all are, their powers give most pause! Gods and being fickle...not too unusual I suppose.
Mind not their capriciousness however, any investigator is likely to be welcomed warmly, so long as ye are able to handle the eccentricities of each kingdom.
I have heard tales of the devout of time building meat golems to act as an avatar of their lady!
Quite the tall tale I hope. Golems always turn! Perhaps that explains her cavorting.
Oh! Be careful! I just planted some daffodils!
Uuu...I want to hear the story about Johnny Appleseed again...

>> No.37017771
File: 222 KB, 480x480, 1668300751753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my heart overflows with joy! The forest is alive once more with the sapling's elated crooning.

>> No.37017860

Lady Kiara's broadcast was exceptionally cute. I cannot believe she covered sir Mozart's music.

>> No.37018148
File: 408 KB, 900x894, 1606527452552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it I, or does this interaction beginning to resemble a sidequest? What ventues does a sapling and a traveler have?

>> No.37018560

What in god's name is a broadcast?

>> No.37018858

Casting? Broadly? You mean to say casting as in casting a net? Is the lady Kiara now a fisherwoman? Why have I uphitherto not heard such news! Verily, this alteration of profession shall go down in history, I say. You may mark my words for later reference, to know that I was correct in my stipulations.

>> No.37018886
File: 146 KB, 480x480, 1667090535942081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A legendary venture! One where we right the world and cast down foul Lords! Even the Lorax would be impressed as our journeys brought forth what would become wood elves! A story to change the world!

>> No.37019275


>> No.37019522
File: 218 KB, 448x553, Joseph_Ducreux_Original_Self-Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such an eccentric fellow arent you? I'd lie if I said I wasn't charmed by such energy. The saplings are quite the treat

>> No.37020758
File: 3.81 MB, 373x373, 1662056677759130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Thus the medieval gentle class frolic'd with the woodland spirit, one often frequently underutilized in one anon's humble opinion. Merryment was made and wine and ale were passed around. A gentle sapling recommended planting a tree in the center of town so everyone would feel more comfortable in the woods! Shh! Don't let the church know! Uuu!)

>> No.37020805

Wouldn't exist as no one would put a woman up on a pedestal

>> No.37021456
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>> No.37021986
File: 1.69 MB, 1558x3012, 1664809287138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord Almighty, I seek forgiveness, for my desire to engage the Lady Rodent in producing many children crosses into sinful lust rather than the simple duties of matrimony as your lordship intended.

>> No.37022494

As you may know, the Lord measures one's intentions based on ones actions. So long as you refrain from sinful positions such as houndy-style or reverse-horseback, and instead make use of procreative stances such as missionary or pressing in a manner reminiscent of mating, you may copulate as much as your stamina permits, even if your mind wanders to more sinfully inspired thoughts. It's the actions that count.

>> No.37022518

Yes. That is quite usavory. I'd like you to submit any other portraits you have of said rat for my personal colle-- *ehem* to rid you of such filth

>> No.37023021

The shrubs are up to their shenanigans Jonas. I'm elated to know that their patron mother has returned however the increasing amount of shrubbery has me deeply concerned. Will this not attract the tree critters? You know the ones that violate their anal cavities?

>> No.37023035
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Alas, I cannot bear to have many suitable to trade in a public space, as her very visage lights a fire in me I can scarcely hope to quench without lowering myself to the urges of a common beast. I fear the devil's hand in this woman's effect on my senses, for I am a pious and upstanding man otherwise, yet my unguarded thoughts and dreams call to mind the siring a brood much larger than any man ought to desire.

>> No.37024172
File: 5 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stewert, I need you and any other able bodied man to go out and hunt these creatures down with extreme prejudice. We will protect the anal cavities of every sapling we canor we will die trying

>> No.37024434

Alright lad. This may be crass but in order to satiate this burning lust within your core you must mate with this succubus until she bears you 5 children. No more. No less. It is only through constant breeding will she no longer haunt you.

>> No.37024894
File: 564 KB, 720x1005, 1655271347797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only I could act on these urges, but propriety and the lord's will condemn these thoughts to the realm of fantasy only. Ah, to be blessed with such a woman, yet unable to possess her, what cruel fate places these women before us?

>> No.37025102

Repent anon of this madness and heresy. A fellow of breeding such as yours ne'er shall join with the Nipponese. 'Tis as queer a thought as a man becoming a woman, or an elf of the Nordic realms. The scrawlings here are no true writing; they are but a curse devised to render one idle and therewith let in the Devil.

>> No.37025357

'Tis poetic, saith I. The lady Kiara becoming a fisherwoman, to supply the man called Yagoo, the greatest fishmonger of all, if you catch my meaning. O! Such drollery.
(As for that chap with his new "connected cycle" clan, though he puts the very jest in his moniker, he is but a pale imitation.)

>> No.37032443

Gura was at the Congress of Vienna and her denying Tsar Alexander the cunny is what made him such a petulant bitch. He was cranky because he wanted the shark cunny. It's a shame that Metternich gave all the cunny to Northern Italy.

>> No.37034648

There are reports that the first man to give the Tsarina a son will rule from Crimea to Vladivostok. Who will be the lucky man to lay with the lion and have her bear his child, even with her at such an advanced age?

>> No.37035173

Tis I. A healthy virile man such as myself.

>> No.37035520

Signed with utmost regard,

>> No.37039174

Curious. I cannot recall penning these missives.

>> No.37039600
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, REALLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dost not the posts of this thread seem inclined toward the Lady Kirin? O daresay it may be an vvv thread all along!
Now behold the likeness of the merrily gay dragon! Dost it not arouse you to cheer in merriment along with it?

>> No.37039807

Tell us, man, why do you speak so gaily as though rehearsing a shakespearean play? Do you think yourself in a different era than the present?

>> No.37039858

Gentlemen, I find myself lusting for the lavender dragon despite her boyish nature; is this natural, or be it a sign of dormant sodomite desires?

>> No.37039893

Aye, they are venturing as we speak Jonas. We can only pray they do not come at us in droves.

>> No.37040033

Certainly not. Not if you first declare your intent to make a proper lady of the errant woman. Beneath the boyish ways of her sort proper women awaiting only the finest husband, if she seems hesitant to renounce her ways, then getting her with child ought to make her more agreeable.

>> No.37040059
File: 363 KB, 736x718, 1650417545875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me gentlemen for i must lament in public so, as i fear for my hearts frailty. Mine dearest oriental muse, Lady Nadeshiko, shall be departing for a fortnight voyage to the commonwealths.. I fear i cannot bear such seemingly infinity of silence, to be departed from her sprightly company, her velvety voice, her soft and comforting bosom. I am at a loss, i'd pray to God for firmness of the heart, but alas my Lady is prone to the allure of the dark arts..

>> No.37040122

You admit your heart and mind cannot survive such an absence? You were never going to endure.

>> No.37040130
File: 3.09 MB, 476x498, 1664836298999188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheesed to meet thy acquaintance

>> No.37040180

We shall retire to my quarters for procreation!

>> No.37040185

Coital Clasp!

>> No.37040418


>> No.37040428
File: 480 KB, 896x896, 1645829687691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware! Beware, this harlot of the sea! Her personal filth and thrice soiled clothes have surely attracted the foul spirits of hell!

>> No.37040435

By the order of our court we herebg sentance the rat succubus to be mated with by every man in our ranks. Our bloodlines shall be secured!

>> No.37040487
File: 10 KB, 317x317, g0jPJawW_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the scent dripping out the seems of her dank crevices

>> No.37040600


>> No.37040617

Foul stench! Would that any of our number could relay the specifics of such a horrid aroma. Purely for the sake of avoidance, of course!

>> No.37040645
File: 132 KB, 850x1133, B2293495-4EE0-4752-A5A2-8C860207D55A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine gentlemen, may I present a peculiar problem? I cannot determine if this person is a white tomboy or a negro male. You see, it has been misbehavin’ and I need to know the proper correction to apply. May I ask for suggestions?

>> No.37040657
File: 5 KB, 250x201, Pederson-Device.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let their droves come, Stewert. Saves us the effort of going to them.

>> No.37040667

May I ask. Who?

>> No.37040812

Dare I say. Anal probation is correction a plenty.

>> No.37040841
File: 3.26 MB, 1500x2000, 1667126530726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, I confess this Lady's foul witchcraft threatens to turn me from my faith. Even now, the alluring idea of her making use of sorcerous tonics upon me in the pursuit of carnal hedonism stirs a fire in my loins!

>> No.37041584

The Lady Moonwyrm never fails to bring cheer. By your grace my day is brightened.
Repent, sinners! Know ye well that November be the month of abstinence!

>> No.37041615

I regret that I have failed to abstain on the first day of this very month.

>> No.37041633

>>37041584 (I)
The same to you, o fornicator.

>> No.37041748

Do you fear the inevitable advancement of science? If her projects work out you'll go down in history! Perhaps even get some of the money from Nobel's Prize for Chemistry!

>> No.37043343


>> No.37045613


>> No.37046121
File: 400 KB, 886x910, 1614901840627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admire my endearing shark spouse!

>> No.37046302

Prithee, next time beseech the artist to depict the tail more voluptuous that envisioned here.
