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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36971115 No.36971115 [Reply] [Original]

Mori has had 11 out of 21 of her planned collabs involve Tempus starting from August onwards. Magni was involved in 9 of them making him in the most of them out of HoloEN and Tempus while Ina and Mumei were only part of 2 of them. She definitely puts more effort into trying to collab with the guys.

>> No.36971214

I thought you guys hated Mori? Shouldn’t you be glad she’s moving away from the girls?

>> No.36971284

are her collabs with tempus any good? Honest question

>> No.36971313 [DELETED] 

Is her audience just cucks now? If so she should do NTR rp streams

>> No.36971337

With the amount of pink women threads that been popping up in the last few days, people here can't stop thinking about her it seems.

>> No.36971386

She has better chemistry than any of the girl collabs.
Mori finds the fake uwu and /uuu/ shipping cringe as fuck. With MAGNI she can just goof off and draw.

>> No.36971449

I take it the Magni drawing collabs are the best. I will check out the comissions open collab

>> No.36971479

It seems astroturfed to me.

>> No.36971496

>last few days
Deadbeats live in another reality

>> No.36971499 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 634x356, 1642928783292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is her audience just cucks now?
Always has been.

>> No.36971543

>with my FRIENDS!

>> No.36971616

No shit. They rotate between what girl's turn it is and fill it with posts that could be made by training an AI for a few days.

>> No.36971640

They're actually all unironically good. That's the funniest thing about all the complaining about them. Especially the drawing ones with Magni.

>> No.36971674

Yeah, she has an honest to god good time when collabing with them, there’s no need for the “trying to be cute girls” shtick so I guess she’s more comfortable

>> No.36971707

>>36971640 (me)
Oh wait, actually, the Golf and Worms ones were kinda shit, so forget those.

>> No.36971778
File: 424 KB, 900x750, Back to You Watson[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fy6s3tn.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She barely interacted with the guys during the worms ones anyways. The commentating with Ame was good though.

>> No.36971794

I miss Rust

>> No.36972691

The Golf one was meh, but I absolutely loved the Worms tourney.
Also the last two Weremag rounds were so good.

>> No.36974821

Yeah, they're honestly pretty funny, all of them, especially the drawing ones

>> No.36974920

Normally I'd schizo out and say something like "She's only getting closer to Magni due to how big his rm is and the connections he has" but some of the collabs like weremags were genuinely entertaining so I think she's just in her element.

>> No.36975054

Nope. Loud screaming and cringe but turned up to 11.

>> No.36975104

Honestly I think it's because she knows she can flame the boys and talk shit back and forth and nobody will get their feelings hurt about bants, because Tempus is high on banter anyway. Half the problem with Mori's collabs with the rest of the girls except for Bae is that I get the sense she has to kind of hold back and tiptoe around the fact that the rest of HololiveEN are a bunch of actual autistic introvert NEET girls who can't even make change or master basic life skills and probably get emotional when made fun of about this

Bae is fine because she's Aussie and calling your friends cunts is like 90% of friendly dialogue in AU

>> No.36975132

Lol she's literally giving you the finger

>> No.36976332

Not really. They are passible but ehh. Just meh. Moris better with the guys but better mori isnt good shes just not a negative to the collab like she is with girls. None of it is hey you gotta watch this it was great. Just well that was a thing i didnt hate it

>> No.36976413

Her branchmates ghost her so it's to be expected

>> No.36976486


The ID/JP girls can Bantz but they don’t get her references. The EN girls are so fucking awkward with their cutesy shit in these collabs it won’t work at all.

Heck /vt/ was an orange hate board for a straight year due to how Kiara liked to have a little fun in the collabs with banter. The girls and their simps can’t handle it.

>> No.36977779

The problem is that Holobronnies take any banter to heart and get offended on the girls behalf.

Remember how a little bit of banter made chumbuddies and teamates freak out?

>> No.36978649

not her fault EN doesnt stream lmao

>> No.36981959

You're keeping track now?

>> No.36982367

It's the only non-music content that Mori does that is tolerable. She's very comfortable around men. Many such cases.

>> No.36982414

Is there some issue with that?

>> No.36983443

Isn't it because she's the only one who can initiate big collabs with holoEN and tempus? And most probably because she enjoys collabing more with the bois than the girls.

>> No.36983460

don't care hope she dies soon

>> No.36983583
File: 79 KB, 488x511, 1648111829778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are, however Calli is still titled as s Myth member, and not a non-holo

When cuckbrap-prime finally admits she's not a holo and retires from hololive, THEN everyone, and I do my everyone, will be finally happy/
That's what "we" want, and what will finally heal EN

>> No.36983647


>> No.36987328

You think it matters

>> No.36988087

Makes sense.

>> No.36988673

I think Mori wishes she was born as a man. Rapping is very much a male dominated medium. The way she talks and behaves on stream is manly too. She tries to shove in all that "bro culture" into her streams and partakes in heavy drinking, like depressed middle aged men do.
I'm not saying she has no feminine side at all, but it's simply not as prevelent. And no, this entire thing is different to just "acting like a tomboy". It's no wonder why she has decent chemistry with the likes of Tempus when her personality is geared towards being one of the lads.

>> No.36990126

Does anyone care though?

>> No.36990631

There clearly are people who care a lot, so much that they make threads about it.

>> No.36995178

she likes men more

>> No.36995850

Still on this crusade? You tied on twitter already and literally didn't get a single comment or like.

>> No.36995995

no retard she need to move away from hololive entirely

>> No.36996012

Holy shit OP is a twittertranny?
Makes sense that Mori haters, or haters of anyone really, come from twatter.

>> No.36996036

in another thread yesterday they were complaining about her "carbon footprint" and "cultural appropriation" unironically

>> No.36996357

Helps that Magni is Twitch, which seems to be the crowd that Mori and her roommate want to get along with, since she needs new viewers from outside the usual HoloEN viewers, since the bigeest part (Chumbuds) have overall low interest in watching her

>> No.36996432

Her one on one collabs with Magni are actually pretty good. The Vesper/Mori collab was kind of unremarkable though since Vesper's golf autism kind of caused him to be quiet the whole time.
I didn't watch the Worms, or Mario party ones and I muted her everytime she talked during the weremag collab.

>> No.37000486

Based and deserved

>> No.37000548

Explains why she has so many tranny fans

>> No.37000814


>> No.37004981

She's happier and has better on-screen chemistry with the boys. I think this is a good thing for everyone.

>> No.37005315

/vt/ has been like this since day 1. We just don't get orange woman bad bait posts anymore, instead it's just Mori and Kronii.

>> No.37005821

Didn't read the OP post but I don't want her with the boys either.

>> No.37006012

It's mostly in her head, the same thing with Kronii, but Kronii has a bigger complex about it.

There's plenty of girls who are great with bants, IRyS, Sana and Fauna, for example, but there are others who can't handle it like Gura and Ina. Mori and Kronii should act the same no matter the gender of their collab partner, but they don't, and it makes them worse streamers as a result.

>> No.37006095

Holy shit OP is a faggot

>> No.37009408

May she continue to isolate herself from Myth and Hololive

>> No.37014863

Kronii holding back is much better though.

>> No.37015293

>carbon footprint
her braps are no laughing matter

>> No.37015668

She's the mastermind behind homo collab confirmed
