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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36938025 No.36938025 [Reply] [Original]

Ongoing events:
CR Cup Valorant #4, 11/12-11/13(Sat-Sun)
Scrims: 11/8-11/11(Tue-Fri)
Format, detailed results (EN):
SNS, etc. (JP):

Upcoming events:
CR Cup Overwatch 2, 11/18(Fri)
Virtual Girl Gamers' Convention 4th, 11/27(Sun)

Previous thread: >>36818281

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (Crazy Raccoon, KNR, DTN, 芸人旅団, GETI, etc.) is also on topic.

VSPO! is:


VSPO! previous projects (watch them if you haven't):
point two seconds story
VSPO! Autumn Sudden Test
Game Queen
VSPO! Second Spring Match
VSPO! Mahjong Soul Girls Battle
VSPO! Summer Valorant Battle
VSPO! Quiz Royale ~Aim for Champion~

VSPO! Gekiro:
Premium viewpoints: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/vspo
Remote Bistro Queen Showdown
Ideal Christmas Date Show
Remote Hot Spring Trip
Quiz Derby
Tachibana Hinano Quiz
KING OF Mouth Corners
Nekota Tsuna in VSPO! Wonderland
VSPO Test of Courage ~Night Ward of Fear~
VSPO Kentei 2022

>> No.36938068
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>> No.36938197

That's a real Killjoy, Kamito.
Not whatever the fuck you played.

>> No.36938216

Vani vs. Wokka
https://youtu.be/Rd3uqBWNRGg Lisa
https://youtu.be/vs9jUu0QALM Nazuna
https://youtu.be/kG_FzWNNBYg Shinomiya
https://youtu.be/Q4_Ty5NGRbU Ramune

ta1yo vs. Cisco
https://youtu.be/ZSG0REf3MoY Tsuna
https://youtu.be/Sga7sbeFwfE Mimi
https://youtu.be/HZ_PERU4gZM Lauren
https://youtu.be/OxnHE9BeA-g Hal

Cpt vs. Daruma
https://youtu.be/Ti3r3uLh5z0 Noah
https://youtu.be/62ol81L8l5E Hinano
https://youtu.be/QcQ2l4BTOs0 Uruca
https://youtu.be/joFxklGPM7k Kamito
https://youtu.be/4GiNvB3D81Q Nose
https://youtu.be/_qlbssDAF7A Reid

Jasper vs. Mother
https://youtu.be/Rue5PjHaZwk Naraka

>> No.36938503
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I originally would have put my money on Ramune or Nazuna, but Tsuna and her team are doing a lot better than I expected.

>> No.36938506

Daruma team has some great teamplay and cover. They learn their coach's advice really fast but they forget just as quickly so they're still a toss up but I'm betting on them.

>> No.36938749

if only cisco actually got another ascendant/immortal player on his team. theyre good at defending, but lack in offensive.
lauren alone can't carry them, while shibuhal has his moments, but depends on the weather of the day.

>> No.36938756

Pre-game advice: Be careful around Yoru players.

>> No.36938816

Kamito hit the 50/50 between being good and shit this game but the rest of his team got spooked by the Odins.

>> No.36939023

This, I'm surprised they even won against daruma without a third ascendant, 33 is supposed to be their goban but she's their third place most of the time. Cisco apparently got scammed by ojiji and thought k4sen was dia-tier. Regardless, the team atmosphere is great

>> No.36939238

maji de gomen
iya, sorry
120 (no call out as to who it is or where)

>> No.36939241

the fact that cisco is the only actual ascendant in that team makes the situation funnier. on paper theyre supposedly the weakest team rn with 3 dias and 1 gold

>> No.36939667

Noah... please remember you're on defense right now.
Stop rushing into your death.

>> No.36939718

Fisker.... Actually gonna get black listed now

>> No.36939734

him and sovault are going to form a team

>> No.36939912

The DRM in his vspo voicepacks have already activated.

>> No.36939950

it was just yesterday that anons thought hes a nice guy, now..

>> No.36940042

He said "no time".
Jeez, stop doubting Kamito's calls for once.

>> No.36940047

apex pussy hit different

>> No.36940091
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>> No.36940145

What did they think it was?

>> No.36940200

She peeked anyway in a 1v1 and threw a won round.

>> No.36940469

Why is pussy destroying everything?

>> No.36940489

Daruma planted at 4.4, bomb takes 4 seconds so he had time.

Regardless, whether or not Hinano peeked doesn't make a difference, both choices at the time equally sucked.
If she peeks, she has to run to stop the plant and Daruma would know exactly where she is for an easy prefire on someone with running inaccuracy.

If she lets him plant, it sucks too. Daruma knows she was short so he only has one angle to watch right up until Hinano could possibly flank from CT. He can safely back up to A main in the meantime while watching short.

>> No.36940649

Let it be known that Selly had Cypher ult from round 17 and didn't use it at all. They lost 10-13.

>> No.36940927

the matches was pretty balanced. its not total annihilation for cisco's team, same as yesterday's match against clutch's team. underdog potential?

>> No.36941013

I love this retard's reports.

>> No.36941162

Depends on the prize they might add to the prize pool.

>> No.36941416

Day 1 starts tomorrow at 16:00.

>> No.36941657

Fisker couldn’t resist Apex pussy...

>> No.36941733

Five matches in one day.

>> No.36941734

Can't believe Noah just told Uruca to stfu and restart when he kept complaining about his game being laggy.

>> No.36942149

Lol it's actually her I mean I would too Fisker... But maybe actually go through with the divorce first?

>> No.36942276

what happened with fisker?

>> No.36942410

read previous thread.

>> No.36942579

If I'm single and that thing is after my dick sure, if I'm married, have a kid with a second on the way nah.

>> No.36942810

COPE previous CR Cup the winner lost all games on scrims COPE

>> No.36942859

My wife, Yui, is doing a mengen utawaku right NOW. None of you loser virgins are invited though.

>> No.36942922

with or without joker makeup?

>> No.36943033

NTA, but with my intense yellow figure a Nip woman would have to be pretty ugly for me to say no.

>> No.36943075

if you are yellow you should go to a doctor.

>> No.36943105

So that's why japs go to the hospital over anything...

>> No.36943109

Obviously I meant yellow fever, though I don't know if being yellow myself as well would really be worth a trip to the doctor.

>> No.36943124

2nd place won the scrims overall though, and in the prev crcup before that one LAF won both the overall scrims and the crcup itself

>> No.36943380

but cat land came first in the scrims and the honban

>> No.36943384

unless Im schizo I swear his wife came into his streams a few times and she's pretty cute...

>> No.36943408

nekoland won both no? just like LaF

>> No.36943443

Should have been A CSGO CR cup. CSGO players just get into bar fights and break bones and not this type of shit.

>> No.36943469

Gundam Evo would've been the most kino CR cup.

>> No.36943471

he's 25, he came from CSGO.

>> No.36943512

Well did he cheat on his pregnant during his csgo time ? Didnt think so.

>> No.36943546


>> No.36943555

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.36943598
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>> No.36944094

>locking themn down for all this VALO and then OW
someone's going to flip soon.

>> No.36944617

They look so cute together.

>> No.36944664

Kamito talking about Bob strats during MxF and I'm just nervous he's gonna namedrop their coach.
Don't think they've been paying attention to Twitter today.

>> No.36944721

Fisker was Kamito's nampa coach.

>> No.36944739

Did the coach from Cpt's team warm up a bit?

>> No.36945126

Why are they discussing these precise walls/smoke strats?
No way they'll pull it off in the heat of the moment.

>> No.36945423

Definitely talks more compared to day 1.
Still hate how he sounds like Uruca so I have to confirm who is talking every time.

>> No.36946201

Chamber is only strong because you cant fucking hear anything for 30 seconds after he shoots his ult.

>> No.36947396

Bro chamber is busted as fuck and that reberb is just the cherry on top. Everything about him is fucking annoying to see and hear. Who thought giving an agent a better version of the strongest gun in the game was a good idea? Both of his guns are broken with absurd ease of use and outrange 70 percent of the entire shop. Conceptually its cool but in practice it takes a disgusting amount of effort to deal with a single chamber, more than any other sentinel.

>> No.36947507

Noah used to be the pride and joy of VSPO fps skills....what happened...

>> No.36947530

Stop making shit up.

>> No.36947686

Are they going to be alright practicing this late?
Only 10 hours left and I'm sure they have to check-in earlier than that.
These neets could nap for an entire day and still be sleepy.

>> No.36948065

Her skills are proportional to the amount of ppl supporting her

>> No.36948167

Mother x Family is now a joke name thanks to the guy who decided to ruin his family

>> No.36949273 [DELETED] 



>> No.36949367

mercury -> 夏代さんrion騒動
パイドリ -> ローレンちくちく騒動
マザーファミリー -> fiskerコーチ不倫


>> No.36949955

only for apex but even there runa was gonna surpass her if apex wasn't dead. also, it pains me to say, but aqua was on another level

>> No.36950074

I'm sure runa will twitcast for 4 hours after this too

>> No.36950113

>another level
>got beamed by yorumi multiple times
was yorumi on another level too?

>> No.36950317

A 2nd kid is on the way with their marriage on the rocks? Wow

>> No.36950754


>> No.36950885

Noah doko?

>> No.36951056

Imagine how stressful it is you have a 2 year old kid and you are pregnant then you have to deal with a husband who is an online "celeb" cheating on you with an apex thot. I cant believe kamito did that to hinano with noah of all people.

>> No.36951211

"Noah doko"

In my home......as we hug and cuddle after every stream.

>> No.36951767


>> No.36952021

she's still going...

>> No.36952911
File: 260 KB, 1625x2048, FhRNnANaMAACMYN - zzz___mu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinomiya is a succubus. More than any other VSpo.
Like hskw, she aims to extract the abilities of powerful men. Her lust for skill is insatiable.
This is the third time now that she's gone for one on one sessions with her coach. Keeping him company in the early hours of the morning, basking in his radiance.

>> No.36954295

That thumbnail looks so much like Towa that I thought this was a shitpost for a second.

>> No.36954850

What will come out next? Is Mother3rd not actually a mother?

>> No.36956103

l'mau. no fun allowed in the vspo thread i'm afraid..

>> No.36956206

gonna suck him dry of all his knowledge then forget about him when he joins her stream chat in a month

>> No.36956972

posting the same forced reply over 50 times isn't fun
shut up robe

>> No.36957242

>posting the same forced reply over 50 times isn't fun
that was my point - if that really had been a picture of towa it would have actually been funny. instead we get slagposters

>> No.36958198
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It's too early for CR Cup. Wake me back up when Shinomiya picks her Pokemon type for Splatfest.

>> No.36958946

niu has friends :)

>> No.36959644

at least she's on the right team

>> No.36961406
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>> No.36963776

this is the kind of rrat i'd 100% believe

>> No.36964180

It's true. You only have to see how she acts around these guys.

>> No.36966912

I want--no, I need--to sex this crazy raccoon

>> No.36967190

>landscaping stream
This is just a zatsudan

>> No.36968055


neopoopy are back

>> No.36968307

I’d be incredibly surprised if sex with Pute was anything other than great.

>> No.36969541

in other news, I'm proud of kamito for having a real blue checkmark and he isn't a cuck who paid for it

>> No.36970306

Place your bets now everyone
Who's winning the cr cup

>> No.36970410

fisker team

>> No.36970506

>>36970410 (me)
for an actual answer, sellytsuna team

>> No.36970571

who's the most likely to get caught up in a huge controversy in his current team?

>> No.36970911

Can you actually blame Nazu for assuming vodka smokes?

>> No.36971995

nacho is the ultimate luck charm

>> No.36972424

More info about Hinano's hostess career about to come to light.

>> No.36972575

but bets on tsuna team

>> No.36973158

Maybe the ojisan she mentioned that used to give her a lot of gifts will show up on her stream with a 50k supa.

>> No.36974513
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x4032, sakushin_sub-1591080850208481280-FhSnl3QVUAA_0CP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36975876

did it start early

>> No.36977245

Someone post stream links, newpipe won't show them.

>> No.36977570

https://youtu.be/jAPJtdk4Z6c Reid
https://youtu.be/V7o33gRRJ1I Nose
https://youtu.be/dzr3SZ-CmnM Nazu
https://youtu.be/xsM9ezMea3o Lisa
https://youtu.be/LA1iwjCSMwU Noah
https://youtu.be/Bjo7B9ZjY1c Mimi
https://youtu.be/yFkG0SWizXY Tsuna in 40

https://youtu.be/sceE637QOlg Toto Splatoon

>> No.36977751

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9H2nBPn0aQ Runa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voZwtSJi6JE Ramune
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WVG47YW0WU Hinano

>> No.36977950

I'm going in on Tsuna but also hope that Nazuna and Lisa give them a good grand final.
It just dawned on me that we never actually got a full round robin for the scrims, so something weird is bound to happen.

>> No.36978042

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx8Kw--4Jqs FTX Hal

>> No.36978157

they loss most of the matches in their scrims but nacho is surprisingly good

>> No.36978237
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Animal theme advantage.

>> No.36978353
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>> No.36978377

The promise of sex with Nacho for winning on the day is always a massive encouragement.

>> No.36978399

sappy fucking popped off on those randoms

>> No.36978425

Has BobSappAim busted out his Yoru during scrims?
I think the reason they lost last time is because the enemy knew what to expect.
His Yoru wiped the floor during scrims but was useless in the real event.

>> No.36978618

50 hous of rough sex with nachoneko...

>> No.36978632

At least once, yes. His mere existence was enough for Vorz to give the warning. >>36938756
It makes him unpredictable.

>> No.36978886

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIrrl1cE3yU nyarara
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEy0BnUuogA lauren

>> No.36979028

what a reassuring thing to tweet hinano.

>> No.36979089
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Anything but the Odin, that thing does psychic damage.

>> No.36979148

ta1yo or maza

>> No.36979267

Retard ch

>> No.36979418

Is Selly not streaming?

>> No.36979494
File: 165 KB, 1134x589, prizes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd place punishment prize again.

>> No.36979537

Main POV

>> No.36979617


>> No.36979622

Whats the chance cpt unleash his power and win this match

>> No.36979698

I'm telling you Kamito.
Stop pick trolling.
It's not fucking funny.
Nobody even reacted.

>> No.36979705

even his unleashed power isn't enough to carry eveyone
he's just one man anon

>> No.36979714


>> No.36979762

Matches have started.
1試合目 BIND
・チームMother3 vs チームVanilLa
・チームCpt vs チームta1yo
・チームJasper vs チームだるまいずごっど
・チームWokka vs チームふらんしすこ

・チームMother3 vs チームCpt
・チームVanilLa vs チームta1yo
・チームだるまいずごっど vs チームふらんしすこ
・チームJasper vs チームWokka

・チームMother3 vs チームta1yo
・チームVanilLa vs チームCpt
・チームJasper vs チームふらんしすこ
・チームだるまいずごっど vs チームWokka

・チームMother3 vs チームだるまいずごっど
・チームVanilLa vs チームJasper
・チームふらんしすこ vs チームCpt
・チームta1yo vs チームWokka

5試合目 PEARL
・チームMother3 vs チームJasper
・チームVanilLa vs チームだるまいずごっど
・チームふらんしすこ vs チームta1yo
・チームCpt vs チームWokka

>> No.36979920

ow uruca confirmed hustler.

>> No.36980056

Not looking good for tsuna team so far

>> No.36980057

He need all of his teammates to be cute gril

>> No.36980131

all according to keikaku
trust in the script

>> No.36980244

what the fuck this thread promised me kamito and slag were a shit team.

>> No.36980259

They're playing this match pretty poorly. Also Uruca turned into a god out of nowhere.

>> No.36980263

The script goes to cpt most of the times…

>> No.36980385

I remember all those times Hinano ragged on Kamito for ordering Uber before a game.
She does the same before a tournament.

>> No.36980523


>> No.36980550

Hope they'll stop losing unnecessary rounds.
Winning by a landslide will help a lot if there's a tie.

>> No.36980635

all the other matches are really close

>> No.36980712

easy win for CPT

>> No.36980795


>> No.36980804

selly try to carry bunch of bot

>> No.36980810

Tsuna might end up hating Kamito at this rate.
Got sniped a lot.
She said she really didn't want him playing Chamber.

>> No.36980870

as ojiji's favorite child, cpt must keep collecting cr cup wins

>> No.36980874

... hes a Chenba one trick pony, what did she expect?

>> No.36981064

Will probably still go have discord sex with him off stream though.

>> No.36981066

Pls have someone win cr valo thats not cpt

>> No.36981081

take a drink every time a play was dekasugi

>> No.36981107

rip if you are watching reid

>> No.36981192

rabuchi rabuchi

>> No.36981265

Selly throwing for Francisco's merch. Explains everything.

>> No.36981280

fuuuck that was close

>> No.36981291


>> No.36981302

nyaraka's team won in OT gg

>> No.36981332

nyacho team

>> No.36981337

jasper... 43 kills...

>> No.36981341

43 kills kek. jasper saikyou

>> No.36981359

damn jasper

>> No.36981593

At least Tsuna is always good at coping in these situations.
Anyway obligatory Jasper wtf post.

>> No.36981596

why is ariken suddenly so cracked

>> No.36981619

akarin sex if they win

>> No.36981889

Mother3 started smoking again...

>> No.36982031

kuma kuma paradise let's gooooo

>> No.36982046

2na your screen...

>> No.36982047

uruca activated the elitepvpers cheat.exe

>> No.36982063

jasper's playing extremely well today. i'm starting to believe.

>> No.36982088
File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, tsunaception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prime viewing.

>> No.36982121

fuck kamito should have full defused there
these japs are programmed to assume the first defuse is a bait

>> No.36982253


>> No.36982300

runa just fucking destroyed jasper holy shit

>> No.36982321

I'll kuma kuma in Noah's paradise, if you know what I mean.

>> No.36982379

I'm glad Cpt stepped down from Duelist.
He'll still able to rack a lot of kills on other roles, but it lets the other members to have the spotlight too.
First it's Hinano now it's Noah.

>> No.36982476

next is Kamito?

>> No.36982627

Think that's the real reason the one trick playing the one trick is surprising. To an outsider, it sounded like Cpt was going to stick to Jett and Kamito to sentinels. They're actually playing more diverse than that, and I've only seen this one match. I know this sounds ironic.

>> No.36982670

Chamber is a sentinel but whatever. He has his own ban in this ruleset. Real sentinels like Killjoy and Sage.

>> No.36982959


>> No.36983004

overtime loss again. damn

>> No.36983149

daruma kinda cold today

>> No.36983200
File: 95 KB, 250x216, shinomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end of noah is near

>> No.36983274

If Vani clutched that I'd be forced to kneel.

>> No.36983312
File: 239 KB, 1157x1034, nazu menhera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't pi.

>> No.36983339

Want Nazuna to look down on me with that expression while riding me cowgirl, disappointed that not only did I cum early but I came inside.

>> No.36983469


>> No.36983473


>> No.36983498

I'm glad this match-up is as good as I hoped because this game is way too close. And tragic because it's barely going to change anyone's score.

>> No.36983554

Kamito keep cheering for infinite OTs so that they're tired when facing them.

>> No.36983579

tsuna needs to pee though

>> No.36983595

Yeah, on me.

>> No.36983694

17-17 we're keeping it going

>> No.36983795


>> No.36983857

delaying defuse for the toilet run

>> No.36983888

Hinano, why are you the one who's getting tired?
That defeats the purpose.

>> No.36983891

this should be the finals
holy shit

>> No.36983905


>> No.36983910


>> No.36983911
File: 285 KB, 463x463, mysterious smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible Tsuna bathroom to ta1yo clutch combo.

>> No.36983955

nazu donmai

>> No.36983971

she didn't wash her hands!

>> No.36983986

so close nazuchan...

>> No.36983999

>Kamito: alright lets start immediately

>> No.36984010

Why are gooks like this?

>> No.36984025

aint no shot my nigga daruma going 0-3

>> No.36984157

what if they get so mentally fatigued that it loops back to them being in the zone

>> No.36984356
File: 80 KB, 1000x563, 56C6A902-489D-43F1-96B2-7FC0894687CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cpt doing well once again.. this is the underdog team

>> No.36984447


>> No.36984555

RunaRamu team won their 3rd match 13-9

>> No.36984597

please stop tempting fate against clutch.
he lives up to his name.

>> No.36984731

kamito letting a free kill get away like that actually costed them the round lol

>> No.36984965

This is DRX vs. FPX all over again.

>> No.36985323

selly gets a running HS on akarin lmao they cannot catch a break

>> No.36985462

this seems like a gg for cpt..

>> No.36985482

Nazu's team really fast at setting up post plant crossfire. Someone even calls if they're first contact.
You love to see that level of coordination.

>> No.36985496

Noah paniku and making dumb mistakes.

>> No.36985514

I love Nazuna's coordination.

>> No.36985602

Nice win for Yufuna Gaming YG for short. The climb starts here.

>> No.36985627

Noah lost and bani won. This is fantastic.

>> No.36985659

I wanna see how they came up with their team name.

>> No.36985687

For cpt team to win, they need a big lead or else Noah gets pressured and starts panicking.

>> No.36985793

Now that i think abt it y is it on twitch this time

>> No.36985868

Ema is at Sena's place (for sex)

>> No.36986175

Is Runa the best vspo valorant player?

>> No.36986189

She's the best succubus.

>> No.36986202

It's a long and complicated story, and very 雑, so hopefully someone makes a compilation of it, but they just didn't want to rely on another yagi reference since Mondo had it in the last cup.
YG can't be yagi again, so it's Yufuna Gaming. YG for short. And that's what they put in the field.

>> No.36986317
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Liquipedia has spoken.

>> No.36986388

Pureblood Japanese Tuna I kneel

>> No.36986569

Anyone watching Ramu's team?
Watching Arisaka vs. Vani right now

>> No.36986573
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>> No.36986874

Really no need for vodka to use sova ult there. Too much investment into one round.

>> No.36986961

omg that round 8 was perfect. Baited A, triple peeked the flank, and rotated to B.

>> No.36987090

jasper: We (or our comp) is good on attack!
any valo nerds can confirm?

>> No.36987249

>jasper: We (the royal "We")

>> No.36987283

You cannot actually say that for sure. It was suboptimal but not necessarily wrong since the jett was still alive and they were surrounded.

>> No.36987287

omen doko

>> No.36987544

Round 18: I want nazu's team to win in the end but god I wanted Naraka to clutch that out.

>> No.36987546

Noah antis doko?

>> No.36987589

thank me later
i stopped hoping after the loss and took a nap
woke up to a win

>> No.36987765

Daruma, I need you to win this no matter what.
You have a blank check.

>> No.36987793

yufuna gaming...

>> No.36987833

Ramu and Runa won again. Who can even stop them now

>> No.36987835

アイスポーク wins on アイスボックス
Wonder if that big lead might have decided it.

>> No.36987847

Wokka team won all their games so far....
Cpt team is up against them next and it's fucking PEARL

>> No.36987872

Well? Do they have the hidden pearl strats?

>> No.36987894

.....they're relying on the retard's Operator.

>> No.36987933

Shaka: 2 behind server
Reid: *defuses bomb in full view of back server*
Shaka: ...

>> No.36988013

If they put him on B long he is fucked
Half the B hits start with flushing out and killing the chamber on site. On the other hand B site cannot be taken without dumping flashes and other shit down the lane so if the opponent screws up they get mulched.

>> No.36988020

(4v4 post plant)
Nose: I'm out of util, I'm going in first!
Nose: *sitting on res for 4 rounds*
Daruma jett: ...

>> No.36988050


>> No.36988350

They're joking about Nose being killed by the lurk (robber that went to her house a few days ago) but the longer she was gone the more I thought it could be a possibility.

>> No.36988621
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>> No.36988676

>(robber that went to her house a few days ago)
Was me btw, I just wanted to get a whiff of her room is all.

>> No.36988742

Kamito diff...

>> No.36988784

These defuses between ta1yo and Cisco keep coming down to someone running into smoke and killing the defuser on a B plant just barely in time. Doesn't matter if there's still like five people alive, everyone gets killed at the end of the round.

>> No.36988802

Where Runs vs Noah-san rrats? You guys are loosing your grip...

>> No.36988871

yeah its over|
good night

>> No.36988874

bad peek by kamito in the end.

>> No.36988893
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This is not looking good for the strongest duo

>> No.36989112

The amount of people that have died in that very specific Astra smoke on the usual B plant spot is staggering.
Wonder if it's happening in other games.

>> No.36989284

what took Hinas fat ass so long to plant the spike

>> No.36989286

Kamito did his best and got them a lot of rounds for this half

>> No.36989348

YG gets the first win on Pearl.

>> No.36989750
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Chamber diff

>> No.36989788

Kamito is so nasty this match

>> No.36989816

Lol, get fucked

>> No.36989870

Hinano is praising so much, imagine the sex tonight

>> No.36989958

I am glad they put the one trick on his one trick smart coaching.

>> No.36989960

Loving Nazuna's depression talk. She's blaming herself hard.

>> No.36989971


>> No.36989989

Fuck Kamito, why did he woke up this match.

>> No.36990062

like anon in the previous thread said, he's the shittiest oven
it took him 5 games to warm up.

>> No.36990167
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>> No.36990358

There's always someone that goes to sleep early.

>> No.36990539

runa and hinano... slags...

>> No.36990583

Hinano's skills were more important than her guns really. The moment she dies the whole team falls apart.

>> No.36990604

Yeah, mine.

>> No.36990677
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Funny chart

>> No.36990768
File: 68 KB, 506x328, score 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less funny chart

>> No.36991076

Tsuna bathroom adventure

>> No.36991532

Remember to do your homework.

>> No.36992375

>someone changed it back

>> No.36992605

Day 2:
1試合目 HAVEN
・チームMother3 vs チームFrancisco
・チームVanilLa vs チームWokka
・チームCpt vs チームJasper
・チーム ta1yo vs チームDaruma

2試合目 BIND
・チームMother3 vs チームWokka
・チームCpt vs チームDaruma
・チームVanilLa vs チームFrancisco
・チームta1yo vs チームJasper

>> No.36992672

shinomiya is talking to her coach again...

>> No.36994750

beni, sweat 2 rank in 15 minutes

>> No.36994985

Succubus never stops

>> No.36995031


>> No.36995967

Minty wasn't available so she has to succ previous coaches

>> No.36995994

Beni died so hard her stream went down.

>> No.36996262

shinomu... time for a break? rest? stopping entirely?

>> No.36996292

It's time to fuck the coach.

>> No.36996345

Only if she gets burger.

>> No.36997321

Maybe Pearl is okay...

>> No.36997481

holy shit that ace

>> No.36999223

It won't be long before Shinomiya is inviting her coaches over to her new flat

>> No.36999303

jokes none

>> No.36999601

And me.

>> No.37000261

kuma kuma paradise i never lost faith in you
fuck the doubters
my cute wives did so well, all of five of them

>> No.37001883

Apex is dead

>> No.37002421

Shinomiya is definitely the kind of girl that would have fucked her teacher then blackmailed him with it

>> No.37004457

Wait a minute. This looks like a rwby character

>> No.37007877

ALGS straight into CR Cup... going to be a long 10 hours

>> No.37009184

ema morning valo

>> No.37010412

can only watch EMEA algs at this point... too many PAD players everywhere else

>> No.37013283
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>> No.37014506
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>> No.37014647

pathetic cunt

>> No.37018028

I like her when she's with Lisa
