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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36854650 No.36854650 [Reply] [Original]

How do vtubers trust these people not to (accidentally) reveal their secret persona, /vt/?

>> No.36854743

>He assumes is hard to find it their real identity.

>> No.36854943

If Sora did this in Indonesia these niggas would be streaming it from their phones.

>> No.36855030

kek this

>> No.36855105

You see the working class of the Japanese have standards.

>> No.36855125

Me on the left with the gray sweater

>> No.36855166


>> No.36855271

Is it just me or is their a giant yeti in the picture?

>> No.36855294

The same reason conspiracy are only conspiracy : they can read the contract

>> No.36855321

Ever heard of a NDA?

>> No.36855354

Anon people walk up to Holo members in japan and ask for their autographs all the time or just to say hi to them. Like 80% of HoloJP are super openly well known IRL. A lot of them have extremely identifying traits such as Pekora's laugh or Miko's voice.

>> No.36855532

That literally doesn't happen, and none of them have ever talked about that happening on either their holo or roomate accounts, but okay, lol.

>> No.36855613

Me being the fast moving cryptid motherfucker on the right.

>> No.36855657
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>> No.36855685

I'm the guy kidnapping Sora off screen to the left

>> No.36856074 [SPOILER] 

NDAs, you retard. They’d get sued into oblivion

>> No.36856315

By reading what she tweeted it seems like they rehearsed by themselves and then took a picture of it to her.
But normally it's a contract thing. It's not like many of them haven't been doxxed too anyways.

>> No.36856409

the majority of Japanese people still have integrity and respect, this is why people are ok with the Holos interacting with holostarjps, because they trust in the end it's all business baby.

>> No.36856452

These guys have the same incentive not to doxx the livers as the livers have for not doxxing each other, they don't want to get fired (i.e. rushia)

>> No.36856504

holy kek

>> No.36856667

OP, get a job higher than burger flipper.

>> No.36857052
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>That literally doesn't happen
it does
please leave

>> No.36857157

so, any proof?

>> No.36857217
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>> No.36857338

There's this thing called 'NDAs', OP. Everyone there is fully aware of what''ll happen to them if they break it.

>> No.36857410

Yeah thats pretty much is. Dont or legal action.
Also your job is worth way more than having jucy gossip about a minor e-celeb

>> No.36857737

>be cute jap singer lady
>hate vtuber lady
>take a sneaky picture
>post it on jap 4channel

And now?

>> No.36857912

triangulate camera position, level of sun intensity and schedule of everyone in that area on that day

>> No.36860732

Other than NDA's I don't think they really care honestly, these are professionals who probably don't even watch vtubers

>> No.36860941

These are called professionals. Doing what you speak of is career suicide. Also Japanese law.

>> No.36861059
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>Anon people walk up to Holo members in japan and ask for their autographs all the time or just to say hi to them.
>Like 80% of HoloJP are super openly well known IRL

>> No.36861100

No one gives a fuck. They're vtubers, not spies or CIA agents or some shit.

>> No.36861420

Cover'd rushia them

>> No.36861627

It’s called open secret and the reason they don’t get doxed is simply because they don’t have the incentive to stalk vtuber, because they have their own lives.
If you worked there, then you will enter in contact with one dude whom met your chuuba IRL and took a photo together. He would show you, you would be pleased and that’s it. In the rare case one wanted to know the person closer, the least thing he would do would be announce left and right whom X person is.

>> No.36861776

Probably the same reason I don't go talking around random financial information from hundreds of regional businesses that I've had access to the full history of over the past decade.
Any of the following I guess,
It's my job and I like my job and I like making money and I like not being in jail and I probably couldn't watch vtubers in jail.

>> No.36862229

Nope. Never.
t. Green Whore

>> No.36862383

A staff took that picture, not Sora.

>> No.36863248

>she doesn't know how aggressive the legal system in Japan is
no is saying shit that will land them in hot water

>> No.36866839


>> No.36867368

Sora's the ninja in the pic

>> No.36867462

I'm in the photo
