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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 231 KB, 1827x1828, thiswillbeyourdownfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36847279 No.36847279 [Reply] [Original]

I'm telling you now this guy is going to try and destroy Nijisanji EN from the inside out.
>Cancels Enna by baiting people into thinking she hates black people
>Baits Scarle into looking at dong and frames it in a way Twitter would attack her
First he's going for the people who will give him the time of day. He should be quarantined. He will take down anyone in his way to get more views. You thought Nina was going to drama bait everyone into hell? No, it's this guy and he probably gets sick sexual pleasure from it too.
>Oh OP this is just another rrat
Just wait for more incidents to happen with him 'coincidentally' being involved. I'm terrified for my life right now for speaking out.

>> No.36847360

which dong?

>> No.36847382

QRD on Scarle's dong?

>> No.36847423

goddamn you're all just women addicted to drama at this point

>> No.36847458

Least mentally braindamaged Aloucreep

>> No.36847464

You crackas just can't stand seeing a black man winning.

>> No.36847512

>at this point
wdym, that's /vt/'s entire ethos

>> No.36847546

Muh nigga kyo gonna ungay you niji homos

>> No.36847603
File: 147 KB, 480x401, watainterview.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real and it's over.

>> No.36847744
File: 183 KB, 1800x1221, 1668032580244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baits Scarle into looking at dong
Dat sounds sus and i kno my nigga Lil K don't be doing any gay shit

>> No.36848200
File: 144 KB, 800x585, 1653798856647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stand by my word, Kyo is black in everything but skin colour.

>> No.36848212

He's just a kid lmao

>> No.36848655

You wouldn't be surprised average /vt/ posters are slightly younger than Him.

>> No.36848688

I don't watch him but that thing with Enna turned into anything at all because instead of laughing it off he did the intentional awkward pause and kept on it while Enna was either being obtuse or retarded.

>> No.36848736

Anyone that watches or even tolerates male vtubers deserves what comes to them

>> No.36848811

Just compare this to Pomu's doxx. She didn't acknowledge it at all and everything was over before it began. Those new waves seem to be physically unable to be professional.

>> No.36851044

I'm begining to think people under 25 shouldn't be allowed to be vtubers

>> No.36851553 [DELETED] 

Brother can we try finishing off Luca before moving on to this nig?

>> No.36852763

t. holofagoon retard

>> No.36852798

shut up lucuck, show tits

>> No.36852864

Ogey Shondo.

>> No.36852865

enna does hate them though.

>> No.36852891 [DELETED] 


>> No.36855799

He posted his dick already, was that not good enough for you?

>> No.36855982

As much as I dislike him, that is pretty funny.

>> No.36856171

He also lacks something very important to the black community. The ability to run.

>> No.36858883

nice but why tho, why did he do it?

>> No.36862632

>destroy Nijisanji EN from the inside out

So that's why Enna loves him so much

>> No.36866393

this guy is really fucking gay it’s unreal. cute asian girls pretending to be anime is cute and fun, real fag boys being like little sissy anime boys is end game cringe.

>> No.36867711

Am I losing it or is this timestamp completely wrong because you want people to watch the stream

>> No.36869113


>> No.36869575

She did acknowledge it

>> No.36869625


>> No.36869825

Jesus there's so much "thank you for the supa" in the middle of the game how the fuck do people put up with this.

>> No.36870319

She didn't address/respond to the doxx itself

>> No.36875267


>> No.36875312

>I'm telling you now this guy is going to try and destroy Nijisanji EN from the inside out.

>> No.36875569 [DELETED] 

I hate niggers and wiggers.

>> No.36875718

He fucking played a visual novel created for faggots you retarded.

>> No.36878709

The way he talks irritates the fuck out of me
Like hearing ebonics is grating as shit regardless but even moreso coming from a white guy. GOAT moment was Flavor Flav kicking a white girl out of his house for talking like that.

>> No.36878770

Try watching Pippa, you'll want to blow your goddamn brains out. She reads EVERY SINGLE SUPERCHAT. She'll interrupt the stream to do so. She'll interrupt HERSELF to do so. As soon as a superchat pops up, she will read it in its entirety and give a lengthy response. If there's more than one in quick succession, she'll do the same thing for all of them. I've watched streams of hers that get derailed for 30+ minutes as she does this. It's hell.

>> No.36879245

pippa and scarle just really love their fans and want them to know it, better than ignoring them completely or doing a big, long supa-reading stream like once every two months

>> No.36880019

Pippa is actually autistic. I don't think she's capable of not reading them.

>> No.36882851

Its brown

>> No.36884881

yankee, please understand.

>> No.36885048

wtf are you talking about, she have a fucking filter in her chat to leave out people that dont post often, and by often i mean several times per minute, she ghost the big majority of the chat.

>> No.36887836

Damn Pippa does that? I knew Phase Connect was the groomer corpo but had no idea it was this pathetic.

>> No.36892790


>> No.36894076

No wonder a bunch of annoying pathetic attention whores love her.

>> No.36895360

Didn't Enna call him a cripple in one of the Nijicancelled collabs?

>> No.36895767

Enna really hates him, huh?

>> No.36900210

he's going to cancelled soon enough for being white but speaking colored

>> No.36900298

Yeah. He took it on the chin and agreed with her, and I don't think her intent was malicious, but I do feel like it was part of the reason he called her out for the chicken comment.

>> No.36900666

>>Cancels Enna by baiting people into thinking she hates black people
Enna's bit was entirely unprompted you schitzo

>> No.36903673

Kyo prompted it with his niggerspeak and then dug the trap hole deeper by bringing attention to it, he's the culprit.

>> No.36907010

I hope this wigger faggot kill himself

>> No.36907056

You keep my wife name out your faggot mouth

>> No.36908272

Good, they have it coming,

>> No.36908594


>> No.36909070

>a male saves nijien
>a male kills it
it's beautiful

>> No.36912805

hes based

>> No.36913390

>En wiggers destroying company branch
Sounds about right

>> No.36917920

>I'm terrified for my life right now for speaking out.

>> No.36918046

haha cool. it's even better that's a white black

>> No.36919015

he calls himself a cripple

>> No.36921917

>>Cancels Enna by baiting people into thinking she hates black people
>>Baits Scarle into looking at dong and frames it in a way Twitter would attack her
That's based

>> No.36922035

oh no

>> No.36922951

It doesnt belong to her
