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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36833410 No.36833410 [Reply] [Original]

Nijifags are at it again, why is being a liver so rough bros...


>> No.36833528

>all women
reminder that this is what happens when you atteact foids to your fanbase

>> No.36833541

You just searching up censored versions of Niji liver names on Twitter to make bait threads with literal who's tweets at this point?

>> No.36833883

Oh another literally who cherry-picked by /vt/...
>80 QRTs
JESAS nijisisters are something else

>> No.36834360

>aster: wow i didn't realize the indonesian branch was merged into the main branch

>meanwhile in the main branch
>noraneko sets up a collab with an ID member
>didn't realize he spoke japanese so kept talking to him in broken english for the entire stream
>thought she was actually indian because she mixed up indonesia and india, kept bugging him for a naan recipe despite him trying several times to clarify that he's not indian
>literally asked him whether he has heard of nijisanji as she didn't know he was actually a part of nijisanji

>> No.36834416

It's okay when Noraneko does it because she's based.

>> No.36834437

IN is India retard

>> No.36834458

They're talking about the Indian branch being rebranded to EN temporarily before being changed back to Indian branch and getting disbanded before they relaunched the new NijiEN. Like 50 people watched them.

>> No.36834500

>anon doesn't know the difference between indonesia and india
>noraneko doesn't know the difference between indonesia and india

>> No.36834518

Based. Besides, wouldn't you holofags be seething when some normalfags join your favourite company and be a tumour that sucks??

>> No.36834546

I *wish* I were balls deep in Noraneko right now, FUCK.

>> No.36834558

that india BGM fucking KEK

>> No.36834592

>"this is not lore"
>it's literally lore
women are retarded

>> No.36834656
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nijifags have a hateboner for Iluna, and its kind of understandable, they all fucking suck except Kyo and occasionally Scarle.
Previous EN waves literally warned their fans about Iluna being normalfags that didn't know about nijisanji and to be easy on them at least Pomu did.
I think it is petty to shit on them for it, but it is a symptom of something worse: Iluna are in nijisanji mostly because of clout and money instead of having any actual passion for vtubing or otaku culture.

>> No.36834817

That's a later totsu stream, here's the naan collab:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_YzBjL8hy8

>> No.36834874

Honestly though I think a lot of NijiJP fans hate NijiEN just for existing still. Everyone seemed kind of upset when they announced a real attempt at EN worried that the EOPs would take over their fanbase and they wouldn't be able to feel special and superior for enjoying Nijisanji over Hololive anymore.

>> No.36834952

Seriously though, it's one thing if it's a smaller corpo but if you are a liver for a big one like nijisanji or hololiv and don't know the basic stuff about the company you joined you are doing it wrong.

>> No.36835037

On the one hand I agree that if you join a company which involves a dedicated fanbase that keeps track of this stuff you should learn it. On the other ninj acceleration leads to too much for people to learn, especially when accounts are scrubbed after graduation. If someone were to just right now get into hololive for example I would expect them to know about the China branch right off the bat.

>> No.36835137

If you get hired by a public entertainment company then do the fucking research at least

>> No.36835146

>dedicated fanbase
>the livers they're mad about them not remembering were literally 2 views whose branch got closed due to being a failure

>> No.36835190

Nijisanji has more vtubers than the number of people that watched NijiIN.

>> No.36835220

its even worse KEK

>> No.36835245

Well nijijp fan are mostly otaku, nijien are just immigrant from twitch fag/normalfag community, it obvious why they hate them.

>> No.36835340

I literally agree with you retard, I'm just pointing out that it will be hard to do with the amount of time available to them before debut. If you want that to change, then you need to stop the acceleration

>> No.36835346

Link? Sounds kino

>> No.36835360

Only in the western side

>> No.36835362

only EN fans with mental illness keep tabs on this, there are some people from other branches who pretty much exist in their own bubble with just a few others they interact with

>> No.36835378


>> No.36835384

>what do you mean you don't know the failed Indian branch of vtubers??!!!
I'm surprised they exist myself, let alone the one of the first. Like who the fuck wants to watch Indians play video games? I'm willing to bet these idiots never watched them to begin with.

>> No.36835435

What cracks me up about these cunts though is that they expect EN members to have an encyclopedic knowledge of JP but don't give a single fuck when members of JP can't even remember the names of members of their own branch that debuted recently. It's just the same "it's fine if a japanese person does it" shit as holofags do.

>> No.36835719

IN branch? weren't they the EN prototype?

>> No.36835925

>It's just the same "it's fine if a japanese person does it" shit as holofags do.
More like they are goddamn tryhards who hate EN overshadowing the other branches' popularity. If you were to ask anyone niji about the IN branch, they probably respond with the same sort of wonderment.

>> No.36836046

just about the only way you can make entertainment out of them
too bad it's a one time thing and now they're stuck with them forever

>> No.36836149

This is stupid but it's shitting on Aster so I'm fine with it

>> No.36836178

>If you get hired by a public entertainment company then do the fucking research at least
Why do I need know every single employer that were let go years ago? And why are you acting as if this is important information that needs to be drilled in my head?

>> No.36836268

But they did take over the fanbase. Even the thread on /jp/ was destroyed by EOP NijiEN fans.

>> No.36836285

Can't really blame them. The average Nijifag doesn't even know NijiKR/ID existed

>> No.36836305

>mocks Noraneko for confusing Indonesia and India
>In a thread that is about NijiIN not NijiID

>> No.36836420

Let they fight between themselves.

>> No.36836508

I don't blame them, they like their JP only chats. However, NijiEN and their fans stay in their own ghetto for the mist part and don't bother the JP fans that much.

>> No.36837573

nijiENs dont give a fuck about vtubing, why do you think they do so many handcams

>> No.36838031

We deal with Magni every day.

>> No.36838472

Even if you are a nijifan, you would tend to memoryhole a lot of of the niji merging because if involves the whole brand catatrosphically collapsing due to poor management.

>> No.36840515

This is true of the newer EN members for sure but pomu/elira/rosemi/petra/shu are all solidly entrenched true Otaku and not twitch fags

>> No.36842506

Rosemi is an arisfag and doesn't like weebs.

>> No.36842599
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hey alright

>> No.36842746

Does she not know what lore is?

>> No.36842774

>why do you think they do so many handcams
HoloEN handcams too though.

>> No.36842820

Either she an idiot and doesn't know, or she does but still wants to start shit over literally nothing.

>> No.36842978

Noraneko is a special case, doesn't count
