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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.19 MB, 1072x1199, 1651807499981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36829465 No.36829465 [Reply] [Original]

【 idol corporation 】
idol is a VTuber agency that produces and represents VTuber talents around the world. Our goal is to empower our talents and provide them all the tools and assets they need to become the best content creators they can be.
【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com
【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com/c/idol_corp
【 Twitter 】 https://twitter.com/idol_corp
【 Schedules 】 https://holodex.net/?org=idol%20Corp
【 HE Debut PV 】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnSGu_Iaz18
【 HE Original Song 】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqSsJM6teG8
【 EN Debut PV 】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsoQxJoK4cQ


idolHE 1st Generation features the following Israeli VTubers:

【 Neo Sparkles - ניאו ספארקלס 】
Magical fox lolibaba who likes dad jokes and RPGs. Her naivety and ADHD lead to many awkward moments, but they're also her charm point.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaksHmr89krw-g9EaktdjBw
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/NEOSPARKLES

【 Emi Suika - אמי סויקה 】 R.I.P 11.11.2022
Watermelon loli that hates sleep, backing down from challenges, and pineapples. Her cute 'lessgo' quickly became an iconic motto.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-E-oMwc7SHuiK5gT_ule8Q
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/suikaemi

【 Kattarina Qutie - קאטרינה קיוטי 】
Half-russian asthmatic onee-sama and a mafia boss. She has a cute laugh and sometimes makes controversial jokes.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmy_EmxnYQ8aar8fNZrumw
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/kattarina_qutie

【 Nikki Rei - ניקי ריי 】
Comfy gamer and an apocalypse survivor. Her calming voice and late evening streams are incredibly soothing; people can just straight out fall asleep to her.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBnmfjpmhGxao6v54fIIMUA
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol

【 Lily Sin - לילי סין 】
Bright demon imouto that likes her chat and hates chicken. She hides her delicate heart with a prickly front.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE-Cjd6k8VUMI2hdfHYwCfg
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/lily_sin_idol


idolEN 1st Generation features the following English VTubers:

【 Yuko Yurei 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcIcMRVpNqWQn4WnDhRASAw
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/YureiYuko
[Debut Link] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA1yLiZj4EU
Cover Song Premiere "Yorushika - "Say It." : 12:50pm PST / 8:50PM GMT

【 Juna Unagi 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTFCSCPvqjXEs3zq91aeOVg
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/JunaUnagi
[Debut Link] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QmnakX0H8g
Cover Song Premiere "Ado - Usseewa" : 1:50pm PST / 9:50PM GMT

【 Rin Penrose 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpZIbzoEC_3rZglErpQkbDg
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/RinPenrose
[Debut Link] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQsYc8trX5U
Original Song Premiere “Golden Age” : 2:50pm PST / 10:50PM GMT

【 Pochi Wanmaru 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP0csSl19lOSNwJGCFsJqAQ
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/PochiWanmaru
[Debut Link] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0vTIx697sE
Cover Song Premiere "Mitchie M - Viva Happy" : 3:50pm PST / 11:50PM GMT

【 Fuyo Cloverfield 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8zgKaS8LiyL28mdhRC2nBg
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/FuyoCloverfield
[Debut Link] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7is_qDO8DE
Cover Song Premiere "Bakemonogatari - Renai Circulation" : 4:50pm PST / 12:50am GMT


【 idol Friends 】
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
aeg >>>/vt//myspace/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/


【 Clips Channel 】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCezrFKGE6eAuMXDcixhvtYA
【 Game suggestions form 】 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeztSgm6ojM8orLxTR_C_3p2j139ZGduauJxmbK2kV1XBoVUA/viewform
【 Report user form 】 https://idol-company.com/report-user/

Previous Thread: >>36783695

>> No.36829547

I can't wait to have sex with Rin!

>> No.36829708

i made this post!

>> No.36829794

i don't have a choice, nikki comes every night.

>> No.36829850
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>> No.36829960

Jerking each other off with Rin

>> No.36830356

Me and my ex-wife Kattarina Qutie have come to an agreement and I don't hate her anymore but we are not getting married again and she's taking half of my house and my car!

>> No.36830640

do we even consciously love nikki?

>> No.36831895
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Pochi drew Emi.

>> No.36832854
File: 45 KB, 372x372, pochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really should have gone for another name, I already have a Pochi in my life.

>> No.36832986

Pochi is your typical dog name - so many have it

>> No.36833137
File: 1.20 MB, 662x686, 〖 Postal 2 〗hehe I'm DUDE bounce2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my tomboy GF Nikki Rei!

>> No.36833406

https://twitter.com/NeoSparkles/status/1590351076737585153 Neo...

>> No.36833447

she look slikea monkey here

call her wanmaru

>> No.36833494


>> No.36834016

https://twitter.com/NeoSparkles/status/1590363256442740738 Neo did it!

>> No.36834309

daniel made her feel bad about herself I hate that guy

>> No.36834391

>Pochi treating her like a retard

>> No.36834394

daniel gave her the push she needed I love that guy

>> No.36834402

He's the least problematic of the autists

>> No.36834431

Daniel is retarded but he does care about the girls in his own weird way lol

>> No.36835451

daniel is based, delaying the inevitable is stupid

>> No.36835580

Post kino arcs

>> No.36835750

replace 'shorts/' with 'watch?v=' like so:

>> No.36836007

breeding neo, other girls have no sex appeal

>> No.36836066
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Yea ok bud....

>> No.36836089


>> No.36836098

that's a child

>> No.36836158
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>> No.36836193

>18 more attractive than 12
i call bullshit

>> No.36836199 [DELETED] 

https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol/status/1590378733793599488 Nikki's stream today was delayed

>> No.36836203

The thing is that this was done with normal men and normal men are afraid to admit that.

>> No.36836207

13-16 really is the peak.

>> No.36836255

i kinda wonder what they did to the men who answered 'yes' on the left side of the graph

>> No.36836287

If they did this today no one would have the balls to say yes to anything under 18.

>> No.36836288

It would be really interesting to see a graph if people could actually be honest but that will never happen

>> No.36836294

https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol/status/1590378733793599488 Nikki's stream today was postponed until the weekend
if I had to take a guess, there's still the emojis to finish for tomorrow

>> No.36836299

Pedos should get the rope

>> No.36836337

and use it to hang the moralfags

>> No.36836357

Go back

>> No.36836371

Nah, it's for you to kill yourself

>> No.36836376
File: 20 KB, 407x353, hipster-pedobear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36836397

Holy based

>> No.36836411

guys i think the idea of that test is that they showed images and asked whether the men found them attractive, i assume the men weren't told the ages of the each girl

>> No.36836418


>> No.36836462
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>> No.36836486

and it was done in places where 16 is legal otherwise 14 wouldn't be mistaken as safe

>> No.36836489

That is correct
But you can tell when a girl is young usually and you really think guys will admit to liking that to strangers?

>> No.36836494
File: 65 KB, 1486x836, 3214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Showed picture of clearly twelve year old girl
Do you find this hot?
>Hold old is she?
Take a seat

>> No.36836583

You can't fool biology with local laws.

>> No.36836644

Kill yourself

>> No.36836683
File: 182 KB, 598x717, 1589753001027440643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new EN gen seems fairly cultured. I know it will be borderline impossible to succeed in this post-pandemic era, but I'm still rooting for these girls.

>> No.36836740

After you, Anon.

>> No.36836961

guys there's no need to fight over this let's go back to talking about how much we wanna suck rin's cock

>> No.36837085

You're the pedo here

>> No.36837113

I prefer to talk about how I wanna have sex with Lily, Emi, Fuyo and Yuko at the same time while Neo and Nikki watch us and masturbate. (We invited Katta but she was late so we didn't let her in)

>> No.36837162

i would rather talk how much i wanna get squished by nikki's thighs

>> No.36837209

I want to take every inch of Rin's cock down my throat, lubing his princely cock up well for him to bend me over and fuck my ass raw.

>> No.36837219

I'd prefer to talk about how much I want Nikki to sit on my face and teasingly abuse my cock before getting off and riding me until we simultaneously climax

>> No.36837360

I mean their predebut sub numbers aren't looking bad considering there's still 11 days to go, they could end up close to HE's numbers by then. I'm optimistic that they'll stick the landing on debut so who knows what will happen after that.

Ultimately the biggest problem with HE was the atrocious start and inexperience. This amount of funding should be enough to give a group of even semi-decent streamers a sure foothold.

>> No.36837407

it's fucking disgusting how rin hasn't uploaded any shorts

>> No.36837469
File: 219 KB, 1500x1439, FhAh65rWQAAx5c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you blind? She's wearing all the sexy shorts she needs.

>> No.36837473

it's fucking disgusting how rin hasn't showed us his(her) flat chest

>> No.36837502

need them gone for research purposes

>> No.36837674

Apparently Rin is now following all of the EN Holostars as well as Astel.

>> No.36837683


>> No.36837717

this cannot be happening sisters

>> No.36837748

tell me when she follows my boy minase rio

>> No.36837810

who among them followed her first?

>> No.36837826

None of them are following her. She followed Vesper first then the rest of them afterward.

>> No.36837977

holy based

>> No.36838057

EN was a mistake, we should have stayed with HE speaking only Hebrew.

>> No.36838076

anon.. Nikki follows guys too

>> No.36838114

guys can follow guys

>> No.36838148

HE was a mistake
They should have stuck with only Emi streaming in English naked while sitting on my face

>> No.36838153
File: 39 KB, 606x205, 1658176489672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36838205

>we should have stayed with HE
>speaking only Hebrew
no, english with an israeli accent is hot as fuck
she'll follow anyone back with a certain number of subs, including random literally who vtuber fans that rt shit

>> No.36838206

>”idol corporation”
>branch literally named HE (masculine pronoun!!!)
>collabs within branch are collabs with HE
oh no no no idolbros who is HE??

>> No.36838355

As far as they dont stream or mention male on stream, I could give less fuck about who they follow

>> No.36838385
File: 53 KB, 600x238, 1647199841433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we lost lily

>> No.36838570
File: 757 KB, 828x1467, 83AFF2B4-747A-41B4-95B5-72809427E32B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is wrong with our Ghost

>> No.36838717

>As far as they dont stream
wish granted, vtweeter branch is a go

>> No.36839115

I guess you weren't here when she said she liked Towa, Ayame and Mori on stream

>> No.36839221

וזה שאינו יודע לשאול
את פתח לו

>> No.36839294


>> No.36839341


>> No.36839386
File: 298 KB, 536x276, Capture-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to impale lily and see her bounce on my cock

>> No.36839725

lily is a child
she isn't erotic

>> No.36840238

lily is a child
that's why she's erotic

>> No.36840294

you are beyond retarded if you actually think this is helpful

>> No.36840388

another day another idol corp thread

>> No.36840503

i also made the neo and tomer bait thread on the early days when they just debuted

>> No.36840578

are anons who shitposted about neo being on a whale account in genshin still here?

>> No.36840764

I won't root for them until I see their debuts.
It's still possible for them to incline to a point where they can stand on their own.
Tsunderia, Kawaii, and PC are inclining every month still.

>> No.36840838

i hope the eel girl is tsundere gfe

>> No.36840876

I started the Neo rrat and I regret it

>> No.36840886

yeah, me

>> No.36840990

those were the days
I was the one to post the supposed dox pictures of who we thought neo was.

>> No.36841049

i hated neo on debut and now i like her the most

>> No.36841088

it's over..

>> No.36841094

wow so it was all quties

>> No.36841389

Anyone else feel like anyone who says loli is pedo is masturbating to loli vtubers as they type it

>> No.36841461

i don't recall ever hiding my desire to rub every inch of lily's body with my cock

>> No.36841467

just you

>> No.36841498

loli is pedo
im not masturbating right now

>> No.36841500

yeah that's about what I expected
let me guess you made the emi one too

>> No.36841504

I think lily and katta should press their chests against each other

>> No.36841566

i want to rape rin

>> No.36841627

I just imagine an angry mesugaki

>> No.36841630

Heard something about an apex clipping account that's worth checking out?
Name / arch keywords?

>> No.36841636

give me juna, i want to do bad things to her.

>> No.36841704

no i've never made a thread about emi
i only made the neo/tomer one and the current rin one

>> No.36841736

i made threads about emi's chat dying

>> No.36842024

Why don't we play on yubicraft? It looks like we have a little place for us.

>> No.36842099

>playing minecraft

>> No.36842144

Tried it once, but I got bored after creating the townhall, I think I need way more passion towards vtubers to keep creating a town that's themed around them

>> No.36842263

katta lily battleblock theater

>> No.36842299

katta is trying to get lily to watch pornography...

>> No.36842331

so it's katta corrupting nikki

>> No.36842428

Nikki was schlicking to ntr and vore before she met katta

>> No.36842468


>> No.36842517

they're masturbating to real children as they type it.
it's always leftist trannies screaming that, cause they think saying it loudly and obnoxiously drives attention away from themselves.

>> No.36842690


>> No.36842717

katta killed lily

>> No.36842725

lily is dying on stream go watch

>> No.36842767

i learned about lily ever since the nigger incident, and i really like her..
hope she inclines after EN comes out

>> No.36842821

When Kattarina was playing Detroit: Become Human I wanted to troll her so bad (you know why) but she is too sweet.

>> No.36842829

lily is great, sinners aren't

>> No.36842903

They are such good friends

best vt subcommunity.

>> No.36842926

man where can I find a jewish wife..

>> No.36842927

>you know why
I don't

>> No.36842935

Reading the mental gymnastics from pedos never stops being funny

>> No.36842947

t. pedo

>> No.36842980

loli IS pedo
kids are sexy

>> No.36843000

loli is a body type.

>> No.36843035

and A cup pedo is ilegal in australia

>> No.36843110

yeah but Australians are retarded faggots

>> No.36843122

Wow, they are actually keeping +30 viewers.

>> No.36843172

This is actually the funniest cope. You think you can smokescreen away from the fact you're a pedo just by saying "no u". It's the most dipshit defense possible but you think you're being clever because a few retarded pedos used loli as a smokescreen.
The entirety of the normie world still sees you as a pedo for jerking off to 2d kids. You would never be trusted around children or seen the same way again if any of your family or friends found out. Just because you're in a lolipedo echo chamber doesn't change that fact.
Now be sure to remain terminally online so you don't spend any time around real kids.

>> No.36843215

nice mental gymnastics

>> No.36843226

i want to make lily smell like my cum

>> No.36843232

They are openly from a certain geographical location that makes the entire plot of the game and her kind reactions to the oppression rather ironic.

I still couldn't bring myself to do it though. Must protecc etc etc.

>> No.36843301

>sperging out over being called out
im not reading all that, but you're just proving my point >>36842517

>> No.36843310

i hope clippers are clipping tthat shit

>> No.36843344

you are also a pedo in denial btw

>> No.36843346

what does it smell like?

>> No.36843366

please never have children.

>> No.36843375


>> No.36843377


are we winning?

>> No.36843389

idol has clippers?

>> No.36843402

not with you at least.

>> No.36843404

I don't know the plot of the game in the slightest.

>> No.36843405

woops, meant for >>36843310

>> No.36843426

/jidf/ is active, but it's people arguing over loli.
Is it worth it?

>> No.36843437

Rin uses inches! She's a glorious American countryman!

>> No.36843447

we can do worse
we can argue over tranny

>> No.36843451
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>> No.36843463

considering the EN gen has 2 cunnies, I hope they're just tourists who will fuck off soon

>> No.36843518

one punch katta

>> No.36843537
File: 114 KB, 1125x1486, 20221006_081929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone call me?

>> No.36843554

emi is not that fat

>> No.36843567


>> No.36843569

its the angle

>> No.36843626
File: 60 KB, 501x502, 1308828992847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36843724

katta x lily is going way better than I expected

>> No.36843746

>katta doesn't understand so lily gives instruction in hebrew

>> No.36843777

this bgm is popping

>> No.36843798

>EN won't have Israeli accents
What's the point.

>> No.36843830

earape lily is best lily

>> No.36843835

oh my god that lily's laugh

>> No.36843864

How is Lily's singing?

>> No.36843880

karaoke toomorrow

>> No.36843885

she's better than she thinks she is

>> No.36843945

lily has the lowest self esteem of the chuubas and unironically the most likely to fall and stay in an abusive relationship

>> No.36844000

i love when girls insult katta

>> No.36844009

'abusive relationshhip' as in 'her chat'
she will never graduate

>> No.36844024

they were paying a couple clippers to do clips and shorts but it's been over a month since they active
people already did that yesterday

>> No.36844036

emi in katta's chat

>> No.36844054


>> No.36844059

>people already did that yesterday

nikki in lily's

>> No.36844094

I'm gonna miss this cunnymelon....

>> No.36844107

they are all coming out

>> No.36844151
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>> No.36844200

no I mean it in a literal sense

>> No.36844219

so am i

>> No.36844225

yeah, me

>> No.36844228

lily is really evil today

>> No.36844234

why does she have to go...

>> No.36844260

thanks tomer

>> No.36844262

holy based

>> No.36844315

Tomer's not credited for either in the description

>> No.36844340

>tomer got fired

>> No.36844381

i'm getting mixed signals, how would lily act in bed?

>> No.36844399

damn this is good..
it really feels like the company is going all out for the EN gen, I hope for aviel's sake they don't flop though realistically speaking, that'll probably happen

>> No.36844411

Lily would act bratty until you push her a little. she'd break and go fully submissive

>> No.36844494


>> No.36844563
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>> No.36844712
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>> No.36844795
File: 90 KB, 800x800, Finley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if anybody noticed, but Rin posted her blahaj in the community tab.

>> No.36844865

yeah cute boymoder shark

>> No.36845108


>> No.36845423

how deep are aviel's pockets, jesus

>> No.36845469

never underestimate Aviel

>> No.36845492

katta owns idol

>> No.36845789

let me slap katta

>> No.36845791


>> No.36845809
File: 567 KB, 1439x1833, 1668028944396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they like this

>> No.36845828

I kneel so hard right now

>> No.36845834

why should they not be

>> No.36845849

i hope they get purged enough times to understand they need to upload vids

>> No.36845878

fuyo, i kneel..

>> No.36845969

Katta is being a huge retard and I love it

>> No.36845971

I really, really hope they do it a subtle way. Like, referencing memes an speech of this site is ok, but spam it enough and people will try to consider you /ourgirl/.

>> No.36845997

Fuyo is a pippa killer

>> No.36846029

looks like neo doesn't want to collab with pippa due to autism

>> No.36846048

I still believe fuyo is hooper so if I'm right it's already way too late for that

>> No.36846124

As expected, following one few vtubers that goes hard for Idol route.

>> No.36846137

new sponsored drama video

>> No.36846199
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1642861132443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to slap them until they're bruised purple

>> No.36846220

How would YOU market Idol? Surely (You) can think of something better than sponsoring dramatubers.

>> No.36846257

They also do ads, I keep getting them. At least they're doing shit to promote it

>> No.36846295

i'd have tried to debut them early during the holoEN drought that was occuring for the last week or two
otherwise im not sure what small corpos can really do to market themselves outside of really game the algo
like maybe paying clippers? but who knows if that would really help.

>> No.36846333

i would force all talents to make clips of their content

>> No.36846335

I would invoke jewish magic and call upon another plague to the world so people are forced to stay inside and watch vtubers again

>> No.36846349

Now commission some fan art or a doujin to that effect.

>> No.36846477

WTF? Following Mori + Tempiss and none of the good girls. Is this trolling or have I just misunderstood what Idol company is all about? This is totally killing the hype for me.

>> No.36846509
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>> No.36846536

It's just Rin and Juna, the others are fine

>> No.36846547

he's probably tapping into his stash of gold, which all jews keep in secret

>> No.36846585

UOOOHHH, ToT, and correction broke containment like a year+ ago anon. Like every meme that originates from here.

>> No.36846618

clover girl is the 4chan promised vtuber

>> No.36846633

im pretty sure hooper isn't a euro, so that's already ruled out.

>> No.36846691

reddit, youtube ads, twitter, put some shit on tiktok, etc.
going the dramatuber route is a big mistake and will fill their fanbases up with SEApeople.

>> No.36846717

there's enough /here/tubers as is, please no.

>> No.36846719

idol needs a drama

>> No.36846733

that was the first full stream i've watched of the HE girls, I feel bad for writing them off on debut.. that was kino

>> No.36846767
File: 50 KB, 595x622, faux_pas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a potential audience among those who are interested in English all-female VTuber groups (i.e. not Niji or post-tempus Holo). One of the prerequisites to enter such a market is to understand the following Tempus on Twitter is like flipping a bird at the potential audience.

>> No.36846787

i think it's worse to follow luxiem than tempus

>> No.36846856

kattas solo game streams are typical shit on account of her being bad at video games not understanding basic gaming conventions to progress and not being afraid to continiously whine through it
she's also aware of that since she's probably privated a lot of her streams she felt were to shit to keep up

>> No.36846866

honestly i think the tomboy might be following them as part of the tomboy larp? either way I'll wait until i see what she's like on stream. I'm the exact market you're talking about and while it's a redflag it's not a death knell.

>> No.36846880

>probably privated
she had private them I just wrote probably because I was gonna give an estimate to the amount but gave up on it

>> No.36846928

Those who are leaving HoloEN know nothing about luxiem, since Niji was a no-go zone from the very beginning. Of course, if they start interacting with males after the debut it won't matter with who.

>> No.36846939

at dead of night meltdown should be back public honestly

>> No.36846990

They have an in-house clipper, do they not?
I honestly surprised that the big corpos do not do the same, it should be pretty obvious by now that the western market almost entirely depends on clips.

Running out of ideas, Aviel?
Honestly I don't know, they really seem to be putting a lot of effort already..
I guess just keep grinding twitter until you create a meme and become famous or something, idk
Maybe start to promote the kind of content they will be making?

>> No.36847032
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dead channel, last upload 28 september

>> No.36847063

Those numbers are sad

>> No.36847066

Yeah, we will see after the debut, but I was hoping I would be able to like them as a group. In Holo, I used to like the group first, then I started growing fond of individual girls. Their JP branch has incredibly strong appeal as a group, but it would be better if they had some competition and their EN branch already failed at replicating the successful model.

>> No.36847068

in house clipper probably doesnt help much, you really need it to be someone who is an already big clipper if you want to just pay them a bunch or maybe someone grassroots like the couple of shondo clippers who get attention from the chuuba but are otherwise dedicated fans

>> No.36847160

how to market new gen:

1. download their clips from youtube
2. upload them to tiktok with fuckton of tags
3. don't forget to link youtube channels in bio

i think i should be hired

>> No.36847264

worked for tiktok rabbit girl

>> No.36847364

this desu.
just upload the ghost cunny outkast short to tiktok and ive sure it'll do decent

>> No.36847523

aviel if you let me breed nikki i will do uploading on tiktok for no extra cost

>> No.36847600

Daily reminder katta has tweeted about middle school children trying to flirt with her and a kid groping her thighs while in an elevator

>> No.36847649

so katta is a shotacon?

>> No.36847686

She is a whore

>> No.36847752


>> No.36847867


>> No.36847885

god I wish that 9-year old boy was me..

>> No.36848431

I think they just upload shorts now, or at least I've getting lots of those.

>> No.36848483

How do I clip stuff? Do I just watch streams and select whatever I found funny?
Any program I could use to do it?

>> No.36848520

The fact they can't actually use their voices yet is pretty limiting for shorts. But I guess that's the best thing they can do. I honestly can't stand shorts in general though.

>> No.36848849

you just need OBS and some video editor.
here's a pretty accurate tutorial on how to clip:

>> No.36848957

u need yt-dlp, ffmpeg and a cute script https://pastebin.com/raw/LBpp9gXy
put all exe files in same directory and run the bat file

>> No.36849539

also u have to wait until stream processes itself, there's a different method to clip livestreams but it involves counting segments and ripping them with ytarchive-raw-go (or something else that can rip segments) with --start-segment and --segment-count so like if you were to use stats for nerds and decide to clip 4380 to 4400 fragment ids then you put --start-segment 4380 --segment-count 20 in arguments, it's less complicated than it looks

>> No.36849645

I think I'll use this one since it has graphical interfaces until I learn yt-dlp and ffmpeg.
Thanks for the advice anyways, I'll look into it so I can clip on my linux laptop.

>> No.36849913

those executables and whatever to download VODs are only if you want to be high effort, most clippers are low effort shitters anyways so quality doesnt matter

>> No.36850183
File: 261 KB, 1086x579, 1666316678283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subs purge will kill idol

>> No.36850445

they need to upload more shit, otherwise susan's anti vtuber bots will suspect them of botting since the accounts are so new.

>> No.36851041


>> No.36851092

How big was this purge?

>> No.36851152


>> No.36851196

this is why you shouldn't announce a gen then sit on them for 2 weeks.
holo made that mistake with council, but learned from it with holox

>> No.36851503

Reminder that Fuyo is the leader.

>> No.36851564


>> No.36852687


>> No.36852711

what is this idiot looking at catalog again

>> No.36854301
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>> No.36855537

Aviel should pay for the blue checkmark on all their accounts for the bird app

>> No.36856583

I'd try making videos out of streams, like if they play a Pokémon nuzlocke for a couple of streams and then condense those streams into a single video.
It works for Pokétubers and other streamers like Smallant so I don't see why it wouldn't work for vtubers as well.

>> No.36856898

Clipping is already too much work. What you are describing would take a lot more effort.
Vtubers are some of the laziest people in the world. There is a reason why they just stream and call it a day. They don't even bother to make sure the game works half the time.

>> No.36856929
File: 402 KB, 500x672, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone. These new girls looks kinda cute
>simping for male vTubers on twitter

>> No.36857014

>following means they are simping
call me when they actually start tweet@them

>> No.36857320

My /here/ wife Katta

>> No.36857406

Yeah but if you really wanna get big then you gotta play the algorithm game, and that means decently long videos with at least slightly clickbait-y titles.

>> No.36857468

Harem end confirmed

>> No.36857554

Laziness is still the crutch. Their desire to NOT do work outweighs their desire for better numbers.
Most I see from other chuubas are shorts spamming, usually some dumb meme or sexbait.

>> No.36857719


>> No.36858553

I want to see my dogwifes taste in games
damnit jews why did you make the debut so far out???

>> No.36858596

i'm actually okay with katta even if she isn't my cup of tea anymore

>> No.36858838

Her tastes are going to be terrible and you know it.

>> No.36859049

she said she wanted to attempt dark souls which is good enough for me bro

>> No.36859283

Proved my point

>> No.36859550

yeah yeah we get it /v/ro

>> No.36859596

What are you talking about? /v/ loves those mediocre games.

>> No.36859801

souls games are good but start off with something other than elden ring if they are new
I'm looking at you Nikki and Lily, especially Nikki.

>> No.36859858

What should I name the clips channel?

>> No.36860126

Wait, you're actually doing it? For free??

>> No.36860620

how about you just DM aviel and ask to be the new clipper
the old one got covid and maybe croaked.

>> No.36861309

more BGMs


>> No.36861518

Not responsible enough.

>> No.36861639

rack discipline
work hard for the jewbas

>> No.36861864

I think I'll use "hiding in the furnace?" or "oy vey".

>> No.36861953

what were they thinking???

>> No.36862098

BGM ranking
Yuko > Rin > Juna > Pochi > Fuyo

>> No.36863574

Fuyo's bgm is insane. Best of the bunch

>> No.36864080

im intrigued, what happened?
did neo like reach to her, pippa said no thanks and now neo salty, or is it because neo heard rumours about pippa?

>> No.36864167

Neo is an autist and can't into social interaction.

>> No.36864424

neo reached out and pippa left her on read for like 3 months, she's lazy
pippa finally responded back on stream but no updates since
she's collabbed with her 1view brother so I think neo has a chance, she's just shy

>> No.36865168


its good actually, because target audiance for vtubers are people who care about vtubers. if idolen really goes the idol route there are some other topics they could focus, but they are first and formost vtubers.
however that guy is annoying and they could pick better dramatubers to sponsor.

>> No.36865711


>> No.36865807

stop being lazy and post clips.

>> No.36865950

Channel made, I'm gonna start uploading tomorrow.

>> No.36866418

the algorithm love shorts

>> No.36866438

we're moving too fast I'm used to threads lasting almost 3 days

>> No.36866582

being ignored like that id also write pippa off.

>> No.36866605

cunny always saves the day

>> No.36869458


>> No.36869513

>page 10

>> No.36870499

page 11
