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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36747190 No.36747190 [Reply] [Original]

>I have a theory.
>All vtubers and all vtuber fans have some sort of menhera (adhd, anxiety, depression, schizo, etc.) with all possible variations and coping mechanisms (drinking, cutting yourself, abusing yourself or others, hikikomori / social isolation, etc.)
>When you find your Oshi it just means you've found a girl whose scars resonate with you so much that you fall in love with her.
>This hobby is a world wide Katawa Shoujo larp.
>Pic very much related.

>Your oshi
>Your problem

Lemonleaf sapling that went down the rabbit hole with yandere ASMR and have been obsessed with menhera ever since. Will watch hooman/chum/irys as a secondary (shondo/peony as non-holo alternatives).

Been a shut-in hikkikomori for the past 4 years while still masquerading as a functional human via remote work. ASMR and GFE have become the only source of pseudo-human affection and interaction while wasting away from shutin boredom.

>> No.36747752
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Not a bad take. I'm severely deaf so I'm in the Shizune camp. Always looking for my Misha.

Oshi: Kiara
Problem: Can't communicate well because I miss a lot in conversations, especially in crowded areas.
By every metric I'm successful. I have no debt, I've created a lot and if emergency struck I've got a pretty handy safety net.
I've been in relationships with cutters and I'm always the strong one. So when I need help due to deafness my significant other falls apart.
Seeing these strong(er) girls being Vtubers and using that voice of theirs, well, it's hard not to search for my Misha.
I'll watch any of them as a whole, but I want that reliable significant other. Who is more reliable than Kiara?
That and I want to travel to Japan. It's bad enough in English where it sounds like everyone is making animal crossing noises. Just on skillset alone Kiara could bridge that gap.
Well, she's cute too. That helps a lot.
I have no voice but I must scream, so instead I shitpost and meme.
Thanks for giving me this stupid handicap God. I just wanted to be a U.S. Navy Cargo Pilot but nooo...
At least Vtubers are fun.

>> No.36748147

>Katawa Shoujo
I've downloaded this for free effective shill vid by gigguk but cannot start yet. Spoil me on how many endings.

>> No.36748374

There's an ending for not picking a girl, each girl has a few endings. It has lewd scenes so decide beforehand if you like the katawa'd to that degree. A -lot- of people do.
Tldr 10+ endings iirc? The shizoon has three iirc but people say she has the worst route. The blind girl is said to be the best.

>> No.36748377

Lily - 2
Emi - 2
Hanako - 3 (Bad, neutral, and good)
Shizune - 2
Rin- 2 or 3.

>> No.36748578

My oshi drinks a lot, probably borderline alcoholism, but I almost never drink. She is a boomer, which I resonate with, but I don't have any feelings for her.

>> No.36749048

I have a theory.
the people who keep making these threads are the menhara ones and are projecting their own insecurities and mental illnesses onto the vtuber viewerbase at large

>> No.36750468

Oshi is under 20ccv indie that I strongly suspect has undiagnosed ADHD and autism spectrum condition who also sometimes shares some oddball physical health issues that are discomforting to her but not debilitating

I have hikki tendencies but I get out of the house enough to hold down a decent job but my bedroom is a maze of amazon boxes with merch i haven't unpacked and stored. Massive problems with procrastination and avoidant tendency. Maybe some type of undiagnosed depression

I've had a friend who trained himself to stop giving a fuck and went to japan a few times and actually got laid when he let himself blurt out basic broken japanese pickup lines. Another friend who married an exchange student while she was here and ended up moving back to Japan with her because he's super disillusioned with this country. If you have a job and a little money saved you're already halfway there anon.

Well adjusted people go hang out in bars or cafes or do creative hobbies or watch normal TV instead of spend multiple hours a day watching virtual neo-geishas on their screens at home.

>> No.36751121

>Well adjusted people go hang out in bars
Just as a public service announcement, the kind of people who hang out in bars have issues and aren't very healthy company in the long run, for your liver if nothing else. Many a hikikomori has made the mistake of assuming the regulars at their local bar are somehow well-adjusted.

Also there is literally zero difference between watching talk or variety shows and watching vtubers. Oprah, Jon Stewart and what have you developed basically similar cults of personalities, they just didn't have the technology yet. I think Conan O'Brien even included video gaming segments into his show towards the end.

>> No.36751612
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I'm more than halfway there yaaaaay
I'm trying to get my art to sell to the point I can get an artist visa
I'm trying to get my job to transfer me next to a naval base so I can help English speakers and make friends while I acclimate
I'm trying to be a Vtuber and work as a Holostar so I have an excuse to fly over to Japan for song recording, etc.
I'm trying to get Kiara's attention because someone is going to have to at some point if she wants kids. No harm in trying, right?
I've got multiple fishin lines out. Something has to pan out. A 90 day tourist visa just won't cut it.
It just. Won't do. I was a military brat and grew up there. I don't like that it's so hard to get back.
Cover would be like 'okay you're hired do streams' and I'd be like okay. (I'M GONNA SEE MY CHILDHOOD HOME ONE WAY OR ANOTHER YEEEEE)

>> No.36751853

>Also there is literally zero difference between watching talk or variety shows and watching vtubers.
There is an insanely huge difference. Only the most mentally unhinged wackjobs become parasocial over TV personalities Oprah, but vtubers are turning otherwise healthy and well adjusted NEET weebs into parasocial simps by the truck load. vtubers are tapping into the mass of lonely virgin males who are depressed and burnt out on everything, who no longer get any form of pleasure from jerking off to porn or playing video games, but who don't know what else to do with their time because they never developed real hobbies or social circles.

BAM, in comes a young girl who acts flirty and gives you a GFE while dressed in an anime avatar that resonates with your decades of being a weeb on 4chan. You have no natural defense mechanism against this attack, it goes straight to the dopamine factory like an injection of morphine.

>> No.36751855

Godspeed, anon

>> No.36754193

One of the reasons 'parasocial' is such a buzzword is that it describes quite a spectrum of human attitudes and you are severely underestimating just how parasocial those TV personalities could get especially before social media. There was generally a less cynical atmosphere about these people and more people saw them as genuine than I think modern viewers see their friendly neighbourhood indie vtuber. They could cause things to sell out with a recommendation much like Holos crash webstores today and there are probably still huge archives of fan and hate letters alike at TV stations.

Certainly it takes certain level of delusion to believe they love you romantically, and I actually agree streamers are more likely to inspire that, but even then modern girlfriend simulators are something of a side dish that's easy to point and moralize at. Girlfriend simulators are also at their best when their small indies, the big corpos most people watch are too large and have chats too fast to really offer any more connection to the viewer than a TV host with a mailbox for fan letters. The most insidious and prevalent form of parasocial attachment is the friend simulator, and Oprah and others very much tapped into that.

A sizable chunk of society could also be described as lonely people trapped in loveless marriages with dead bedrooms who are depressed and burnt out on everything, who no longer get any form of pleasure from jerking off to porn or playing cards at the pub, but who don't know what else to do with their time because they never developed real hobbies or social circles. They just get home from work, sit down in front of the television and watch until it is time to go to sleep.

>> No.36754340

>healthy and well adjusted NEET weebs
You genuinely believe a well adjusted person would not only become a NEET but stay as one?

>> No.36754999

>So when I need help due to [fucking anything] my significant other falls apart.
Fixed that for you. These days it feels like finding a chick that doesn't bail the second it's her turn to carry some weight is like panning mud for gold and fishing out a minted ingot.

>> No.36755273

I love Hanako

>> No.36755358

well, thats true. when i see moona, i see myself. she's the female version of me. she's the "literally me" for the past 2 years. sad that i can no longer oshi her.

>> No.36761158

interesting (not really)

>> No.36762063

Makes sense. My oshi is Lumi. We’re both somewhat analytical, self-aware types who use our brains to calm ourselves when our emotions get out of control. When I watch her act like an insane psychopath on-stream, half of me feels like she’s letting it out in a controlled way to keep herself grounded—a luxury I don’t really have.
My reasons for watching her a mix of respect and admiration, a little bit of envy (which I channel into motivation to improve), and a fair bit of wanting to fuck her avatar silly. But if I met her rm, my first desire would be to have an irl private zatsudan—ie just talk about random shit for hours, preferably while tasting Phase Connect coffee.

>> No.36762549

...do you Shondo?

>> No.36762928

sounds like projection

>> No.36764190

Most vtubers are well-adjusted rich girls who get a lot of attention even when they're not hiding beyond an avatar. Most people have some kind of trauma and could possibly be ascribed many health issues, even if they are a perfectly fine human being. Like a girl could think she has OCD because she has intrusive thoughts once in a while, even if that's normal. But vtubers are some of the least likely people to have some actual mental issues. Though they have an incentive to fake them, just like not a single one of them is actually lesbian and they're just roleplaying. Regular flesh girls fake mental and physical illness all the time. They ARE real girls behind the avatar, and usually hot ones at that, so of course they have experience using the entire female bullshit arsenal.

>> No.36768897

thats a weird theory

>> No.36771181


>> No.36773070

I love her too

>> No.36775192

Don't forget Kenji's ending

>> No.36777509


>> No.36777649

well yea ananon, congrats on finding out all vtuber fans are mentally ill

>> No.36777720

>Kiara is just orange Misha
holy fuck my mind is blown

>> No.36777832
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I dunno, I'm a procrastinator and I don't drink so I don't see-
>tfw getting bullied broke me inside and I haven't been in a relationship
Oh. Fuck.

>> No.36780442

Please take your meds

>> No.36780631

Truth is everyone is mehera if you look hard enough. Everyone has flaws, vices, and issues that they deal with in unhealthy ways.

>> No.36781229
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>When you find your Oshi it just means you've found a girl whose scars
Yeah well do you wanna know how I got these scars?
Of all of the projection posts I've seen on 4chan, this is one of them.

>> No.36781901

>autistic depressed wagie
>hikkikomori schizo

>> No.36785354

Oshi: Rita Kamishiro
Problem: N/A

Since you said “All” it only takes one counter-example to disprove this theory. I don’t have any particular menhera and nor does my oshi. I’m not in love with my oshi either (gachikoi), she is simply the vtuber I like to watch the most. I don’t know anything about Katawa Shoujo so no comment on that.

I think there is probably something to this theory in general, but it’s neither all vtubers nor all vtuber fans.

>> No.36787263

Agreed on this take where weebs can have a perfect outlet for wish fulfillment that most anime can't even have.

Never really enjoyed any kind of role play in terms of MMO RPs/TTRPGs etc, but there is something oddly soothing about the pseudo-affection you can get from ASMR and GFE. One day you're listening to innocent rain sounds and tapping on wood, the next you're down the rabbit hole with yandere role play asmr.

While I'm sure there is a significant population that can view vtubers in a "mostly healthy" way (maybe similar to your regular youtube personalities), it's clear that casual watchers won't be here posting on /vt/. We are not the average watchers, we are neck deep in twitch thot hell, except with 2d waifus instead of 3d e-thots. As soon as you start talking about "oshis" unironically and associating yourself with the fanbase, you have clearly gone beyond the threshold of "appreciating videos from your favorite guy streamer" and becomes a parasocial relationship (even if you aren't jumping headfirst into simping).

Once you are caring about her life, the "community" of people who share your oshi, and following their weekly streams, that is already parasocial (albeit without going overboard while full menhera).

>> No.36787553

No no, well adjusted NEET weeb is not the same as well adjusted person. To be a well adjusted NEET weeb you need to fully believe in the love of 2D, and shun the PD of 3DPD. Healthy NEET weebs have waifus, and dakimakuras, and PVC figures, and are perfectly content in their lifestyle and don't lust after 3DPD. vtubers throw that into disarray, and like >>36787263 explains it starts out with 2D but then you start getting enmeshed into the 3DPD behind the 2D, and that's when it's all over for the NEET weeb and psychosis starts to set in.

"Healthy people", by contrast, don't spend time on 4chan.

>> No.36787559

Fair enough, this isn't really about "all" vtuber watchers, but moreso about a significant portion of the /vt/ base who are actively engaged in this community who post about their oshi's all day.

this is probably the most sane take, we are all broken enough to be weebs watching vtubers instead of doing something productive with our lives. Needless to say we are all broken in our own ways, but perhaps there's some interesting introspection to be found in figuring out "why" we like the oshis we do.

While certainly true for a certain portion, I don't doubt that at least a good portion of holo (much less smaller indies) don't necessarily have the most mature and well-adjusted individuals. Perhaps that is also part of the appeal in blurring that fine line between a "real" person with all their faults versus a fictional 2d waifu-bait character.

At least we haven't reached the level of simping for twitch thots, but perhaps its just cope that we can hide behind an anime avatar. Having come from reading VNs and actual dating sims, there is certainly something interesting about the appeal of a "real" person as an oshi while even a hundred heroine routes might not really leave any standout impression.

>> No.36788513

Exactly, there are no truly "mentally healthy" people who are spending time discussing simping for their oshis on 4chan.

Without going too deep into blogposting, it really is about that degeneration from keeping 2d completely separate from 3d. Starting with only liking my "oshi" for her ASMR as a standalone, there is that gradual descent into watching streams, watching collabs, and eventually becoming invested into /vt/ generals and her entire life story arc, finding out new lore from clips and discussions here.

At some point, I realize I've gotten in too deep when forbidden knowledge starts to actually prompt some kind of emotional response, even in a minor way. Perhaps that realization gives me a feeling that almost empathizes with takos sperging out during a tempus collab (except i'll still argue IRL forbidden knowledge actually did bother me and make me reconsider a new oshi, while I really wouldn't care if she did male collabs).

Considering a few months ago I would have considered such unicorns and gachis freakouts as lolcow spectacles, it is truly a FASCINATING experience to go through that cursed(?) conversion and genuinely empathize with the unicorns and gachikois. Taking a walk in their shoes I suppose(?). I can literally have terabytes worth of DLsite asmr recordings and not care about any of the voice actors, but with vtuber oshis that becomes different.

>inb4 tourist who started off only watching fauna/shondo standalone ASMR but then got into actual streams and vtubing as a whole.

In a sense, perhaps my blog posting can serve as a microcosm of how vtubers took off during the pandemic lockdown....becoming a shut-in NEET who doesn't go outside for years on end definitely puts me into a mindset where you embrace all your oshi's moments and finding a community within /vt/ generals.

By abandoning "real life" work by retiring on the path to wizardry, the options become pretending to be a normie, dating simulators/visual novels, or gachi-ing menhera oshis (while not actually being schizo enough to want any actual interaction with her).

Similar to this anon with the cutting menhera 3d gfs, I'll cope by saying it's safer (cheaper and less mentally taxing) to gachi a menhera oshi compared to embracing a savior complex for 3d menheras.
