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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36745448 No.36745448 [Reply] [Original]

Indie Vtuber, Fallenshadow, gets caught using Incel/Nazi rhetoric against Male vtubers

>> No.36745518

>enrages the vtuber community
>gets canceled
She wishes.
Also you made this thread at least 3 times already.

>> No.36745563

she's desperate for validation

>> No.36745653

>takes the piss out of incels
>OP thinks she's serious
Fallen Incel Fallen Incel Fallen Incel

>> No.36745661

She wants to be seen as "based: when really she is probably a trollop who got raped by a guy once or twice or three times and is just acting out her trauma on stream.
So the female version of an incel, the used goods seeking redemption and validation.

>> No.36745703

Shondo is the definition of a pick me up Penelope
I do feel bad for the guys falling for "her". Just looking at her alt twitter you can see she's not good on the head.

>> No.36745734

Holy shit she sounds like a child I would've even taken her for one if she wasn't so coherent

>> No.36745736

Cant relate to a girl whose had sex sorry.

>> No.36745781

Female/tranny hands typed this

>> No.36745784

We live in the age of ironybros anon, that is why it is difficult to know what she is saying in reality.
She says the same things without the satirical tones all the time on stream and in tweets. She imitates the incel opinions of her audience even as she makes fun of them.

>> No.36745834

She's pandering too hard.

>> No.36745870

Stop spamming your 2view, no one gives a shit.

>> No.36745876

Trannies and faggots are an over vocal minority that can easily be ignored the fact that most of them are fucking off out of twitter and are going back to their cancer riddled hell hole that it tumblr is a sign of the world healing OP killing himself will also be sign of the same

>> No.36745902 [DELETED] 
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i hate males so much i live with and fuck one thats how much i hate them

>> No.36745912

God I hope this blows up in her face. Can't wait to see what happens.

>> No.36745946

Funny how she's coming so strong with the femcel talk that even part of fucking /vt/ is taken back
By the way you could see cut marks in her arms during her last handcam stream (she did a really bad job at trying to hide them)

>> No.36745950

she's mentally ill, it's the only explanation for this pick-me behaviour

>> No.36746080 [DELETED] 


>> No.36746123

What is it with thots who look up to idols and demean everyone else in vtubing who isn't idol-like when they refuse to stop being disgusting thots themselves?
It is like the weeb version of being a "trad" female and then not marrying your boyfriend and raising a big family at home. Why advocate for something you refuse to do yourself?

>> No.36746130

Who cares
she doesnt
her fans dont
how do you cancel her? you cant
u go in her fucking stream and say "shes using nazi rhetoric!!!!!"
Chat will just say based lmao

>> No.36746141 [DELETED] 

easy 4chan money pandering to anti male pandering vtubers.

>> No.36746185

You are correct
this poster is 100% either a tranny or a femcel

>> No.36746204

You are coping hard here cuck buddy.

>> No.36746340

Imagine poor Shondobros jerking off to her cute petite body only for that giant man to be impregnating her

>> No.36746350

Am I?
She's not my oshi and I am fully aware I will never be with or fuck a vtuber. How can I possibly be cucked?
But for real though, you're a tranny with nothing but ad hominem shaming tactics so your opinion to me is worth as much as a house cat taking a piss on a fence. I might watch it happen, but I don't like housecats and they are not intelligent at all, plus they are a pest and nuisance to society and the eco system and they give people diseases en masse. Make the housecats ugly as fuck instead of cute and cuddly and its a great analogy

>> No.36746376

incel cope

>> No.36746412

I have to wonder if this is just bullying a mentally ill girl, or just shilling her.
All I know is that this poor girl is gonna live a short life if she doesn´t go to the hospital

>> No.36746429

Fallenshadow doesn't enrage anyone, she's kind of in her own vtuber bubble and interacts with only a few other people

>> No.36746496

You do realize that you call 80% of the people you interact with online mentally ill.
Maybe even more.

Haven't you ever thought that maybe it's not everyone else? It's you?

>> No.36746670

Yes the marks were hot as fuck

>> No.36746673

>just keep using shaming vocabulary and tell people to cope over and over, that will surely work

>> No.36746679

Most people here are mentally ill too so it evens out
It's not punching down if everyone is deep in the abyss

>> No.36746684

Female-minded posts.

>> No.36747024

Yes making this thread a 5th time will mean she's cancelled anon
Are you retarded or one of the 2views flooding her replies talking about how it's EVIL and SEXIST to not collab with male chuubas (1views with 100 followers) kek

>> No.36747054

and now she has tuberculosis

>> No.36747068

And in this thread a bunch of trannies and 2view male chuubas seethe because finally a VTuber says straight up she’s tired of cringey male chuubas trying to force themselves into her community.

>> No.36747090

Roastie cope

>> No.36747155

Trannies aren't fucking real. Male and female are the 2 genders and mutilating yourself/being born a mutant won't change it. Elon is fucking based for making you choose a gender and choosing other refers you to mental help.

>> No.36747182

>enrages the VTuber community
>2 or 3 literal nobody male VTubers who she has never interacted with before seething in her comments section and quote retweeting her just saying she doesn't want to stream with males over and over with no response because she has no clue they exist

>> No.36747295

I just think it's funny she is coughing up blood, that is all anon.

>> No.36747340

So cool and edgy anon, you sure are epic and funny

>> No.36747392

Thank you, I agree. Now go back to crying that people are being mean to your waifu.

>> No.36747455

This site desperately needs to ban all Indonesians, trannies and women.

>> No.36747674

females can't be incels by definition, since they're in charge of sexual selection. the most disgusting and ugliest of females could get a hook-up within 5 minutes on tinder if they wanted to.

>> No.36748618

Pick-me girls are based
Male vtubers are cringe
Simple as

>> No.36748677

God i hate her voice so much, she sounds like a mentally retarded child

>> No.36748787


>> No.36748877

She does actually have mild mental retardation, among other problems.

>> No.36748889

not all us women are as retarded as the trannies seething here

>> No.36748953


>> No.36749017

>gets caught using Incel/Nazi rhetoric against Male vtubers
she called herself an incel, she wasn't using "Incel/Nazi rhetoric" against male vtubers. why is the vtuber community seething over this again? seems pretty based to me. cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.36749036


>> No.36749105

even if it meant my oshi not being able to post here anymore I'd take that deal in a heartbeat

>> No.36749203

She shouldn't even be allowed to lurk here. For her own good. This goes for all of anons' oshis.

>> No.36749375

Lots of femanons on /vt/ since it’s mostly a gossip board since the beginning

>> No.36749603

Yes, if there is one thing NSDAP stood for, it is workshy retards jerking off to their pretend girlfriends and not enough chicks being dykes. Do words even mean anything anymore?

>> No.36749690

why is this bitch trying to be pippa

>> No.36749754

>Do words even mean anything anymore?
No anon, we live in a post-ideology world. One where weebs who jerk off to traps think they are "le based" far right while the far letf who jerk off to trannies are a totally different thing.
It is impossible to unravel the cognitive dissonance at work here. It will just make your head hurt if you even try to.

>> No.36750029

Same thing with Shondo being a gfe vtuber for unicorns when she has a boyfriend which would immediately disqualify her in most circumstances. But because she said things that sound unicorny enough lately, she somehow passes now.

>> No.36750147

>reposting your clipfag channel again
I can't wait for her to shit out her organs so you fags fuck off.

>> No.36750168

You forgot the far-left are allied with a state who's fiscally fascist, for all intents and purposes. Their best buddies are transnational corporations.

>> No.36750200

>not all us women are as retarded
But some women are. And you're "not like those other girls?" Might wanna revisit that.

>> No.36750217

The vtuber community doesn't give a shit, the op is trying to shill his shondo clip channel with fake controversy for days now.

>> No.36750285

There is a giant contradiction here anon. Globohomo is not a national movement even if it exploits the nationalism of others ie Ukraine. it is not fascist by any definition.

>> No.36750523

>vtubers should have the freedom to the content they want to do
>except when they choose the wrong sort of freedom

>> No.36750579

Yeah this.
Collab with males? Omg slay queen, that's awesome! You go girl!
"I don't want to collab with males"? Kill yourself sexist whore

>> No.36750674

Can you be brown somewhere else?

>> No.36750783

We're not discussing Kobo here

>> No.36750963

>thinks having a girlfriend IRL instead of virtually is far right
KWAB, troon

>> No.36751135

Of course. Real far-righters jerk off to trap anime, get sussy with the boys and post groypers on twitter.

>> No.36751834

It's a funny bit

>> No.36752422

Stop projecting homo. People who fuck women are 90% of the ones you describe. Having sex with women is gay. Having sex at all is gay. Any man who isn't a virgin in the 21st century subsists on s o y. Broken dick, broken soul, broken pedigree while your mother fucks Tyrone and your project about being superior despite being the definition of untermensch. You aren't even white, goy.

>> No.36752493

imagine being a loser who lost your virginity
couldn't be me

>> No.36752583

Fucking BASED.

>> No.36752637

wait that shit gets deleted now? that's not even past-life or doxx or anything, she literally posted that on her main chuuba account. fucks sake meidos

>> No.36752909

>main chuuba account
>early 2020
Nah. It’s deleted for being PL shit that’s been explained over and over. It’s literally only spammed for bait reasons. It’s not Le Sekrit Info she addressed it directly on stream, but catalogspammers will be catalogspammers.

>> No.36753049

Rule 1.
It was posted before she was a Vtuber on her 2view anime asmrtist account.

>> No.36753155

Based Shondo.
Fauna taught her well.

>> No.36753772

lmao at all the nijinigs crawling out of the woodwork to defend their chubbies in the replies

>> No.36753869


>> No.36753905

Posting Iron Lung's tweets on her main about her daughter also get deleted, retarded faggot. This has always been the rule

>> No.36753957
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Why does she sound like one of those lil niggas from Rugrats?

>> No.36754020

Shondo still has a boyfriend.
Ironmouse no longer has that daughter.

>> No.36754150

It was already posted in this one, go make another bait thread so you can post it again.

>> No.36754255

>2 3/4 years
How long do you think someone like that can maintain a relationship? Does he live with her family?

>> No.36754363

Stale bait, try harder next time

>> No.36754479

Nope. They met up twice in 2019 and early 2020. Chaperoned supposedly.
Breakup was really public she had a weeklong discord meltdown. This is the only thing antis have on her though despite her addressing it on stream so making a shitton of bait threads and spamming it is the best thing they have I suppose.

>> No.36754514

He just did and it got deleted
Where are these schizos coming from?

>> No.36754543

Shondo sleeps in a single bed in a room with her two younger sisters who have a bunkbed in the room. He lives presumably in Florida.
What do you think?

>> No.36754630

They’ve been schizoposting Shondo all year now. There was a post at one point a few months ago in which an anon compiled like 30 bait threads using that picture of her model with her hands on her face, all the exact same shit. It’s pretty funny to watch them try to do… something for so long and fail at it that hard.

>> No.36754703

>Male vtubers
The nigger rapists of the vtubing world. Name ONE male vtuber who isn't a clout-chasing scumbag, a sex pest, or both. Just one.

>> No.36757340

figured as much. ty anon.

>> No.36757643

ITT: Homofags seething

>> No.36761726

>enrages the vtuber community
No she didnt

>> No.36762105

Project Ugly Bastard.
The Good Jared.

>> No.36762240

Monkey God Zen.
An actual pillar of SEA vtubers community, helps many SEA vtubers getting visibility so at the very least aren't stuck into 1view range

>> No.36763315

this is the sledgehammer to the skull of the faggot spammers we have been waiting for

>> No.36763941


>> No.36767699

>pick me up
Lmao retard

>> No.36768461

Sounds like a beast
